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I tried to make myself some olive bread. It tastes delicious but the interior of the bread became very dense.
Any tips for the future?
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Just wrap it in a towel and finish eating it in three days or so. I'd also suggest keeping away from breadboxes. They're a breeding ground for mold.
I’ve had no mold problems with many breads remaining soft for 5 days. My bread box has small vent holes.
This used to happen to me when I first started. It could be the yeast but in general baking is more chem when first learning than cooking. Buy a scale and follow instructions precisely. In time you'll learn to eyeball it.
This. Bread is basically making beer.
Municipal water is full of chloramine, a disinfectant which kills yeast. Ruined many loafs of bread with that shit.

Pre-mix your water with an equal volume of flour before adding yeast, the gluten will react with the chloramine and neutralize it

Tex Mex bros...we lost
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Damn my whole life is a lie because you went to niggersville alabama further away from where I live than bavaria from stockholm aaaaaaaa
Do you faggots really not understand why we don't take your seriously?
Protip, uninspected meat spreads disease, you medieval nigger.
Why are euros like this?
But the funny thing is that I live in Korea and they love Mexican food here. In fact there is a Mexican restaurant within walking distance of where I live. Maybe I'll take a picture of it the next time I'm out.
Entire opinion discarded

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when the chef is mucho basado
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They're mostly Ecuadorians.
>>stab cold steak with a fork and eat it like a popsicle
Based. My dad always used to cook huge flank steaks and then it in the fridge for his lunches, so I would cut off slices cold and eat them like pieces of jerky whenever I was home visiting. A+ shit.
Why do so many retards lose the ability to taste meat if it's fully cooked?
It's fucking bizarre honestly.
If I have a thick cut of steak, it’s always going to taste better at a nice medium rare to medium.
Okay but why is YOUR tongue autism MY problem and why do you think your taste is DELICATE for being in fact DULLED and DEFICIENT?
Same shit with retards who drown everything out with heat and then talk about flavor.

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>YOUR birthday
>YOU are given YOUR birthday cake
>it's split between everyone at the party
does this seem fucked up and unfair to anyone else?
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>my birthday
>family all picky eaters
>none of them adventurous
>we go where they want to go
I wish it was still 2012 bros

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>dude just eat at your local pizzeria it's better than chain pizza lmao
>this is the mediocre shit local gives you

i'll stick with my papa johns pies, thank you.
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Imagine a chain that did fake overpriced italian pizzas and spelled it like "pissa" and if you ordered the super slap from your auntie taste of home deluxe extra triple italian feast one for $99, the waitress would take you behind the bar to watch her piss before bringing you your pizza
That would give /ck/fags something to "do Americans really?" about
Damn they put basil leaves and some of the sauce went on top of the cheese waaoww!
("real authentic" Italian pizza has tomato slices under the cheese, not sauce on top of it to be le unique)
This is peak retard. You can get a frozen pizza at wal mart for $5 and not have to eat dandruff and rat shit

Nobody thinks or wants American pizza to be fucking Italian-style. While Italian Americans are subhuman and often pretend their shit is authentic - nobody else is as stupid as them, and nobody cares. America Italian slop is good in a different way.. Italians should eat the bullet too honestly the way they bitch about anyone doing anything with food.
Modern Italian (Italy) pizza is a backported copy of Italian-American pizza. You are an illiterate, hysterical faggot and should consider suicide.

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Me on the right.
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aldi is better doeever
>complains about "goyslop" even though that's all she buys, anyway
lemme tell ya sumfin', Sally: carrots don't have palm oil lmao
stop buying slop and you won't be affected by slop : )
Nice blog post you fuckin queer
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Lemon Meringue Tart
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RIP da oven, I hope you can enjoy those with a 4 tine fork and not some 3 tine mutant
sorry for assuming you're not a real life retard
>I'm guessing you have to go to a specialty store
you're guessing wrong, any grocery store sells them
>almond powder
>I've never used this shit for anything, ever.
not my problem, it's literally almond in a powder form you take almonds and crush them in a mixer.
>T55 flour
>I've never even heard of this shit.
again not my problem.

so how much did
>125g butter
>30g almond powder

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that's okay, it was built in West Germany that should give you an idea how old it is
3 for dessert 4 for the rest
>$1 for 1kg flour
>1.91 for a vanilla pod
Yet you wasted the seeds on fucking pate sucree
>fleur de sel
Another waste of an ingredient, since you’re baking with it and could use basically any salt, but at least it’s a fraction of the cost of a vanilla bean.
$24 for pate sablee is stupid you can buy a whole pie for less.

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just ate htis
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I'd love to make you die, too bad your mom didn't have a clothes hanger readily available
Nah you wouldn’t touch him, I wouldn’t allow it. If you even thought about laying a finger on him I’d slap you with an open palm in a public setting, making you trip over and stumble to the ground. Then I’d proceed to remove your clothing and shit would get weird real fucking quick.
What kind of Snickers have you been eating, anon?
those are good

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Alchoholics of /ck/, are the Coors Banquets really that good?
I'm a teetotaler but everyone always says how great this beer is.
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Montucky is the best , it’s my personal favorite
The trick is to not drink excessively. I have a beer or two every night. Been that way for the last decade. A 6 pack of anything 5% and up will get me there. Oh also don't be fat
I'm a US Army veteran. I drink over a case of beer a night. Kill yourself.
thank you for your service
No thanks needed. I killed muslims. It was fun. I'd do it again.

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Starbuck's collapse has begun
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Just get a coffee from the gas station and save yourself six bucks
kek, this is why I come to this place still
i still have $5 and some change loaded on the app from six or seven years ago and i can't spend it because that's not enough to afford anything at that place
Really? Really? Really? Really? Do they really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Have they really? Would they really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Do they actually? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Really?
they really do

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How am I supposed to cook without garlic, onions, and spices? How do you make food taste good without these?
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Not OP but I ave a similar very restrictive diet
How do I do a liquid only diet on the cheap that meets nutritional requirements
I don't care about taste
That could be anything
Are there any herbs or spices you can eat? How about cooking more with oregano, basil, thyme, marjoram etc. Based on your list you could make something like spinach and fetta gozleme, aromatic stews, stuff like that.
>spinach and fetta gozleme
Is this just a flatbread sandwich? Idk, I'm american.
Hey anon if you're there, what you want is asafetida. Look for it in your indian grocer. Simulates garlic and onion without being an irritant.

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Imagine eating this good.
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oh i thought that was chicken
why are you watching some gay chinese cartoon
Because I'm gay and like yuri.
it's a pic from last one i made it
they're far from the american specimens you got over there, though it's funny it was a young one who was attending me and was chubby and the old ones were not fat
post weenier

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How do I get stagg if I live in cucknada without paying $1200?
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Sounds like a better situation than we have here although you may be waiting significantly longer to get anything at least you wont get gouged for it.

I also did forget we have Bevmo here too as a big box liquor retailer but as far as I know they don't do any kind of membership stuff for allocated bottles like Total Wine does it's just first come first serve.

I did snag an EH Taylor Small Batch today from Total Wine @ MSRP but I feel like a bit of a fag lining up at opening just to get a bottle at MSRP.
>although you may be waiting significantly longer to get anything at least you wont get gouged for it.
Yeah I'm lucky enough that my County has some of the richest cunts in the nation so my local store has a somewhat absurd choice of rare bourbon/scotch/whisky/wine/champagne available. Though far outside my price range in most cases.

The rare stuff is available first come first served on the 2nd Saturday every month, and then once or twice a year in a lottery drawing.
just have it shipped in
From where do you suppose? I feel like online stuff is all overpriced 2-3x MSRP just like faggy liquor store owners. Not only that but online you're opening yourself up to being scammed.

I've put bottles in my cart at Seelbach's & Shared Pour but both have ridiculous shipping prices although maybe it's justified with whatever they use for packaging to ensure the bottle doesn't break.

I was looking at that Found North Helldivers recently online and Shared Pour didn't even send out the email that it was stocked on their site till 10 minutes after it was posted and for even the people that were paying attention to the drop time they said it sold out in less than a minute.
Use wine searcher to find cheapest price.
I've had good experiences with K&L Wine Merchants and Hi-Time Wine Cellars.
They do flat rate shipping so same rate for 1 bottles or like 3-4 bottles, so order multiple bottles - that way you're only paying like $5 per bottle so it's more reasonable that way.
I've gotten a lot of whiskies which aren't locally available via mail order. Have been satisfied with the experience/price every time and haven't gotten scammed.

How are you cooking this?
Sandwhich is not an option.
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spam fried rice
spam musubi
spam and seared fresh pineapple on pizza
spam and eggs
basically you just have to make sure you properly crisp it
don't be afraid to brown is well, it's plenty fatty to remain moist
to the people who think spam is gross: if you eat lunch meat you are a hypocrite
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>don't be afraid to brown is well, it's plenty fatty to remain moist
Can you actually drain these like you can bacon to create a nice base of pork grease in the pan?
Raw with cheese and crackers. Literally just lunchable meat in a can.
At $7 a can I can buy 1.5lb of sausages for the same price
I haven't tried this, but I hear it's good for making instant ramen into something resembling a meal

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who wins?
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I thought dogs preferred Seoul weekend night soup vomit?
Kimchi is more bile-like especially when cooked down
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Jap pepo don't season dey food
We wuz changz
meme leaf
what is a based leaf?

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