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What color are leaves that you rake and burn?
Meme magick strikes again.
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Just finished channeling in the grotto under mcgill, lots of fun with my witch and warlock frens
If it's yellow, let it mellow,
If it's brown, BURN IT DOWN!!!

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fact: if hitler was alive he'd be green party
From that 4, the only ethnic jew stands for Palestine while the cucked goys are simping for their kike masters
Because there are post-Judaism Jews, they are liberal and they hate finance and mafia kikes.

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How do I cope with the fact that onlyfan's whores and trannies can make more money than I will see in decades in a single year. There is nothing more demoralizing in this world than some baby-faced tranny jerking off infront of a camera and making millions while I bust my ass pressure washing driveways.
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I can't tell you to go commit crimes. Don't want you getting in on my hussles.
Whites are better at crime than niggers. dollar wise one must be human to commit crimes anyway, nigger barbarism is not organized crime.
John Dillinger was a great man.
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You're better off than me man, I wouldn't be demoralized about onlyfans whores. Very, very few are making millions.
I guess so.
>$250 monthly after all my expenses are paid off.
>work for daddies business

Talk about an easy life.quit bitching you spoiled faggot.these women have more balls getting out there and doing it themselves than your sheltered existence would ever understand.
>Father is 72 and has Alzheimer's .

Since because it's not legally under my means daddy is buying me a Corvette for mowing the lawn.

Fucking leaf.

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If you don't eat steak you aren't white
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I'm a White af Celto-Germanic and I never eat meat. "Diet shills" have got to go, pronto.
im glad you agree with me that meat is unhealthy.
>Bland as hell eggs, not even salt or pepper.
>No herbs
>Shitty photograph with shitty lighting.
>No garnish or any kind of plate presentation.
>Eating at a table with no place mat or napkins under your utensils.
>Spreading misinformation, gaslighting,lying for obvious malicious intent
looks tasty anon
you throw a little salt on the eggs before frying at all?

>Five people in Bartow County are facing serious charges after a man showed up at the hospital claiming he had been kidnapped, beaten, shot and stabbed.
>Deputies were called to Piedmont Cartersville Medical Center on Joe Frank Harris Pkwy. when a 32-year-old man showed up with a gunshot and stab wound.
I mean you kind of have to admire the diversity and inclusion. This man got fucked up by the Planeteers.
This will be the most American crime ever if the victim ended up being Jewish or Native American.

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What if they're really the good guys?
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Case in point. Bryan Singer, a Hollywood pedo jew on the run, sheltering in Israel.

Israel is crawling with these wanted criminals. Israel protects them because they are jews and therefore are immune to goyim laws.
There's good evidence that Israel was deeply involved in the assassination of the Kennedy brothers:



Then there's the strange death of Congressman James Traficant, who was a fierce critic of Israel:


If they can't bribe you or blackmail you, they'll just murder you.
Picrel is an actual quote by Binyamin Netanyahu, by the way. It reveals the absolute contempt Israel has for us stupid shabbos goyim in the U.S. Americans need to wake the fuck up and understand what Israel REALLY thinks of us. Israel is NOT "Our Greatest Ally". Far from it. Israel is a treacherous, backstabbing, false friend that manipulates our politicians via blackmail and bribery, spies on us, runs child sex trafficking rings, steals our top-secret technology, sells our high-tech weapons systems to our enemies, assassinates any of our leaders who won't play ball with them, and carries out false-flag attacks on us. If this were done to us by any other country, we would have bombed them to rubble, invaded them, and overthrown their government. But instead we allow them to keep on destroying us.
Here's a practical, contemporary example of otherwise "normal" jews protecting bad jews from legitimate punishment by non-jewish courts: https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11
The existence of a wiki page about something you find disagreeable does not remotely imply that it's common, you know that right?
How about the fact that jews are forbidden to break the law from the government in which they are a part of? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dina_d%27malkhuta_dina

Or does the existence of THAT does apply to your biases? If you're gonna take all jewish concepts at face value and apply it to the whole populace, you must admit that jews are unable to commit crimes.

Can a person become less radical if he found love?
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A man who becomes less "radical" when he finds some pussy is always a normalfaggot who's never been radical to begin with.
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I became a WMAF nationalist after I married. We must secure the existence of our Asian qts and a future for hapa children.

I love how postmodernism has essentially gone full circle and discovered that shockers, if someones progeny is secured and everybody has at least three meals a day, they tend to not give two fucks about whoevers controlling the government.
it can in some cases make you more so, since you now have to worry about the well-being of your partner and not just yourself
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>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>”yep that’s me, you may be wondering how I got in this mess”
finish it /pol/
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>(and it's from a better quality chain than McD).
doesnt exist
it doesn't use polish mystery meat, so yes, it's better
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it 5$ too much?
They usually sell for 99 cents.
They want immigration and fear population decline because either one would result in you getting more money. So you are being fed the lie that your population decline is bad and that your country "needs" uncontrolled mass immigration.
>boomer doesn't know how to use the app
I laugh at you retarded boomers whenever I show up to McDonalds to pick up my mobile order and see you idiots dishing out $15+ for what could have been $5 if you had used the app.

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Seems like pretty much everything has imbibed significant non-White influences at this point
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Retard, you're a low IQ piece of genetic shit that resides in an apartment building and drives a japanese car to pick up your Walmart items and fast food.
You're exposed to nigger-tier trash provided by subversive kikes because YOU are a piece of shit who is easy to control.
If anything, white people make too much art and control too much. They're less than 10% of the world's population, yet control everything.
>yet control everything
Feel free to provide some examples

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Goddamn, antisemites are HOT now!
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She is ugly as fuck though
Optimal solution for this would obviously be to just let jews and muslima kill each other and shoot at the border whoever tried to run into Europe from there. But everyone's pussifiwd and bunch of fags so that's off the table.
Youre a faggot
Leave it to some sexless virgin on an anime website to be an expert of how to identify women.
You back the fuck off Emily Blunt you neck beard, she's all woman.

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Show me Your
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You the pecker checker?
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Yes, here is my pussy.
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Sorry buddy.
I'm Super Straight.
Kys faggot

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Hitler and the leaders of other western nations agreed to fund the creation of israel to have a place to expel the jews to. If israel were destroyed wouldn't it cause a 2nd jewish diaspora causing them to disperse into europe again? I don't see how israel being wiped off the map will stop jews from doing what they've already been doing. There's also the fact that there's a difference between globalist and zionist jews, globalist jews don't care about israel, apparently Larry Fink and George Soros have been banned from there. I've been happy to see the anti zionist sentiment growing in normies but the end of zionism isn't the end for international jewry. Israelis aren't jewish in the same way the big name globalists, the bolsheviks, FDR's secretary, and the men who funded Winston Churchill were.

>George Soros conspiracy funding campaigns
>George Soros conspiracy funding campaigns not anymore

>Jewish voice for peace also funding

Shows Jews funding everything. So Jews are bad regardless and so is the Jews Israel.
I don't care, I hope Iran gets the bomb and nukes them

Israel has to exist, the Jews deserve a homeland and Zionism is based.
It's crazy how being anti semetic is jewish well poisoning at this point

Israel owns America and America owns Israel, one cannot exist without the other. Its our outpost for the ME. Just like how you have France and French Guiana. same shit.

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In the past few days sitting politicians began openly endorsing Mandatory Military Service in their cunts all in the same week; Italy, the UK, and the US have all had politicians endorse the same type of Forced Labor program in the same week.

Orders have been given out, the narrative is changing.

>Names of sitting politicians that have openly endorsed a Military Draft in last week:
Matteo Salvini’ - Italy
Pat Ryan - US
Mike Waltz - US
Rishi Sunak - UK

Even a politician implying that they support forced labor camps and conscription has been a taboo subject for generations in the US and now it is suddenly changing.

Also just yesterday Joe Biden gave a speech where he said;
>“Freedom has never been guaranteed,”
>“Every generation has to earn it, fight for it, defend it in the battle between autocracy and democracy, between the greed of a few, and the rights of many.”

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Why did she leave out the "Gas the kikes!" one?
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What do you think of this nose?
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Most people don't say that to a cute girl that they want to hook up with.
>hello. my family is of [particular race, ethnicity, nationality, religion] origin.
>schizo reply: I call for the genocide of all people of that particular origin
You would have to be criminally insane to come up with that reply
>Men: give us a liveable wage, stop mocking and demonizing masculinity, stop making everything gay and catered towards women, stop letting millions of immigrants into the country, arrest violent criminals and enforce the death penalty for more severe cases, stop indoctrinating children with LGBT propaganda via the media and the education system, stop raising the rent to where people can't even afford a one bedroom apartment, etc.
>Government: No *cocks gun* now get back to work goy!
Kill yourself bootlicker
i want to fuck the big beaked girl

So let me get this straight...

>Most entry level positions pay the minimum wage or a little more
>Even very skilled jobs such as welding and carpentry employers will often ask for ridiculous qualifications and give you something like 18-22$ an hour.
>Most small apartments could theoretically be affordable if landlords didn't have income requirements, oh and credit check.
>Houses are only afforded by higher class individuals, even the middle class will have trouble getting one. Want help from the bank? Better have good credit.
>Want a credit card to build credit? You need good credit.
>Getting a new reliable car is impossible to do without financially fucking yourself with outrageous payments, if you have good credit it can be helped, but a person starting out rarely has that.

So basically what you have is a system that favors successful high income people while keeping anyone who isn't that, out. That leaves the mass majority of people out. How anyone can think this is acceptable is beyond my understanding. It's a rigged game for people who want to live honest lives but aren't starting or coming from much. We exists to be exploited. And when we go the criminal route to get access to money, pussy etc we get double digit prison sentences.

There is absolutely no reasonable way to win in america. This shit is so backwards that the incentive to commit crime and lead a dangerous life is greater than the incentive to live normally.

The only way out is to actually leave the country and start somewhere else.
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You're looking at all wrong... You're a chickenwing-eating-player and don't give no hoot about no huss. You're a tall walking, glass of OJ. You're dat nigga all the hoes can't stop callin'. Why would you take anything seriously or try to care? Smoke weed, piss on important stuff when nobody is looking, and live in a tent.
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>The only way out is to actually leave the country and start somewhere else.

It’s called “revolution” and you’re just too much of a stupid little pussy to do it.
The credit system is a scam. Do not take part in their dumb little game. I had a perfect score, but got penalized for not using my card for a month, for not furthering my debt, which would be a low IQ move. So I shredded my cards because it became a very obvious scam.
Everybody knows shits fucked
Then why aren't we revolting?

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>Wakes up from a coma after getting shot while being a cop
>Everyone behaves like a junkie
>They don't listen to usual cop directions like "stay back!"
>Unarmed, but still charging with the determination of a suicide by cop victim
>Not enough ammo to mag dump them all, have to always take the L and walk back.
He died and went to cop hell.
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>white son dies saving brown paki Muslim
>raises Shane's daughter
>Has mutt kid with Michonne
fate worse than death.
The first season was great. I would argue there is merit in watching the second as well. From there, it spins off into fake and gay land for 9 more seasons.
This. Watch the first couple of seasons then jump ship. Neegan is also the best character out there.
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He does? Stopped watching after he slit negans throat. Not even mad he didn't kill him because the Bible quote was badass, I just think that would have been a symbolic end to the story.

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Ironically, what have you niggers created?
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That's pretty badass, anon
Ill put it on the 4chan fridge
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>this is popular board
baka desu
What? this board sucks are you on drugs?

Is there a slight chance the Pajeet is behind it all and not the jews? Is there a chance pajeet is even controlling the jew?. I know it probably not true but obviously everything should be considered
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my theory is that they being sent to nato countries to be conscripted for the happening.
think of 1B people, thats alot of cannon fodder
The jeet can't even control itself
We started off with 50k. It's a cancer that grows exponentially.
I just don't know why everyone always brings up japan like it's special the whole world is getting plagued with shitskins
Did both, no consequences. Seriously.

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Why white men seems to not rape latina women in usa but latino men do seems to rape white women?

News about white man raping latino women are only little, white men just don't seems to rape them.

But there are far more stories of latino and black men raping white women.

Why is this like this?

I'm sure latino men are not raping white women in the rate black men raping white women.
They have beautiful women from their own kind they can rape.
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the kkk died 100 years ago
>Yes, even though we could breed every brown pussy on planet Earth, it is disgusting to us.
>I want to breed every brown dick on planet Earth. It is delicious to us.
>Dude, black rape thousands of white women every year and white men rape around 10 or less black women
White men are too civilized, too reserved, have too much self control. That's why they are seen by all women as these cringe weak betas and why their own women cuck them.
White people have these things called frontal lobes which allow us to control our behaviors. Most equatorial peoples did not learn to domesticate animals or grow food, and so they never had the selection pressures or caloric abundance to develop bigger brains or forethought. A white man can consider the consequences of his actions more thoroughly. If there was no DNA evidence, he would engage in more rape as it would be much harder to get caught. Most equatorial peoples, having limited farming experience and little need to consider the next day, let alone the next five years, do not consider the consequences of their actions as carefully. And so you see more impulsivity.

Yeah, seems more or less right.

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Will these normie kikes wake up finally when they go outside and realize they haven't seen a white person in a month
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Sounds like a parasitic pathway, which means eventually such a creature will be riddled with mutations making it unviable outside of the host organism.

When USA falls, Israel will be genocided. Properly this time.
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Did you get your nephew the hat yet?
And then it will start over again. You can't escape the process. The only way out is Genetic engineering.
>muh technological singularity hegelian dialect

cultural evolution (technology included) comes at a detriment to biological evolution.

Are they the descendants of Atilla the Hun or Constantine the Great? What do you think?
Whatever ethnicity they once were, turkish slavery successfully got rid of. This applies to all balkans too

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