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Is the phrase "Birthday Boy" really a secret anti-transmasculine slur?
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Yeah? Probably because it is transphobic? If there is a slur that is used exclusively for a targeted minority group it's probably not in good faith.
It just happened to come up on my twitter timeline. The trans community on twitter is kind of a small insular bubble so big things spread fast. Would definitely be better for my mental health to use social media a little less though.
If I call a trans guy a jackass for littering does it mean "jackass" is a transphobic slur?
lol fuck off pooner get real problems
the divide and conquer tactics go crazy

am i allowed to hit girls if i troon out
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can you hit me
Only if you date me
just be a gay man ?
Not only are you allowed to most of them will probably let you, especially trans girls, we fucking love rough sex
Fuck billionaires

i just got dumped and my friend wants to be fuck buddies and while i would prefer to date him im okay with just being friends with benefits
fuck him if you want, but you don't have to settle for that

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>having sex with women for pleasure is gay
Is this true?
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Tate posts obvious bait and people fall for it
you say this like testosterone isn't directly correlated to sex drive.
Why does he love talking about gay things? He is probably in the closet
all I'm saying is I can't resist sex so the men will have to help me
Unironically yes in a way

Tate is a lunatic but this take is one the of the least offensive ones

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--- Bizarre Ballad Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you listen to much new music or are you more set in your ways, having found music you like?
>QOTT #2: Do you wear/own any jewellery?

Previous thread: >>35495057


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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but this is just treating people like meat and expecting shit for free. then people turn around and complain that nobodys faithful these days.
>most of the dates I've been on have been with people I was already in a relationship with.
That is a pretty important factor, so I can see why you'd feel differently than me based on the premise itself being so different.
If I were to go out with someone I was already in a relationship with, or someone I had known for a long time, it would be an entirely mood - as you say, it would likely feel more serious and high-stakes. The dates I'm thinking of are more the kind you go on where you're both strangers or new acquaintances trying to figure each other out - goofy fun where nobody really knows what's going to happen, and you're testing compatability.
sure, whatever, have your (you) anon

The second film of the night Cool World will start in 10 minutes, feel free to join us!

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>QOTT #1: Do you listen to much new music or are you more set in your ways, having found music you like?
i'm a creature of habit so usually the latter but one of my resolutions was to listen to more new music, partially because i'm just kind of sick of all the stuff i usually listen to. i found this website Chosic that finds music similar to what's in a playlist or other playlists that feature a lot of the same songs which has helped a lot. since the beginning of the year i've liked about 400 new songs so that's a start. i think i average about that much in a year.

picrel was probably the most fruitful discovery, love these tracks and a lot of the stuff off Crackdown. https://youtu.be/U4bOBvK9Y00

if anyone has any recommendations or use any similar tools for finding new music i'm alll ears. i found last.fm's recommendations to be pretty disappointing even though everyone recommends it a lot.
I wish I had a big penis, being a top is truly the hardest thing in the world

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People still mistake me for early 20s to mid 20s because I took care of my skin, but I saw someone on an old Reddit post say that even if I look good in early 30s I can expect a sharp decline into hag territory at around 35. Any old anons have experience with this? How can I push that back to at least 40?

Also we can make this a 30+ queers general I suppose.
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people used to say this about keanu reeves, but now it's over for him. i've heard people say his beard even hides his lack of jaw/chin nowadays. it will happen to you too. also grats on kicking the cancer sticks, cause that shit is gay
ITT is probably more biased towards light-skinned people (we both know I am talking about Whites, am White). Morgan Freeman is a champ, and every time someone mentions him, I immediately think about God (Bruce Almighty). He is a great actor. Eh. It would probably be best to understand it as something you are far more resistant too, than lighter-skinned people. In a similar way to the fact that Europeans/Whites (honestly, it doesn't really matter) can generally (important) metabolize alcohol better than others. Just because they are better at tolerating it, doesn't mean it is good for everyone else.
>At this point I'm curious as to whether or not I will ever age.
You will.
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late transitioner thread?
mbrogs me

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Ever notice how homophobic and transphobic art is almost always in colour? Even in mediums that are usually monochrome (Wojaks, Stonetoss characters, etc). I started to wonder about why this is, and it made me realize something. They have to include identification colours because what they actually hate is not how you look or act, but simply the fact that you're "one of those people I'm supposed to hate".
There are obviously exceptions, notably among religious cultists, but the majority simply only care that you're a minority. This is why fascist politicians have gay sex while calling themselves straight, this is why "no homo" is a popular thing, this is why people vehemently insist that trans characters are actually femboys. These are rituals that allow them to distance these obviously LGBT concepts from "them". It's really just mindless tribalism.
tl;dr rightoids are monkeys
>rightoids are monkeys
who would've guessed?
Thanks japan

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Prompt old copy pastas! Do what ever one you want! Remember no rating no rates! be nice but not distrustful.

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First time post..
Singing under my blanket for your pleasure

I can't tell if you were saying something or if it was just noises
I think it passes, but you sound extremely strained
You sound like a FtM friend of mine, fem leaning
You indeed sound like a prepubescent boy. In the end you need to learn both pitch and resonance, although i think starting with resonance is best since prepubescent boy voice is a lot less clocky than if you were starting with pitch.
t. someone who sounded like a prepubescent boy for a long time
Really good, if you make it a bit less shaky/inconsistent it'll be awesome. Bonus points for cute laugh :)
Could u describe what exactly you did to stop sounding like a prepubescent boy?
The unfortunate answer is to just keep trying and playing with your voice. My issues were mainly a nasaly quality, crackly vowel sounds and a lack of pitch. I think jusg casually singing songs to myself actually helped a lot, and its also fun.
I haven't done a proper voice training exercise in well over a year now, i just talk and sing and listen to my voice.
Are you a kitty?
Your voice is beautiful, female to me, pretending you're my gf singing me to sleep.

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i've watched all the detrans podcasts
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It appears my superiority has caused some controversy
A: Repping tranny
B: self-loathing chaser
C: someone with rigid views on gender roles who freaks out when a family member comes out (especially if its a child)
which one has the most accurate rate
Worthless psychologist trying hard to make a name for himself using this bullshit, he doesn't actually give a shit about the people he interviews.
He is cute!

I wanna be treated like a puppy. Locked up in a kennel, fed when my owner feels like, using me whenever they feel..

>I'm the definition of tranny.
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this, but i wanna be treated well (still cis tho)
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i just wanna be loved
i don’t think the definition of tranny has anything to do with this
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here is a better version op
What if you get too expensive and your owner has to put you down? LMFAO these furries i swear lol like you trying to get hunted?

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>attracted to most women but very mildly
>attracted to few men but very strongly
What do you call this sexuality?
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>>attracted to few men but very strongly
This is normal hetero female sexuality
That is as fembrained as it gets, bestie lol
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That's the normal heterosexual female experience

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I’ve been rejected by hons and cis guys non-stop for the last year. What am I doing wrong. It’s obvious that people like me but they all seem to despise the idea of having any emotional connection to me. Should I kill myself or should I just keep cutting until I find someone?
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Oh that's easy then, just be my gf
drop discord so i can see if I like you or not
why would she stop hating men, theyre all rapists
Big soph, hire a man hooker to plow you and quit being so desperate lmfao

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Most sex is disgusting and barbaric, but male sexuality is especially gross and harmful. The whole concepts of porn and fetishes only exists because men have an instinctual urge for sex that turns putrid when left to it’s own devices. Literally all of it, diapertrans, euphoria boners, the fetishization of cis lesbians, all of it is caused by male sexuality. It has no positive effect on anyone other than giving people the ability to reproduce, and that could easily be worked around if amabs were sterilized.

Imagine a world where all men were asexual. Trans acceptance would skyrocket, because there wouldn’t be any mefs or agps that give a bad name to all other trans people. Women would actually feel safe walking outside at night, because no man would be interested in r****g her. Men also wouldn’t have the opportunity to physically overpower her, because they wouldn’t have the testosterone needed for it. Gender roles would start to vanish because moids and women would be able to see eye to eye a lot better than before because they’re mentally more alike now. Moids would either live as asexual men, and would be given the opportunity for pure love, uncorrupted by their vile sex drives. Or they would become HSTSs or transbians if they actually have gender dysphoria, and the transbians would leave cis women alone as they would all now comprehend that cis women want nothing to do with them.

What would actually be lost in such a scenario? If you genuinely feel like you would lose a big part of yourself by losing the ability to have sex, then I think you need to change your priorities. This would make the world more peaceful, less dangerous and it would make moids a lot happier since they wouldn’t have to accept the innate wickedness that comes with being a moid.
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So it’s either living with these freaks as a vocal part of our community, or castrating all males. I think the choice is pretty obvious.
Thoughts on high T females with PCOS?
mandatory estrogenizing and diapering of all agp boys!!! perform agp inspections at schools and send all agps to babying camps where they get lolified by cis mommies!!!
I'm gonna jerk off to this thread to spite you op
personally I believe men should be tested and only the top 10% allowed to keep their balls

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i really need to get my ends dusted but im scared the hairdresser will know im a tranny
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soph always has to cope somehow
i never even realized this was her (cause i've never opened them before) until someone pointed it out to me in the thread asking who she is >>35545766
Don't let your anxiety stop you from a potentially fun time, who knows maybe the hair dresser will like you too. Go get your hair done. Tones of men gay or not go to hair dressers as well.
i get it. i was rly scared when i first went desu
i feel you. my uncle dragged me to get a haircut around the time i got on e. thoroughly traumatized me and i didnt get a haircut for... 4 years? my hair was long, sure, but it was sooooo uneven and frayed. kinda disappointed nobody bothered giving me a friendly suggestion to get a haircut after a certain point.
> worried they'll realize I'm a tranny and fuck me up on purpose
ik it's perhaps not ideal and mb not available, but perhaps look around for salons that are visibly pro-lgbt?
> i have to stare in a mirror and confront my dysphoria
i feel such intense dysphoria during haircuts. i deliberately unfocus my eyesight. kinda pathetic of me desu

anyhow, to anyone nervous about getting their haircut, i wish y'all the best of luck. if it's any consolation, i just booked an appointment myself
I'm 5'7 though so idc

>fackin dysphoric!
>19 m look like 14
>people have no sex appeal to me
>lightswitch moment in January, actually interested in presenting masculine, more interested in sex with both genders
Is dysphoria caused by low testosterone? Will I become dysphoric again after puberty is over? Find out next time with the science suckers.
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Gymmaxx and embrace masculinity OP it will cure your dysphoria I’ve heard this is very successful and never backfires catastrophically for anyone.
Yeah bro, it will totally go away if you just man up. Ignore reports about john 50 and trooning army vets blowing their brains out because they tried that exact same strategy and it backfired horribly. Its all a meme bro.
My initial T was at 1000 ng / dl btw, so not for me. My estrogen was at 60 pg / ml though. So I think there was something else going on.
Did you also have unnaturally high estrogen? Do you have bone health issues? Do you have wide hips naturally? Just checking you don't potentially have PAIS lol

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