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Results are coming in right now. What's your prediction?
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I can't imagine wanting his dumbass as a rep. I guess he's not the literal worst but he's definitely gonna be inept. He's a former alckie too, don't know if he's still drinking.
At least Hickock is still kicking. Gonna be real sad when that day comes.
Shame, I really hoped he'd win, just for the memes. That said, the fact that a dude who's job is "Being a retard with guns on the internet" managed to shitpost his way to within a few points of the sitting candidate, is almost beyond belief. Bravo Brandon, bravo.
I mean it's only 95% of the votes counted, maybe by a miracle he actually wins or at least a tie.
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pretty solid work, I had a vague annoyance with him and now I know he's running and a vaguely like him.
9/10 reputation management
well done.
I'm betting either way, someone demands a recount, should be a good laugh at the very least.
The capture gods are having a giggle.

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America had no reason to embargo Japan other than FDR’s hardon for China and being a Jewish puppet. Had he not done that Japan may (Khalkin Gol and Lake Khasan may have weighed against it, no guarantees) joined the war to destroy the Reds. America would likewise not become global police and thus the tool of the Jews. If you countersignal this with the skin “patriotism” or “it was totally muh race war bro, not fought for ZOG” you’re a Kike or Neocon.
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Japs were total retards for starting a total war against China for no reason when China was a pile of shit they did not even had any resources.
Japan had skirmishes with the Soviets and everytime they got their ass beaten so what makes you think they could do any better in a direct war with them?
Their empire in 1937 was already overstretched so it would be better if they did not start any war at all and just be happy with their empire.
>Japan had skirmishes with the Soviets and everytime they got their ass beaten so what makes you think they could do any better in a direct war with them?
because you guys were fighting them at the same time?

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I will never own a home, I will never get a girlfriend, I will be a 70 year old KHHV, assuming I live this long, with my hopes and dreams crushed, and perhaps owning a home but too old to date younger women without being called a groomer. I will never experience young love, I will never make it, it's over for me.

A 10 years old british kid was attacked and surrounded by a pack of adult niggers in stairs: https://www.veed.io/view/fr-FR/6ab039ec-a296-40bc-a090-f366085320a5?panel=share

How many times we will have to still handle the existence of these violent apes who hate us all to the point of being like this with a kid? Did someone know if at least this case went to justice and if they are in jail? They honestly deserve massive extermination at this point. Fuck niggers.
Arabs also start shit sometimes in Israel, but we have our brown jews to beat them up whatever they rise their head.
Also, the police in our side, obviously.

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Shouldn't have talked shit about goyiem
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This shit again? Stop hiding your UK flag OP. We know it is you.
We are physically stronger than Germans so they don't want us in their clubs because they know they can't remove us without a fight.
Yeah, after being in bunch of fights you don't deal with that freezing shock or hesitations or shit like that anymore. You just focus and do it. Then if you're introverted tge fight is a huge relief, you actually feel like you're finally naturally yourself and you just get pumped by adrenaline and enjoy the hell out of it, while the oposing side is dealing with shock, tries to process that it's actually happening and figure out what to do and deals with fight or flight decision making.

Bit the adrenaline rush a foght gives you is excellent, it's either you malfunction or it's a rare moment when you're by far at your best.

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Skibidi Biden
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Zoomer here
That shit's wild bro
This is Gen X trash. Get the fuck out of here.
aryan hands made this

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Does he even think?
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i fucking LOVE government denying me my freedom of choice!
i hope Trump bans all other car brands and releases the Trump Car! #MIGA 2024
I wish he'd stop sucking the Jew cock.
lol! Trump been told what a failure EV is due to failed network of chargers, long wait times and that USA will not be able to meet no ICE by 2030, so he is capitalizing on insider info. Until they can get full charge in under 10 min, ev will never be a thing outside of meme 15 min cities
He's a businessman, retard. EV cars are a subsidized meme, that are STILL losing money. Even stupid people aren't buying them, anymore.


We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

Archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive


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Darius Rockwell October 2023
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Is it time to tap the sign again?
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I have a question for you.

Ukraine has already attacked the Kremlin itself with drones. Where was the big Russian response to this outrage? If some country flew an explosive into the White House the US would bury it under its own soil and plant crops. Why are Russians so weak and ineffectual?

[pasted from another thread but it is a good question]
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This. The West was like a frog sitting in a pot of water over a small flame and is now almost cooked.
Totally different circumstance

Russia was already at war with Ukraine. They're waging a war of attrition against Ukies and the Kiev regime is on a clock. In fact that's why they attacked Moscow was to provoke a larger response that might yield them additional support. The incentives are set for Russia to not respond and continue its war.

The US would respond in that way because they have many enemies and maintaining deterrence is more strategically important than any single adversary.
Le epic 440 iq
>2 posts by this id
saudi arabs done something to muttlands in early 2000s.
you can read about it on internets.
response was .....ehhhhhhhhhhhhh......fuck all.
>Ukraine has already attacked the Kremlin itself with drones
What, you mean that one time a single drone crashed into a roof and amounted to a wet fart? Or those two or three drones that broke a few windows in a skyskraper and only managed to lightly injure a security guard?
Not saying that our government isn't full of massive cucks for not just leveling the entirety of ukraine two years ago, but these "attacks" barely deserved a response, they were just for social media points

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It will play in reverse from now on

Does this goofy nigger think he is the King of Narnia ?
Lion of Judah
This is what happen when you elect a Hungarian to rule you.

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What's the /pol/ cure for ADHD? I'm not taking their meth medicine but this reddit cure of meditation, exercise, and pomodoro is not working
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ADHD is literally why all of us are here. The constant scrolling and happenings and novelty.

Also this place will melt your fucking mind.
I unironically have this adhd shit. Often just fall asleep doing shit I don’t want to, including driving. Shit has made my life hell. Wish I was normal
What game is that?
that isnt how the world works though, just because it is more difficult for you to break the cycle, doesn’t mean its impossible.
if you are wasting ur time and realize right then and there what is happening, there is nothing objectively stopping you from fixing it right then.
You seem to not be understanding. Nobody is arguing that fact, but the reality of ADHD for people that have it is objectively true. How many people in the world right now do you think are homeless, unemployed, or out of a relationship because of it? Those are examples of people who could not manage it. Like i said it is what it is, you can either manage it or you cant; doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Doesn't mean it can be magically fixed as well.

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5 years later and marriage rates are down even more, birth rates too…

How do we fix the men?
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post hand
>Economically Attractive Men
Wtf I thought marriage was now conducted through love??? I thought women had been liberated so much that they could afford plenty of luxuries and wouldn't be contingent on their husbands' salaries???? What is this bullshit, I thought women don't see men as walking ATMS as I've been by the chuds here!
Why should men fix what women broke?
If they don't commit due to men not being economically viable then that just admits that women were gold diggers all along. They don't care about you, your intelligence, your looks, your personality, your principles and morals.. as long as you have money then any man is good.
based and checked.

Why did they commit a genocide in Srebrenitsa?
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newsflash we dont like you either anymore
fucking rats
Ahem you mean you stinky hercegovno nuggets dont like us. KEK. And real croats cant stand your guts but are cool with us. LEL.
Show flag
Kek you realize 90% of our names are the same
I heard kosovo albanians closed all your banks last week. Damn, humiliation after humiliation. KEK.
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>Why did they commit a genocide in Srebrenitsa?

there was Norwegian spy who use a special armored car prepared by NATO to spread guns and drugs to muslims in that areas weeks before posing as a protestant Priest. He later got a lot of medals and shit for doing it from US NGOs.

Muslims took the shit and tried to install Muslim only communities in the area, which ended in mass rapes and massacres on local Serbs. as a retaliation Serbs decided to send Muslims back home to the South, where they came from. Muslims agreed and started to move out. On the way they started to burn down and kill everyone they crossed. Which triggered local population, police and army to go after them ending in massacres on Muslims. Later on videos when survived muslims came into the UN positions they were wearing newest NATO guns and talking weird as fuck language as if they were drugged by LCD or Meth.

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he put on a Hamas support shirt
it looks like a soccer shirt but it says Hamas and it has number 7


This is punishable by 14 years in prison in Britain

Experts say the number 7 refers to October 7. terror strike in Israel. Done by Hamas in 2023.

>The man has not been actualy caught
>He is reported as wanted by the police

If eye witnesses who saw him and his shirt and have and idea where he was going to, it could be helpful in the police investigation

There are several surveillance pictures of the man taken from the street cameras
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Hamas > Ngubu
What a shit country, it’s a fucking shirt who gives a fuck
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>he put on a Hamas support shirt
>it looks like a soccer shirt but it says Hamas and it has number 7

Its on sale. This would make a good fathers day gift.
The UK has no defined constitution, no free speech, no free association.
Never had, never will. The government and the monarchy can do whatever the fuck it wants to whomever it wants.

Why do you think there are so many child rape gangs?
American time zone and Israel time zone are different though

I'll donate $50k/btc for a reasonable well thought out response.
What are your criteria for "good" and what financial resources do you have available?
Thailand or Vietnam, whatever.
Now send me the fucking money, faggot.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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umm, sodomy is a sin
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>Anal sex
Bold today, are we?
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>Gary's mob
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NOW TWO POSTS, love you.

umm are you implying wolfGIRLS are men, nigger-chan? Look here, trump has endorsed this since day 1.

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What is the political implication of women in politics?
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Depends. They take the zeitgeist and turn it up to 11. In the 1910s conservatives and strong family values were what was in so they made it a big deal to raise the age of concent, ban alcohol, and encourage marriage. In our current era that’s hot is lgbt, brown people worship, men hate and nihilism so they are pushing that type of stuff. Although I will say the ones that are married and have children are not doing this.
99.99% of all women in politics are someone else's useful idiots. Women do not have the intelligence, creativity or foresight to be real leaders. Women in positions of power are all puppets reporting to a higher authority, glorified secretaries pretending to be powerful.

Behind EVERY female politician is a male Jew who finances her. For all the feminist screeching about patriarchy, female politicians all ultimately answer to a patriarchal rabbanic authority.
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How they built her like this?
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Israel has officially lost control of their Diverse Conservative Golem™
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My biggest problem with her is that she's a nigger. Too bad /pol/ embraced civic nationalist "as long as they are heckin based"
Candace Owens is a goddess wtf
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So what you're saying is we eat the Jews? Quite the elegant solution to the JQ, quite the elegant solution indeed!
Read the thread before posting, Moshe.
Lies don't work when the truth is already known.

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*shitty MKUltra circus music starts playing*
*shitty boomer guitar solo*
*shitty ten minute CIA-funded keyboard solo
*song ends*
wow, truly the GOAT band. Thank you Jim Morrison for your truly groundbreaking """music"""
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>not liking jewish produced music makes you jewish
Just fucking lazy homeboy, only people I met who like the doors are Jews or idiots who went to college to party. Entirely contrived stupid and pointless band led by a drugged out retard who died on stage. I don’t give a shit what you read on Reddit nobody likes this shit, needing a fucking degree to “get” music doesn’t make it good it just makes it for self obsessed fart sniffers like yourself. Just like modern art, the most Jewish thing in cultural history. Making shitty music and just insisting that it’s good doesn’t make it fact. I make more consistent and harmonious sounds every morning at 9:30 sharp on the bowl of my toilet than Jim Morrison ever sloppily scribbled down in his entire pointless life.
They don't want people to know that Rock really is the Devil's music.
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It has been suggested in certain quarters that Theodor Adorno wrote the Beatles music
I'm not sure if he lived on trust fund gibs but he was funded by someone.

(((Heart faliure))), courtesy of CIA's heart attack gun, at (((27))).

The same people that funded his dad. Lol.

>Tories pledge 'Triple Lock Plus' pension allowance

>UK borders prepare for EU fingerprint travel rule change

>Man held under mental health act after killing wife

>Royal Navy warship deployed to protect trade routes

>UK's oldest lido to remain closed amid flood damage

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fuckinhg fish fingers smelly puffs
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>tfw labour supporters are still too scared to put up vote labour signs in my county
If yer love ham ass so much fookin go to gazza, nonce.
Simple as
night lads x
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its a bot or some mong using chat GP
it shits up britfeel sometimes but i guess its here since nobody gave it attention there
Hi lads

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Just a quick reminder that please do not vote in the next general election on the 4th of July 2024.

Also the conservatives are losing on purpose

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