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Ever have these “cotton candy” grapes? Cuz holy shit
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its literally fruit you terminally online nigger
Once you fags cross that line then theres no going back...
They taste slightly sweeter than an ordinary grape but nothing like cotton candy.
they're not supposed to taste like cotton candy, it's just the brand name of the grapes
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they call these moondrop.
i call them purple nurple.

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How do i cook food for this mammal
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Whopse forgot op tag
cats cannot spread toxoplasmosis without raw meat intake.
that said, my mother switched to raw meat diet and do raw chicken until she found raw rabbit at a pet store. the cats would even chew up and eat the bones (which is fine for poultry as long as they are uncooked)
I walk my cat on a leash in my yard and up and down my street. How toxobrained am I?
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why is fast food mayonnaise so much better than store-bought mayonnaise?
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A gallon of mayo lasts our family of 4 a good month
For me it's extra heavy duty mayonnaise
why are half the posts in this thread about black men's cum?
you just have to use more
/pol/ can't stop thinking about it

They 100% put psyop mkultra drugs in pic related. I've had severe delusions and paranoia after eating these on two different occasions, both times I had them. Not my first rodeo but a psychotic break usually requires major life stress, alcohol and drug binges, etc. Never a fucking potato chip. What did they put in these? Also post your food and cooking related schizo beliefs which are true.
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if it ain't kettle cooked i don't eat it.
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Ranch contains Elmer's Glue that didn't meet quality standards. The small pieces of some sort of green vegetation floating in there are small clippings of plant matter removed from fruit/vegetable processing (leaves from oranges, pears, apples, corn husks, etc.) They then add small amounts of citric acid and starter culture in it for taste.

You straight up CANNOT convince me otherwise because I am right about this. I had a friend in 3rd grade whose father worked for the Hidden Valley processing plant and he claimed that's how its produced.
>it's called ranch because that's where they get the horses from for the glue
you know too much.
Humiliation ritual
You might've had an allergic reaction to something. There are some things I'm allergic to and it doesn't put me into complete anaphylaxis but I get rash, sneezing, etc. along with brain fog, anxiety, depression, and things like that.

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Why do people use these?
Is it just a cultural cope?
I feel like as a species we kind of nailed it with the spork so why all of this pageantry?

>inb4 it forces you to slow down

Yeah, so does a disability.
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but it says you can pick up anything, even a grain of rice :^)
Can't argue with someone retarded as you
I go in the bathroom and stick one of em up my ass
then I spend the rest of my dinner pretending to look around the table for it, all while saying "Where's my other chopstick?" really loudly
Best post ITT
Second best post ITT
they also dont scratch pans when you use them to cook, which i only do if i want to avoid dirtying spatulas or tongs. they also supposedly make users resistant to Alzheimers due to parts of the brain involved when using. they also have a nice amount of reach and are faster for serving than using a fork to skewer meat slabs or even tongs usually.

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I always see people on this site shit on IPA, what is wrong with it? Why am I a soyboy for drinking it?
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anime website you tourist reddit spic
spics love anime, there's something else wrong with him
IPA as a term has become almost meaningless, basically meaning "an ale that has at least enough hops to detected via taste"
Thus people can air out whatever grievances they have with "modern craft beer" by whining about some image of IPA they've created in their head that amalgamates everything they dislike about nu-beer
>n-nono you dont no wait I know you like liquer right? that doesn't count!
I said take your projector on the way out. By the way needing your hard liquor cold is for pussys I sip my gin warm and I enjoy it.
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>dumb boomer has an iq south of a cold day in alaska, cant read, cant think, and definately has no self awareness.
>expects me to humor him while he has imaginary conversations with himself.

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what's the deal with all the pizza memes? it reminds me of the japanese making up nonsense rules for how to eat sushi

>you need an 800 degree wood oven!
my 400 degree regular oven works just fine
>you need a pizza stone!
my metal sheet works just fine
>you need to use a pizza peel!
parchment paper works just fine
>you need to preheat for 2 hours!
i put it in when the oven turns on. works just fine
>you need to use agent 007 flour!
all purpose flour works just fine
>you need to let your dough sit in the fridge overnight!
i mix it, proof for 2 hours, and then cook it. works just fine
>you need to toss your dough to stretch it!

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all y'all don't know what real pizza tastes like
I put chicken and other bulbousy topping under the cheese to preserve some of their moisture
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i read that as bull bussy
fuck i've been on this website too long
anyways that would never work for me because i artistically strategize a bite map that way i get equal topping on each bite and never run into a bite without toppings, which is also why those erratic Italian pizzas are a no go, one bite is cheese and basil and the next is just sauce and crust CHAOS!!!
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Poor autism. It could have been cut in a way that maintained a more regular number of pep per slice.

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I always fuck up my baos and the dough is either too thick or too flimsy, when I steam em, can you help me figure out a recipe to make em better?
recipe isn't the issue.
you're not rolling the dough thin enough.

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I live in Portland, Oregon. Where should I eat?
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>What the hell is the point of all that?
It's to browbeat developers into building higher rises and mid density over sprawl.

>And what's stopping developers from building in towns/suburbs just over the boundary?

In some bordering municipalities, nothing. But others have severe restrictions about land usage to preserve the rural character.
ask me circa 2008 I could tell you. Now? why the duck are you in Portland?
Ladda House

Good Thai food that actually can be spicy
>no salt or pepper
>And what's stopping developers from building in towns/suburbs just over the boundary?
The state government.
Some possibilities: Pre-existing before the boundary was in place, special use permit, a farm,
Or we're all lying to you, there's no such thing as an urban growth boundary, we made it up , created hundreds of web pages about it, and got people in the state and city governments to go along with it. Yeah, that's probably the real answer Sherlock.
Seriously, if you really are interested, you're connected to the internet, you can easily find the answers. Or you can continue acting like it's some grand conspiracy against you.

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Iceberg has its uses. Like in a taco, or on a burger.
I do
>lettuce wraps
>burger/sandwich topping
>taco topping
Both of those are awful. There's no reason it should exist. It makes tacos and burgers far worse. If you must add green, at least use romaine or something.
I like it. It's refreshing and crunchy and mildly sweet and grassy in a good way.

You may pick one snack and one drink from the gas station.

What do you choose?
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one of these and a big red
4 roller dawgs and a tallboy Monster with the removable lid, with a pack of male vitality pills to top it all off.
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small bag of takis
skinny white monster
I don't want to get it anymore
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We like it that way. It keeps the plebes from trying it. The old wrapper even had a chicken on it to drive home the point that you should stay away from it.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Poor over edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make any machine code recently?

Previous thread:>>20394870
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Could you rephrase that with clearer grammar, please?
There is no amount of coffee with so much caffeine in it that its diuretic effects can overcome its ability to hydrate
You would have to straight eat coffee for that
teach that man to fish
all you did was lead him to water, of course he feels that youre responsible
assuming this actually happened and isnt an imagined scenario
The water content in an espresso is not going to hydrate you enough to offset the diuretic effect of its caffeine content.
After I die my liver will be used to discern the future by the Coffee Oracle.

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>30 bucks for a pizza and some bread
how is this business model sustainable
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Looks like you can save 20% by picking it up
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>fasting and doing carnivore
>things are going great and I'm happily losing weight
>see this weak bait thread
>go to dominos site to prove OP wrong
>see this
I swear to fucking god they want to keep me fat and addicted forever. I'm not succumbing, I won't.
It’s radical gureilla marketing, they know the /ck/ market too well
It worked on me goddamnit, I’m picking up a large after class tomorrow and eating it like the big fatty I am
Maybe I’ll see my six pack next summer
People with more money than sense obviously.
>encourages people to DUI
>calls anybody else a fuckhead

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Thoughts on American Chinese food?
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I know they tried to bring Taco Bell to Mexico multiple times and failed each time
>I know they tried to bring Taco Bell to Mexico multiple times and failed each time
I can imagine the problem is that local Mexican shops were willing to sell their food at lower prices.
I mean, in all reality, Taco Bell in Mexico is like having Walmart in the USA. That's not quite right, since Walmart actually does sell food at decent prices.
Maybe it would be more like if the only stores in the USA sold food that was completely unaffordable to 96% of American citizens.
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>Chinese family-owned business sells Chinese-American fusion dishes
>this is cultural appropriation
>cultural appropriation
Reddit, go back there
>go to panda express
>order shark tripe soup with crushed dried sea cucumbers and pangolin tongue
>kid behind the counter makes fun of my awful spanish

>makes your food taste like pennies
this shit should have stayed in mexico
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I rimmed your mom last night
I can't fucking stand it when spics put this shit on fruit. It simply does not taste good with fruit, stop doing it.
Your taste buds are fucked.
It's too spicy and flavorful for us whiteboys. I can barely handle table pepper
I don't get the appeal, it just tastes sour.

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