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Are there actual alt right trannies and or other assorted homosexuals that aren't just larping. Tradcaths, nazis, fascists, monarchists, tell me your story and how you got to where you are, sexuality wise and politically.
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though I do disagree on Kohne's take on Queer people, it's best to not sew division in the White Positive Sphere due to the Band Analogy. Once we recapture our destiny as Westmen, then we can fight for Queer rights, though this would involve us going against God Emperor Kohne.
Kohne is a jew and he kvetches about how being against jews is being against white people. Kys kike shill
Every time. His head shape was a giveaway
being against Jews is being against the White race, since when antiwhites are anti-Jewish, they view Jews as an extension of the White race. Antiwhites don't like Jews because they appear White. I wan worldwide wellbeing for all races.
Why are you here then? https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/134479?hl=en

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trannyism a young man's game
once you are 30 it's over
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youngfags don't know how good they have it. I'm 36 and when I was a little kid in the 90s I had no idea at all about these things, no mental concept of transitioning or transgender, never mind the specifics of hrt, blockers etc.
The most you got was some glimpse of gender bending on TV once in a while - no mainstream LGBT movement, no Internet, no tranny porn, mail order tranny drug DIY regimen, you had to go through a doctor and back they didn't just hand out Estrogen like candy to little kids it was gatekept to fuck, never mind if you said to your parents hey i want be a girl they would probably send you to an exorcist not a doctor.
You had to figure all this shit out completely on your own and by the time i did that it was already pretty much too late, our generation never stood a chance, doomed to choose between repping or being a gigahon. If I was young now I would have done it obviously, but you come to peace with yourself more after 30 so idk I just find ways to cope and make the best of it.
diy has been around since the 80s early 90s
Trooning at middle age is easier because most the cis women have gone through menopause and become neuter in their secondary sexual characteristics and the unisex aging of the face destroys gendered information.
>when I was a little kid in the 90s I had no idea at all about these things, no mental concept of transitioning or transgender

please fuck off you trender

trans is not the identity. if you experienced what a real trans person has you would understand the despair and hopelessness of growing up in the 90's. you make a mockery of it with

>i had no idea

you didn't know something was wrong with your body?
you didn't know you identified as a girl from a young age?
you didn't know?

the reason gay people have protections is because of the idea that identity is immutable. they always knew.

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1. trooned out at 30, still care what my parents think because they're the only family i have left
2. little financial stability beyond living paycheck to paycheck, no inheritance coming
3. i never developed much since i was a mentally ill repper so i still have a teenage mentality about the type of woman i become
4. oh boy

oh well, at least i wasnt a functional MAN with a million onions beard pics before trooning out

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wanted to do one of these but the only one up is the favorites one and that one is sooo tedious
so i'm polluting the board by making one
post favorite vidya and guess letters :3
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thanks -_-
>>35506079 mtf lesbian
>>35506125 mtf lesbian
>>35506294 cis male straight
>>35506409 mtf lesbian
>>35506472 mtf bi
>>35506517 cis male gay
>>35506778 mtf lesbian
>>35507115 mtf bi
>>35507233 mtf lesbian
>>35507384 mtf lesbian
>>35507538 cis male straight or mtf ace
>>35507707 ftm gay
>>35509336 mtf lesbian
>>35509405 mtf straight
>>35510183 mtf ace or high iq mtf straight

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>mtf lesbian!
>smash fan
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yes I know it's agp af -_-

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are you AGP dipshits actually retarded enough to think you are women or just really degenerate losers? or both? serious question
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This is interesting to read. I am unable to fully imagine the sensations you’re describing - feeling as though your genitals ought not be there and other such phantom feelings. It’s too far outside my experience to grasp in any meaningful way. The human mind is very strange indeed. Congrats on getting your shit mostly figured out though. It sounds like things are going better now than before transition.
Yeah the main issue I have with communicating with cis people is they lack the experiences to actually conceptaulise me, and the worst thing they do is projecting themselves onto me incorrectly.

The best I can say is. Just genuinely imaging being castrated, your testosterone and male sex drive being removed, being called she every day. Like, I imagine you wouldnt be pleased about it.

If you can concieve of a cis person being unhappy about forced sex change then you can understand trans people.
I see what you mean. That’s probably the closest analogy we’re gonna get.
im a faggot on hormones. my brain is the retard that wants to be a woman. real women are for the most part vapid whores, why would I wanna be one?

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>favorite food?
>interests (be specific)
>looking for
>not looking for
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Age and discord?
You first.
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18 mtf aus
>favourite food
chicken mcspicy
music production, cs2, drawing, mcdonalds chicken mcspicy
>looking for
friends (one who will get me a chicken mcspicy)
>not looking for
mean people
okay sound off how many people here are just altposting every other month? stop it it's weird >:(

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That's what I thought about when I tried to rationalize your post
It's still meaningless for me specifically
Men on average come out later in life than women . Also there are more bisexuals than gays. This is junk data
I think it is Glenn Greenwald the gay Jew conservative, and not only cuddly af but one of the greatest real journalists alive today.

I can't quite explain it but his voice sounds like grandma's sweater.

nta but they all look like literal NPCs from a bad video game

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Questions for those who have had SRS:
How has life been after your surgery? Was the recovery difficult? Do you have scars? Is dilated painful or tedious?
I wish I had a vagina but I am really scared of it not healing properly and having to dilate
>How has life been after your surgery?
Pretty good, I much prefer having a vagina and I havent had any complications with it. full sexual function etc

>Was the recovery difficult?
Yeah the first year post-op is pretty grueling, ive known several trans women who have had mental breakdowns during the recovery process

>Do you have scars?
light scars, not really that visible

>Is dilated painful or tedious?
First year its painful, after that its tedious. I find its something I often procrastinate on, because its so tedious. Thank god for youtube thats all I'll say

>I wish I had a vagina but I am really scared of it not healing properly and having to dilate
Honestly, I would only recommend it if you really feel you need it. Its a tough, expensive process to go through with lots of possible complications, but if you truly have genital dysphoria its an absolute godsend.
Got surgery with Dr. Brassard about 6 months ago

>How has life been after your surgery?
Pretty good! I wouldn't consider my results perfect, but it looks and feels decent, which is a lot better than having a dick haha.
>Was the recovery difficult?
I was lucky enough to get to stay with my parents for the first two months of recovering, which was very helpful. All in all its been pretty easy for me.
>Do you have scars?
Yes, but they're still fading so idk what the end result is gonna look like.
>Is dilated painful or tedious?
It's painful initially, but once the muscles relax it's just a bit uncomfortable. Still rather tedious though.
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when I get the surgery I'm thinking of doing zero-depth, I've heard the recovery is much easier plus no dilating

Try new things Edition
previous: >>35286117

Goal of the thread: Try something new that is good for you. A dish, a form of exercise, a new activity.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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I've actually been struggling with all-or-nothing thinking for as long as i can remember, i think im a perfectionist and whatever i say or do i spend a lot of time just thinking about and it really puts a accumulative strain on me both on my work and myself mentally, idk what to do about it.
Any tips?
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Taking care of yourself is hard. But it feels so great to go from a rotten corpse to a human being just with some basic hygiene and self-care.
Slowly healing. I have so much road ahead, I am terrified of even trying sometimes, but well here I am bruised from all the falls still crawling.
Work is gonna be sticky today, hopefully I dont make mistakes again.
Why self-improve if I'm a fag, I don't want to make a fag's life better. The chances of a cure being found in our lifetimes is slim to say the least, isn't it. I hate this gay world.
For starters I'd say look into ADHD, autism, OCD, and Borderline if you haven't already; rumination and being all-or-nothing is a common trait found in those diagnoses, I have ADHD myself and struggle a lot with it.
I think my best tip is to remind yourself that others won't remember your failures and your successes as much as you will. Most people are busy living their own lives, so unless something really REALLY inconveniences them, or really really helps them a lot, they'll usually forget after a while.
How many of your friend's social missteps do you remember? Probably not a lot. Try to apply the knowledge of that to yourself.
>I have discovered that I despise the cloying odor and flavour of white clover pseudanthia.
Oh no, garden-tripfag...
You can do it anon!
Here's to 100!!
>Having a pro pick away at it may help.
Yeah I think I will try that again if I manage to get my life stabilized and finances back to normal at some point
>It is difficult since what you describe is definitely within the realm of trauma
Thank you for saying that. It honestly helps a little to hear that someone else thought it was fucked up too. I had a therapist in the past, as a slightly older teen, who dismissed it being trauma on the grounds of me not being a war veteran, so I always feel silly calling it that myself kek
>Can we leverage your confidence against your brainworms? Distract you from the scary parts of human connection by having you bond over a shared passion?
I think I'll try to think of ways to do this. I'm not quite sure how to go about it right now, but maybe I'll figure something out.
Thank you so much for the advice anon! I hope your days are great and plentiful

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Why are you gay?
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men and women are so attractive. it's not my fault. it doesn't really matter what I am since gay either way
a feminine penis is an oxymoron as a penis is a male primary sex characteristic.
im straight (woman)
i loove gay sex
beautiful men

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Found a really nice guy on Grindr who wanted to top me, he was super understanding and didn't wanted to push anything we chatted for about an hour or two and then after declining trading nudes with him he was like he randomly blocked me before telling me goodnight

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The real question is why are you looking for anything but a hook up on Grindr?
you're on a hookup app and you wouldn't even send a nakey pic, ofc he's gonna leave
People say this but then you'll also hear from most gay couples that they met on grindr lol
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For gays it's a hookup app and they treat it like a gloryhole, but for troons it's just a nice place to talk to interesting people who think you're hot. Anyway you're not obliged to have sex with every random mf on that app just because they ask
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He probably just wanted free porn, or the thrill of talking to a tranner. They block you when they realise you're not going to fuck them, and I fucking hate being blocked, especially after talking for a while and thinking they're genuine

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how do i get a cis gf that wants to pinkpill me? asking for myself
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>openly feminine
probably need to do more than just being a small twink
yeah obviously. queer women might be more likely to go for it than straight chicks
the fujos will turn into guys pretty quick
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Accidentally posted this in /vr/ because hungover hopefully I get the right board now

>be me, cis m chaser
>on grindr looking for gock
>find a cute lady
>head over to her place
>drink some wine with her
>things get touchy feely very quickly
>lie back on the bed as she undresses
>she pulls off her undies
>she has a VAGINA
>too drunk to stop her in time
>cum inside her

Bros was I raped? I mean, I never said no, because at the time I didn't mind butvwas thinking about it today hungover and surely she should have known I was expecting a benis if I found her thru Grindr? So I was raped by deception.

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>michelin 3 star fine dining or comfy hole in the wall local spot where they call you by your first name?
>fuck you you're wrong it can only be one!
>hugs or kisses?
>nooooo you have to pick one!
>sweet or savory?
>nooooo you can't just enjoy both!
>cats or dogs?
>reeeee you're lying if you like two things!!!
Is /tttt/ like this for everything, or just who everyone is allowed to be attracted to?

Post cute bois with breedable vaginas and fertile wombs!
every ftm either looks 50 or underaged its insane

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I just ordered butter chicken from a different restaurant than usual and it was like all gross and full of bones and stuff?? Wtf?? How was i supposed to even eat it? So disappointed (I'm transgender so it's not off topic)
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I don't like how chimps are basically humans just a bit dumbed down. It ain't right
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Why are you not vegan as a transgender?

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