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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)
"The Pussy": https://z-lib.is/book/the-pussy-
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(not all of these are fully vetted, new suggestions are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>31187223
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Reposting bcs last thread died
Need advice.
>Be me
>Go to speed dating event
>Kinda sucked but some of us went to eat together and made friends
>Flirt with a girl from the group and go to her house to chat
>Some turbulence in the group, felt like it was bs and left
>Girl hits me up out of the blue and we go out
>Find out we have decent chemistry, she keeps saying shes getting old, nearing her 30s, take it as a hint she's not interested
>Back in group
>Have some family trouble and skip on the outing, this girl asks if I'm ok
>We go out and open up, I'm not usually honest with my family history bcs it's pretty rough
>Arrange a date
> A day or two before the date she tells me if we're dating or going out as friends or dating? Because she started dating someone else
>Lie and say I only want to be friends because still felt like i needed emotional support abt family issue (new city, almost no friends)
>When we go out we're both pretty flirty, touching """platonically""", sharing beers, and I want to say almost kissed a few times (get real close and quiet and just stare at each other, should've gone for it) and we had a blast.
> Hang out again in group and she's acting normal again, not showing any particular interest.
We've had other dates that were fun and one that didn't go so great, but this last one was pretty flirty
I invited her out again and I'm going to tell her that I think she's great and actually have a thing for her.
>>When we go out we're both pretty flirty, touching """platonically""", sharing beers, and I want to say almost kissed a few times (get real close and quiet and just stare at each other, should've gone for it) and we had a blast.
Be very careful here because she might be into you after a few beers but not sober/socially. I think the big mistake was lying and saying you only want to be friends, unless you did it in a sort of flirty way that implies you're not serious.

Ultimately, nothing wrong with dating multiple people until you decide to be exclusive with one another
Yeah thinking of telling her it was a lie bcs of the reasons stated.
She's also flirty with me sober but she's allegedly in an exclusive relationship so idunno why she's being flirty, doesn't strike me as the cheating type.
Wait, she is in an exclusive relationship now? You didnt say that earlier, only that she was dating someone else. If she is in a relationship I dont think you should tell her.
My bad
Well fuck... Hate feeling things for girls sometimes
It is the worst. My advice still stands. Though I dont think you should just hang around her and hope she will be single soon either. This is hard
Eh, I'll be flirty friends with her
It is your choice. As long as you dont get heartbroken. Dont try to make her cheat
what to do if woman just starts the conversation with "Hey!" on bumble? Do I just have to ignore it and respond like I was starting the conversation? Do I bring up something on her profile?
what if it goes like this
>i don't text till next date
>she doesn't text either
>loses interest
imo if you didn't kiss, it means she's not that into you

and if she dropped you hints that she wanted you to make a move and you didn't chances are she won't wait for a 2nd date to find out if you ever was gonna to
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I’ve gotten with a lot of women.
>go to bar (with friends at beginning, sometimes alone later once I got gud)
>have a drink or two
>do lap around bar
>see every girl who gave me “the eyes”
>go up to them and either get their number or not
>if we were really feeling each other then we’d hook up and either fuck or she give me a bj at the bar outside or we go back to either her place or mine.
Basically I just looked for women who gave me a look and then I approached them. I’m under 6ft, 6-7/10 handsome, pretty nice bod (could stand to lose a few lbs), but extremely confident and comfortable in my own skin. The last one is most important imo.
Why did OP remove the updated models link?
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Didn’t realize what I did wrong until 3 days later. I’m retarded.
Yeah, sure. But I still see hetrosexual guys really really want to be with women and that is all they want. Clearly they have either gotten past that thinking or never thought it from the start.

Enlighten us, what did you do?
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I feel so lonely, I don't know where to start even. I stopped going to orange site completely, work from home, work out at home too. I wish I had a girlfriend. And two guy friends. But IDK where to start. I tried online dating, I got a lot of dates but they all ended after one/two dates and I always get friendzoned/ghosted/conversations get dry. I went out in the day but IDK what to do. All I see are old people, kids, families and single guys on their own. No women who would be approachable. And it's a 100K+ city. What do?
I know a home gym is kino but get a gym membership and start there. Great place to meet women and friends. Best place other than a bar or uni or something
We were talking about the Pixies and I said the first few seconds of Debaser were “ear sex.” She was a conservative Christian girl. I need another metaphor. Live and learn I guess.
Nice duble dubs, but are they telling the truth?
Either way I've never been to a gym. And I don't even know how they work. I would be so fucking lost, like a child (which I practially am, because of my autism).
I literally wouldn't know where to start and what to do there, start crying and drive back home thinking of an heroing. Same with bars. I would need a coach for both of those things because I don't have a male friend :(
>is it true?
Yes but you have to actually do it dude. Stop seeing your autism as a crutch. I’m a diagnosed autist too but I was able to overcome the social anxiety by torturing myself through awkward social encounters (initially) and then I thrived once I harnessed and tamed that power
Okay but I literally don't even know where to start either way. Like do you have to buy a ticket for a gym from home and then walk in there, or do I buy it on the spot.
Like I don't even know basics like that, it's so over. And bar would be even more impossible for me. I feel horrible after not sleeping through the night, I'm supposed to stay late at a bar and drink alcohol? I wouldn't even know how to get back home...
Don't compare your obviously mild autism to my sever level of autism.
Help with a convo with a girl on snapchat
i put a dating ad on some site and we started chatting.
we opened up several topics at once, and we messege each other a couple of times per day, and right now its always a long paragraph in which we reply to each seperate topic we talk about and it ends up in a long paragraph. is this a good thing or a bad thing? should i redirect the convo somehow to be more concise?
Genuine question:
How do I deal when even the very attractive, good, nice, stable woman that I'm heavily attracted to has women moments and just sometimes has completely retarded opinions and views and thoughts?

I'm serious, how do I deal with women's peculiar retardation? Like this girl, she has these fag hag tendencies and keeps thinking she's bisexual despite not even kissing women at the fucking age of 25, but that's not the point. How do I deal when women are being dumb and stupid? How do I not get dissapointed when it happens?
>How do I deal when women are being dumb and stupid? How do I not get dissapointed when it happens?
Stop thinking of them as men and realize that they are more or less kids with more freedom and somehow less restraints. You simply have to accept it or find the least retarded one. When I say accept it, I dont mean just let them do the retarded shit, but accept that it will happen. God, I hate them so much guys ;_;
does anyone in this shit thread even know what they are talking about? are you some retard who scored one or two dates or are you actually happily married at the very least for 3 years?
How to keep a conversation going?
>don’t compare your autism to mine
Ok that’s where you lost me. You just sound like a faggot now and likely will never be able to grow up and stop using your “autism” as a crutch. Congratulations, you psyoped yourself to the point where you can’t even leave your house
You can almost always get a pass or a membership at the desk, although if you're that autistic you might want to rehearse a few lines first.

For bars there's nothing wrong with staying sober if you're still enjoying yourself, you can always chat up the (sober) bartender if he or she isn't busy.
Sometimes your dog takes a dump in your living room, it happens. Women like sexism when it doesn't feel like you're being bitter, but rather playful. Even exasperation is fine if you're able to play it off the right way.
>Stop thinking of them as men and realize that they are more or less kids with more freedom and somehow less restraints
See that's the thing I'm already like that but even with my low standards for intelligence women I'm heavily attracted to and consider relationships with still manage to disappoint me.

I don't understand. Should I just nod and go "yes sweety that's right people don't like this celebrity you think is really cool because they're homophobic" or "yes baby, your personality and character was determined by the month you were born in, you're very special"? I don't get it? I feel bad if I had to act that way because its like I'm leading them on and misleading them and being dishonest.

>Even exasperation is fine if you're able to play it off the right way.
I am a man and I feel that I don't really like dating in the typical sense. I feel that I should WANT to pick up the woman for the date. I should WANT to pay for the date. I should WANT to plan the dates etc. I am finding that I don't want to do any of that because women are probably going to hate it all anyway. I feel no desire to plan a date because a lot of women are terminally online and think what would be normal dates(coffee dates for example) are now considered low effort. I feel as a man, I have no bargaining power because women will just sift through their many options to find a man who is willing to put up with the bullshit. Its lose lose for me. What can be done?

Do any of you guys here who actually get dates like planning the dates etc?
Imagine your gf got home and told you she just ran into Mickey Mouse. Not a guy wearing a Mickey Mouse costume, it's the actual talking mouse and for some reason he's on your street. This isn't the first time she's told you this and by now you've talked to this Mickey Mouse and you've found out it really is a guy in costume, but he's perfect at doing the voice and refuses to break character for any reason. At some point you just have to play along. It doesn't mean blindly going along with it, you can tease her about it. To extend the analogy you point at a massive rat running out of the sewer drain and scream "Look, it's Mickey Mouse!" but you don't take it too seriously and you don't frustrate yourself trying to tell her the mouse isn't real.

To use your example of astrology, just blame something ridiculous on your sign like "sorry I'm a Scorpio we just snore really loud" or point to random people on the street and ask her to guess their signs and why she feels that way. Have fun with it
>think what would be normal dates(coffee dates for example) are now considered low effort
YMMV but I'm a frugal guy and the women I date in their early to mid 20s are fine with something simple like walking around or coffee. If I find a girl at a bar then we're going to other bars, I'm not going to interrupt my night out to take her to the opera lmao.
I enjoy this but I'm a lifelong performer so I treat it like putting on a show. Not a big budget spectacle (she might not be worth the effort), but more just like telling my friends a joke with perfect delivery. Think "how do I give off a good first impression and how do I make it easy for her to arrive into my bedroom", usually in that order. The unspoken part of the performance is she has to play her part (be a good date) and if she doesn't then I don't have any problem leaving early. It's not like I'm going to see her again anyway.
>sift through their many options
You have options too. There will always be at least one more woman who's interested in you. And while the girl is doing you a favor by dating you, you're doing her a favor for the same reason. If you don't feel like you're being done a favor then you can always just go home.

Imo most women are lovely.
I think this is where I am disadvantaged. I truly don't have women after me like that. At least ones I am aware of. So I always feel like I am dating from a position of scarcity and I hear that is a bad look. I remember the last date I had and I basically worried myself sick because in my head I was thinking "This is a chance of a lifetime." and of course it didn't work out. In fact, I was actually stood up so I am unsure if I should even call it a date.
Other than pretending I think the only cure for this is going on many, many dates. When you hit up the 100th girl at a bar in a month you'll stop imagining your life together at first sight - although it helps to have a little idealism too!
What are bars really like? I never tried going to them because the ones around my city are apparently "for old people". Basically, boomers. Not really sure where people my age even hang out. I am early 30's
I approached (kind of) this girl the other day at a bus station, asked her where I she was going and told her my destination, and she started talking about how she loved my city and stuff. I didn't really get the message because I was sad and wasn't thinking much of her (other than her being a hottie...), but then it hit me: she probably wanted me to invite her to my place.
was she? I'm a fucking retard for not realizing immediately... how the fuck do I make myself think and react quickly in these situations?
I guess that's one way of doing it. I wish I could do something like that but I struggle because I feel like I'm demeaning them or something. Like I'm being an asshole, like I'm making fun of them. And to me that's ok, but I struggle to do something like that with a woman I genuinely like. It makes me feel like I hate her.

I don't know how to lose this feeling. I wish I could be like my dad, who would point women out on the street while driving with my mom and me in the back and he would talk about how that chick reminds him of this hot beatiful chick he used to bang that most probably he was making up on the spot to provoke her. Sometimes he would do that by pointing outsome ugly fat chick just so my mom would get extra confused.
She probably just liked the city, you schizo.
ok then.
I approached her because she signaled it to me though, so I'm sure she was interested in me, at least for a brief moment.
also, it's not a city, more like a touristic town
Scout around. I'm a chubby chaser and there was this one cider bar in my neighborhood that for some reason all the fat chicks went to - it's now full of Asian couples a year later. Haven't found a replacement but there are a few neighborhoods where I can find more young people than others. Try different kinds of bars - karaoke, dives, craft breweries, whiskey bars, dancing, pinball, whatever. Or just have a few feelers out and ask people your age where they go over the weekend.

Maybe treat them like a male friend who you roast but without crossing certain boundaries. In fact part of a deep friendship is knowing exactly where those boundaries are and staying just in front of them. This applies to gfs/wives too and you develop it over time.
I was banned for insulting women. Just a reminder these boards are compromised.
Sorry, copied an older saved version, didn't notice the change, will fix it next time.
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holy fuck lads this happened tonight
>meet up with a friend
>chat with her for a bit, have a few beers
>her other friend turns up
>no fucking way
>its some chick i arranged a date with TODAY but she ghosted me
>after a bit she panics says she knew me from somewhere, apologizes
>act chill, yeah we good dw about it
>says jesus christ anon you look so much better in person your pictures really dont do you justice
>ah thanks
>end up making out with her
>can see "the look" in her eyes where she's falling for me
>rizz the fuck out of her
>calls me smooth as fuck
>agrees to a date on thursday
>already agreed to a second date
what the actual fuck just happened, i'm genuinely proud of myself desu
Get some better pictures, I suppose. Good job anon
>extremely confident and comfortable in my own skin.
Trips of truth.
Dubs of truth

Dis is the wey brothers.
nice blog
How do I get a girl when I’m an autistic 32 year old man-child who still lives with his parents?
I need advice, I'm socially retarded. Am I reading too much into this or is she more autistic than I am?
I asked this girl out I used to work with. We were in different departments but we'd chat a lot every time we saw each other. I quit and hadn't seen her in months. I occasionally run into her at the store so the next time I saw her I suggest we should grab a coffee sometime and get her number. We chat a bit and she asks if this is a date? To which I say "it could be". Comes back with "I'm not really in a mental spot to be dating anyone right now, I know I said yes but sorry no." Which I think is kinda fucked up obviously it's a date just say no thanks initially but whatever I guess that's a no.

I don't expect anything, but she texts me days later asking what's up. We chat about TV and what we've been up to and all that. I just talk to her like she's any other dude. We talk like this for like a couple weeks. Then mid conversation she just disappears. Weeks later i text her again about something stupid to no response. I see her again and we chat like normal about like how we've been and what's new (like a friend). Seems like we're still cool so later I decide to message her again to no response.

So what's going on here? Why the fuck did she even give me her number in the first place? Why would she message me after rejecting me to see how I'm doing and just chat, only to disappear? If anyone can help me make sense of this it'd help greatly, this is mind fucking me hard
The only way I’m able to get casual sex is to imply that I’m looking for a long term relationship. How bad is that?
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I feel the same way. There's only 1 girl I ever wanted to do those things for, because I felt like she was actually worth it. But she wasn't into me.
check this thread, some good advice on here: >>31202252
You don’t, you genetic deadend :)
Holding hands and escalating physically is not exclusive to casual sex or serious dating. None of that helps anon.
Job, money, hobbies, etc. There's an OP dude.
Anyone have some tutorials/videos they personally vouch for with regards to being funnier in general? I have some things in my backpocket like "what would you know about that?" that elicits laughs from both men and women, but I'd like to be much better at this.
Asked a girl out the other day, she wasn't interested. Doesn't bother me too much, since I mostly asked since my friend wouldn't stop bothering me about trying my luck with this particular girl. (I would have gone if she was interested, but I could tell there wasn't much of a connection)
What does bother me is the reaction he had.
The first time he mentioned that I would ask her out after I did, he literally didn't believe me when I said she wasn't interested (I guess he figured I lied to get him off my case). He wanted to check the texts to call my "bluff". When I showed him he just said "Oh" and seemed extremely puzzled. It made me realize that he didn't even consider rejection was a possibility. The guy has absolutely no trouble with women, it's like the "I'm not interested" response was so unexpected it short circuited his brain.
Ah fuck I forgot the part that makes this relevant to this thread, advice
Was going to ask if anyone knows how to distinguish between advice that comes from a place of actual knowledge and advice that comes from a different world
I'd like to take advice from very successful people, since I'd like to be like them, bit it's hard to tell if that advice would even apply to me in the same way it does to them
Do you just have to try everything to determine whose advice is worth taking empirically?
You'll always be subject to random chance. Or your friend might be more attractive than you and there's not too much you can do about it. The best way is to try a bunch of different things and get information from as many different people as you can. Eventually you can use your own judgment to figure out what's working for you and what isn't.

Maybe a little generic but the best I got lol
>Maybe a little generic but the best I got lol
I appreciate it anyway, thanks anon
can someone please explain what it means for a woman to give you "the eyes?" What do you do if none do?
I dont think you should just nod and agree if you actually disagree. It might cause friction, but at least you will live honestly
Because if things came to you this naturally with just a lot of anxiety, you are pretty normal in comparison to me. You knew more or less where to start. I am lost. Why is it so triggeringbfor you, the fact that someone elses autism is much heavier?

So a pass is a one time thing? Is it for an hour or how does this work?
No way would I stay sober in a bar. The huge discrepency between my awkwardness and normie dynamics would be even greater if they were drunk and I wasnt. I would feel so weird to be alone, awkward, not drunk like everyone else. They would probably look at me weirded out. Someone there would probably know me and spread the word around of what I did, that would embarass me even further.
Bumping for this question.
No because retards like you undermine others because of their success because you think that if you can’t do it and they did well then they simply must’ve been more “normal” than you and don’t struggle as much as you do. You’re just an entitled faggot who uses his mental deficiencies as an excuse like everyone else on here. Pussy.

Stop coming on here begging to change and then act like a retard who claims they can’t and that they have it so bad. I bet you haven’t tried a single thing to make progress in the direction you want to go. Ultimately, the advice is learn how to be more normal by being able to somewhat function in society and talk to others in a public setting. Or don’t and die alone. Your choice.
>see this girl at the gym semi-regularly for a couple of weeks now
>she's pretty attractive and while I'm not the smoothest guy around and suffer from minor autism, I was planning on just casually chatting to her at first and then maybe later suggest we hang out and see where that takes us
>I'm also in decent shape and lost a shitload of weight since last year to the extent that friends and family comment on it
>problem is that I can never seem to make eye contact with her
>like to the extent where it seems like she's deliberately trying to avoid looking me in the eyes
>only happened once by accident and she smiled and looked down
>does not happen with other people, she's really friendly and giggles a lot when talking to other guys
>I can't figure out a way to open a conversation with her

Has this ever happened with anyone else? I figured she hates me for some reason but she doesn't avoid being in close proximity to me otherwise and her smiling kinda threw me off. I'm not very good with women at all as you might realize. Millennial girls my age were way more flirty and open and I still struggled, zoomer girls seem completely closed off.
>when women give you the “eyes”?
It happens quick but it’s when you share eye contact with a girl for a substantial amount of time and they give you the sense that they are checking you out and would fuck you. This is probably the most widely misinterpreted signal from most guys so you kind of need a good gut from it. Unless you look like a monster, then women girl has probably given them to you before and you just didn’t notice.
It’s hard to tell what reality is here. I think you are just staring at her a lot and she may be uncomfortable so she’s avoiding eye contact. Again, it’s hard to tell.

Stop beating around the bush. There is literally nothing else to do other than talk to her so just do it already
>I think you are just staring at her a lot and she may be uncomfortable so she’s avoiding eye contact.

Yeah, maybe. I don't really stare at her, just sorta glance at her from time to time when passing closely by but I also do that with others when passing them by, both guys and girls. And frequently make eye contact, nod or smile, maybe exchange some words. As I've mentioned I have minor autism so it's already pretty difficult for me to maintain eye contact for more than 5 seconds, I had to practice a lot to force it. So that's why I'm confused because it definitely seems like she's deliberately avoiding eye contact. And to make it weirder, I sometimes get this sense when I'm doing something else or looking in another direction like she's looking at me. I'm pretty sure everyone has had these moments where you can tell that someone's staring at you when you're not looking.

>There is literally nothing else to do other than talk to her so just do it already

Yeah but my problem is that I have no idea how. My usual go-to approach is make eye contact, smile and greet them then try to continue a conversation from there. I don't really have any other ideas.
Just interrupt her and ask if she was using the machine or she can help you with something. You don’t need eye contact to start a convo. Do what you normally do but just say “excuse me” first. It’s that simple. You need to venture out of you comfort zone more and more. This is another one of those growing pains.
What does it mean when women approach you and show some kind of interest? It has happened twice now that I can remember, both of them seemingly slightly drunk, I was drunk one time and sober the other time (on my way back from work). The first one said I was handsome, which I said I doubted. The other asked about my uniform. I have learned that friendlyness does not equal sexual or romantic interest, but how are you supposed to think when a girl approach you?
Happens to me decently often but rarely goes anywhere
Do anons advice even work?
is it too late to become a manwhore at 35? how do I develop that mentality, being kinda reclusive and autistic? I learn fast, but it's difficult for me to understand people, I'm kinda slow.
It's like when people check out a hot rod car for sale. Many aren't going to do anything about it but they'll enjoy pretending to themselves they will.
Was talking to white/Hispanic woman. Professional, smart, likes anime, rock, interesting, kind.

Ex husband is black, also father of her 2 kids and left her, still has feelings for him.

I fucking hate women.
>is it too late to become a manwhore at 35?
No but you're working against several disadvantages.
What is your actual goal?
What about being a manwhore sounds appealing?
Is that the only method?

>father of her 2 kids and left her, still has feelings for him.
Entirely normal to have residual feelings for the father of your children.
It's a red flag that she's telling someone interested in her about it.

>I fucking hate women.
Outside of additional context beyond baseless assumptions, there's nothing to hate. Your hatred is irrational. Applying your irrational hatred to all women is delusional.
Enjoy your gay sex.
I hate how most women are mindlessly interested in black men which will likely abandon them. What is it exactly they are attracted to? Being mistreated? Being treated like a irrelevant piece of shit and running the chance of abandoning you? Sociopathic, selfish rap and black culture? I fucking hate women.
>online dating, I got a lot of dates but they all ended after one/two dates
That's not bad. Ghosting is rampant online.

Either a soft rejection indicated by her not actually interested in talking
Or a lack of sexual interest expressed by you making her see you platonically

Many such cases

>conversations get dry
Either incompatibility or one of you failing to discuss topics with multiple jumping off points.

>I went out in the day but IDK what to do
You need to develop hobbies and interests and take them into the public where people are.

>All I see are old people, kids, families and single guys on their own.
>And two guy friends
Talk to people and widen your pool of acquaintances and friends. Relationships are formed by proximity and bonding through shared experiences. Start by discussing things you've both experienced separately in the past. People can start a friendship over both loving a tv show.

>No women who would be approachable.
It's possible that your appraisal of who would or would not be approachable is flawed. Have you ever tried approaching someone who looked unapproachable?
I have received extremely positive results by treating abnormally unattainable people as of they were average folk.
>Topics with multiple jumping off points.

>most women are mindlessly interested in black men
False belief based on your personal bias and possible geographical location. Move to Wisconsin.

>which will likely abandon them.
>Being mistreated? Being treated like a irrelevant piece of shit and running the chance of abandoning you? Sociopathic, selfish rap and black culture?
Miserable pile of assumptions there.

>What is it exactly they are attracted to?
Traits you can't see because you are blinded by assumptions. Often it's just perceived confidence. Sometimes what is seen as nothing special in one culture is seen as bold and confident in another.
Enjoy the dolphin porn! Fresh from ncore.pro.
I posted this about it a few days ago

I try to avoid lulls by organically asking questions that might lead to longer responses and touch on multiple subjects. Rather than just direct questions they just answer, they can respond to and build off what they find interesting and if they don't, you can follow up with your own tidbit: "I use the treadmill when the weather is bad but I prefer to run outside. Have you ever run the trail around the lake Park near here?" "I've seen it but never checked it out." "I like to run my dogs there on the weekends since it's beautiful and not crowded."
Now there's multiple jumping off points: cardio, running, parks, lake, dogs, crowds, weather, etc. Meandering questions that touch multiple subjects, and you have little facts or stories connected to, work best. It reveals bits about you and avoids the standard interview questions, which aren't bad but aren't novel either.
A lot of it is where you are. I had way more luck on the east coast than anywhere else. I think a lot of that is cultural as well as just pure numbers.
They’re mental teenagers for life. Treat them a such and you’ll have a much easier life.
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where do I find tatted up menhera women with a copious amount piercings and how do I get them into bed
Grooming is hard, actually
any shitty music festival
>how fuck
share drugs with her
fug I only drink
i need to go to sleep. honestly thought this was a picture of Asmongold for a good ten seconds
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Just how much easier do women have it when it comes to dating? I feel like some people try to gas light me into thinking "Oh, dating is actually VERY VERY DIFFICULT FOR WOMEN!" when I just can't see how. Women get far more opportunities to date. Even if 99 percent of those dates are shit(they aren't), she is still getting more chances than most guys. I haven't been on a date in over 15 years. As a man, my confidence is shattered obviously. However, I don't want to discredit the plight of women when it comes to dating. Like maybe dating really is ass for them but I just can't see how. I don't even get the opportunity to TRY. It sounds like women get many opportunities and with opportunity comes a chance at what you want. No opportunities means you don't even get to try to get what you want.

SO if a woman says "Dating for women is actually very hard." I am 100 percent being gaslit right?
Infinitely easier. They can get a free fuck any time they want.
It's just that because it's so easy it doesn't register as anything special for them. So when they say they have it hard, what they mean is that it's hard to find a guy who fits their long list of requirements.
No bullshit here, I don't mean anything negative by it: Go outside more and without browsing the internet on your phone preferably.
There's a woman at my work, she's single and looking for a husband.
I think she fancies me and wouldn't refuse a further advance from me as our interaction is always light flirting. We both are working abroad and are from the same country.
Only thing is, she's in her early 40s and Im 28.
Do I go for it?
Looks do matter. In 2024 I actually got plastic surgery.

I got cheek raising, brow filling implants, which improved my looks 1-2 points on the 10/10 scale.

However what I discovered from this experiment, was that looks do not matter as much as being emotionally REACTIVE.

I have had more women attracted to me after my surgery yes, but they just as quickly lose interest when they see my inept personality.

Men who are REACTIVE - which includes the Robert Downey Jr types who are able to make those witty comments, or those men who are impulsive and risk taking, or most importantly those who are aware of other peoples emotions and are able to ACT - those types of men are what women are looking for.

They is what Donald Trump called "high energy" men.

Imagine James Bond swooping in, pouring a drink before a women even asks for it to be poured. That's the romance novel type of man women are looking for.
Here is the fucking problem. Having this is a fucking skill. That's a fucking talent, and unfortunately most of us are disable.

Have autism due to a ((vaccine)) in the 90s? An awkward upbringing? Depression? Made coping choices to be alone and play video games when young? All of those combined?

The issue I see here basically is that the average White male of this board (myself included) is so cut off from social circles - and are so used to being independent - that we basically lose that ability to recognize other's needs.

We lose this crucial social awareness. We can't even see a person picking up a box on the street and be like "do you need help?"

Because we have our heads in the clouds all the time. Because we are fucking depressed, unaware, and can't be the high energy man.

We aren't reactive in social settings. Women pick up on this because it is their superpower to do that - and consequently, we never build attractiveness with them.

And never get a girlfriend.

And this is despite the fact that White men are generally the most handsome, even the average ones.

Society will look at this behavior and claim you are all just selfish-ogres. Self reinforcing the "evil white male" myth.

But in reality we are just men who don't know any other way to live. Who need to be included, and loved. So we can be APART of society. Building it. Maintaining it. Unafraid to do things for other people, because we have enough hope and genuinely love the world. Basically a self-actualized, self-honest person.

I think this is what has been really stolen from you. You are all currently confused, without clarity, and socially alone, while other men can apparently get and attract women.
>reddit spacing
Alright buddy, you enjoy yourself.
Absolutely. Women cannot even CONCEIVE of the life an average man lives.
So you were talking to a brown wetback who fucks niggers and you got mad because she still fucks niggers instead of you?
>black? Irrelevant
>Enjoy your gay sex.
Lmao, even. You two trannies should make porn together
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Thats american culture for you. Try a non-americanized country if you dont like colaburners.
You write like a guy who sells courses for a living
I dunno, I want to fuck random women, esp. young ones. I want to live the "experience" I never lived because I was an ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD and left my best years and best opportunities pass as if time wasn't a thing and now my dick doesn't work well as it used to and had my first gf ever and it was a disaster at the end and I feel like shit.
How can I get a gf as a Yu-Gi-Oh! player?
>and then I approached them
what do you say?
I constantly freeze up at this point and don't know what to say.
You freeze up because you’re overthinking shit too much. You kind of just have to let loose. Nothing I ever say is planned I just go off the cuff and improvise. A loose description is
>call the girl beautiful or gorgeous (with gesticulation)
>ask her name and tell her she has a nice name or make fun of her name or say I know a lot of girls with her name (jokingly hinting that they were sluts or something)
>ask her where she’s from and say something I know about the town
>if she asks my name I know she’s into me
>get number or continue to talk and try to hook up with her
That’s about it.
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Walk around with your duel disk. That shit is cool
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I posted this earlier in the GIOYC thread but I wonder what I should have done differently?
Situation was basically this:
>Met someone nice in uni class
>we both hated the class we're in
>agree to meet up and study so we can raise our grade
>during our first meeting we barely studied and just talked for hours on end
>we had a few more study sessions that were just us chatting to each other for hours
>we had a lot of the same interests and opinions
>she was always giggly around me
>she always agreeing to study meet ups
>finally after a few weeks I ask her if she wants to go see a movie
>she agrees
>she liked the movie and we continued to talk to each other and meet up
>a few days ago I said fuck it and told her I liked her
>"sorry anon, but I like someone else"
wtf did I do wrong? I am not even angry just confused. Whenever I fail I try and look back on the situation to see where I messed up but I feel completely lost.
I've been a neet for some time and I'd like to know where I should go to meet women or to just socialize. I know I won't have an easy time because I'm kind of late to the game (I'm 23) and my social skills aren't that great.
you took too long to make a move and movies are shitty first dates because you're just sitting there in silence. there's no guarantee she would have be reciprocal if you made a move sooner, but you sure would have known a lot sooner instead of torturing yourself like you are now.
>live with my parents, good relationship and total freedom but still living with my parents
>low paying meme job, too mentally ill to hold a real job
>tall, fit, strangers have always described me as handsome or said I have a chiseled face
I would be content with my situation if I didn't crave both intimacy and sex. I've had casual sex before and I don't like it, so I need a relationship. How does someone in my situation find and hold down a girlfriend? I'm not too picky on looks, age (to an extent) or geography. I don't care about unideal situations, I will never lead an ideal life.
No girl will date an unemployed guy who lives with their parents. Get a job first.
If you live with your parents you can save up a lot of money, even with a shit job. You have no major expenses so you can save up 90% of your paycheck. After a few years this can add up to a sizable sum of money, even with a part-time minimum wage job. Once you have a good amount of savings as a safety net, look into getting a job teaching english in a third world country (you barely need any qualifications other than being a native english speaker). Then become a passport bro and enjoy the free pussy. This is the "easiest" path, as it's impossible to fail at, even if you're the ugliest, most autistic guy around. Most people don't actually have to balls to move straight from mommy's basement to another country, so all they do is whine all day about western women and how it's impossible to get laid online.
If I was able to be a dancing monkey for a bunch of thirdie kids fucking around in class I wouldn't have said I'm too mentally ill for a real job. I could probably handle one on one tutoring (and my looks would probably help with that) but I don't know how popular or accessible that is.
It's either that or try to invest locally in a third world country (I do have a lot of money saved) to fund my expenses there, but without knowing locals who can steer you I bet that's a recipe to getting scammed in a country that doesn't give a fuck about it.
Yeah, good point.
>this board is compromised because it won't be my hugbox. What about my feelings?!
Very womanly behavior
>They can get a free fuck any time they want
Yeah but most men are pretty ugly or smelly. Or both.
Its like if you could fuck the slaton sisters at any time-- the option is there but not very appealing.
has anyone here had a gf that grew up in the countryside but moved to the big city in her early adulthood and behaved like a "rebel" or a feral animal during the first years in the city? was she easy or hard to get? how did you make her get closer to you? how did you deal with her?
Comparing the Slatons to the average healthy man in terms of dateability shows how utterly broken women's standards are.
I wanted to report my night since it was productive socially.

>meet up with a cool guy met at a show
>find out his gf is a stripper, he is a musician, wants to throw parties in his backyard and is very insistant I try to collab with him in music despite me not having any experience
>drop him off, go out to a coffee shop
>there's a girl there all splayed out on the only available table, she sees me and makes room and says sorry, I say its cool.
>I just write in my planner and work on a fun creative project to relax
>she nudges her foot toward me and says sorry again
>I notice in the corner of my eye she's looking at my screen
>she sneezes this tiny sneeze, I use that to say bless you and make fun of it
>we launch off into a very nice conversation, she tells me she was watching me work and that she's seen me around before.
>She asks me questions about what I do, etc
>The coffee shop is closing so we leave together, I stop us outside and we talk a little more, and I suggest a hang out, to celebrate her finals
>she considers it, I ask for her number and then she says "well I'm 19"
>I say my age, 30
>She says yeah that's too old for me.
>I forget what I said but, not really objecting or agreeing and she gives me her instagram.

I wish I was more quick there, if I could have said "yeah you're way too young for me, this would never work out'. It's a shit test right?

>We go our separate ways, I go mope in my car for a bit and think, fuck it lets go back out!
>I go to a bar nearby and start talking to a couple guys, the girls all looked meh and cold
>the conversation is weird, I feel really depressed about the girl, we don't really click and it almost feels like we're going to get in an argument.
>I leave
>Some ugly fat women walking in front of me look back to me one by one
>yell out "what're you looking at!?"
>They didn't take it as a joke, start bitching
>I make fun of them, feel huge adrenline rush.
>Get in car, leave
>cry in my car
>19yo followed my smbut no reply yet
way too slow, I go for a first kiss on date one or even earlier if there's study meet ups to gauge interest. You got to be touching way sooner to test how comfortable she is with you. You should not be confused about this. You don't want to movie date, movies nowadays are lame anyway, you want to be getting private time and eye contact and build up connection, quick and early.
what if i look like a monster? how the fuck do i differentiate a girl giving me "the eyes" and a girl looking at me weird/staring because of my vitiligo?
they won't want to look at you at all if they're offended by your looks/presence. Take it as interest or curiousity at the very least. You have built-in peacocking material. Have fun with it, it's your body, use it.
sex is fun for women

but the pain of the guy not wanting to stick around is bad, probably worse for women too - they gave away sex and got nothing

otherwise, every woman's body count would be sky high - but the average stays quite low. what low is to you is subjective, but think about it. if sex with men who don't stick around was great for women, they'd ALL have body counts 100+
I am a 5'6" white guy that make 6 figures that barely speak to girls with a face of a 20 year old as a 30 year old that is fit

any ideas bros? where do i start? I am so fucking over hobbies, which have gotten nowhere for me
>sex is fun for women
At least you're not trying to bullshit us with the "women don't like casual sex with no feelings attached" line.
>but the pain of the guy not wanting to stick around is bad, probably worse for women too - they gave away sex and got nothing
Spoke too soon. They got laid, dumbass. That's not "nothing".
>otherwise, every woman's body count would be sky high
They are.
>but the average stays quite low.
It doesn't. The average is like 10 partners AT THE LOWEST. Most men are lucky to get more than 1.
>what low is to you is subjective,
10 is not low by any measure, you gaslighting shitbag.
>if sex with men who don't stick around was great for women, they'd ALL have body counts 100+
And many of them who are the sluttiest of the lot DO have those body counts. And the least sluttiest still have body counts in the 10s.

It's non-negotiable, women's liberation and sexual revolution HAS TO be rolled back if we are to get back any semblance of normality. This shit isn't even new, Soviet Union tried the "free love and sex" shit back in the 20s immediately after the revolution and the early results were so catastrophic that they rolled it back hard after a decade. The literal communist boogeyman of most of the 20th century was smart enough to see the consequences of this crap after a decade, we're not smart enough to see it after more than 50 years.
Get the fuck out bro. Stop posting on the mongolian basket weaver forum and see it for yourself:
>college campuses
And so on.
bro this again. I fucking told you i got there and nothing happens is this a joke or something?
ants but no you didn’t. and if you actually did, you know that you are supposed to say something to other people, right?
ok so while we disagree about the relative definitions of low and slutty, I completely agree that it's fucking society up beyond repair

in the same way as a permissive and even SUPPORTIVE attitude towards obesity is giving rise to even higher rates of obesity, the permissive and supportive attitude towards being a slut is a problem for social fabric

thing is I think you need to understand a woman's experience a bit more

>They got laid, dumbass. That's not "nothing".

you need to learn that unless it's with an absolute chad (to the point where the validation is so much that it was almost worth it), it's far worse than nothing to get pump and dumped by some mid dude. and you're mistaken if you think these 3/10 hoebags on tinder are getting fucked by actual top tier dudes - they're not.

I think that it's a mistake a lot of dudes make, is to evaluate the value of women getting sex from the male perspective. For us, it's massive validation to be able to hook up. For women, it's not unless it's with a guy 'above their league'. What women are after with that guy is to get him to commit (player chads obviously won't which does fuck these women up mentally because they have to understand their true value).

>10 is not low...

ok so obviously it depends on the age of the woman but at age 30 if a woman has a body count of 10, that's pretty low - 1 casual sex partner per year is nothing

according to surveys the average female bodycount is around 3-4 - and I believe it, because I have a highly monogamous core friend group and the average body count for the women isn't even above 2. We're all in our early-mid 30s.

rolling back the sexual revolution is good for the retards who sleep around because they don't recognise the destructive nature of promiscuity. in the same way as religious morality stops them stealing. they're retard NPCs and need scary stories to make them behave the way anyone without a dysfunctional time-discounting function through logic
>talking to any cute girl
>starts sweating and acting autistic like a high schooler
>I'm 21
Every.Time. I'll never get laid at this point. I'M A MAN. I shouldn't act like this! How do I snap out of it /adv/? How do I tap into my inner man and stop being scared of girls? It's hard enough that I have to approach first but on top of that I have zero game.
>therwise, every woman's body count would be sky high - but the average stays quite low. what low is to you is subjective, but think about it. if sex with men who don't stick around was great for women, they'd ALL have body counts 100+
Female hands typed these words. You know there are research indicating that females will always lie about their amount of partners? You can always add at least 2-4
>ok so obviously it depends on the age of the woman but at age 30 if a woman has a body count of 10, that's pretty low - 1 casual sex partner per year is nothing
>according to surveys the average female bodycount is around 3-4 - and I believe it, because I have a highly monogamous core friend group and the average body count for the women isn't even above 2. We're all in our early-mid 30s.
Females (men too, but up not down) will lie in surveys and to their peers, especially if you are in a group that isnt supposed to be a slut club
Just let it happen, sperg out even, because at some point the adrenaline will wear off and you'll realize "wow that wasn't so bad at all". Also you're young enough where some girls actually find that cute.
>dealing with women

Oh god I have news for you OP,

>finally strike up the nerve to ask cute girl out for cup of coffee

>she literally tells me to my face that I'm "too" low class & can tell just by my clothes that I shop at walmart

>she still turn's red as a beet saying delusional stuff like we can still be friends she just won't talk or text/answer my phone calls only talking or saying hi when she's competently alone

At what point did I go wrong here........?

Should I always wear a fancy suit or something,what's going on when a women always assumes men are all out to get them purely for their looks?
I'm about to ask a girl on a date but she lives 50km away from me in a town I've never been and I don't know any activities we could do there. I could ask her for a coffee but a 50km drive is kinda to much for that kind of short get to know. Should I ask her to meet up somewhere along the middle between our towns or should I pick her up and then drive her there? My car smells like shit so I'd rather not. What do you think where I should meet her?
How about cleaning your car so you can have someone else in it without outing yourself as a putrid slob?
it smells because someone used to smoke inside of it all the time, not because its dirty
>At what point did I go wrong here
When you picked her to ask out. She's a dud. It happens.
Her comments are laughably shallow, vain, and self-centered to the point that it sounds fictional. But it's not unbelievable. I've met people who talked like that. I laughed in their faces, but that's me.

I think you dodged a bullet. It's not like she'd be more pleasant to be around if she'd said yes.

>Should I always wear a fancy suit or something
Her complaints were asinine but you calling a suit "a fancy suit" is somewhat telling.
You should dress as nice as the occasion calls for. Always wear clean clothes in good condition that fit you well.
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>be fairly attractive tall dude
>hitting the wall at 27
I'm stuck in a feedback loop of misery, which leads to angst and autism when I talk to women, even after they've shown interest. They get promptly repulsed, repeat.

What do I need to be doing to personalitymaxx as a miserable sack of shit? Therapy? Valium? Shrooms? Suicide? I'm at my wits end.
Hello guys, first time posting here, I have a question I hope you can answer. I have been hanging out with this girl for a while now but she had a bf (I know cause I saw his message on her phone once). Though I knew, she hadn't told me for a while so I just played dumb and we flirted a bit. Last time we met when we were talking she said "I haven't told you this but I have a boyfriend who is majoring in that". My question basically is, is it over?
Or could she be like saying this so I know or something? Her bf also called her to ask where she is at, they talked a bit and after she told me that he says hi. Did I fuck up and she chose to stay with him or like could she break up soon?
>Receive compliment
>Babble like a retard instead of saying thank you

>What do I need to be doing to personalitymaxx as a miserable sack of shit?
Well since I know nothing about your personality besides you being a whiny bitch, i recommend you read models. There's a reason why it's always recommended to social retards, it changed the way I view women when I first read it.

Here's a link to a pdf file of it, hope you get value out of it: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xlibyuy8171n0s0i260m9/Mark-Manson-Models_-Attract-Women-Through-Honesty-2016-libgen.li.pdf?rlkey=46tkqpdm2gpn0it5tb9bj8xec&st=c30vekkg&dl=0
once you improve your appearance and gain some eye contact attraction, I believe the next step is just to make them feel inferior to you.
Shut up retard.
I got a question bros
Gonna be a lot of I said she said cuz I'm too stupid to explain better. Also to note I'm still a virgin and only kissed with 2 girls before this, so my experiences with women are extremely limited.
I'm 23, just went on a tinder date yesterday. We were talking a bit, I asked for her insta, added her there, talked for a bit more, had some small flirting, she posted a pic of herself with that ticking time bomb that disappears after a few secs, I told her she seems too shy and she shouldn't be cuz she's cute, she said she's not that shy, I told her to prove me wrong, and asked her for a coffee.
Up to this point everything seemed to be going well, like I actually felt genuine interest from her from the messages she was sending, so we talked a bit more, and met up 2 days after. She also mentioned she likes to hear people yap about things they like. So we meet up, I went for a hug(I assume you don't go for a kiss immediately, plus she did seem kinda reserved), we went to the coffee shop, talked a lot about anime/movies/jobs/college, told her about my travels etc.
Also seemed to be going smoothly, but then like after 2 hours we kinda did run out of things to talk about, and eventually she just said "should we head out?". Already felt like a little bit of a rejection in that tone, but sure, I paid for the coffee, and we went back to the meetup spot. We hugged again, I told her I hope she wants to meet again, and she told me "sure, but you give me a friendly vibe". Honestly the rejection didn't faze me that much, so at least that's a good thing, but I still don't realize what I did wrong desu. Told the story to my friend and he told me I'm a giant pussy bitch and should just man up cause I'm already 23 and women don't want this romantic dating bullshit and should have flirted more and went for the kiss at the end. But I obviously don't know how to do that when I'm awkward as fuck with women.
What's anon's professional advice to this?
Honestly, I STILL have an issue with this. I often catch myself a few sentences in, stop, and pointedly say thank you., chuckling at myself.

I find a belated thank you is still appreciated.
Reading this morphed me into an incel.
pls say you're just trolling, it really can't be that bad can it?
or maybe I am completely clueless, I just can't tell at this point anymore
should i actually watch stuff a woman recommends me (anime/movies) or is that a simp thing to do
You are clueless, yes, but also the fact that there's really nothing wrong with what you did, and yet all the same it's pussy repellent to a jaded serial dater off of tinder.
The first thing I'd do is stop getting dates off of a casual hookup app if you're not trying to nut and bolt. If you are just trying to get your dick wet, yeah you're being a pussy bitch about it.
I'm italian but my skin gets super dark in the summer
Other than that I have a very handsome face, I am covered in tattoos and fairly muscular

I really, really like basic white girls. Like basic white chicks are exactly my type, especially fit ones.
Can I land these kinds of women being the type of guy I am?
I feel like they all want tall white guys. But I could just be wrong and insecure
so there's this girl at work i kinda want to fuck maybe i like her idk yet. last week we left at the same time so i introduced myself (i think i had already did that before that time but i needed to say something to begin with) and we smart talked for a bit. today i saw her again she was nice towards me smiling saying hello bye ect. ok guys now what's the next move? i would really love to smash her and lose this fucking verginity.
Wtf dude where do you live to be asking this question?
T. Jacked handsome Italian bro from north east us
Here guys,what to add next onto the list of complains that women make about dating non-chads..........
It's entirely on her. She sounds incredibly insufferable
>Lie and say I only want to be friends because still felt like i needed emotional support abt family issue (new city, almost no friends)

have you considered that she thinks you rejected her
my god, you need to lighten up. laugh a little, so fucking what she likes astrology, it's fun and entertaining to read about. you need to be less serious and chill out.
I have first 5 months with my first gf every, she understand my autism and really help's me with my problems and i really like her i like to smoke weed with she and go out to punk gig shows but i'm really bored my body count was very low (he is my 4, and i was his 3) and i'm just bored of his body i want to fuck more girls , is okay to cheat her just to have experience if none know about that? I'm just 20 but i don't want to dump her she helps me and i help her with his daddy issues
is it normal to not text the girl you like everyday
Would you consider it OK to give a chance to a 18F as a guy 10 years older if she approached and ask me out first? We have known each other through a hobby group for a while and get along well, I would not have asked her out but I'm considering it since she made the move.
Unfortunately it is.
We were texting a lot when we first matched, but it sort of dwindled this week. Is it over?
It's okay but people will still consider you a creepy older guy because of it. Accept and own it rather than trying to justify it.
Dude, if you respect her opinion on it,try one. If it's good, try the others. If it's not, maybe don't watch the rest. It's not simping to do that.
It's simping to immediately watch them all and go back to tell her they're great no matter what they are really like.
Hard to say if her interest petered out earlier when the conversation lulled or if it was when you hugged her goodnight.
When a conversation lulls you either need to take initiative to liven it up or take initiative to transition to something else or end it. Leaving it for her to call it is passive and lame.

>he told me I'm a giant pussy bitch and should just man up cause I'm already 23
Harshly worded but not totally wrong.

>women don't want this romantic dating bullshit
No. Many absolutely do. He's wrong there.

>should have flirted more and went for the kiss at the end.
Absolutely. Always express your attraction to her and try to get slightly more intimate.

>But I obviously don't know how to do that when I'm awkward as fuck with women.
Then try, fail, be awkward, and learn. That's better than taking a girl out and... being friendly.

You're on a date as a man and woman, not two gender neutral middle schoolers. You don't have to grope or get sexual, but she should constantly feel like she's with a man who finds her sexy, not an out of town cousin.

Flirting is just lighthearted joking with someone you're expressing sexual interest in. That's it.
It's a date, have fun, enjoy her company, and get closer to her emotionally and physically.
I matched with a pretty woman, and we were flirting a bit. I ended up asking her when she was free, with the intent of meeting each other for dinner on one of our nights off work. she deleted her profile. I feel like an absolute retard.
>go out to a coffee shop
>there's a girl there all splayed out on the only available table, she sees me and makes room and says sorry, I say its cool.
>I just write in my planner and work on a fun creative project to relax
>she nudges her foot toward me and says sorry again
>I notice in the corner of my eye she's looking at my screen
>she sneezes this tiny sneeze, I use that to say bless you and make fun of it
>we launch off into a very nice conversation, she tells me she was watching me work and that she's seen me around before.
>She asks me questions about what I do, etc
>The coffee shop is closing so we leave together, I stop us outside and we talk a little more, and I suggest a hang out, to celebrate her finals
>she considers it, I ask for her number and then she says "well I'm 19"
>I say my age, 30
>She says yeah that's too old for me.
>I forget what I said but, not really objecting or agreeing and she gives me her instagram.

It's been 24 hours, she didn't reply to me first dm
I am like midwest / eastern
Ohio basically. lol.

But yeah idk man maybe I just don’t talk to enough of them
White gym girls are my type tho and I’m always too pussy to talk to them cause I’m brown
>If you are just trying to get your dick wet
I mean honestly, I'd obviously prefer a real relationship, but I'm looking for just about anything to learn how to act more normal around women. So I wouldn't oppose a one night stand, but I obviously don't have the skill for it.
Thanks, this is genuinely good advice. The thing I'm really just fearing and is probably why I don't flirt much irl is that I think I'll come off as desperate. She liked our flirting over messages 100%, I'm sure thats why she agreed on a date as well, but I kinda freeze up irl
>No. Many absolutely do. He's wrong there.
Yeah, I know, I'm with you here, but I guess his point was probably that women in their 20s, or generally women and people in general when they are older, are already looking to get things done a bit faster, and don't want to wait until the 3rd date for a kiss or something. Hell even teenagers just fuck when they are 12 or something these days, so I kinda get his point. If I'm not trying to at least go for a light kiss on the first date I can see why a woman wouldn't be interested any further.
>too pussy to talk to them because I’m brown
Paesan, you’re telling me that you’re jacked and handsome and afraid to talk to white women because you’re brown? The Mediterranean man is consecutively judged to be the most desirable man alive. I understand your feelings tho, I am napolitan so I get pretty dark too but I always saw it as a good thing. Girls would always compliment my tan. I think what happened is is that you came on here and lost the love you had for yourself because all the pure white race memes and believe the bullshit about southern Italians being niggers or something. Fuck all that, everyone else is unironically just jealous of Italians for our looks history and culture.

I am in/around one of the NE cities and it’s heaven here. From Boston to Philly most people are Italian or Irish. It’s like a catholic ethno state filled with the most beautiful women in the world. I’m not sure how Midwest is but I never had problems talking to white girls and have had many. Like I said man, I think it’s just a self confidence thing that you need to sort out, especially if you are jacked and handsome, you have to get out of your own head.
Yeah for sure
I’ve pulled lots of white chicks just never any fit ones cause I’m too afraid to approach them in the gym
Mostly use dating apps
But like I’ve pulled lots of hot girls that way. I just want to get away from it and get fit chicks and talk to more in person

Do you talk to girls at the gym?
Astrology was just an example, what bothered me and blew my tolerance limit for women being retarded was something else. Something somewhat politicized that plays into her clueless fag hag tendencies.

A girl should not be going through her "tee hee I'm bisexual so I'm LGBT" phase at 25.
I have a problem anons. Whenever I go on a date I always get nauseous. I always throw up either before the date, during (in the bathroom lol), or after. This came from anxiety but I’ve gone on so many dates now that I don’t get nervous beforehand but the nausea remains. I went on a bunch of dates a few months ago and I was constantly throwing up and ended up losing a lot of weight by the end of the streak. Has anyone dealt with this before?
You're dealing with expectations you put on yourself and on the date itself.
It's like "oh god I'm not enough" and "oh god I'm gonna fuck it up"
You're here worrying about the potential of the date instead of enjoying it. It's only gonna stop when you start seeing dates as something to enjoy without worrying overly about the outcome. Because you'll fuck up the outcome by overthinking most likely as well.
Thinking about trying online dating. How does one choose an app to install? There's an uncountable amount of these.
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What's the best guide on texting girls on Tinder? I can say hi and get some response back but don't know what to do then.
I don’t really have these thoughts though. I don’t put a lot of mental pressure on dates but the nausea always comes back. It’s like no matter how much I relax it doesn’t go away. It’s especially bad if I eat in front of a girl I like which is weird because in high school and most of college I could eat around anyone no problem. This started when I was 21 and 7 years later it’s never stopped, and it’s made me stop dating for a while.
Gym is prime spot to pull. I recommend it all the time. Most guys are afraid to hit on girls anywhere and for some reason hitting on girls at the gym is even more taboo. Before my home gym I would shoot my shot at the gym regularly with decent results. The funny part is that most of the time it would go well but the girls would always be caught off guard because they’re used to dudes just creeping and staring at them at the gym. No one ever approaches. So they would tell me they have a bf or other generic excuse but I would end up getting with them in like the next month or two if they regularly go. I would never be a butthurt faggot about it and it would start off with a couple of waves and how are yous with the girls after I approached. Then it would turn into talking and eventually meeting up out of the gym. Don’t be nervous or whatever, especially if you have a nice bod and are handsome. The world is your oyster, just approach with confidence and don’t seethe when you get the denial and be nice afterwards. There’s a chance you get with her later if you’re solid like that.
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how can you tell if a woman is interested in you? i'm not gonna move on this girl but im just gonna use this as an example
>cute girl works at supplement store
>go in there for energy drinks sometimes
>she makes jokes and we talk a little every time
>go in and she asks what plans i have for friday and i say im just gonna relax and she says "interesting"
she has a ring on her ring finger so really im not making a move even if she is interested but how do you tell the difference between the two? if she didnt have that ring i would assume she was interested in me but after noticing it i view her as just being nice. How are you able to tell the difference?
Don't just exchange information, you should be more determined/fun than that.

asking stuff like, what's your name, where from, what do you do for work, etc. is all too boring for females. You should probably just be teasing and trying to get them to talk about themselves, which they love to do.
What do you say to girls in a place like a gym?
make eye contact, don't do it more than once because it will just mean you aren't actually confident if you do.

then go find a reason to say hi, she's either interested or she isn't, the eye contact should tell the tale.
and don't fucking look away if she holds the eye contact, but don't be a weirdo either. If you must look away, look to the side and not down.
What do you usually say when you approach?

This is helpful advice either way tho man. I’ve had women smile and stare at me at the gym and work out right next to me when there were literally 0 other people in the gym
make eye contact at least once, if she is receptive then there is a physical attraction at the least.
what do you mean like just maintaining eye contact? i do that with her all the time and i dont think shes interested
yeah, we learn too late if you keep doing that it just means you are trying to build your own confidence.

once is sufficient, then go talk to her, social awkwardness be damned, they love the attention anyway--it probably signals that they are appearing more attractive to others because of it.
while talking is best.
>yeah, we learn too late if you keep doing that it just means you are trying to build your own confidence.
i don't understand what this means
what im trying to say is me and that girl smile and talk while making eye contact but i dont think shes interested. The question was along the lines of how do you know when a girl is just being nice vs actually interested
repeated eye contact is a man saying to himself "oh, so she is attracted to me after all..."

that's why you should not do that until you talk to her.

and even the ones with a boyfriend may do this, apparently. Doesn't look like she has a boyfriend to me though.
she has a ring on her ring finger lol i think she has a husband
I usually avoid a typical intro like hi I’m (blank) and I wait for something to happen that we both reacted to. I know it’s dependent on timing and shit but for me it’s the most natural way to start talking to a girl
>wait for something to happen like massive gym dude drops a stack real loud
>hopefully I’m around her where I’ll say “holy shit that scared the hell out of me” while laughing and say I was in the zone or something
>or I’ll wait for like an obvious creep or maybe an old man to do something to where I can comment on
>then I say she’s funny to stalk people with and ask what her name is and where she’s from
Basically my goal is to people watch with her for a bit. It’s fun for me and women being what they are enjoy it as well. Then I just introduce myself and make myself a familiar face at the gym. If I haven’t seen her before usually I will try to make a move but I’ll hold off and hope I see her again for a natural introduction if I feel like I can’t do it like the way I explained. If she’s a regular I’ll do what I said and sometimes I’ll ask her for her number but if I’m not feeling it from the convo then I’ll wait. It’s all about feeling it out and using your gut.
Read above. Also, if they are making it obvious like that then send it dude don’t beat around the bush. But you already know this.
That is a sweat test. If you don't approach immediately she will probably stand next to you in silence to make you feel uncomfortable, you should not say anything to break the tension unless you have a legit reason to.

Think of something you want, etc. check your phone, think of something and ask her about it. Otherwise just sit in silence, their biology needs to know you can handle that simple stress.
For sure I see what you’re saying

Yeah I’ve had chicks make such obvious signals.
I can think of like 3 occasions when the gym was completely empty and there were multiple of the same kind of machine or bench open and some girl comes and works out like 3 feet away from me
Idk could be over thinking that one

There are so many baddies at the gym right now cause it’s summer
and the "think of something" part has to be legit, not some made up bullshit you don't care about.
What do you mean think of something you want?
>If I haven’t seen her before usually I will try to make a move but I’ll hold off and hope I see her again for a natural introduction if I feel like I can’t do it like the way

This is top-tier strategy, make sure she sees you on your terms, if possible. Best outcomes for me depend on this.
and the lesson is to spot them before they spot you, and if you want you can observe a bit. Don't be a stalker.
little update lads if anyone cares. went on a date with her and ended up fucking her all night and morning. meeting up later and having another date next week
go to multiple places in one night, then it's more like 2-3 separate dates and you can move to the next stages faster.
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Texting women is 1000x more stressful to me than talking to them irl.
Got a number from a really cute waitress yesterday without missing a beat, but today I couldn't even function because all I thought about was what to text her.
I just sent it 20 minutes ago now and I feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest while waiting if she's gonna answer.
It's the anxiety of "is this the best thing I can say to her" combined with the indeterminate amount of time before she responds when you think "did I just fumble the bag?" This is also a big part of the 'wait X amount of time before texting back' meta. Good luck anon


Other anons have had it pretty covered but for 2 years I was an anti-app purist and the only place I really spit game was in the gym. I think a few things
>If you're a regular, keep a tab on other regulars at the gym. Nothing crazy like memorizing their schedule but just enough to say "I see you bench pressing in here all the time, you skipped it today?" or "wow I don't think I've ever seen you put up that much weight before"
>You'll probably have an easier time if you chat up tons of people, young and old, male and female, BUT when it's a girl you're interested in you get a little more flirty than usual
>Of course don't bother people that don't want to be bothered. Usually no [headphones + looking around doing nothing + you're not about to start your next set] are the three preconditions for you to open your mouth
Also if you're a /fit/ autist dial back the lifting autism a bit (I learn this the hard way). For something more specialized like a boxing or climbing gym or a soccer/football field you can assume the people doing it are enthusiasts, but a lot of people lifting weights don't get too much joy out of it and it's more of a thing they do just to "stay in shape" or whatever their goals are.
Yeah it’s worked pretty well for me. This way works best at a gym for me at least.
Definitely bro. You just have to take advantage of situations like that. Especially when there is no one around because when I first started out it was the nervousness of sounding like a freak in front of others like more than just the girl lol but that’s all just shit that once you get over that then you’re unstoppable.
>top tier strategy
Thanks it took years to get it all right and turn it into a formula.
>last response
Spot on.
>30 y/o male
>every single one of my conversations feels forced. I feel like I can't just hold a normal conversation. I have to think about everything I say and there's a lot of awkward silences with the people I speak
>been this way my entire life, used to have friends who tolerated my quietness, enjoyed trying to socialize or just being around people, have since devolved into a hermit schizoid who just goes to work and then rots in bed 90% of the time
>don't have any childhood trauma, just autistic or something
>had a GF in high school for a year, not a virgin, and had a few short term friendships with girls I was interested but was too scared to pursue

I'm going to dedicate one year to trying to fix this before I give up on life entirely. What do you recommend?
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all woaman are gay having sex with woaman is gay
woah, nice glasses
see that pussy ? is a female pussy.
even that look like a male
Can I get away with not having social media and saying I just don't social media if I'm attractive and not trying to date social media addicts?
If not, what's the most painless amount of social media immersion I can get away with? Can I have an instagram with 0 activity except me uploading a picture of wildlife every 2-3 weeks?
>Can I have an instagram with 0 activity except me uploading a picture of wildlife every 2-3 weeks?

I assume so, but then they would think you're probably boring. You should take a picture of random dumb places you go like IHOP or Sonic or something at least, IMO.
matched this mid 40s y.o. woman on tinder a couple of weeks ago. her status says she was "looking for friends" and her bio shows some really hippie stuff. we agreed to go out for a hike and did so some days ago. this was the first time we ever met. she was nice and so hot...

I didn't know how to treat her though. she's kinda "wild". she guided me through some dangerous places and was jumping from rock to rock, and I was kinda scared of falling lmao

anyway, I helped her with my arm and grabbed her hands a few times but nothing else. at some point I asked her if I could hug her (it was cold) and she refused. I also thought about grabbing her from the hips but I thought it could be too much and she'd react badly..

later at night we went back to a bus stop near her place (I live in another town), she put on some wind pants (it got even colder, she was prepared for this) while we were talking and the bus came right when she finished so I kissed her and left...

during the hike we talked a lot about our lives and stuff, and I guess we do share some common stuff (having lived in other countries and having gone through traumatic experience in our early 20s). it was a long talk and I loved it, plus she's pretty and I loved looking at her. I messed up by not asking her what she was looking for though, if she was open for a relationship or something. she did talk about her ex and stuff, "comparing" me (in some positive way) to him and stuff.

question: where do I go from here now? should I be more direct? should I just let things happen? should I try becoming her friend? I'd want to have sex with her but I also want to keep doing this and I don't know what to tell her or what to do to understand her.

>inb4 reddit spacing
anon if she's protecting you, you're fucking fucked mate. You better get your protective masculine role worked out.
and see: >>31223909
>she's protecting you
wdym? protecting me from what?
I'm in my mid 30s... but I'm autistic and never had much contact with women
women have real concerns about their safety, allegedly, they don't want to walk down a dangerous street or anything of that type. You need to put yourself between her and the danger. Just make sure she's looking to you in case a bear appears or something. Not sure what you could do other than get mauled in her place, but hey it's something to make her feel better.
>women have real concerns about their safety, allegedly
I don't think this girl does... she told me she's been walking at night for decades, even in big cities. she's certainly a lot more brave than me kek.
are you saying I need to one-up her?
No, you just need to be cognizant of any potential safety insecurities going on in her head.

Walk with your body to the roadside if walking down the sidewalk, etc.
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how do you even meet other people your age anymore. i just graduated from college and realized i failed the 16 year socialization gauntlet of school + post secondary. i have the same friends i had throughout all of high school, and several of them have partners - theres all kinds of folks my age with partners, but i have no idea how they met.

now that im out i have absolutely no fucking clue how one meets others their age unless youre going to bars or clubs, neither of which i have any remote interest in. yea i want gf, but how do you even fuckin meet enough people to find gf. im not too overly autistic, ive had partners in the past so its not like im entirely repulsive i guess
oh, I did exactly that the other day, before leaving her. we actually walked in a really narrow roadside near her house. I told her it was kinda scary though kek. she told me it was the reason she didn't go for bicycle rides, it was dangerous in her area.
so, been there, done that. what's next?
still, she's kinda crazy though. what kind of women walks with a man she doesn't know at all at night in a lonely place? I'm just wondering if she wanted crazy sex or some shit... or if she really doesn't want sex with me.
is there anyone that regretted not dating earlier? im a 28m but dating feels like a chore. desu i'm not a social person in general. even when my friends invite me sometimes im too lazy to go

should i push myself to find a partner? or should i just continue doing my thing. i'm sure i'll find someone eventually, but idk. im kind of going through some anxiety and depression.
probably figured better you than whoever else might be there.
I've always been lazy but honestly dating is kinda fun. just do whatever and talk to the women and experiment things. I messed up many tinder dates because of my autism and depression. those were kinda sad and dumb but it helped me learn and get out of my retardation and loneliness.

dunno man, it was part of the plan all along. she'd done that before, she told me she'd go out with her dogs at night. she could have used the public transport. she's a wild one...
>neither of which i have any remote interest in
What do you have interest in?
You say you're not interested in bars/clubs... but do you have any interest in sports? Try hanging out at local sports bars. Like live music? Find a small venue in your nearest city where no-name bands play and go to cheap shows. Do you run? Find a weekly running club like "parkrun". There are other options for whatever you might be interested, you just need to look for them. Your goal from visiting these places isn't to find a gf, but to meet people, make friends you can hang out with, and then through that eventually find a girl.
What worked for me when I was your age: watching NFL games at a sports bar on Sunday afternoons. Had a few beers, talked to some people around me, made some friends, eventually met a girl while hanging out with them somewhere else. You're young, so this is all still possible for you. Once you get to your 30s, it gets harder... You can still go to those kinds of places, but there will be fewer people your age and the 20-somethings will be less interested in meeting you.
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i guess im just not interested in normal stuff like that, i failed to develop any hobbies when i was a kid because i didnt give a shit about life and just played video games all the time, that followed me all throughout hs+uni so now i still dont have any real-world hobbies. of course the whole 'go for friends not gf' just isnt going to happen for me, i have never had any goal or purpose in life other than finding a lifelong partner, sure the friends will be nice and im sure i will make some along the way but thats where my headspace will really be in any given social situation

i think the other issue is i dont even know where you would start to find groups or clubs or whatever the heck, like what sites one would go to find things like that. im sure i could find one to start going to if i knew where to look, do you have any idea anon?
For groups: Meetup, though I've personally never had any luck there, others have said they did.
For events: eventbrite is decent.
Bandsintown app is good for finding music events.
Craigslist even has some useful listings once in a while.
Also: unironically Google Maps... Search your area for stores or shops for things you're interested in and visit those places. Don't just run in and out, go when its busy, browse around for a while, and maybe talk to people. If you're interested in video games, then even places like GameStop is an option, and some places even host gaming events.
yea i browsed around meetup in my area, its almost always either boomer shit or business shit. maybe ill browse around eventbrite, i guess i feel like most ppl my age dont use stuff like this since they probably have a well-defined community and circle that gets them the same info. ill consider it, thanks

returning to the thread at hand and as a general post not directed towards mentioned anon, are the dating apps Boo and Turn Up at all worth it? id probably consider duolicious but only once it dies down from all the twitter horseshit in a month or two. boo i know uses those stupid fucking enneagram type things, and turn up is music based, but i figure id give them a shot, they sound a little bit better than the big three dating apps, does anyone have any experience with boo/turn up?
so you are telling me all of those instances of prolonged eye contact meant something more at the very least. Damn...
What are boundaries I can/should have so women don't walk all over me? Lot's of things normally don't bother me, so I tend to come off as a nice guy/naïve/pushover. I went on a first date with a girl, we did an activity and then were going to go eat after, she took off to her car saying she would drive. On the way back from eating she said most guys drive on the first date, but she likes to be in control. I was unsure if she was subconsciously losing attraction because I didn't insist I drive and take control. Not like I could, she kinda sped away to her car in a way that made me have to catch up.
>I think I'll come off as desperate
A mindset to keep to combat that to be aware of what she's doing to deserve your time and attention.
As in, your time and attention are valuable and you are choosing to spend them on her. You're not grateful for her being awesome and fun. Her being great is why you choose her over another girl or staying home and doing your own thing.
You aren't desperate for her.
You appreciate the effort she's putting in.
That's the mindset to try to maintain.

And if it filters through so she picks up on it, it seems like confidence and self worth.
Going out solo again tonight. Anons who do this, do you usually go to the same places/neighborhoods? I'm always worried about being spotted by someone, part of the fun of going solo is you can be completely anonymous.
Yeah I go out to the same places if I’m solo. I live in small college town with a few bars. Every time I go out though no matter where I go it’s rarely the same people. Sure there are some faces I recognize here and there but never paid it any mind. I will just go out sit at the bar and drink and wait for opportunities to present themselves. Whether a group of college chicks walk in or a milf does and sit at the bar, I’ll just play the staring game with someone until they either come up to me or I say something to them. Some night I get a number, some nights I hooks up with a chick and bring her back to mine, some nights I just get fucked up and go home.
You know, I just matched with another girl today, and went with a more flirty approach over messages right off the start, and this
>As in, your time and attention are valuable and you are choosing to spend them on her
Felt key and is probably the best piece of advice to give to people. I didn't feel awkward or unnatural flirting when I started acting more casual about it, and realized that my time and value as a person are just as important as hers. It really is just as simple as strop treating women like they're on a pedestal, because they (mostly) don't wanna get treated that way. The game gets so much simpler when you are on their level.
Hopefully I have more luck with this one on the irl date though, wish me luck, and thanks again for the tips
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could you give us some examples on how you flirted with her? no clue what that even looks like. i can identify it when used on me, but no clue how to apply
I think you might have the wrong takeaway from this.
It's probably less that he didn't consider rejection a possibility for him, and more that he didn't consider it a possibility for you – in other words, your friend has a high-enough opinion of you and your attractiveness that he has no clue why that woman wouldn't be interested in you.

It's not coming from a different world, it's coming from someone with a genuinely outside perspective on you. You're probably better than you realize, since your friend has faith in you for this.
I get so much anxiety before FaceTiming a girl, how do i fix this bros?
Good luck and you're welcome!
Idk, I guess it mostly wasn't even flirting as much as it was just a very open back and forth conversation, we really matched each other's energy. We both slid a few compliments and jokes in between the current conversation
For example though she had 2 tattoos, an angel and a devil wing, I just mention how she needs a fallen angel now. Sounds kinda cringy but I guess it worked. I think it also helps massively I wasn't trying to be too serious
But again as I said my real problem comes on the irl date, I probably act a bit too retarded and freeze up when it comes to make some moves, but I'm working on improving that while I'm still young and trying to stop wasting my time chronically online.
im texting a girl. we were discussing simmer heat.
i said" cant even go out in this summer heat"
to which she replied "yes totally or the best hamgoutspotnis the movies but getting feels like a huge task"

what did she mean by this? is she hinting me to ask her out? should i ask her out?
>to which she replied "yes totally or the best hamgoutspotnis the movies but getting feels like a huge task"

Sorry bro, I think this girl might be retarded.
>best hamgoutspotnis
Best hanging out spot is

"Hanging out" is possibly platonic but it could also be an invitation to invite her to the movies. She's saying going is a hassle so your avenue of approach would be to offer to pick her up and help unstick her from the couch.
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Anyone else dreading the summer out? It becomes too hot to stay inside, but 'touching grass' just reminds you what an outcast you are. Even if you do for a nature walk or something, you're still all alone with your thoughts. It really is like being trapped in a nightmare.
I don’t get this mentality at all. Why don’t you try to change? Summer is the best, hot women, nice weather, fun shit to do. I’ll never understand this acceptance and basically an embrace of eternal misery fueled by fomo. You could change it all right now. It’ll take some work, time and effort but that’s probably what you’re really afraid of.
It's not really work, time and effort that I'm concerned about, it's the fact that I have no plan and no idea how to progress. If I had a concrete set of steps like "go to blah blah music club on blah blah st at some time and say this blah blah blah to make friends and ask out girls by saying blah blah blah" I would happily jump in and repeat ad nauseam to succeed because I know that there's an end goal that is achievable. It's why going to the gym is one of the easiest things for me to do because I know exactly how to lose weight/gain muscle. Unfortunately there's no such easy steps for socializing. It seems intuitive for normies but it's really, really difficult for aspies and autists.

t. not that anon but can relate to his fear
>Why don’t you try to change?
Why do you assume that we haven't? In my experience, the more you try to change, the harder you're reminded that you're a social reject. It's fucking exhausting, bro. Sure, the alternative isn't much fun either, but at least I know where I am with this.
Should I just tour the bars and pubs of the nightlife part of my city and look for girls who aren't in a larger group with other guys? Online dating isn't working.
Yes, if you feel too anxious about doing it alone you can pick up a few guy friends along the way and talk to girls together
I don't feel anxious about doing it alone, in fact I'm thinking I should do it alone the first time to see what the prospects are before calling a friend.
Jesus Christ, literally me.
>inb4 church
>inb4 martial arts
>inb4 gym
>inb4 touch grass
nothing works really
my doctor really told me to get a 9/5 to meet people lmao
Having no plan and no idea of success is continuing to do nothing. And that claim is such bullshit. You know exactly what you need to do if you’re on here especially frequenting this thread. I’m just so tired of the excuses from faggots like you desu. Just fucking do it. You know what to do. You also know that there are variables to take into account so the results are not linear aka this equals that. You know that anything can happen you’re just fucking afraid. I know because I was.
Because you haven’t tried. If you actually tried then you would’ve put this behind you. You have to get the social reject shit out of your head and be your most confident self not caring about what anyone thinks and just let things flow for a change.

T. Diagnosed aspie regretted missing out on everything until I was 24 and made friends at work and gym and had sex. Now married at 31.
>>meet up with a friend
>chat with her for a bit, have a few beers
>her other friends never show up because they never bring them around me.
>go home
Yes. Going out, specially in the summer, just reminds me I should have a gf and an active social life at 29 yo, which I don't. It also only makes it worse that I I'm 6'0 and 7/10, people tell me I look good sometimes.

I live near Universities, and constantly see hotties going by just like picrel. But they are essentially ghosts. Holograms. They have their lives and I have mine. We will never meet. She's going to go hangout with her friends, go to festivals and end up ridding chad's cock on a beach later tonight. While I'm going to go home, work on my paintings and post on /adv/ and /ic/.
post your paintings
You should approach them as creepily as possible just to make them feel uncomfortable.
I'm orthodox so my church is mostly old people over the age of 60, maybe if you're protestant or LDS you can find more people your age. Either way I don't think going to church to get laid is a good idea. God will curse you with inceldom in this world and the world to come.
>martial arts
This is fine for male friends, not so much female
If your gym is too guy-dominated try going to a faggier one. Crossfit is nice if you can find a box that lets you do your own workouts.
>touch grass
Aside from bars and the like, the reason you want more (male) friends in general is because the more people you know the more people you have to invite you places. And if you don't have people inviting you places then you start inviting people on your own. Doesn't have to be to your house, could be anything like taking a day trip into nature or having a holiday party on the beach or something like that. The more you're seen as a guy who people have a fun time with, the more random people will invite you to stuff. This is not an immediate process but once you put enough energy into it, the inertia gets you more friends, girls, opportunities in general.
Having friends is easier because you can vibe off of each other. Imagine having two guys behind your back daring you to talk to that one girl you've been eyeing. Also it's a lot easier if someone is peoplewatching you that if a girl blows you off you just shrug your shoulders and laugh about it with your friends.
>see every girl who gave me “the eyes”
The hell are "the eyes"? I can't deal with these abstract concepts people make sometimes when talking about physical cues
Depending on your gym and the staff available you can definetely get help when starting. I see skinny kids and fat people at the gym all the time and its even better when you see them regularly because that means they are commiting and going step by step.

Ask regarding your doubts at the desk and maybe depending on how they operate they could offer you some guidance on how to start and a base routine you can follow. I have done it all by myself mostly, testing my limits, trying to keep it simple, watching some videos here and there and then I have been optimizing stuff as I went along. It wasn't until recently that I have been trying to improve my diet for better results. Sadly, my sleep schedule I feel is ruining things but there has been some progress.
Should I just ask out my coworker?

For context, we both work a shitty retail job. We constantly flirt and joke around, and she's told both myself and others how cool I am and how I'm one of her best friends at work (as well as another guy). We get along great, and she's honestly the only person here I've grown to consider a good friend. I've completed my degree recently, but haven't had the time to put in applications or seriously job search because of both work and situations outside of work that have required my attention. Realistically, I don't expect to be working here by the end of the year. I learned a few months ago that she was dating another coworker, but that ended around two months ago. She talked about how weird and awkward it felt still having to see them at work and try to be friends. She didn't outright say it, but it seemed obvious she is apprehensive about dating another coworker and it might be a boundary for her, which is why I've held off on asking her for months despite wanting to.

She got asked out by another coworker last week. This is the other guy she's referred to as one of her best friends at work. He asked her out twice in one day, first by text, then by showing up to our workplace to ask her in person because she didn't respond to his text. She basically turned him down for the reasons I guessed: she doesn't want to date another coworker after her previous experience. I guess he either didn't get the memo like I did, or he did but didn't care. It made her feel extremely nervous and sick, and I only found out because I noticed she seemed off and asked her if something was wrong.

I'm pissed because now I feel like I'm at a disadvantage because of this retard. She knows that I'm not going to be working here for much longer, which I was hoping would make the whole "not shitting where you eat" thing easier for her to overlook for now. But now I feel I have to wait because of what a bit more because of what he did. What do?
is it possible for any woman to be in a relationship with a man who hides his voice and face from her?

i am exceedingly ugly and I have a foul deep monotone voice born from a lifetimes depression
Ah I see, it's the old "it worked for me, so it must work for you" fallacy. No two stories are the same. We are all on a different path. A lot of it comes down to plain old luck and circumstance.
I was thinking on something like this
>enter place
>scan for girls that look open to talk
>approach them
>if it looks like she's willing to have a conversation, order a drink and stay
>if one of the previous steps fails, retreat and go somewhere else
Is this normal or too autistic? I've never done something like this.
eh I live here with my family, so I don't want no fuzz.
I did approach a metal chick with the thiccest gyatt ever early this year and she gave me her number...but then she had a bf. Very cringe.
>I did approach a metal chick with the thiccest gyatt ever early this year and she gave me her number...but then she had a bf. Very cringe.
What did you tell her? She may not have understood your intentions because you weren't direct enough. Some women can be very dense about this and genuinely believe a lot of guys want to be their friends for no reason.
Anons pls send help:

I'm at this point in my life where everything is going pretty good, solid job good income nice place car and so on. EXCEPT: no girl all the time.
THEY say dont focus on women focus on your life goals etc women will come but they didnt. the problem being i THINK: the MAN must always approach, right? no women unless gold digger will come to a man seems to be the thing that i always got wrong.

so now i want to make getting a girl sort of my new goal. something that they always say do not do it. but i fear i will die forever alone if i do not put in the work. and no matter how much more money i make at my job or whatever will change my no gf situation ever.

so is it ok if just sort of pursue this now as my life goal? anyways i think i must. or i will forever remain in the mindset of "its ok like this, just wait things will happen"
that's tight as hell man good job
is it trad?
what makes summer kind of horrible is: ALL attractive women immediately start dressing extremely slutty. short shorts, belly free, big tits in tight tops, skimpy tops, lots of leg

and you cant get it

its just psychological torture

but im working on myself and eventually i will get them
It's fine to work towards the goals you want instead of waiting for them to drop on your lap.
I fell for the "don't go after girls bro that's what desperate guys do just live your life and one will come to you eventually" psy-op, now I'm 31 and I've never been in a relationship.
literally me
it's like i feel needy just trying to chat up or impress a girl, "they should come to me"

but thats ogre now i'm going all in
Unironically watch comedians in talk shows on YT and copy the ones you find funny. I get laughs all the time from doing the Norm Macdonald "HAH?" lol
I'm constantly aware at all times that I am a broken insane outcast weirdo. It's my normal.
Just because life is cruel, unfair, and painful and emotional torment follows one wherever one goes without end, that's no reason not to enjoy a lovely day.
I watched squirrels play in between bouts of existential angst. It's nice.
thanks anon!
>is it trad?
yes it is. I quit digital because it's slop (imo).
nah I made it clear. I asked for her number and said I thought she looked cute and since I had seen her around a couple times I thought I would grab the opportunity.

She still passes by here once in a while. Her ass is so big and juicy, it's not even funny.
>Should I just ask out my coworker?
Definitely not while you're still working there, no, especially after this experience.
What I would do is probably invite her on a few social outings NOT construed as dates before you finish working there (especially if you have other friends who can join), and then keep it up after you quit, but within the first month or so invite her on one where it ends up just being the two of you.
Do you sell these things anywhere? I'd actually hang this on my wall.
I feel like such a loser. I never know how to initiate things with women I’m interested in and I just come off awkward. It’s gotten so bad I’m entering literal cuck territory, where I’m not sure what to do and another guy comes along and whisks whoever I’m failing to flirt with away. That’s only happened once (yesterday) but one time is enough to make we want to die. Worst part is that the girl I was talking with was a friend of a friend what I’ll have to see again.
yeah I do lmao
look up "pedrogferreira" on inprnt.
>a fellow tall good-looking guy inhibited by his social retardation, except he actually has a skill and it's baller traditional painting
I'm only a fake dragon's dogma fan but I'll buy a print of this and put it on my wall since Grigori's the best and it was so uncanny encountering it in a thread like this.
I don’t give a shit what you say lol it’s your life. You rationalizing it to luck and not the fact that you haven’t left your bedroom in 12 years is insane though. Totally expected of course.
i'm 5'7

how do i even get ONE girl
I didn’t know either until I put myself in the scenarios over and over again. Now I recognize it in an instant and if you aren’t brain dead then you can recognize it too given enough exposure. Women will just give you this look, it’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t seen it before but it just means that you’re in.
genuinely sounds like she might be autistic too lol. my gf could never look at me because "she found me so attractive" and im not even kidding. she was friendly with everyone else but so fucking shy with me it was hard as fuck to break the ice. she avoided looking at me with such intensity i had to wave my hand in front of her to get her to see i was trying to talk to her lol. shes pretty weird actually and i think she has a touch of the tism. but its nice to know she was intimidated by me.
By stop seeing your height as a disadvantage. Everywhere you go and every person you talk to likely senses the insecurities that you put on full display for your height. I’m friends with a lot of Italians kids from college and they all got way more pussy than I ever did. They taught me how to get women. The shortest one was 5’5 and the tallest was 5’9. They grew up in highly socialized environments with their big families and they all had giant egos like cavemen but they all got ass and most of the girls were a 7/10 or above.

I was a 6’1 insecure virgin before I met them and they essentially taught me how to have balls and love myself. Now, I have 9 bodies and a gf that I will probably marry.
thats what everyone sees in me
>you need to like yourself before women can like you

I'm a short ugly autistic non-white manlet midwit. I don't see any reason to like myself from a genetic standpoint.
Yes, because that’s the image that you’re portraying. Like I said, your insecurity about your height are one full display with everyone who interacts with you. Sure people make comments about it and it stabs like a knife every time. For you it’s your height, for me I’m pretty ugly but I stopped letting it bother me and killed the insecurity in myself about my ugliness and haven’t looked back since. Since then I’ve had sex with multiple girls and now have a serious gf.
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bros, I'm so overwhelmed.
34m, got the number of a girl (about 22, idk, i haven't asked) yesterday(friday) afternoon, at her work.
I didn't mean to get it at all, I was looking for some shoes, I got to talk about my trip to Japan this September, and about different cameras we have. When I was getting her number I was nearly shivering (it's her real one cuz I called her in front of her) .
I also know she's free on sundays at least (and goes also to school to study for her work).
It's been about 12 years since last time I had any girlfriends, I'm not obese or drugs or w/e, just had a hard and rough time, but those are going off now.
Do I ask her day off so we can meet up right in the first text? I wanna text her tomorrow (Sunday) morning around 11am because that would leave some time for both of us, and especially for me (I don't wanna go back and forth in text, I wanna discover her and same for me to her IRL)...
I already have an example planned:
> Hi [girlname], it's [myname] [wink emoji]. Sorry for having left you hanging, I would really have liked to see you today but I'm receiving visits from family members. You're free next sunday, is that right?

The problem I have with this example (so far) is that there is no playfulness, it goes straight to the point, it doesn't leave much of anything open other thant [i wanna see you] .
I'm an ESL btw, so I adapted my text for the english language.
I've watched some coach kelly youtube videos, and I think he's about right on how to do things, what do you think?

What do you think overall of the situation? Any input is absolutely valuable bros, you're the real ones.
I would stay away from texting her all that personally. I found that keeping it short and simple is best especially with the introduction because you want to maintain the mystery of yourself and not let her know how you feel especially not about her. Long texts talking about family stuff indicates that you might be too into her or something and women hate that. Just keep it simple and let her fill in and ask questions.
>hey this is (blank) we met at (blank)
And then go from there maintaining like one word answers and simple questions.

Like I said that’s worked for me best. I’ve never been a good texter so I evolved into this strategy over the years and it’s definitely worked best. I’m great irl so I want to focus on meeting her in person and not be her texting buddy.
Thanks, I'll definitely keep all that in mind. I guess my main worry is her finding someone else while I play the waiting game, but I suppose that's always going to be a risk no matter what so I can't really be too bothered by that possibility and just accept it. If anything, it at least gives me the motivation to really ramp up my job search. If everything works out, I get the girl and a better job. If not, I still have a better job which is an absolute win in my book.

I should note that I've already kind of tried to initiate social outings with her, although I've yet to actually invite her. I mainly make small comments when we're both walking out together like "I'm probably going to go get dinner at this place now, I'm pretty hungry" or "I was planning to go the strip mall to pick up some things" but I've never added the line "do you want to tag along?" because I didn't want to make it seem like I was inviting her on a date. I was just hoping she would say something like "oh cool, mind if I go with you?" Next time I get the chance, I'll definitely ask her upfront if she wants to do something small after work and try not to frame it as a date. Unfortunately, none of our other coworkers clock out the same time as us so any after work outing would just be the two of us. I'll try to manage somehow even though it feels risky to try.
Guys, I need help. I am a nerd, and soon will be going to a nerdy convention. I will join the cosplay competition, and I would be overjoyed to get a cosplay gf as well. How do I approach them?
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Ok thanks for the quick reply.
At first , this is what I had in mind:
> Hey [girlname], are you free next sunday?
> Hey [girlname], you're free next sunday, right?

Not even mentioning my name (she saved me (what if she deleted me???)), not fooling around, talking about a precise day (I'm aware her weekdays are full, she might be working on saturdays, so that only leaves us sundays, because that's what I talked about to her at the last minute before leaving).

Then, I thought being THAT straight to the point might hurt my chances, not leaving room for being pleasant, flirty, or whatever.
I've seen this too :
The idea of sending her a video (for example of a part of the work I do (which is an unusual and original work I do ) might be good, like dropping the video on friday, so this can be a callback/reminder for the sunday meeting to come.

>Long texts talking about family stuff indicates that you might be too into her or something and women hate that
How so? Can you explain me why? I'm sorry, I'm really rusty.
I'm mentioning family visit because (1) it's real and (2) I thought this might give the vibe that I'm still interested (don't forget I STILL have NOT texted her at all, we both have each others numbers, that's it!!) but busy.
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I am 30. I missed out on hitting on the cute cashier. Now I'll be seen as creepy.
>are you free next Sunday?
No. I should’ve mentioned to stay away from asking her to meet up in the first text. You want to build up to it. I know this shit is stupid but women are like deer, they are very skittish and analyze everything a man does and says without a second thought. Just introduce yourself and remind her where you met. Keep it simple with nothing else. Let her respond first
>hey (her name) this is (my name) we met at (blank)
Don’t worry about being flirty over text. Just use it as a base of communication to eventually meet with her and nothing more.
>send a video
No don’t do that lol
>why no long texts
Because you don’t want to talk about anything over text. You want to maintain a mystery about yourself. You divulging all of this senseless information that has nothing to do with her and that she probably won’t care about will just ensure that she doesn’t text you back. Just keep the texts short and sweet.
ok,so what about this:
> Hi [girlname], this is [myname] (wink emoji). We met at your work
> Hi [girlname], this is [myname] (wink emoji). We met at your work, I'm only texting you now because I finally changed my phone -(which is true, I told her about it if I remember correctly)-

The first one seems so empty, no? The second one is real too.
I'm also crippling myself over the fact that tomorrow will be 2 days since first IRL interaction, and I've read more than one day (nowadays) waiting to text is bad.
The video is an original incentive to keep contact, to remind her I have not forgotten her between the dating proposal text and the date itself.
The more I read / "learn" the more I'm not sure of myself anymore.
All I can say is how I would go about and what regularly works for me. That means
>no emojis
>no long texts
>don’t text her do a few days after you get their number
>don’t be too eager to meet with her and when you ask just keep it simple and direct
As far as the waiting, I always wait but that’s just me. I’ve tried to text the girl soon after I get her number and for whatever reason it doesn’t work. Don’t read a bunch of shit that includes what I’m writing lol. Again I’m only giving you my personal experiences for what works. You have to find that out for yourself too. Reading shit will get you nowhere desu. I always stress on here for guys to just get out there and do it and try everything until something works and you see a pattern of success then stick to it.
So from your personal experience, this:
>> Hi [girlname], this is [myname]. We met at your work
would be the best ?
what about the texting time? is sunday(tomorrow) 11am good? should i go 10am ?
What fucked me is the day I met her (friday), if that would have been earlier in the week, the next sunday wouldn't feel like an eternity!!!
Why are you concerned about texting her Sunday? You can text her anytime as long as it’s not more than like 5 days after you met (because she’ll forget about it by then) and not at weird times like 2 am. That time you said is fine to text her though
ok so tomorrow 10am.
I'm saying 10am because, what about the chance she is shy and she might a date the afternoon... Idk.
I'm so rusty, thanks for your patience.
If anybody else wants to chime in, they'd be more than welcome
Can some anons explain what the actual hell is happening to me.

>be me
>skinny 23 soon to be 24 year old virgin
>white,glasses, nerd and bad self esteem/confidence
>work decent job but nowhere near great
>no one ever pays attention to you except for black people for some reason
> black chicks for some reason not only go out of their way to talk with you but also flirt in some circumstances.
>go from not interested in black chicks to slowly getting attracted to them.

Am I going full coomer/full autist or is this how I can actually get a girlfriend.
What is it like being in an interracial relationship? Should I think about it too much?
Oh you’re trying to meet her same day? You can try but it probably won’t work. You have to schedule that like a week in advance if you want to actually do it. Unless she was really into you and you have mutual friends so she knows you’re not gonna murder her. But I doubt she will meet up with you the same day you reach out to her. You’re a stranger at the end of the day and that kind of eagerness to meet same day will almost certainly make her not text you.
There's a girl in my uni that i'm friends with for a year now, she's cute, sweet, seems to care about me a lot and I think I'm starting to develop feelings for her (not sure though, maybe it's just because I'm lonely), should I try to ask her out? She does sometimes glance at me and did mention she's also a bit lonely, but I suspect she sees me as just a friend, how should I even approach her?
I'll give it a shot anon thanks.
I'm jealous, I love black girls.
Just tell her you like her and ask if she wants to go on a date. I had a girl do the same thing to me but she was just friendly with everybody. So misleading.
Choose a different standpoint.
What's a standpoint that matters?
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Looking for suggestions lads. Context: this is a reply for me literally saying “let’s hike on Saturday” which is why she said she may be overreacting. Other instances were like times I told her to wear a pink skirt she wore to a rave with me
Didn't get a single bit of interest from the handful of girls I talked to tonight, but I got catcalled by one as I was coming home lmao
I would not reply at all in this situation to be completely honest. I think it's done for unless she hits you up again at which point you can make her feel like the bad guy
Is it bad to break the “third wall” when you’re flirting? I started working at a grocery store and I noticed some female customers will flirt with me by doing what is basically a female version of the Roosh V “Pet Shop Opener”, where they will ask me for the location of items that require me to think harder than usual. I was thinking of flirting back by saying something along the lines of “haha do you really want to know where that is or did you just want to talk to me”. Is that a good way to practice flirting? I can definitely tell they are trying to flirt with me based on their smiles, body language etc
Can I pull girls like pic rel or do I seriously need to be buff white rich chad like all the incels here preach?

what do you think?
>inhibited by his social retardation
I'm shy but I'm simply not around women since I prioritize my dream job which involves being a hermit and painting from home. Usually, when I'm around women frequently (school or Uni) I manage to fuck.

I could do this job anywhere here in Europe, but I don't want to travel around and meet random women around this Sodoma and Gomorrah of a continent.
eh, it's pointless regardless. But you are only creeepy if you are unattractive.

also funny how cashiers are retarded women with those exact tattoos. Good for nothing women.
I don't know which is why i'm asking
if you don't know it means no

otherwise you'd already be pulling them
so you're saying I could if I believed i could
mate, if you're a fat fuck with nothing going on whatsoever no amount of faking it or believing it would make you pull chicks like these unless you invent some kick ass mind control device

just get a hooker by that point
I am >>31237085
guy in that post
Kill yourself.
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Is it still possible to get a gf when I'm 29 and in college (started going to college when 26 because hikineet)
Leaving the gym now
Gonna talk to the girl at the counter

My line is going to be “hey this is super random and I know you’re working but I honestly thought you were cute as fuck and wanted to introduce myself,”
I am buff and handsome so I have looks on my side

Wish me luck
So? What happened?
new thread

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