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Hello, I want to make a statement on the trans day of visibility. I wish the trans weren't so visible.
t. tranny

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I just bought an Evangelion shirt because I like the anime but when I got home I started to wonder if it would be clocky because when i saw a guy wearing an Evangelion hoodie at school part of me wondered if he was a repper. Am I just brainwormed?

I only wonder because I'm a stealth passoid but kind of androgynous looking and have girl twink vibes. Will this shirt be the thing that gives it away?
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When did this shit with trannies and EVA start? Is it because they want Misato to be their dommie mommy?
I thought it was due to relating to Shinji and Rei's failure as humans.
mostly like >>35537657 said, being a failure
but also the whole mommy issues part
not to mention the core questions of identity raised by the show, and exploration of the artificiality of these identities, existential dread of having them forced upon you, and lastly, desire to experience ego death
evangelion is about the inherent pain of existing
pain a neurotypical cis woman wouldn't understand
it's cringe for day wear but cute for home wear.
like out at school or in public weird and cringe but at home it can be cute and fun comfy wear.

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Previous Thread: >>35447264
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf

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>Injections and HRT are scary what if I fuck up and die lol
You won't. It's theoretically possible but practically impossible. You'd need to take stupid high doses, and let alone that, you'd somehow need to tolerate a needle in your leg for the amount of fluid you'd need to put in your body to even reach levels that could be close to hazardous.

>But even if I don't plan on taking it I might just want to hold onto it just in case.
>And at that point it's kinda scary to have my bank and customs know this shit.
There are DIY sources that ship internally in the US, and even then, US customs don't really give a shit unless you're trying to import like actual hard drugs and shit. Also if you're in the US then check if your state has informed consent, then you'll "legally" be in possession of estrogen. I say "legally" because while estrogen requires a prescription to purchase, it's not a controlled substance meaning you're not gonna go to jail for having it outside of a prescription. No one cares and I mean that in a polite way. This is all in relation to the US though, I can't speak for any other country.

>Also if Trump gets reelected idk what the fuck happens to DIY or even prescription
A lot of cis women get prescribed HRT, it's not gonna go away. Individual states you need to worry about. There's still a whole other half of the government that would never let Trump sign a sweeping ban of trans healthcare without lawsuit after lawsuit.
goobysart spotted
Is 0.2 ml a high enough dose of valerate for monoinjections? I’ve been off hrt for like a month and a half and got switched from cypionate. Can’t get levels for a while.
>You won't. It's theoretically possible but practically impossible.
Idk it's still sorta unnerving.

>Also if you're in the US then check if your state has informed consent,
It does. Unfortunately they're all hondosing planned parenthood clinics in very sketchy neighborhoods. I'm not sure if Inhousepharmacy would have better grade estradiol, but I'm not sure how much I like the idea of having to go to a ghetto to beg for a 30 day supply of 2 mg oral estradiol every month.

>while estrogen requires a prescription to purchase, it's not a controlled substance meaning you're not gonna go to jail for having it outside of a prescription.
It's legally gray in my state from what I understand.
For federal law, the concrete laws are about controlled substances, and for non controlled prescription only drugs I have no idea what the legality is beyond the fact that customs can seize and destroy the import.
But for state law, it is illegal to even knowingly buy non-controlled prescription drugs from an "unauthorized" source. So if I'm understanding it correctly, it's literally illegal in my state to buy DIY from a homebrewer. I'm not sure where overseas online pharmacies fall.

Will they come after me for it? I don't know but I wouldn't sleep well at night knowing there's a paper trail of potentially illegal drug imports on my ass.

God I just wish this shit was OTC for fucks sake.

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are you meant to wait till page 10 to bump

Try new things Edition
previous: >>35286117

Goal of the thread: Try something new that is good for you. A dish, a form of exercise, a new activity.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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Idk, I've been trying to order it all week.
Maybe tomorrow
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hello friends!!

sorry for being absent, school is wrapping up so i have lots to do. hope everyone is doing well!!
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Hi. I’m gonna be anonymous for the purpose of the post, but I can’t keep up with school. I can only study at 5 minute intervals, a total of up to 30 minutes. The pace of school is too fast relative to me. I’m trying so hard to study for longer and focus harder but it’s demoralizing when the marginal progress isn’t enough to make up the time lost.
I just don’t understand why I’m so mentally retarded and sabotaging myself. I’ve tried meditation, eating right, exercise, but it fell apart around the start of this year. I’m worried about whether I might sui if I can’t live on my own

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Would ftms date a MTF repper?

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>be me
>cis male
>a trans girl I met online in November has feelings for me
>she's been wanting to VC with me
>I tell her no way fag because I'm socially anxious and have a gay voice and stutter a lot and I know that she'll lose her feelings when discovering what an autist I am
>we finally voice chat a few hours ago after she's spent months asking me to do so
>I stuttered a lot because I'm a retard who can't speak and was awkward as fuck
>but after that was over she said "That was the most fun I've ever had" and that she still likes me romantically
Trans girls are angels
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>Trans girls are angels
they are demons who want to be angels
get that tgirl pussy anon
congrats anon
good luck if you pursue a romantic relationship
Damn... Now I feel kinda bad for ghosting two different trans girls because of my anxiety. Happy for you though

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Is it normal that I want to murder people with a girl I like? We're both mtf and severely mentally ill by the way.
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Who's Bonnie and who's Clyde?
The people wouldn't really matter. I'd imagine it would just be homeless people that we'd find sleeping on our walks at night. I think they don't have much to live for and they would also be asleep at that time, so they'd probably be easier to get than anybody else
That's a good question anon.
It’s not great. But same lolz.
Thank you.
Sorry to say this picture does not pass the REALITY CHECK of cuddling. the girl on the right has her right arm go UNDER the other person which means that the two people in the picture are NOT ASLEEP and have only been posing cutely for under five minutes because right girls arm will have fallen asleep from having a shoulder on top of it. Please don't fall for pictures of unrealistic anime cuddling that might give you weird expectations. Real life cuddling is a tangle of limbs and a human partner is NOT light and fluffy like blahaj. Thank you for your consideration, now go and please never again be fooled by cuddling propaganda.

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What color is your underwear? Post pics???

Old >>35526248
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Lol I had these boxers, wore em ragged
I would have protested but I got stabbed in the back by a theyfab recently and it's making it hard to fight my biases
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>require theyfabs to be under 21 bmi before "transitioning"

This apply to all AFABs. Old and fat roaties are completely worthless and in the ideal society we would be shooting them at sight.
you're an obese alcoholic pedophile, you have no room to talk

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I hate being a virgin, I hate being alone, I hate hearing about relationships, I hate hearing about sex, I hate that I think about it so much, I hate that I feel like i need to do it, I hate that i CANT do it, I hate being a khhv, I hate being a brainwormed trans girl.

How is your relationship with your parents anon?
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I like both my parents, flaws and all. I think they could have done better raising me, there is probably a billion ideal scenarios of how could have grown up. I think especially with my mom there might be more under the surface that I haven't explored, maybe even with my Dad. But overall I think I'm okay
How did this happen? Genuinely curious all 3 just bailed..why?
Well not bailed but (sorry for reddit spacing, trying to make it easier to read in sections)

Step-dad, moved in with us, married my mom, I know absolutely nothing about him, he sat in his room playing video games all day, avoided us as much as possible, would be working all the time
Any time we (Sister and I) would try to talk or learn from him while he was fixing cars or anything he'd make short curt responses and eventually just stop talking
Never made any attempt to be a father

Dad- didn't live with him, visited him only every other weekend, he'd be tired and we didn't do too much usually, used to be decent and would spend time with him, but rightoid and would force me to get haircuts when i visited, berated me for trying to come out as gay and laughed at me, convinced me it was "because i didnt trust him and come ot him first instead of sister", tried coming out as trans few years later, looked at me and said "No you're not" and started listing sections from 'how to tell if you're transgender' wikihow article

Step-mom, more similar to step-dad didn't spend much time with her or ever get close really, she was nice but idk, my dad's a real jerk to her and she'd take a real passive role around us both. Would try to spend time with her as a kid but now just never really talk to her
I don't talk to my mom anymore and it makes me happy knowing how much she must grieve the loss of her "son".
The reddit spacing is just basic grammar rule, fuck this site lol
>played video games, not spend time with kids
Why even bother moving in then sorry man
>wiki how
Topkek that's rough dude
Shame man, hope things are better

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previous >>35534932
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i have beautiful princess disorder uwu
back to /mtfftmagpaapclgbigrggmgbmgfg/ gen, bitch.
stop calling me a bitch.
I have lucky girl syndrome…
I’m positive that asking them to not call you bitch will surely work.

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Why does radical feminism necessitate trans exclusion in the eyes of some?
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the things that should be done to terfs violate rule 1
You can call yourself trans without taking HRT if you want, however depending where you live, legally your recognition as your chosen gender can get a bit shaky if you aren't making any active medical treatments/efforts to transition.

At least that's where it works where I live. Can't even change your gender on your birth certificate (a requirement for using female bathrooms) if you haven't been both undergoing medical treatment (HRT, psychology, etc) AND living as your chosen gender openly for at least 12 months.

That said, it differs a lot from country to country. That's just how it works where I live (on the positive side for trans people here, we use complete informed consent model for literally everything, if you actually DO want HRT or surgery here you can get it basically instantly, I'm fine with the cost of that instant, affirming access being that you have to prove you mean it to be recognized as your chosen gender and allowed into those spaces).
most people are terfs on some level, the best acceptance troons are gonna be getting is just mild politeness and very basic care so you don't go ahead and 41% yourself. realistically speaking the terfs have won
>This performance peak discrepancy hints at under performing on the test!
it just hints at a difference in variance, which is explained by variable practices of hrt.
>their FEV:FVC ratio being lower indicates that they are simply unfit, not that they have reduced lung function.
you can't rule out that the unfitness comes from some other unavoidable effect of hrt in another bodily system, as opposed to laziness or whatever you're trying to suggest.
>Notice how the comparison shifted from comparing trans women to cis women to comparing trans women to cis men.
duly noted. it's still a relevant statistic.
what distinguishes the real terfs from normal people is that they believe the trannies have won.

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it’s friday here
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got a haircut, can never malefail again :(
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What is supposed to work?
>I've been here 7 years
and? i’ve been here for 15 years now. it used to be better before you troons

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Prompt old copy pastas! Do what ever one you want! Remember no rating no rates! be nice but not distrustful.

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which one are u
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op lol

sounds good, wish mine sounded more like that. (Sounds cis, passes ez)
oh and i forgot your laugh is sweet
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Passes, you sound like a cis girl I know, good confidence in voice !!
Passes, you'll get through it I believe in u anonette
Another anon said you sound like a child and I kinda agree.
Sounds feminine, but not confident with yr voice which makes sense since vfs so recently getting used to using it.
I'm bad at telling with accents but it sounds like it'd pass.

Not a lot of vocas so far, unforch. :<

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>Do you work out? How often?
>What are your favorite ways to work out and what kind of workouts do you do?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Old thread >>35518992
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i just missed out on making 1k because i am lazy
That's a common meme joke on 4chan, are you the anon who didn't know what a moid is?
Lurk more babe
It’s an ironic term to describe this place whenever someone takes it too seriously. Basically the phrase goes “[insert globally irrelevant country] [insert mundane unheard of activity] forum/website”.

I’ve also seen Malaysian crocheting website or Estonian stampcollecting forum
no. i am a proud newfag though.

i am <3

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