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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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What is currently happening, /pol/? Broadcast is going crazy at the moment. Is this normal?
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Let’s Go! WWIII, Baby!
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nothing will happen
KC got our backs.
Its over

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs
>French Jets in Russian Tricolour formation - https://files.catbox.moe/d5nutb.mp4
>Blackrock and others to push Ukraine to resume debt interest payments - https://archive.today/3z3rM
>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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ok coldsteel
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Does Russia's Don Maks give free refills?

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What Sammy gon do
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Kek "self defense" only makes the situation worse. Every self defense ended up with a chuddie shooting everyone
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This whole thread makes me feel like shit. We have to quit failing these kids.
Then Sammy's uncles or someone needs to bring some closure to the little bully raising parade happening at that school.
i am just a little White guy.. what can i do?

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For all the political discussion on the Far Right, there’s little actual discussion about how to effect meaningful political change. We have to be positively for something rather than reactionaries against Jewish behavior and its consequences.

There has to be something more we’re trying to achieve besides dunking on the libs and naming the Jew. Naming is important but really doesn’t actually gain us much.

How do we actually go about achieving our political goals? I’m of the opinion there won’t be some civil war or revolution coming to save us. Voting clearly doesn’t work. The closest thing I’ve seen to something actionable is Aarvoll/Asha Logos’ Intentional Communities thing which presents its own issues.

What are we striving for? As great as the American Republic was at the start it was clearly fundamentally flawed in some way because we ended up here. Rolling back the clock would just lead to the same result.

What exactly about Western governments failed us? What sort of government would fix those issues?

Do we install a king? Do we overhaul our republic? Revert to feudalism? Something else entirely?

This site is mostly bots, shills, and porn these days but if there are any good anons left I want to hear your thoughts. No one has been able to give a satisfactory answers.

Yeah I’m phone posting and using Reddit spacing. Suck my dick, that’s not important
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Such a clever attempt to coax information out, like squeezing the lower abdomen hoping to squeeze some cum out, right bitch?
Because then you go to jail and are out of the game.
There’s really no reason to get involved in Zionist vs commie violence.
Let them fight, let the tensions escalate.
>Eh, I think we all know white when we see it
Richard Spencer and Surgun of Akkad spent 45 minutes debating "what is a white person". Of course the person asking isn't being genuine, but then they start trying to drill down and make the entire conversation about this. This also starts infighting when someone says "Italians aren't white" or something. You need a solid definition if you want this to be an identity people can understand, defend, and rally around.
What about families that are mixed? Are they allowed in your ethnostate? We already did all of this 10 years ago. You have to be better.
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>They were also Christian at the height of their power.
The main charge against Christianity on the nationalist side has always been that Christianity made Rome weak and killed it, but that isn’t true, what killed Rome was the fact that the men who were unfit to bear arm became the proletariat (that’s where the term comes from), the idea was that since they couldn’t bear arms, they should just chill and have children that would grow up to become the soldiers of Rome. A few generations of this madness and Rome no longer was able to defend itself, because the apple never falls far from the tree.
Blood pollution due to foolish breeding practices is what weakened Rome, not Christianity.
The Spanish Tercios were the most difficult to defeat and route, most badass fighters of the Napoleonic era, why? Because Spain had just gone through hundreds of years of reconquista, during which women only wanted to marry good fighters.
The quality of the blood is what determines whether a people is going to be strong and willing to defend itself, not the religion itself.

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What do you think about Dick, anon?
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he stacked the Supreme Court full of people that were hellbent on ruling-against working-class Americans, to the benefit of his party-donors (phasing-out of the Warren-court & ushering-in of the Burger court). people who suck this guy off post-mortem are room-temperature-IQ

like this guy>>468189209
Unfathomably based.
I think he was destroyed by the Jews. Every interview I see with him, he seems intelligent, rational and competent. I like the guy. Probably the last serious president America had.
go back, libshit
I like it in my ass and sometimes in my mouth as well, but only if it's black

We never talk about this but why do 2.5 billion east asians literally worship a Pajeet, the Buddha? Are Buddhist ideas really that impressive? Why don't they all convert to Christianity? Redpill me on this. Even asian restuarants in america have Buddha statues everywhere and there are several Buddha worship centers around where I live now...
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There is nothing greater than serving God. This is why you (exist) in the first place.

Why do ypu think ((Life)) exist. Huh????
That is not being a tranny and is not a requirement anymore, keep seething at the One True God fag
Buddhists are cool. They got their fair share of fuckery like all organized religion but their core tenants of peaceful co-existence with other people and valuing nature and lower life forms makes them based. When forced to they can still throw down so they aren't cucked yet like they'd want you to believe. Those monks in burma beating up muslims comes to mind.
When you achieve the state of ((void)) ((death)). You will come to God eventually... or maybe it's just me.
>Why don't they all convert to Christianity
what does some old middle eastern religion have to do with them?

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>should be able to afford rent and groceries with their paycheck
Yes, not their habits, not their debts, not their hobbies, not their fashion, not their toys/tech, not their luxury car loan, not so they can simp for whores online, etc. Yes. I agree.
gas yourself kike

it's a good thing they're exterminating the Jews in your family, if you kys you would make this process easier
Yes it's only an actual number because the Jewish government rules dictated that. It was always 0 for most of human history.
Life under the USSR way better than modern day america.
Zoomys post the dumbest takes.

This is how you look to normal people. What’s up with some millennials being so anti-natalist? It’s like, deep down, they know that having a strong desire to not want children isn’t normal, so they put on this façade personality of someone who just can’t stand children in general so people think “oh well it’s probably a good thing they aren’t a parent, how thoughtful of them to avoid having children” but really they just look like an ass.
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Ido not care about chinese children, I do not care about black children, I do not care about pakistani, muslim, indian, etc. children.
I do not care about children who do not resemble or are related to me or my partner in some way
Majority of them are the result of dysgenic breeding and it shows in their behavior
>my partner
homosexual detected
My new game is when people (faggot antinatalist cucks) proudly declare that they are never having kids I strongly agree and imply that specifically they should definitely not reproduce and see if they get offended. They usually get puzzled then insulted
I've met some people who dislike children, they're intolerable cunts I don't associate with.
They were usually hurt as children and hated feeling helpless and appreciated growing into an adult so that they never had to feel helpless again. Seeing children playing or acting out without being punished probably makes them angry about their own horrible childhoods.

Some people just don't like random noise and can't relate to children at all. I think that abuse and child neglect is pretty common though. Those people don't really hate the children, they hate their own parents or guardians.

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Wikipedia reconning history to say yasuke was a samurai when he literally never was just because of the new assassin's creed game
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sounds like modern era
niggers need to be pandered to so they uhhh stop being criminals? oh but keep promoting nigger rap culture too huh
Samurai was just a social class, there were lots of retarded useless samurais.
maybe but this nigger was tantamount to the court jester, a talking piece pet nigger
never played assasins creed never will lol

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Awaiting my A10 overlords commands.
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This is fake and gay, the only eye combo that does not result in brown death is Green + Green.
Oddly, most of human achievement was done by people with brown eyes and brown hair.
yeah, the whole blond blue-eyed superman thing of the German national socialist party was retarded.
I have C20's is it possible to make them bluer?
i'm at A10. see you in the news guys

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your fucked. chinaman won't save you this time
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Sure but than adults are with their children at least when almost everybody had children. So in reality it just means back in the day adults would not go out to have their romantic dinner there, which perhaps now is happening. Perhaps out of sheer necessity in some cases since their is nothing else reasonably close around.
I'm never eating there again
yes okay your food prices have doubled goy but don't you think israel and ukraine need that bottomless moneyprinting to protect muh our democracy against muh russia and iran?
I eat two McDoubles with extra pickles and two packs of mayo for lunch every other day. I get a free large water too, no limits on refills.

That's all just $3.50 and the staff is very friendly and clean. The restaurant is spotless.

McDonalds produces a great product in my opinion at reasonable prices.
i paid $9.87 for a double hamburger meal (medium) with tomato and lettuce added
might never go back this time for real

why is this economy so shit bros. they don’t even pack pickle jars with spears anymore and yet we are expected to pay 5$ for this. if you live in a family of 4 or more that’s only 2 pickles per person per jar
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They're cheaper than that here kek

Plymouth gin for the win
>this is the same park the TV show Catfish used to meet up with the people scamming other people
That’s a good value
If the cucumber is cut it goes real soggy. Learned this the hard way. Never tried reusing the brine for more pickles though.

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wow, boiled bugs that eat shit , dirt and cannabalize themselves... who could have thought
it occurs to me that I've never been to a Red Lobster.
All mine are still open. It looks like all the ones closing are primarily in nigger areas
if a chain goes under it's usually because they have bad real estate contracts they need to get out of. That is almost certainly the story here. By entering bankruptcy they can get out of overpriced leases and cut all of the locations in areas which are now underperforming after 2020 zapped the landscape. Afterwards they'll have cheaper overhead and be rid of loss-leading locations and stay in business with a smaller footprint and probably go more upscale. if management isn't retarded.
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>"In Europe, people with tattoos and piercings can get jobs, like, way easier than America."

Why do these boomers in charge of hiring care so much about someone's tattoos?

It doesn't matter what someone looks like as long as they can do the job and get along with their co-workers.
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Nobody cares about tattoos anymore boomers.
as someone not raised by a smartphone, the perspective that tiktoks are shot in is very uncanny and disturbing. these aren't real videos of people...there is something off about it all
Her movements are so nigger-ish. It's just as unsettling add her stupid tattoos and piercings
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That thing would clean toilets in a KZ.
I hate retards like this. Get a real personality you fucking poser

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Any Russian anons still left in Russia? When are you planning on getting out? There’s only one way this ends with the plans they have for the Russian economy. Forcing businesses to sell to the government for cheap prices either means they lower quality of products with cheaper materials or they cut salaries and paychecks. Unless the average worker will be happy to work for less, I’m guessing most won’t. Which means there’s only one way to get cheap good with cheap labor, serfdom and enslavement the socialist way. Soon you’ll be working for free in nationalized industries and getting “paid” in bread.

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Very clear view of the strike. Maybe instead of seething about "gore", ziggers should study it to learn how to improve their shit.
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>How Did This Drone Defeat the Cope Cage?

CGI or they placed a gasoline canister on top of a broken tank
Checked and lost.
The drones use a shaped charge, while javalines use a pre-formed penitrators. Basically a shaped charge just needs to detonate within a "sweet spot" away from its intended target (a meter or two usually, but for an IED can be 4-5 meters long EFP that travels even further.) If they'd have done the "cope-barn" instead of the "cope jacket" it would have worked perfectly.
Defeating penatrators requires TWO layers. This is a big tungsten rod we're talking about. It hits armor and bears into it, causing damage. But it also refracts based on the angle of attack. So a sloped outer armor with a big empty hole in it allows the penetrating rod to hit the outer shell, refract up and out, enter the empty space, slam SIDEWAYS against the tank body to penetrate nothing.
So to answer your question, in BOTH cases, just a bigger outer cope-cage. Literally a meter or two between the cage and the tank is needed.
you should call Putin
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he wont get banned cause he pays for a 4cuck pass and spends 5 hours every day writing essay after essay in every single post to avoid flooding, probably using a script to notify when its about to reach page 10. not mad btw
inb4 net cannons/machine guns become a thing.

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I hate to admit it but Bidenomics is actually working
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>retard doesn't understand how inflation works
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Ah yeah..That's true, Bruce, but for the last 2 years, if you aren't co-opting thes shill threads and just poasting what YOU want to talk about, you may as well just log into another site..
The jannies won't do fuck all about it and the entire site has been co-opted for God knows how long.
Try getting a Mod to delet a BBC thread or a Troon diatribe--you'll get this:
Inflation is fake. Always was. It's literally just greed. Inflation is not a force of nature. That's jewspeak.
Fucking literal retards don't appreciate currency appreciation disincentivises all spending and completely kneecaps your economy. Long term economies do not grow if the incentive is to sit on cash while the price of everything drops.Enjoy existing in an economy where noone is incentivised to produce anything, ever, because the money is worth more sitting in a bank account than being invested in any production.
i guess you missed the PPI the other day. lol

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You don’t get it. It’s intentional demoralization.

The end of american culture is forced suffocation. It’s being used as a signal that ‘your world is over’.

>back then

Isn't it well past your bed time?
Was hitman 2 the one where you could kill as many jeets as you wanted and it didn't hurt your rating?
Lol. Possibly. There's a hilarious mumbai mission.
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