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>Havarti cheese
>Ground lamb

Made this last week and fell in love. By far the best ingredients I've used for this recipe.
I imagine this is what a Romanian house smells like
Sounds delicious. You could even add some taco seasoning, or some pepper
I've made something like that.
Crumble cook beef mince and remove from the pan, reserving the fat.
Add flour to make light roux then off the heat and stir in finely minced onion and salt.
Stir until the hissing stops.
Up the heat back to high and whisk in milk to make and onion-y bechamel then off the heat again once the roux is dissolved and season as desired.
Combine the cooked beef crumbles with parboiled pasta. I like to cook the pasta to about half way then drain.
Add shredded cheese/s as desired to the beef/pasta mixture. You can't go wrong with American but a combination of American and a stronger tasting cheese like a sharp cheddar is nice, too.
Pour the bechamel over it and stir through then bake until bubbly.

Swap the milk for tomato juice and some of the onion for peppers and chilies and add taco seasoning powder to the roux once the hissing stops. Use "taco cheese" for the stuff you mix into the beef/pasta combo.
Once baked, serve with salsa verde. I cooked this for Cinco de Mayo one year to troll the missus' best friend's Mexican husband because he talked shit on my homemade wheat/corn combo tortillas for pineapple pulled chicken tacos i served the year before for being inauthentic. Of course it's inauthentic. But it's good and you got to eat for free so quit bitchin'
You want to bitch about inauthentic? I'll give you something inauthentic to bitch about, you tacomunching fajitanigger. Enjoy your Corona and taco helper pasta bake, faggot.
I'll call you next time I need my lawn mowed
>hamburger helper
>uses lamb
also I realized recently that if you add goat cheese to ground beef it tastes just like lamb, so there's no real reason to spend the extra money on lamb if the dish has cheese in it.

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What’s Pizza Hut like lately? I haven’t had it in a coon’s age.
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They ain't capping when they said no one out pizzas the hut, tell ya that much
it sucks ass. i used to work there and i ate a ton of it and i used to really enjoy it despite knowing how the sausage was made and how gross it was. now it's just bad, the pizza is so greasy it's barely a solid.
it's also pretty expensive for what it is. it's supposed to be fast food pizza but it costs the same or more as actual pizza places around me.
>in a coon’s age.
25 to life?
Had 'za 'ut last night and took a brown pee three times this morning.

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this kills the e**ropean
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The internet has had such horrible effect on our behaviours.
this but unironically
>But that is spanish
Last I checked, Galens, who created the dish around 168ad, was Greek-Roman (Roman citizen but from Greece) and had jackfuck to do with the Iberian peninsula generally, never mind Spain in particular. FOHWTBS
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See >>20413619/>>20413627/>>20413643
Greasy wop dego Americans cry about that shit, not Italians.

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What is that one small thing that you love doing when cooking? Mine is when you use a griddle pan and flip the meat to get a diamond pattern. This was only a shitty flat steak, but it was fun to cook for the marks.

I also love making sauces that require reduction. When the sauce starts to thicken up and you get the aroma from it, it’s very satisfying.
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Eating the excess ingredients I prepped and didn't end up using
just know the non stick can't handle the same heat. keep it hot but not extra hot and it won't disintegrate
I let it under medium-high on the stove for 3 minutes and then go. Of course it’s not the same, but it works.
Non stick faggot enjoy your cancer and gonad shrinkage. Thanks for funding billionaire jews who have literally killed america by dumping toxxic waste all ove the place to make their shitty non stick coating.
Based and thirstypilled
When I sloppy drunk cook I can't be fucked to read a recipe so I just eyeball everything. I made some absolute bangers over the years but I never remember what I did. I need to wear a gopro or something.

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This is the ultimate meal.
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what the fuck is /CK/
aren't you a bit old to play dress up?
Take that steak knife and plunge it deep into your jugular. Thanks a bunch!
Ok zoomer.
who eats mac and cheese with breakfast? 'Cado is that you?

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Why didn't anyone tell me about this method for making egg salad?
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$1.44 for me, kiddo.
What egg shortage? lmao
brian is too reddit for me. needs to be muted at the minimum, but thats a stretch
I like eggs, I like sandwiches, and I like egg sandwiches, but an egg salad sandwich is just a bad meme. Actually, ____ salad in general is a bad meme. Still don't understand why he felt the need to use 24 fucking eggs.
egg salad and chicken salad are top tier sandwiches though
this except fork is a pita to clean and a knife isn't

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Lasagne on a Friday night cheers boys
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action shot
haha good one dude
by the looks of that pic, OP is lucky they didn't pass out before getting it out of the oven.
maybe in a few hours after sleep we'll get one
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Love a nice hearty lasagna.
Nice job browning the cheese.
Stick 'er in the oven for a bit.

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What does Miso ramen taste like? I only ever get Pork Tonkatsu and wanna try something different. Mainly something with a kick so I'm trying Spicy Miso.
Ew Filipino food
I've had it a couple times. It's surprisingly rich but not very flavorful. I tend to find Japanese food underwhelming in general though. I probably will not be buying it or any real ramen again.
Like miso
What does Miso taste like? Salty?
It tastes like that goopy stuff that comes out of japanese girls pussies

Remember pizza parties at school? Also ice cream socials? What did your school get? Mine always got little caesar's, cheese and pepperoni options and pepsi or mtn dew. Our ice cream socials had those gallon vanilla ice creams and a bunch of syrups.
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Hmmm. School was so long ago for me I vaguely remember. I think we had Dippin dots one time
They did it for mine but I’m class of 2001
Probably because it was a reward for getting good attendance in their class or highest grades for the STAR tests and they either had to pay out of their pockets or the school would only pay up to a certain amount.

We got pizza(a pretty big slice too, size of your standard paper plate) plus fries every day as 1 of 3 options for school lunch anyways so it doesn't really matter. It was more worth it to shutdown the class to watch a movie though.
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>get early recess for perfect attendance
>there's teacher handing out otter pops
>bitch principal takes over
>when it's my turn in line I ask if I can get a grape
>she condescendingly says "Oh, so you don't want any"
This is an anti-ESL thread because they were beaten by the headmaster while we got to enjoy pizza parties lol

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>has the best fries in your path
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Their fries are good alone, but their chili cheese fries were disappointing. It was just too salty, and I'm a huge fan of salty food.
I ate checkers before going up to killington for the weekend and it was white out blizzard conditions, and I had the worst diarrhea of my life, the kind of situation where if I even tried to stand up it would hit me with another spell

it lasted for hours, I was completely delirious, eventually found myself resigned to my fate and laying naked in the empty bath tub because the cool enamel felt good on my skin and I just laid there shidding on myself waiting for the void to take me
>but they never seem to get recognition
it's a fucking burger
Well it is extremely greasy. A close 2nd to Long John Silvers probably.
You probably just got unlucky though.
>i’m a huge fan of salty food
You eat cum faggot

>Town has local food contests to drive more business during the slow months
>Poutine contest started at the end of the Pandemic
>Year 3 is offering shite like this

Any of you guys got any local diners that concuct some awful abominations of food? I can post more of the awful submissions this year as well
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Has anyone ever made a mozzarella stick, but with cheese curd? Like, a breaded fried curd chunk that you could either cover in or dunk in gravy. That would improve upon poutine immeasurably.
Yes that is a thing. Usually beer battered or temoura like batter.
>burger festival this month where my family lives
>its on the other side of the country
mucho sadness, i fuckin love burgers
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That's just fried cheese curds. There are a bunch of places that make poutine with them here
As a Cajun it makes me sad that we didn't invent poutine.

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Palate cleanser.
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No dummy thats a pallet...
What a Tyler
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>Palate cleanser
The Menu was surprisingly funny.

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have you taken the canned potato pill yet?

1. no peeling
2. already cooked
3. perfect serving size
4. cut up for you
5. stays good for years
6. cheap
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This surprised me the first time. I cooked them as if it was just diced potatoes, but they need to be rinsed and you don't salt them like raw potatoes if they're used like that.
you wouldn't want them to use mouldy potatoes
The funny thing is that the agriculture industry has spent trillions over the last century to invent ways to prevent you from doing this. Potatoes are just one of the last pieces of produce they have yet to crack.
You can do it accidentally with a lot of crops. I have corn growing in random places from throwing out canned corn to the chickens
Cost per 14.5 oz can
$1.48 at Wal-Mart
$1.59 at Kroger
Store brands are available for a lower price ($0.96 and $0.99 respectively).

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Also thoughts on this/post yours
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Well, yesterday I had whisky I had to be on site at work today, so I had sausage has with real bacon and eggs
An extra large cappucino on the way to work.
>breakfast hate
I don't hate breakfast, I just can't eat it or I'll get fat. I've been eating one meal a day for 15 years. I love breakfast foods though. Often have them for dinner.

Not everything is zoomers. In the 90s/00s a lot of people started their day with just a cup of coffee, especially high school/college-age millennials and gen xers swinging by the coffee shop on the way to work. Of course this was back when coffee was like $1.
>I really struggle with eating breakfast due to morning nausea
That was me for most of my life, all through school until college. You literally just have to force yourself to eat. There is no other way that I know of. Just power through it. Eventually, after enough times through force, you'll start getting hungry in the mornings due to routine & you won't feel nauseous anymore.
I didn't have breakfast this morning so I would feel exactly the same as I do now

>mostly bland with capsaicin being dominant
i thought using a bunch of spices was supposed to give lots of flavor? what did i do wrong?
>black pepper
>garlic powder
>red pepper flakes
cooked with onion, ginger, garlic. it is more enjoyable to just eat my rice with soy sauce
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also Pat Chapman's Curry Bible, but I found his book was a bit more geared towards prepping a heap of stuff for if you're literally cooking a curry at least 4x per week
>>black pepper
>>garlic powder
>>red pepper flakes
do you know what each of these tastes like or are you a retard who just dumps?
this anon is under my protection. do not harry or hassle him, for he is to embark upon a great journey. and yea, he may be a retard, but were we not all retarded upon our day of birth?
i'm familiar with most of them, and i did do some basic research to find that a lot of curries use them all in equal quantities besides cumin
you almost certainly undersalted it

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