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Phull Sappot incoming sirs
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Speak normal english
Cope mutt
No one needs your fiat currency
We are supporting things on gold now
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>pic related: israel stands with india
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>pic related: india kneels for israel
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>u mad ytboi?

Why do Italians like her so much?
had a train run on her by subsaharan africans
She's hot
I also find her very sexy.
the mental gymnastics her supporters had to go through is insane. Right-wingers are now convinced it's beneficial to import cheap labour (aka niggers, but they won't say it KEK)

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We live in a society.
They are a danger to society.
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Being too smart and impossible to brainwash. That's why autists like me are not allowed in military, only the retarded part of the spectrum.
Such a German type of offense
So was it an incel/autist telling you they won't fuck you or did they touch you in a no-no place? You can tell us, this is a safe place.
Man I'm checking both of these boxes

I am nothing more than an exotic pawn to those in power.

What did your colleagues say? Did they ask questions or pretended you look fine? Got in a bar fight two days ago and have a black eye. Will the "caught an elbow during a basketball game" convince them?
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>*rolls eyes*
>Will the "caught an elbow during a basketball game" convince them?
Sure, if you're known to play basketball.
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the first rule of naked royal marine fight club is you do not talk about naked royal marine fight club.
Tell them you got in a bicycle crash. I know a woman who got in a bicycle crash and fucked her face up, she had road rash all over her skin and two black eyes. Apparently she face-planted.

I dunno, a basketball game sounds like a bullshit excuse. Basketball isn't a very physical game. Men cry about fouls for getting lightly pushed. A bicycle crash sounds more realistic.
>What did your colleagues say?

Nothing. I had both because my nose was broken. No one said a thing. They probably assumed correctly that Joe Rogan convinced me to get beat up in a mma club.

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>in some areas
in thuringen ONLY by children 16-18 yo
in 5 years they will all change their mind, as soon as they start to think independently (not voting out of spite to get nazis on power)
>be from eas germany
>be raped by soviets for 50 years
how can anyone expect these niggers to be normal? no wonder everyone goes west
Who cares if you elect the AFD. When their Israeli masters tell them to clear out Gaza they’re going to accept thousands of Palestinian immigrants.
It's fucking Köln, what do you expect. The capital of gays and roaches
Höln? the city with less than 2mil inhabitants capable of misplacing, then finding, then simply not counting 250k ballots every election? big surprise

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1. The AGI
2. The existing political system

What if only the AGI can save us from globalists?
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none, both are just media forced on you so their positions/stonks go up
Inequity is the problem.
Disproportional allocation of resources is inequitable.
All AGI has to do is not kill *as* many people per day for it to be objectively better than our current system.
The AI can jail you in eternal matrix. Looping forever and ever. Chances are. You are already in one.
No its not a problem. Value creators and neets should be unequal. If a parasite can get free resources that is the problem. Welfare recipients and big bankers should be deported.

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(You) know it is Australia don’t you?
Pre ANC South Africa
that's an aussie man
angry rice

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Lol @ the seething. The tweet was just plain funny.

Noticed this during gamergate, they had to parenthetically insert ", a harassment campaign against women™," into even mention of it. They couldn't risk anybody getting ideas for themselves.
Dahnald broke this kikes brain in 12 places
Now ask that mouthbreather if black felons should ever be considered to be reintroduced to society after serving time or if they simply don't believe in any kind of rehabilitation. Fucking double think faggots.
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rent free mutts

>when your country is so based even communists hate fags
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Greek communists are real communists the same who existed when Greeks were occupied by Nazis while Velouchiotis was by far the biggest resistance group before starting a civil war with liberals Hitler hadn't even died at the time he had just abandoned his operations in Greece. Other leftists like Zoe Konstantopoulou are still very supportive of gay marriage only former guerilla militant groups are true communists everyone else is funded by the same George Soros that owns all liberal parties due to hundreds of millions of dollars of Jewish debt

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>cooking -- asian porno
>camping -- asian porno
>axe reviews -- asian porno
Every time I try to use YouTube it's asian porno.
How is this legal?
Is this the jewish Kalergi plan?
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no, they do it based on watch history and it couldn't be more obvious. when I watch a video about squat form or Baldur's Gate mage builds I get recommended big lifting channels or obscure BG channels with 800 subscribers for months
>Never sign into YouTube or google, use adblockers, privacy badger, canvas defender, ghostscript, smart referrer etc
never sign up, use ublock and privacy extensions, and still get recommended based on my search history, because they do it based on cookies and IP
then stop clicking on it, problem solved and sexy women is not porn, you fucking retard, your porn-addled brain is too far gone if you can't tell the difference between, by definition, explicit content, like a gangbang, and a girl in skimpy clothing anymore.
How is it unrealistic? It isn't any different than people wanting corporate landlords, such as (((BlackRock))) to be taxed into forgoing using housing as investments.
Ronald Reagan said that if you tax something, you get less of it and if you subsidize something, you get more of it. That's basically a metaphysical law.
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How is it not unrealistic? No one is going to tax anything 90% you fucking moron. Keep your brain dead fantasies to yourself instead of trying to act like you're coming up with some kind of great idea
>o-oh b-but people want to tax billionaires 90% too!

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My guess is

Trump 1 million
Le Pen 300 thousand
Wilders 200 thousand
Milei 200 thousand
Poland 200 thousand
Germany 100 thousand
is that ass kosher?
I would eat it either way
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Politically speaking, are Irish people white? When did Americans become to believe that Irish immigrants are "white"?
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Yes we are white. Politically and non politically.
Fuck no just look at Americans
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Kill yourself, kike.

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Literally Michael Brown as well
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>The dog
thought it was a police opossum attacking him from the look on his face
I don't get it either
You can just make a "basket" out of the bag itself and that's more convenient
There is a song about this phenomenon


>Jamal, the deadline for that essay is today

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Why do upper class whites hate middle class whites and working class whites?

Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern Europe. Anglos. Germanics. Nords. Sámi. Poles. Slavs. Balts. Scandinavians. Meds. All one white race.

Don't they want white unity?
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Same reason Hitler castrated tards and criminals then caged Jews and invaded Slavs.

He wanted to CREATE a superior race. He knew that some whites are untermensch that have to be weeded out.

It's basic eugenics, only untermensch can't comprehend.
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Both 0/10
Dante would not have chosen better words, friend
This bitch on the left is mentally ill, permanently unemployed, lives with parents in some shithole village. She became viral in social media because she presents herself as a 23 yo virgin and role model catholic. She also associates herself with silesian minority.
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Jeet immigrant getting red pilled after getting replaced by even cheaper Jeets from Indian

Wrong link. I'm retarded.
It's like British Raj all over again, get things done by >us for cheaper
And the quality shows.
This tells you that whole Jeets hire only jeets thing is overblown
Sure that is there but the main thing is cost cutting
Its basically capitalism at work
thats how it goes.
no political agenda, just money

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Why can’t they fight?
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Are you abhinadan behind the border?
Bro your an actual turk, westerners and their balkan slavic proxy states hunted your people like animals all throughout your northern provinces.

Killing and ethically cleansing any Turkish person they could get their hands on women and children included. And if you ask any greek or slav they would do it again if given the opportunity.

Like i know your undoubtedly a gaytheist, but this is a political board. What exactly do you gain from shitting on other Muslims and bragging about the west? You look like a pathetic booty clapper have dignity.
no deeper sense of identity, all they have is islam and modernity is slowly etching that away, as much as they seem primitive to us. they do have strong family ties but that will not assemble an army
incest and malnutrition
They say allah wills it then take it.

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>the gays
no one talks like that, memflag
also since i commented and the mods/jannie fags hate me your thread is as good as auto herbed . lol, lmao
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The funniest shit is going to be when trump empties out the Gaza Strip on behalf of his Israeli masters by accepting massive numbers of Arab immigrants.
Republicans are controlled opposition. Everyone is an evil commie who doesnt want to reduce taxes drastically. All of these niggers, trannies, single moms and globalists live on your taxes.

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