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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Is that normal to have a Karen fetish?
Karens are made for Young BBC

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how do ethnic girls cope when white girls look like this?

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i only find yuri hot when i imagine im one of the characters and the other character is a boy i love
are you a gay guy or a girl?
i am a boy anon
congrats you're transbian
grossss i dont want to be trans

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Copper ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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I'm not pretending to be anything though. I just wanna make noises because I habe awwtism. Glablaa
Weird ass music but still nice
I already said idc anymore. Keep doing it to your heart's content.
Don't whine at me about it in the first place then retard
Irrelevant thing to say rn ngl
Shut up esl whore don't go starting shit and then back off right away

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>Puts most men in suicide watch
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>sees a woman being happy.
>has to cope w it being a pedophilia because women only ever act aggressive and cold to him.
sad. many such cases.
At this point I'm just being realistic. I cannot live my life with the expectation that this is in the cards for me, or I will most likely end up extremely disappointed and bitter.
xd I thought it was different guys first. Why would this put me on a suicide watch?
idk guy must have a little girl fetish
i thought that it's his mom

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Sean getting ripped for summer edition
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Kinell I just took a wrong turn and ended up in /pol/ for a few minutes. Did a quick 360 and walked out again. How do people spend their entire days there??
Just a warning lads, do NOT look up what Ava Devine looks like now, jesus...
>Nope, only have probably 2 people I would call friends, both guys, but even then we barely speak.

That's an issue lad. Forget about not being able to connect with women, you struggle to connect with ANYONE. It's not women that are the problem for you, your social skills as a whole are a problem.
Just post it I CBA
I fully went off Ava after watching her have a prolapse during an anal scene. Fucking hell.

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The only real gauge of attractiveness is if women approach you are not.
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It's soo over bros
You are retarded you still don't get it man ideally they want you to be attractive and THEN also have a good personality that feels confidant and dominant. You can have one or the other or both but not neither, you will be better off just being attractive over just having the attitude but this is obvious lol. I don't get where you see the narrative of looks don't matter because everyone in society inherently knows they matter that's why it looks so retarded when you say stuff like this man it just looks spergy and dumb.
>I don't get where you see the narrative of looks don't matter because everyone in society inherently knows they matter
Literally shilled all over incel spaces 24/7 by retarded normies like you, people in this thread, people on reddit, twitter, irl, anytime you try to say this there's some retarded normie or disingenuous woman trying to gaslight you and guilt trip you about it, you're just gonna pretend that's not the case now because it suits your argument?
>i've always had this mindset that if he was actually attracted to you, he'd approach you.
But then couldn't the same be said about girls? If girls don't approach me first, why should I think they like me?
depends on where you live. In some countries u just don't get approached at all, despite ur looks

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Andrew Tate fell off so hard it's not even funny anymore.
i laughed ngl

jail pilled

he probably already dropmaxxed his soap

>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!
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>not every e-pagan killed themselves
you're an endangered species anon, you should get saved while you still live, there's no hope once you're dead.
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>If you don't believe my bullshit you go to hell forever
I didn't inspire, write or preserve the bible anon. God did.
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Some 80 IQ Hebrew mystic in the bronze age did.

Do you really think the creator of the universe just hopped down to Earth once and only once to tell a bunch of shit-reeking shepherds how to murder their children for mild disobedience and the right way to rape their slaves, then fucked off back into outer space forever?

That's the concession you have to make when you subscribe to Judaism or its knock-offs. The pinnacle of wisdom came to mankind in a rotten worthless desert 2700ish years ago and it had fuck all to say, but worship it or else. My brain functions too well for me to pretend that is in any way reality.
The Bible is a combination of poorly channeled material and historical anecdotes, and has been lost in translation many times over.

Thoughts on this song?
pretty decent but not to my taste
What is your taste? Nigger beats? Pussy doomed music?

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yet another failed call 2 the doctor
at least i can take it easy

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Would you settle for a gf or bf who got vaccinated for covid?
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Yes. Even now, years after the whole ordeal, you can see the funeral pyres burning at night in every direction. Really, though, my first impulse is to interpret this as a troll. But I met so many mid-wits and low-wattage intellects who had what limited cognitive capacity they had absolutely destroyed by the Covid narrative that I just assume people saying things like you did are absolutely serious.
Antivaxxers are all sub 80 IQ sheeple so of course I would not date one.
You are not a man, you are a scared sheep. Someone on TV said vaccines bad, and like an obedient mindless NPC you believed his lies.
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>Antivaxxers are all sub 80 IQ sheeple so of course l would not date one.
Nah. I'm a software engineer and data scientist who can read a dataset. I literally worked in the medical field for a few years doing... Guess what? Building machine learning systems that interpreted massive datasets containing details on diagnosis and outcomes given interventions and comorbidities. The level to which you morons were conned was absolutely amazing.

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Anyone else waiting for a girl to approach them first? I'm a 31 year old HHKV so hope is running low, but doing the cold approach humiliation ritual is not an option.
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The trouble with that strategy is that men like to see putting in effort being rewarded or else they give up.
Don't get me wrong, that swarthy dude isn't a steal and probably half an autist too, but that bitch is so fucking mid that she's approaching ugly, especially considering how unpleasant she must be
A girl approaching you is not a guarantee of anything. More likely than not, she will become repulsed by your autism, ghost you, and make fun of you to all her friends.

A girl initiated conversation with me on the bus a year ago and said I looked very pretty / good looking, and we talked until then she had to get off her stop abruptly and I never saw her again.

Most recently I've been going to these meetup things for the local town spergs and there was a pretty girl who may have been interested in me or something but I'm concerned she seems a bit too normie and anyway she hasn't set herself to attending the latest meetup yet and my gut says she won't go and maybe she is done with the meetups :( I think she was a normie though and probably looking for normie connections or something and probably realized I'm a freak

I'm gonna get jacked then just walk around the city until girls talk to me, then there is a 1/2 chance I sperg out and say im not interested in talking when actually I am
the only time a girl approached me first was in a psyc ward. so theres that

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