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ive decided to troon, i cant take it anymore

need basic info:
where do i get estrogen?
how do i safely take it?
how to avoid triangle tits?
how do i remove body hair permanently?
what challenges should i expect?
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three wrong answer in a row wow
Youngshit passoid narrcists wrote this.

I listened to you fuckers for a couple years. I ended up trooning out anyway. You just made me more of a hon, that is all. Telling people to keep repressing when they can't anymore is just making the hon problem worse.
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>If you're in America buy from TeaHRT if you can. I think they're on break for a couple more days at least though
>Read https://diyhrt.wiki/transfem
>Voice train hard and voice train early

Congrats on the pink pill
Is the mexican pharmacy deal any good?
hey didn’t we all just have a talk on here yesterday about not screaming about diy from the rooftops?

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> The Cass Review Report does not conclude that puberty suppressing hormones are an unsafe treatment.
>The report supports a research study being implemented to allow pre-pubertal children to have a pathway to
accessing this treatment in a timely way and with suitable follow up and data collection, to provide the
highest quality of evidence for the ongoing use of puberty suppressing hormones as a treatment for gender
> Dr. Cass agrees that it is inappropriate & not possible to conduct a ‘double-blind’ study
this next one is especially funny
> Dr. Cass has stated that there should be zero tolerance for conversion practices and it should be a matter
for a regulator to investigate if anyone is found to be causing harm in this way. Dr. Cass is keen for
legislators to enact a ban on conversion practices, and that this ban should come with enough support for
NHS staff to understand the difference between conversion practice and supporting young people who are
yet fully certain about their gender identity
like come on you old fucking hag, you knew what your report was gonna do
fuck you

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Strange to think how the evil actions of one person can affect thousands and thousands of people for many years to come
Remember to take note of every part of this, like actually compile in a notepad or something.
trannies are the force of evil here, she's trying to save kids from being groomed into a cult that takes away their sexual pleasure for life
Penises and clitorises are homologous structures, so cross-sex hormones will allow them to attain sexual pleasure since that's what you're worried about for some reason.
it took 4 years and 1 million quid. all the British media. and the 40+ billion purchase of twitter.

Good news everyone, a youngshit from a rich family had agreed to speak to the media about DIY.

Im sure only good things will come from this.
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It’s ok to get called out. Just check your misogyny in the future :)
You are a catty gay man.
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its literally impossible for them to prevent DIY sellers, stop freaking out retards.
they cant even catch 80% of cocaine and heroin being shipped through the mail, and those are super identifiable by drug dogs. estrogen is undetectable, its users consume orders of magnitude less, and it's one of the most prescribed medicines to exist. Even if you find a perfect method to detect it in the mail, 99% of it is legitimate and prescribed so you'd have to dig through the convoluted fucking mess that is medical record databases before you could even try to seize it.
there's always going to be greymarket sites selling it. there isn't currently a government on earth that has the capacity to stop it, even if they funneled billions into trying. it would be easier to stop people from buying doxycycline.
>b-but le bad press!!
yeah normies dont have time to care about the intricacies of this shit. they just dont like genderfucks. most of them don't even know hrt exists

good for you man
I hope you stop hating women someday :)

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Any other transgirls feel...weird when they have to be intimate with their bf? I don't mean intimate in the sexo way,the sex is pretty great ngl, I mean intimate in the lovey dovey way. For example he came back from work today all exhausted,had a bath,ate and then laid on the couch with me,hugged me around my waist,buried his face on my stomach and took a nap there. I dunno it felt kinda wrong like I was pampering a needy baby and that at that moment I didn't have a bf but a nuisance bothering me on my couch. To be upfront I like my bf he is loving and sweet and takes care of me no problem. But when he acts like he needs support it just feels some weak ass energy coming from him in that moment. I am quite perplexed and interested if I am the only one feeling this way.
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Man up and kill yourself
Pick meism is peak fembrain behaviour, you wouldn't understand as a malebrained gorilla
Because you are a goddamn man, real women are the ones who take care of real man after a long exhausting day
>muh incel
Nah. Trannies are almost always meta-attracted, so they are very exigent about their bf being manly and bla bla bla. Even cis women aren't as exigent as this, I can confirm because I'm a straight man. Real women have their problems but they are more empathetic and less self centered than trannies

How do I pretend to be a tranner? He only dates tranners. I already thought what to say if he asks why I'm so feminine (I started hrt when I was 14) or why I don't have a penis (I had SRS). Will this work?
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stop lying to yourself already
Are you both retarded?
You will not pass as a trans woman
yes. just reread it lmao
kill yourself that's cisphobic

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You can rest now fat man

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>go on youtube
>see cis woman
>day ruined
fragile wee mentally ill man
why do agps hate women so much?
i dont hate women im sad i cant be one

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Trannies, what are your instincts of sexual desire like? What does your body *want*?

Do trans girls really feel like their butt is 'empty' when they see a man? Do you feel the compulsive need to serve? Whats it like for you.
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please! I need
I'm only just getting any kind of libido back after starting hrt.
For me it's like a mood or a vibe, I just sort of feel confused and empty headed and can't really think well, all I feel is like someone should help me, someone should show me what to do, someone should grab me and take care of me and in exchange I'd be so thankful and make them feel as good as I can.
I like Girls and Guys, have experienced the "empty" feeling before, but it has eluded me after libido was nuked :((
No my butt is always full of poop it sucks.
my body demands me to play tamtam on a hairy man's pecs/tummy
When I see a nice looking gock, I become hypnotized and want to suck it and smell it and taste it. I want to vicariously experience penis. My body is designed around the pleasure of trans women.

I have a partner in a poly relationship who is an abdl. Her littlespace is non sexual, and it’s more of a coping mechanism they use to reclaim their childhood. It’s never been a sexual thing for them and never will be, but I was ok with it because I like being a caregiver and have a few years experience with it being that my ex was into it too.
They approached me the other day and said they wanted to start doing more kinky sexual things, just nothing related to Abdl. I wasn’t sure how to react because our partnership was supposed to be non sexual from the start. They pretty much told me that they want me to be an impact bottom for them and basically start dominating me sometimes. They have been taking classes at our local dungeon and asked me if I could be their demo bottom sometimes.

We started coming up with scenarios that basically put me in a 1950s housewife position with them being the abusive husband. Not sure how to feel because I’m usually a top, but the scenarios sounded kinda hot. I started thinking about things like pic rel, and now I’m kinda intrigued. What is happening to me? Is this how becoming a tranner starts? Innocent fun that will eventually not be satisfying enough, and we end up taking it further and further?
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Well we were kinky already, how do think we met? Being vanilla is boring and plain, have fun having mediocre sex your whole life. Being a “demo bottom” is so she can practice on me and get better at doing topping things for the future, and she doesn’t want any penetrative sex because she hates her genitals. This is actually quite common in my world. And we never said it was blasphemous to change our dynamic or anything. Poly isn’t ideal for me, but it’s all anyone wants to do nowadays. This person is obviously not my soulmate or anything, we are just having some fun. There’s tons of talking about it and negotiating beforehand, so I don’t feel “tricked”, just surprised she even wanted to get sexual with me. I’m mostly concerned about how wearing lingerie and being a pretend housewife will turn me over to the troon side.
Nice blogpost. Have an upvote
what in tarnation, how do you have time to come up with this fantasy sexual roleplay kink shit in real life next to having a job and making ends meet? i'm lucky if i can even make time to jack off before going to sleep. sigh.
I mean sounds fine, even if their particular little space is non-sexual, littles are people and get horny too. Sounds like you're into it too, so idk what the problem is
>it’s all anyone wants to do nowadays
ofc, poly is the hot shit right now, everyone wants to do it - get out more, kid, just get out more, like, to a mall or smth; practice talking to people, just don't get arrested lol
>have fun having mediocre sex your whole life
this is what I don't get about "kinky people". Do you really think "vanilla" sex is "oh honey I will touch you here now, ah ah well done, now I'll move like this, ah oh, allright, we're done for today, now we have unload duty @ the dishwasher; after that see you @ the sofa, over and out"

You don't know the half of a sane relationship. But how to explain it? You think you're so edgy that putting on stocking is gonna make you "troon out" - don't you feel the urge to grow those milkers already? After your unsexual little is done with you, you'll fall into someone else's grip to sling you further into troonland, never to be seen again. That's the little-known asexual-50s housewife-troon pipeline hell yeah.

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I am like him, except I'm a manmoder somehow living as a male, depressed and with nothing to lose

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i've been dating a cis woman for a week. now i want to cheat with trannies so fucking bad
based do it for us
I've cheated on a couple cis gfs with trannies. No regrets lol
lmao based

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Do (dominant) cis women like boymoders?
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Just browse in Discord chats or whatever. There are plenty of transbians who like to dominate baby transes.
You don't. Women aren't dominant.
Well, I can't find any study about it, but in my personal experience, this true. This woman for example, she's a domme and she isn't into femboys at all
I want to get dominated into being a woman. Like have an experienced woman guide me in fixing my mannerisms, speech, posture, everything.

Why isn't this a thing? Why isn't there some kind of hostess club that are all tranners in training with a mistress providing lessons and discipline during the day?

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>Have weird tranny thoughts since I was a kid
>Realize I\m a tranny
>Think about telling my parents
>Realize there's literally no fucking reason to tell my parents
>Stop caring about tranny shit and realize I am being retarded
>Live with misery

Anyone else?
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me except im a garden variety fagmo
Because this board, despite appearances, is not a tranny board, it is a board founded by and made for everyone who falls under "lgbt" you dumbass troon
Having incessant thoughts abt wanting to be a woman while simultaneously living as a man and afraid of being harshly criticized for even wearing the lightest makeup sucks. Idk any reason your parents have to know other than it gets hard to hide once you transition. They don't have to tho
What if you plan to never transition, what then?
John 50 etc. Transition isn't for everyone, so the John 50 thing is kinda mean, but like. Idk there's no way to just not be trans. You can "crossdress" when you're alone like people used to.

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Really considering starting hrt again or killing myself
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>all of the evidence points out that transness is a brain thing and that you're born with it
The repper brainworms man, I'm telling you.
It is a brain thing. That's why I want to be cured with medicines or genetic therapy. Round and round this argument goes.
nah you're good
You can't cure a brain thing with genetic therapy and medicine. The brain structures that make you feel female are already there. What you need it's something that rearranges the structures that make you "feel" female to turn them into their male counterpart, and for that you would need some sort of nanomachie neuron rearranger thing that would do that to your brain from the inside, and a complete knowledge of how the human brain and specifically your brain works.

But again, why would you go that route when you can like just get the body you want and go on with your life, assuming that technology exists alongside the trans remover one.
Defeatist mentality.

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i realized today i have never ever masturbated to anything other than boys turning into girls in one way or another for whatever reason
am i agp
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what so ur like an aap mtf
No, you just want to be a woman
I'm like 90% sure you feel better reading "forced" stuff because you'd like to aboid being held responsible for becoming a woman, despite secretly wishing for it. So same as above, but with extra steps and fear of being judged
Same. Then I started imagining it was me. Then just started taking girl chemicals. Then I got a surgery date so I can finally have my own pussy.
>I'm like 90% sure you feel better reading "forced" stuff
No i mean like genuinely hating being a woman, the hottest stories for me is the guys getting dysphoric from it
I mean I've been on HRT for years at this point, still saving up for bottom surgery though
I started here. I liked the idea of a boy being unwillingly placed in a female body and having to learn to live with it.

Then I started liking the stories where they give themselves up to it and find quickly they love being female and their male ego disappears.

There is something that grabs me about walking away from their former life and taking pleasure in all the things they aren't supposed to like. The completely indulging in femininity as an outsider and loving it.

>story where two friends meet a chill techno wizard with transformation powers
>one friend gets turned into a chick as a joke and ends up secretly liking it
>keeps getting turned into a chick
>meets a lover while being a chick
>gets fucked
>loves it
>gradually completely becomes a chick and lives her new life

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