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Who inspired you to transition?

Picrel, first real tranny I was ever aware of that was just a "normal" person and not a sex worker or Bruce(65)
51 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
I like her music
I never understand these threads. What fictional character made yoy want to transition? What real life human made you want to transition???
I just wanted to be me but a woman. I am not trying to emulate any specific woman or cartoon or trans person. It's not like that. I can't even beging to imagine having to use others as a tool to self actualize.
I guess seeing a bunch of transition timeliness online showed me what I wanted was possible but there was noone jn specific. Role models are for chumps
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I had already been knowingly repping for years but she was the one who taught me it's okay to transition with strong twunk genetics so long as you have enough confidence, and enough of a sense of style, to own the campness of it
Chee Strauberry. Seeing a punk skater tranny and finally having a vision of trans womanhood i could relate to was the final straw
>Picrel, first real tranny I was ever aware of that was just a "normal" person and not a sex worker or Bruce(65)
My old roommate. Same deal. I'd never know if I wasn't told. She's incredible cool, a good kind person, not sexual. Life was just better for her as girl.

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>nowhere to voice train
>hate my voice
How do I make myself feel better? How do I voice train when I have almost zero privacy?
sing along to songs of males with high pitch voices
So this whole trans thing will get embarrassing as fuck if you let it. Take your shame and get rid of it. Practice. And if people don't like it find other people to annoy with your practicing.

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Anonymous edition

Previous thread: >>35403270

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:

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Tfw no cute magic otter to greet me when I come home
I mean a cat isnt far off
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>The ringleaders chop people up for a living, but vomit? That's gross man.
I hope it takes shonen approach and cricket just fucking murders them with his newfound knife throwing skills [spoiler]and becomes the new boss[/spoiler]

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Trannies know that estrogen cause onion smell right?
Natural smell of cis woman is onions
And estrogen is cause. The more you take estrogen the more your body will smell like onions actually.
Do you know that? You do right?
Enjoy smelling like onions.
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>tfw i will never smell like onions
Another thread about onions
Ive never smelled onion scent on a girl nor cheese on a man, wtf is this meme. Pussy can definitely smell like blue cheese however.
>it's disgusting
wrong. the ups guy who delivers to my store always stinks like that
>me as he's walking out the door
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>Trannies know that estrogen cause onion smell right?
>Natural smell of cis woman is onions
>And estrogen is cause. The more you take estrogen the more your body will smell like onions actually.
>Do you know that? You do right?
>Enjoy smelling like onions.

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Why are the cis male chuds in the replies to this thread so angry about the existence of superior ftms
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This only works if you’re >5’6”, I’m 6’1” manlet pussy is the opposite of scary
>5’6”, I’m 6’1”
what about if he sits on your face with crushing force and basically suffocates you?
>t. knower

i missed out on the gayboy experience because i transitioned too early
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Yea as a gayboy I religiously watched yaoi and was always disappointed irl mom never was quite as sweet
Maybe it's just because I was in the south tho. All the gays were masc4masc closet cases. Maybe it'd be different if I was with liberated twinks in the pnw. Who's to say
Yaoi is always better than actual gay relationships, there's actual love there while for real gays it's all just sex sex sex
damn. maybe i didn’t miss out after all. this makes me feel a lot better about my own situation. but i feel bad cause y’all deserve real love and affection
ibwent to men's bathouses was kewl
It's okay. I have real love and affection post transition. There are plenty of straight men who are hopeless romantic types and I found me one and we're happy

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If we can turn a dick inside out to make a neopussy, why can't we turn a regular pussy inside out to make a neodick?

I imagine having a pussy outside of you that you could push into others would be intense as fuck for pooners.

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>Do you work out? How often?
>What are your favorite ways to work out and what kind of workouts do you do?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Old thread >>35518992
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New threat
if i wasn’t lazy and anxious and if i even knew how i’d just make my own server and only invite people who aren’t complete freaks. it would be a pretty small server tho i would think
someone made a small server and the people there were weird
I mean, you can’t come to 4chan and expect people to be well adjusted human beings. It’s expected that we’re all mostly autists. Only hot gym anon (if she was truly real and not a troll LARP) a few threads ago seem like a proper put together person.
i meant weird in an unpleasant way. i can handle weirdos if they are fun to be around.

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When the lies of transitioning are inevitably revealed (irreversible blockers, infertility regret, osteoporosis, suicide after 10 years, see the WPATH files), there will be mass lynchings of trans people.

Although this is deplorable, it’s ultimately what it takes for society to see transition as the scam it is and turn to God after realizing men can’t change into women.

This was revealed to me in a dream where I saw a prominent TRA impaled onto a stake by a lynch mob. I prayed incessantly that night so I’d assume this is what our Lord Jesus Christ has in store for trannies unless they repent and detroon en masse.
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I’m a Jew myself, and on behalf of the Jews, Shrier is far too stupid to be one of us and we don’t claim her. I
Her soul root is Cain fr fr ong
what about littman or singal?
no we'll have our tranny Matthew Shepard and Biden will make a law in her name
Why would trans people be lynched for what is, according to your worldview, an evil being perpetuated upon them? This is literally like saying, "Once the lies of Uyghur re-education are inevitably revealed, there will be mass lynchings of Uyghur people".

Also, Christ is the last prophet and your dream is antithetical to "Thou shalt not kill". You are being driven to hate by demons.

>be me, walking the dog
>hear hot tranny voice calling
>see hot tranny with absolutely huge tits.
>she asks for directions. Give them no problem
>go on my way
>can't stop thinking about choking on her fat cock
>realize I'll never see her again
>it's over
Why am I like this?

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hi I'm back!

I made tranners.lol a week ago and now I am creating an unsee-like service.

creating this thread to collect some feedback as I work on it!

general questions:
- anyone have a cool name for it?
- how many pics per album?
- are captchas ok? if not, what else?
- any sites to base the ui off of?

some optional feature ideas:
- let album stay alive until thread dies
- require replies to view albums

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do you think you can label litterbox links differently from catbox links? i can't tell from your site's thread view whether it's a file extension not being supported issue, or it's an expired litterbox link, unless i click the "[show]" button (in this case it was just an expired litterbox link)
maybe you should add a list of the supported sites for tranners.lol on the site itself somehow, since otherwise people wouldn't recognize its current utility
could you add a group voice chat feature with an inbuilt chipmunk filter so we all sound like chipmunks?
I think I understand, you want timestamps on the post rather than the expiry time of the content? this probably requires a bit of revamping how I present information... if you can describe it in detail I'm open!
oh that's unfortunate, yes I can make a change, and maybe not default to img when the filetype is unknown to boot.
hm, so far it's catbox/litterbox/vocaroo/unsee... but I see what you mean. I will work on documenting this better.
hmm, most of the site work I'm doing is all rapid processing stuff. anything that requires an open connection for long periods of time is not necessarily out of the question but does require me to start renting a dedicated server to handle such traffic. it's a maybe, but no plans for now!
>I think I understand, you want timestamps on the post rather than the expiry time of the content? this probably requires a bit of revamping how I present information... if you can describe it in detail I'm open!
i didn't mean "rather than", as if to say removing the expiry time of unsee albums would be of any benefit, but yes. but actually, when i hover over the timestamps on 4chan, it tells me how long ago the post was, just like on the catalog (for example, hovering over your post's timestamp for me right now says "3 hours and 19 minutes ago". that is what i want to see, so i know that if the post was submitted more than six hours ago that the unsee has zero chance of still being online, since unsee timers only last six hours at most

unfortunately, i see what you mean in that doing so would require revamping the format of the site, since really the entire format of each instance of media your site fetches and displays is completely different from 4chan. plus, having both a timestamp of when the post was made and an expiry timer for albums might make it less immediately intuitive that the expiry timer is the main thing people should be concerned with. so maybe it's not so great of an idea, after all, especially if you were to display the timestamp of the post in the same HH:MM:SS stopwatch format, but counting upwards

if you were to bother adding this at all, maybe since i'm only requesting this to ensure i don't click unsees older than six hours, you could format timestamps posted within the past six hours as "5 hours and 59 minutes ago" or under, but anything older than that could use a non-relative timestamp format, like for example, 4chan displays your post as "04/25/24(Thu)22:22:59" for me, or the archives (archiveofsins.com, archived.moe) use "Thu 25 Apr 2024 22:22:59". anything would be fine. in the end, i don't know if this would be worth the trouble, but just throwing it out there

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yeah anon, get some type of bangs i think it would suit u
doesnt have to be le tranny bangs could be like curtain bangs
Irish mouth breather phenotype
Post HRT titties
He’s a cisgender transsexual.
far from a twink

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i will never understand why those who will never be capable of passing dont intend on going ER
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sufficient self-loathing begets overwhelming outward-hatred.
i understand the sentiment desu.
such thoughts are fleeting for me, however; my mind lingers more on hurting myself...
im sorry you feel that way.
Hurting others will only lead to people hating you after you’re gone. It makes no sense to do such a thing. I don’t support suicide at all because being dead is a lot worse than living a miserable life, but when I’m at my lowest I instead think about writing a 400 page meta-ironic autobiography and posting it on here before going.
Endoplasmic reticulum?
It's entitled of people to expect those who suffer to do so alone and not share it with the world.
ER? As in Emergency room i.e roping?

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>finally stop repressing the desire to transition and hop on HRT
>HRT makes me super clingy and obsessive of my crush to the point where it destroys me mentally to interact with them
>start repressing all my sexual and romantic desires because there’s no other way for me to stay sane
There’s no way to win is there
>There’s no way to win is there
for some of us no there really isent
That's some painful shit anon :(

Hello, if you know me I go by Tea. AMA about homebrew

>How do we know this isn't fake

>How many vials is that
Like 300 in that box
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I'm not a lawyer but I assume whatever laws prevent me from going into target and buying a vial of estrogen someone made in their secret home lab off the shelf.
got any tea recs?
i tend to like oolongs and blacks in general
my favorites are all kinds of yancha and aged whites
opinions on undecylate? is it the future of transfem medicine or a massive hassle and impossible to get the dose right?
Any tips for brewers sourcing donations?
>I'd bet the feds know exactly who you are
They have to exchange their crypto into fiat somehow, and that's when their security is compromised.

The day their Coinbase account, which they used back in November to withdraw funds, gets locked, they need to run for the hills.

They are an unlicensed vendor marketing pharmaceutical drugs. The FDA may prosecute them eventually, or they may already be investigating them.

I can understand the ethics behind offering such services, but I hope they find it worth it in the end. Best of luck to you, Tea!

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