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If you're so frustrated with the state of your country, why don't you take action and become politically involved? Even Hitler and the National Socialists started out as a fringe party.
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>If youre so frustrated with the state of your attic being filled with rodents, why dont you become a rodent and become rodentially involved? Even mice and rats started out as lesser vermin.
Yeah no thanks. More drastic measures are probably required to fix this problem. Might need to get a few groups of fumigators together before the roof collapses any further under their weight.
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the explicit goal of diluting states into majority-minority demographics is to make democratic change mathematically impossible
getting political these days is only exposing yourself to negative social and financial outcomes without any chance of winning
it's why with few exceptions grifters and freaks dominate 'far-right' spaces
things won't change unless life gets much worse for most people
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nazi parties are usually pretty cringe
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You begin to see that it is pointless and that this fight should have taken place decades ago, and that if no one listened then no one will listen now. You sit down with your republicuck bud and have a brew, he says things that are almost there - but then his fox news string gets pulled.

They don't see their strings. Or maybe they do. At some point it is difficult to believe that they haven't seen what you've seen up to this point, but it becomes clear that all that matters is the social currency and comfort and they will keel and give ground to the left while talking out the sides of their faces

What we've seen in Australia and Canada is probably exactly what the right is willing to put up with because they refuse to see the two cheeks of the same ass and on some level, that the kiddy gloves they use on the left would come off and that their lives would be ruined.
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>joining and attempting to infiltrate a corrupt system
Kissing jew ass to get ahead in life isn't living. Burning it down after executing traitors sounds better

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He finally said what everyone with a brain already knew for years
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I like this because I watched this rally and he basically lead up to this with a hard GOTV push then cracked this joke, then explained it was a joke, and clarified that he cares about the audience.

Better yet he then predicted Biden and the media would do exactly this, taking it out of context. Then Biden did.
Or he just slipped up, quickly realized he slipped up, and tried to play it off as a joke. He was talking about the breeze? leading up to it, nothing about pretending to be Biden >>470699417
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Shut the fuck up CISA glownigger. Reminder that these astroturfed anti-Trump posters are coming from government-funded NGO shill farms. Watch this interview with the former head of cyber operations at the US State Department to see how they operate:

I described what happened. You believe you can read minds.
Fuck you bitch I do this shit for free. Fuck Trump and your schizoid ass

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Memeflags only exist for jews to hide behind and moot knew that when he made the board
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Moot is a jew
also a homo
The board didn't have flags when it started.
says the indian / spic living in the US
Let's see the bottom half of this man.
If his dick is bigger than 2 inches then into the trash he goes.

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Why do you think all the US presidents go to CHINA and pray to the Great Wall of CHINA?
Also i see a lot of chinese names that own cnn msnbc fox etc. Weird. Hollywood directors, chinese, even record label companies. Insane
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Prepare for king's arrival plebs.

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The gf is on her period rn, so I’m looking to have a good meat beating session.

>ITT: Post pics of Joos and Muzzies getting BTFOed
I need something to peruse while I stroke my fat, uncut hog.

Also, bleeding heart retards who went over to Whogivesafuckstine/Pissrael to help out and got BTFOed is also acceptable.
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Why not just fuck her period hole?
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.... there's going to be a foreskin raffle at SHLOMOS.
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Go shlomo
Go shlomo
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Mazel tov
And now for the grand finale.
The IDF #Schvartze solid gold dancer
>The gf is on her period rn, so I’m looking to have a good meat beating session.
just put a towel down faggot

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Still supporting Zion Don
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That's just Trump's opinion, Israel and the UN decide the status of Jerusalem.
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That's a former president's opinion and a shit one at that, now you're trying to distance him from it by claiming he has no power over it and blaming Reagan? Don't bother answering, you've spent this entire thread running interference for a kike shill based on some headcanon. Your goalposts aren't even on the field anymore.
Nah I'm just saying Trump was merely executing settled US policy which changed nothing except saving the US tons of money.

You still haven't given me a candidate who isn't MORE of a kike shill to consider. Have you? Go ahead, try.
>settled US policy
>tripling down
>resorting to classic "who are you voting for" deflection
The "policy" from Reagan's time was indirect aid and an advisement role for the United States in the Israel-Palestine conflict, not particularly taking either side. Trump recognizing Israel's illegal acts as legitimate not only proves he's a kike shill but also didn't save us money because now that Palestinians are being pushed out again, congress is sending even more aid to support a war that shouldn't have happened. You're not baiting me to pick a "lesser of two evils", there isn't a single candidate arguing to push Israel out of our country's politics. There is no "choice" given to us.
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>hey just a warning that these guys might seem good but they support jews
No, it fucking doesn't you utter spastic.

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Wtf is wrong with jews man
I'm starting to think zionism has maybe gone too far
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Its way Way WAY PAST THAT.

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>A literal field of study comparing and contrasting cultures and ethnicities to objectively determine which is good or bad
>Muh holistic science
>Muh holism
>Muh ethnocentrism is colonial evil racist superiority

The literal state of academics…

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NOT AN INCEL THREAD (maybe a lil bit)

Why is it actually harder to meet people during the summer???
Do I have to go to concerts or is some certain sort of job good for meeting people?
More specifically — where do you go to start interacting with females? Because that compounds the problem tenfold

>inb4 janitors
This is 100% political and not an incel thread I promise. If you want to initiate political change, in the macro or micro, you need a network of real human beings who you are friends with outside of politics.
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Depends on where you live.
If I were you I would start with a tiki hut bar on the beach.
Not always true.
Dated a trad tomboy when I was a broke undergrad. Met her working as an hourly at Cal State. Blue-eyed Irish girl.
Should have married her but I was immature and stupid.
God just make this life go faster
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my dad always bitches at me for not saying thank after getting a birthday/christmas present.
my mom gets on my case about writing thank you letters to my relatives who sent me bday cards for a week.
there is something lost on the youth about social formalities being useless only to learn what their true purpose is when you grow up.
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go outside

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>your saving money sure. But you are also roping it…meanwhile some karen boomer bitch from California could care less. They have so much money from real estate (really slave) they could never even fathom that lifestyle. There only thought is which vacation to book next and which restaurant wagie at dinner should they complain about. Meanwhile you have not even a refrigerator.
There is no shortcuts in life (unless your a boomer) and you really do get what you pay for.
>rare fpbp from Pekka
Sounds like you’re homeless by choice, do ya have any cool skills? Can ya build anything? Of course you can’t or your dad would’ve kept you around. Do you know any good jokes, are you funny? Oh shit no of course you’re not or your old man would’ve kept you around. Tell me you’re covered in shitty tattoos and I’ll really dig into ya why your dad didn’t keep ya around
i'm so proud to be finnish right now

Which countries/nations AREN'T in some way ruled by Jews/Jewish interests?
I think it would be easier to list those than the ones which are under Jewish control. It would have to be some niche or irrelevant place(s), right?
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they're not really shadow, it's for everyone to see.
But most people don't see it. Hence its shadowy nature.
>In what ways is China jewed?
They're subservient to the Jews via their economy.
Because communist China was created by Jews.
check this (specially at around 10min)

The Chinese worship jewish way of life and wealth.

You're being fooled again like a dumb goy by "left/right", just because one side isn't behaving like the other doesn't mean it's not controlled and kiked up.

Just like, just because some jews pretend to opposite israel doesn't mean they're not jews who hate goys
sorry i meant 7min
>dumb goy by "left/right"
Never suggested this but nice stretch. Just never researched jewry in China

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Why do you come here? Memes, laughs, information, news, validation, blow off steam, porn, trolling, exchange with like minded individuals?

Laughs and porn for me, sometimes news.
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Can you file a hate speech report with just this image
No I only file domestic concerns. Indians are disgusting animals
Mainly to shitpost or piss off trumpies
i just wanna see people talking about the vaccine
I once solved that image in a puzzle on jiggie.fun!
Great time with friends from /b/!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omBSEuFTYEo [Embed]






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>"muh gatekeeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111"
>"muh arguements[sic]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!!!!!!!!"
>"muh not understanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111"
>"muh massie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!11!111!"
>"muh paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>"against paul and massie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111"

yes, show the world that you shill for the other side.
more red dot spacing.
>"muh exposing you!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111"
>"muh based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111"
>"muh ideas!111111!!!!!!!!!111!1!"
>"muh don't listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!1111111111"
>"muh gatekeeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!"
>"muh whole thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!!!!!!!!!!"

>"muh shill for the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111"
>"muh spacing1111!!!!!!1111111"

kike is losing it.

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unironically true.
I don't do nuffin for status and harm comes to me what's up with that

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>millions of Americans believe we should give Israel money because they think this happens in the future
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>Millions of Americans belong in death camps

We already knew that.
Stfu false.
Cunt GENOCIDAIRE Zionists do, but who fucking cares... THEY'RE USELESS EVIL CUNTHOLES.
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Kys shlomo cunt
And you retards fight against atheism... let its truth flourish, people need to drop this christcuck jew loving bullshit.
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You are not even welcome on /pol/, kek

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Redpill on telegram Irish anons? Can anyone join the group, or will they think I'm a glowie leftist?
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Aren't we supposed to be ready to kill in the case of war?
The editor of that newspaper studied sociology at Galway University so basically a Marxist
hmm what did they mean by that
>Satirical soldier platform
What he has his own app now?

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To kill cows and their families is so evil. All they do is hell us, and how we pay them? By killing them.

Do not eat meat. Period. You don't want to be a bastard, believe me.

>b-but it's tasteful
Avoid desires. They will fuck you up.

I've warned you.
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Fuck off streetshitter.
Meat is the only thing that you have to absolutely eat every day and that being the predominant majority of your calories, the other things you can add are animal products and fruits but anything else is bad for you. Your post shows that you're already deranged and mentally ill.
At least don't send them from birth to death to those industrial hellscapes where they will be tortured every second of their life.

>meanwhile, 97% of the country is empty space
Prime Rib with horseradish sauce and mashed potatoes.. Sorry Bossy, I will kill you with a fucking claw hammer if I have to.
just for posting this gay shit, I'm going to cook a late night steak.

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they didn't though. the problem was relying on minimum wage nobodies to do injections. $100 bribe to squirt the shot into a trashcan was easily accomplished. this was more money then they made in the whole day.

They simply had no reason to lie here.


> The lower caste jews associate with goyim.

They pretend to.
Mainly because they still are a minority and must therefore keep a low profile as they can't afford to catch the attention or even wrath of the goy masses.
That's all.

When things get ugly, you will see how they will instantly trash all relationships with goy normies and even shabbos (which will be sacrificed as well, btw).

Of course there seem to be critical ones and even rare exceptions like

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Used for so long (20 years hunh?) that they needed to have an Emergency Use Authorization to now be FDA certified and able to be brought to the market.
Maybe they had been in use giving lab animals and test subjects ADE for 20 years, but there were no fucking mRNA gene therapeutics anywhere on the market before 2021.

This is your threadly reminder that all you accomplished with your anti-vaxx whining is proving to everyone in your family, workplace, and peergroup with an IQ over 100 that you have subnormal intelligence.

You will never ever be able to convince those people you are intelligent again, and they will pass you up for get togethers, conversations, and opportunities because they don't want to get into them with a person that stupid.

But don't worry, you'll be too stupid to perceive the changing pattern of how people interact with you too, so I'm here to clarify.

Its almost too perfect of a consequence.
Yeah I'm thinking it's probably around 5%. Everyone pussied out and lined up to get it that I know of

Never forget that a Hindu Demon named Prith rules over feces and parasites.
That homosexuals and Indians replicate the demons acolytes by ingesting the feces of animals and licking the anus of other believers.
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>implying anyone fogot
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Everyone must be reminded why every day.
it's non-negotiable.

Every Indian is a Jew and every Jew an Indian.
I've seen a pajeet ritual where they take a dead tree and cover the entire thing with feces then burn it up
christkike poltards are the worst faggots

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What makes a father allow his grown son to do this?
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He probably was unaware until the day this was taken. He probably doesn't see his son every day.
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You have no idea how bad it is to be a father married to a modern woman. She is raised a feminazi by her boomer mom, who puts her on hormone therapy (birth control) from age 15 to 28. She then has kids and her hormones are even more fucked up. Not to mention the Western diet filled with hormones and plastics. Cherry on the top is when menopause starts early.

Now imagine yourself dealing with this creature. If you stand up to her she will divorce rape you and take the kids. The other option is to go along with her craziness. In the heat of the moment, how would you decide? Crazy woman comes up to you and says they want to transition Jr. You can either say yes, and remain in your Troon son's life, or you can say no, get divorce raped, have a troon son anyways but be cut out entirely so she can demand bottom surgery on top of the chemical castration. Would you do differently?
Don't worry I'm not a middle aged straight white guy.
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