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Is this movie based on a true story? Did Ukrainians and Poles really commit Rwanda-tier massacres against each other during WW2?
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Missing the Polish ones but otherwise yeah.
That's horrible dude. And now russia is doing the same in Ukraine. It's a crazy world.
How about read a fucking book instead of asking a thread of anonymous retards and government agents, or at least idk, put the same question into google. Jesus Christ these question threads are so stupid. Stop getting your answers from us.
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>That's horrible dude. And now russia is doing the same in Ukraine. It's a crazy world.
No you piece of lying shit, Russia is not doing such things in Ukraine.
Ukrainian subhumans doing themselves to their own children, pic rel
Only Ukrainians did.

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Also rate my books /pol/
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>Write an interesting essay or come up with an argument for some insightful idea.
We've got cuckGPT for that now, goy
>More than half are self help
Now, that's a huge pile of trash
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My books are all over the place. The only straight up book shelf I have is gaming related. If I put my Warhammer Fantasy RPG, Savage Worlds, Starfinder, and Genesys stuff there it would be twice as large.
My reference tomes (herbs and medicine, survival, occult shit, and the like) would be 2/3 of a another unit.
Fiction would be close to two more units.
Board games? They currently fill up around half (floor to ceiling) of a 10 ftx10ftx7ft room.
I need to just make my own shelves one day. Kallax is cancer and seems to be what gets pushed hard for relatively cheap shelving. Fuck those gay ass cubes.
Goyslop books aren't designed to be read. They're designed to sit on your shelf so you can show them off at dinner parties.
Read tony robbins "unleash the power from within"
You wont regret it. Promised.

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China, South Korea, and Japan will begin taking in white refugees after the west collapses
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SK and Japan will be going down with us. China would be nice
That wouldn't be a good thing for China, South Korea, and Japan.
Whites started the fire of civilization and will maintain it in the east.
you're retarded and probably a christian (jew 2.0) too

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lmao you stupid faggot. let me explain something about TN and land to you retard, assuming you read this.

"at the road" means NOTHING. that could be a mile away from your actual house site. running the water and sewer alone could cost you 100k.

deer lodge is in morgan county if i recall. that is serviced by plateau elec corp. HAHAHAHAH 700$ + electric bills. they have the most fucked up prices ever with hundreds of FLAT FEES a month on top of your actual fucking electric bill.

yeah should i go on.. nah i covered. its a dream alright, cause you have to be dreaming to think you can do this for under 800k total.. get fucked

another poltard who seen something on the internet and posts like he has a clue.

>i actually have built in TN...
yes. the catch is utilities, land prep, flood zones in the valley and actually finding anyone to do anything. outside of nashville, knoxville there are literally no builders and contractors for shit. whats in the rural areas will rape you 10 ways before lunch as you have no choice.

thats the catch.

its a very expensive and difficult state to build in. its nice but very expensive for what you get there
$11,000/acre for shit land that would take 20 years to develop into a proper homestead? Not even enough room for a few head of cattle. Best you could do is hogs and chickens. Not even any good timber left, that was taken 80 years ago. No thanks.
5 years ago that land was 1500 an acre.. it wasnt even for sale as it wasnt worth selling.

now all these greedy fucks are trying to cash in on morons...

ama i actually have built in that state......
I had a broke friend in California telling me about how you can buy a house in Tennessee for $20,000 and how they were going to move out there

America and maybe even Europe will end up deporting/killing most of their colored people. They can only take racism and gang rapes and colored people crime for so long, my guess is it will happen around 2040, when the whites in America are about to become less then 50% of the countries population... and the "POC" or "demon people" start to show you their true colors. What're your thoughts? Are you excited?

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>generic milqtoast copy paste opinion
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Fatties deserve these economic sanctions
Here's how it looks for me
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>amerifats are so fucking lazy they'd rather eat McDick three times a day than cooking their own homemade burgers with more meat for less money
The burrito supreme is 5 dollars, and it's smaller than it was in the 2000s.

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Balding is a SMV death sentence
What’s there to discuss? That’s retarded.

Anime is an extension of Aryan art and as such pisses the jews off. Cuteness, for the sake of being cute, is a concept foreign to the jew who knows only hatred. It exemplifies the triumph of the human spirit, the ability to create good with the gift of free will. Jews only understand rigid morality based on fear, and will never comprehend the freedom and power of cuteness

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No humor thread? look at this MSN top 50 black names
Black names in the US

Do blacks really?
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I need to expand my redpills folder. Dump redpills. Right now normies are hating israel more than I ever thought could be possible and they're mouth open ready to be spoonfed the truth.
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that is indeed a massive redpill fren

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation.
>at the end of the film it is revealed that the serial-killers works for a glowie called Rothman (Roth-schild man) who was also involved in the assassination of JFK (he was murdered in Dallas, Texas)
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre original film's distributor was Bryanston Distribution Company, in fact a Mafia front operated by Louis Peraino ("Butchie"), who used the movie to launder profits he made from Deep Throat (1972), the most famous film from the Golden Age of Pornography
>Pre-Internet Porn distribution was controlled by the Mafia guys like Robert "DiB" DiBernardo, who worked with Richard Basciano and their CO, "Star Distributors" was known for specializing in child porn
>Critical point: Ed Rendell was 'longtime friends' with Basciano, was documented to have defended him, and TONY PODESTA ran one of Ed Rendell's campaigns
>Star Distributors, which was run by Basciano and DiBernardo, was mentioned in a FOIA on east coast trafficking networks. This documentation of Star Distributors means there are not one but TWO gov docs verifying important aspects of Bucceroni's story
>Bucceroni said that Basciano reproduced snuff films. What needs to happen is the documentation of this ring with others of the same time period (Franklin, Dutroux, etc) and find out if figures in those rings are connected to the production of child porn/snuff documented here

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1. The passion of the Christ.
That's it. That's all the approved movies.
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Good movie, like most of Cruise's movies.
Fagjew American movies suck ass
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John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer who at times claimed directly to belong to the outfit, and even to be related to local mobster Tony Accardo. How much merit his claims have, I don't know, but his crawlspace does seem to have been a dumping ground for various criminal enterprises (some victims of John Norman's Delta Project, I would bet, and also perhaps John Butkovich who was rumored to be connected to Puerto Ricans in the drug trade). Better yet, his employee Michael Rossi, who was an accomplice of Gacy but got away with it, was reportedly the grandson of Chicago political boss Vito Marzullo, which is how he escaped murder charges and became state's evidence. The Matamoros drug cult of Adolfo Constanzo, which interestingly operated in a location that Henry Lee Lucas had identified as a cult center years before the case broke, was working on behalf of mob bosses in Chicago, and Constanzo was even rumored to have faked his death and been sighted in Chicago. And there is another possible mob connection with another self-proclaimed Hand of Death killer, Kenneth "Mad Dog" McKenna.

It is in a rather pulpy true crime magazine, but nevertheless appears to be a firsthand account by McKenna who is a real child rapist sentenced to Florida State Prison: Fatal Vision Vol. 14, "HOWLING in Hell" interview of Mad Dog MacKenna by Gerard John Schaefer, 1992 (pages 36 and 37, 38). McKenna claims to have grown up in Chicago as the son of a prostitute (sounds familiar), and to have become a runner for the mob as a kid. He then became a pimp, and in the late 50s moved to Miami to set up shop there. Through his time in Florida, McKenna alleges to have been involved in contract killings (such as the murders of Caesar and Patty Vitale and Mike and Carla Papa), child pornography (with distributors like Mervyn Cross), and human trafficking.

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This is a thread for the discussion of National Socialism, The Redneck Problem, Jews and Slavery, jews and their connection to the culture of the South, redpilled Union generals, Sherman posting, pro-Union ideals, and possible solutions to the redneck and jew problem

Always remember to be respectful towards your fellow non-redneck White Nationalists!

Reminder, if you are against TOTAL REDNECK DEATH, you are assumed a redneck until proven a kike

General redpills about jews and their connection to rednecks, the culture of the southern US, and slavery


A good book to get started: Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell
This book exposes the connection between the jews and the culture of the white south, and how they used "redneck culture" to undermine the country and gain control of the banks

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Redneck psyop isn't gonna work, Moshe. Time to rope yourself.
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Absolutely subversive

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Does the pope believe the earth is a spinning ball?
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yes all jews are evil
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Unless all land is totally opened up for explaration and independent travel then it’s not possible to make an absolutely 100% correct map but here is a likely good start. Put a compass down and make a circle, so too can a ship circumnavigate the earth
All god fanboys wish the earth was flat.
aaah, i love seeing photos of the real hubble space telescope
The Pope is a cyborg, he has no freedom of will.

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Douglas Barnes is based. Kills the daughter of the man who killed his son

His trial should be cage match to the death with the cop

Let there be a based judicial system
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i like how you think. I think Douglas Barnes goal however was to make life not only Hell for the man who killed his son but also for the man's wife. Knowing that her husband couldn't protect their daughter and brought about her own demise will make them a couple that will internally hate each other never having trust or love. This cop has lost all his honor and his only ability to get it back is to do an even bigger revenge killing. I doubt he has the guts tho.

This cop is probably just a coin clipper protector who protects Jews who get bailed out by the State.
are they all black?
As good as I'm sure that revenge feels, that poor girl didn't deserve it just because her father is treasonous to the people. He should have just killed the father, despite the lesser revenge.
he wanted to inflict the ultimate suffering, and he did
deserves got nothing to do with it.
collective punishment works. plain and simple. he was justified in his killing to avenge his son's death. thats not just my opinion. its the law of man. an eye for an eye.h0ykk

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I am an Indian who grew up in the suburbs of the American south. I was the only minority in my school aside from a few chinese people and african american people. Here are the kinds of things I went through from all the white people:

>constant racist mockery every single day, making fun of my name, my voice, calling me apu, talking about 7-11.
>no invitations or friendships with me.
>using heavy indian accents in my presence constantly to make fun of me.
>after two years no showed up to my birthday parties, I no longer celebrated it.
>I had a friend once until I saw he was mocking me to his friends, so I decided not to be his friend.

This only changed from the communities I formed on internet, and when I went to college for mathematics and was among people who are like me of all races, colors, and creeds.

I want to add my voice to this exchange that the criticism for white people is correct. I do not know what the solution is and I am a non violent person, but it is totally correct everything they say about white people. I don't feel glad for it, but this is why you have to understand why you are so hated. This is because you only wanted to keep the world for yourselves. You didn't want to let anyone else within your communities and welcome them as your friend. White people only care for themselves.
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maybe go back to where your people live?
>You think you are special. You think all those bad things happened only to you, and only because you are brown-skinned, because you are a minority in a white neighbourhood.
>You are not special.

In the '80s there was some Brit public school wog, I forget his name, who constantly had his shart stories published in The New Yorker.
He was constantly bashing on about how mean people were to him, as though everyone was supposed to fall at his feet in worship and never hurt his tender feelings.

Then that Rushdie guy published that jewy book (90s?) to offend muzzies on purpose. The part of it I never forgot was the main character or somebody got a scholarship to a really expensive English public school (i.e., in England, a prep school for elites).
And all the character did was bitch about how, the first morning, breakfast consisted of kippers, and he was dying of humiliation because he didn't know how to eat them--al those bones you know.
But the fact is, he was too proud, arrogant, and Jewish Princey to just humbly ask one of his schoolmates, "Hey, call me fishless nigger, but I never ate one of these, how does it work?"
Then just do bantz as needed till earning respect.

These jeets have no fucking comprehension that bantz are a martial art that all men need to master.
Jeets, like jews, are overmothered. Rushdie has this part of his book that made me literally physically ill, about a mother giving her baby son an erotic massage. JUST THEY CULCHA.
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>constant racist mockery every single day, making fun of my name, my voice, calling me apu, talking about 7-11.
shouldnt you be cleaning out the slurpee machines instead of bitching and moaning on 4chan
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>we indianz are conquerors
>y do peepo b mean 2 me :((((((
His real name is Suhkjeet

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Non stop pandering to the Canadian royalty, the feather Indian
>Non stop pandering to the Canadian royalty, the feather Indian
That will certainly come to a stop when the numbers of currry Indians reach a critical mass. The feather Indians willl have voted to the politician who initiated their destruction. Same for the boomers.
Define "Best"
Sask and Manitoba have the lowest cost of living, but the major cities in both are holes
murder capital of country
Saskatoon but without any culture
>Prince Albert
People from the aforementioned shitholes make fun of Prince Albert, its so overrun with homeless might as well be a zombie apocalypse
official sport is interracial knife fighting, even if you avoid getting stabbed, winters cause PTSD
the worst of the lot

Then you have Alberta...

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weird shit but Manitoba is some kind of Bermuda triangle of Canada shit just disappears and no one cares or notices.
Fuck I used to listen to this song bashing Indians made by Indians from Alberta anyone know it? Not jeets

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shalom, komrad
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time for celebration!
I don't get it
Will he make it to day 14?

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This is hard as fuck. Going straight in the pol pot folder
Everything’s a loosh harvest, that’s why it all fucks up and no one can work out why the wheels so obviously fell off
I miss this nigga like you not believe!
the real Pol. At least Cambodia is starting to recover but I still wouldn't go there. I'm sure Phnom Phen is great, but the rest of country is like one step above North Korea
Im pavlovically conditioned to laugh whenever i see Pol Pot anywhere because of this.

>$200,000K+ for a children's traincar-themed bed

Uh, why does this exist?

We have children in this country (AmeriKKKa) living in housing projects and motels, sharing a single bed with 3 or 4 other siblings, relying on public food pantries to eat every night.

It should be illegal to buy or sell something like this when there are kids, especially black kids, who have so little.

These white people are something else.
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Shaking my damn head.
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Even got a little white boy stepping into it so you know who it's for.

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>/pol/ approved books
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Men only want one thing, and it's fucking disgusting.
Crossed is trash, and Shadman goes without saying. It was used in Grezzo Due (which is actually an entertaining and humorous game) so it gets a pass doe.
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