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I'm twans anb I habe twauma
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my dad used to slam my head into the wall and make me clean up the blood from my nose
aaw so hawt I liek when babby is bean two mew >:3
get in da whip and pop niggaz
with an AR and a glock, nigga
srs before hrt or even without hrt at all ever were things that seriously happened in the 20th century

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Post four characters you really relate to and guess which letters other people are based on their four.
Bonus points if you know who top left is
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Aw heck yeah these threads are fun
Autistic MtF
Autistic MtF but in a more extroverted way
Agree its more fun to make assumptions about the people like /mu/ does
Transbian, whos the girl top left?>>35520245
Weird and Fucked up trans guy
Trans girl, that bobby pic screams a parent that didn’t understand your weird shit, and are likely from Texas(im projecting I considered putting him on)
>top left
nta but thats tsukasa hiiragi from lucky star
I meant top right fuck my bad thank you tho
You're all off the mark. What about this screams Pooner?
Hazel from seconds

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Hi anons

im mtf and finallly feel comfy to start approaching stuff now that hrt is almost in sight
(should hear news if i can start or not the second of may)
but i really wanna start getting my physical fitness in order, kinda lacking as i had no passion in being attractive as a male.
i wanna start running since thta shits the hardest for me since no stamina and it burns them calories.
thing is i go to college class from 8 am till pretty much 8 pm as thats when i get home from commute, and my area is notorious for getting robbed after dark so i cant go jogging outside.
i also live in an apartment so if i were to get a treadmill id get noise complaints out te ass.
what are some things i can do to either burn fat gain stamina or both.
im pretty desperate for anything so even extreme measures are welcome
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i though europe was nice and safe. surely there must be a gym nearby in a metro area like that
>i though europe was nice and safe. surely there must be a gym nearby in a metro area like that
Ill look for one near my college campus :D
Also need to get out of my cafeteria diet since its coca cola to keep me energized and greasy meals :T
Bodyweight exercises tailored to your fitness goals like bodyweight squats. Seeing how a gym cost might fit into your budget. Seeing if you can go for runs/walks during daytime while on campus. Hikes, maybe in a group setting with friends or hiking groups, perhaps on weekends, away from the packs of...upstanding "citizens" Europe seems to be filled with nowadays.
Get like an exercise bike, they make less noise and take up about the same amount of space. They don't burn as much but still it's good cardio

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MTFs, if I airdropped you into India RIGHT NOW, what would happen.
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i probably get raped then beat to death :(
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>ask for a phone in a consulate or from fellow expats
>log in on my crypto exchange
>enjoy a free tropical vacation
nuff said

Look it up. A country with that big of a population is bound to have a lot of talented people in basically whatever field you look at.

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My sister said I can be a bridesmaid at her lesbian wedding next year if I want even though I’m not even trans. Just wanted to brag
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double L for the dad but I guess you don't even know who that is
He won’t be invited to the wedding but yeah I’m sure he will not be happy at all if/when he finds out
>most of the afabs i know are rich white girls

My sister’s future wife has tech money and I just realized I could probably get her to pay for me to get cheek and lip fillers before the wedding…
This is a homophobic dad’s worst nightmare, maybe only 2nd to his son transitioning and and wearing a wedding dress
i have read enough mef feminization comics and manga to know how this is going to end
you're gonna look so hot being passed around by the groomsmen as they fuck you silly with their big manly cocks that make your locked up nub look like a clit in comparison

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for all the anons here who got FFS, where did you get it done? what was the process like? how did you choose the right surgeon? I keep seeing online that the good surgeons are in asia or whatever, is that really true?
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Omggg when i saw him in person though..he just like took my head in his hands and sternly pulled my face in to examine me up close....it was all i could do to not just collapse into him </3
haven't had it since insurance no longer covers it but did have a consult with keojampa. once/if i have money he's probably who i will go with
>emphasis on natural results although he did mention aesthetic procedures he could do or has done for women just for looks
>has worked on cis women, not just trans women
>good eye for pleasing natural results
>maintains contact and follows up afterwards
>experienced with a variety of ethnicities in women (this was important to me because i'm hispanic and it would be weird to get ffs and look e.g. european)
>honest about the difference between procedures he would do for passing, additional feminization beyond that, and what would just be cosmetic (in my case, in order: jaw, cheek implants + brows, rhinoplasty)
omg literally a dream i cant wait!!!!
was it expensive?
Yes, it's ffs

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no HRT needed
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>its just he has nice hair and skin thats it
trannies summed up
trans women are shaved men with long hair
He may not be on HRT (though idk why you're so sure on that) but clearly a lot of work has been done here
He's already wearing makeup, and I can't see a single hair folicle anywhere except head and (perfectly shaped) eyebrows.
Lol my mom sent me some article about this shit screaming about how I didn't need to transition.

I want female fat distribution on my body and no dick though. Oh and breasts

as a straight trans girl i'd be in a relationship with a cute ftm but would never have sex with one of them... sorry!!!! cuddling is okay tho... maybe thats how cis men feel about me? :[
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I want to have sex with a ftm too
I did cut off my dick
they should get the penis operation
I love ftms with all my heart and soul. I can genuinely write entire books about my love for them
Write it.
i feel the same about mtfs. the reason we'd never have sex is because i'm a pussysexual top and find anal gross
You could tell him your feelings but it would mess things up, look for someone else to fall for but keep him as a friend.

Might hurt a bit and feel weird but you have already been rebuffed and been dealing with it.

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Why would an FtM would want to be a femboy?

Genuine question, wouldn't that just go against the purpose of being FtM in the first place?
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FTM "femboys" will never not be ludicrous levels is cope
>what's wrong, he just wants to be a boy who is also a femboy
for one thing, a huge amount of femboys just end up being closeted mtfs and in general, a boy expressing that kind of femininity is extremely uncommon - u can cope all u want about that just being society or whatever, but the fact of the matter is the vast majority of boys simply do not want to embody that level of femininity
it ought to be blatantly obvious that anyone identifying as an ftm femboy is just a cis girl who wants to be mtf bc she fetishizes amabs expressing femininity
>just a penis
They're basically afraid of rape.
The vagina is the superior experience but they don't want to be penetrated and seeded.
Inverse of transmasc lesbians I guess
I like my penis and I like looking like submissive and bread able feminine boy
i pass better as a femboy. life gave me lemons, i made lemonade

What's your gender history? I'll start.

>Assigned male at birth for some reason
>2015 Female
>2016 Minigender
>2017 to 2020 Female
>2021 Not really sure, very difficult to describe.
>2022 No gender at this time
>2023 through Present Tuniagender
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>>1996 amab
>>2000 want to be like my best friend a girl
>>2008 weak weird child
>>2012 hs nerd faggot
>>2016 tranny??
>>2017 untranny??
>>2018 these years don’t exist
>>2021 tranny again
you had one job
Im retarded what can i say
>2003 amab
>2010 assigned by self as f, by parents as m
>2012 assigned by school as faggot
>2017 assigned by high school as faggot
>2020 assigned by self as mtf
>2021 assigned by uni house as nb femboy
>2022 assigned by doctors as mtf
>2023 hrt
what the fuck do you mean "for some reason" you literally had a penis

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It's honestly disgusting how even in real life places lesbians have to come across dicks, and gay men have to come across vaginas
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>How do we stop predators from invading homosexual spaces?
That's the neat part. You don't!
how do they get sexed without a penis?
show straight boyfriend
Can't, need srs :(

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Post people who still don't pass after FFS, I want to what I can expect from my own face
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nah we can have hips you just need to be at least a midshit and start hrt at 16 or naturally be a bit hourglassy prehrt
Yeah people underestimate the power of benefit of the doubt especially if you have a passing voice people are likely to just assume your uggo
Your delusional hon.
Getting rid of half your faceplate? For that? Is ffs really worth it?

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There's this trans girl in my class, excluding the voice she's a total passoid
She seems really nice, how does one non autistically approach a fellow tranner? I want a trans fren who actually understands the shit I'm going through and whom I can ask stuff
>t. repper about to snap
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>She herself was very open with being trans
DO IT. This the right person to talk to. This is not the scared passoid that the other posters assume. Literally say "hi I'm ___. I need to find myself. Can we talk about trans stuff?"
"Can we talk about gender?"
Better wording
umm excuse me can a schedule an event in which we might perhaps engage in a conversation on the topic of gender
i hate trannies that are so obsessed with being trans or "gender" just be a normal human jfc

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>2 months hrt
>fem cis male
>jealous of women in every way
>dont really want boobs
i jumped into it after years of just thinking about it. Didnt have any plans of being a woman, just want to be as fem as possible. Im gonna fkn hate myself when my acne comes back and i get a growth spurt of facial hair.
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i dont think ill ever understand myself

ughhhhh. i would not give af about boobs if i wasnt ugly as fuck and not comfortable presenting as female even slightly. i didnt plan it out and im so fucking low confidence anyways. i hate myself jfc
>not comfortable presenting as female even slightly
Like ill never do this unfortunately. In my head, being a confident and expressive woman sounds like the goal for my life, but i know thats just not happening. im a male clear as day. i hate that i go back and forth between idgaf and caring about what everyone thinks of me. i want to do this, i like the hormones so far, and i wouldnt care about boobs, but i want a BF. i want to not be seen as a weirdo to people. i think i should stop
idk if it helps at all but ive been feeling like that for moooonths . gotten off of it for a week or two at a time but body changes even a pinch and it's infinitely worse,,,,,,,,, rn im saying im nb cause that feels cool but i def get what you mean with maybe not minding having boobs if i felt able to lalala yeah what you said.
i reckon try picturing what youd be like in a year or more if you got off of them to try to feel that out. for me i felt overwhelmingly trapped doing that but im more comfortable going along with this and stopping it than not taking it and fucking myself up if i return again. sorry if worthless im drinked up i just feel what you say and hope u can make a decision even if it's hesitant bc thats better than squirming every day kicking flailing screaming trying to make sense of stuff |MAYBE IDK MAKE IT UP FOR YOURSELF SWEETHEART i hope youre okay that's it and post
>not comfortable presenting as female even slightly
I had to condition myself against this by going into public in girlmode. Like force myself to be girly (I'm sure it was absolutely fucking cringe) and realize that there's no negative reaction.
Unsure if that's right for you. Find a local pride group where you can express this.
Hormone blockers can make the facial hair growth stop.

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I’m so fucking fembrained.
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Pooner with abandonment issues.
emotional dumping and over explaining yourself, fucking relatable
this reads like a shitty fanfiction. you are a fucking loser with 0 self awareness imagine sharing this garbage with everyone
whats supposed to be the fembrained part? is it because you're being emotionally manipulative? thats kind of misogynistic dawg

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