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I wish I wasn't a 33 yr old tranny
Wish I was a 22yr male like I was in 2013 when I believed I could take on the world

When I did was read /fit/ shitpost with the boys and have unlimited potential and optimism for the future.
Everything made sense and I was in this ultimate positive delusion
When my family and I would huddle around Eliot hulse videos
Will lifting again give me these feelings?
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You got addicted to porn? How many times did you jack off per week?
don't need to when I got ur dad with me sweety :)
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>How many times did you jack off per week?

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How much can fictional characters bench? I'll start
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2pl8 minimum
this guy is built like a tren twin. an easy 4pl8 for reps

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Post lean pill motivation and green texts.
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Are amphetamines good for losing weight? They suppress your appetite and increase your metabolism at the same time
It shocks me everytime how much better everyone looks lean.
on my last cut went down to 15% and looked pretty fucking good but my face didnt really lean out
im cutting again and wont stop until im 12% or lower
i must find out if life truly starts at 12%
It truly does. I was single digits for 3 months last year but the alcohol jewelry got ahold of me through the winter and now I'm ~13-15%. I get looked at, but no smiles

Who cares?

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First season winner, a retired athlete who was doing CrossFit to stay fit. 2nd season winner was a crossfitter who wasn't even top 100 in the World.
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Of course, fit gooks in skimpy outfits sweating all over each other, what's not to like? But we're not the target audience.
I think in terms of entertainment this way (women and men mix) it is better. You need to work hard to get good team and think of strategy.
This is also why both women and men are the viewers
Based Physical 100/Siren bros. There's apparently some Chinese knockoff that's also good but I have yet to watch it.

Apparently Physical 100 gets a lot of flack (and deservedly so) for the stupidity of the challenges. The first season's ending challenge was re-shot like 3 times, and there's a lot of dumbshit secret rules they have about how contestants are supposed to compete.

I strongly agree with >>74137867, they need to just stop putting women in and split the groups. I'd legit watch both, it'd be entertaining.

(Also, Siren is fantastic because it shows you how fast Korean chicks will go from cutesey to throwing goddamn fire extinguishers at each others' heads)
This show loves their cardio challenges. It's very arbitrary and pointless, there's no objectivity. The "best body" doesn't exist outside the specific sport each of them do. And searching for it like they do in the show is very arbitrary and pointless
This plus theretard was in a hack squat retard stance with feet way in front of the bar making it exponentially harder to squat.

>No evidence
>no studies
>no long term observations
>opposes all concrete nutritional science
>everyone shilling it is a non-practicing doctor or chiropractor selling supplements
>entire movement fueled by personal anecdotes of 40 year old yoga moms and roided out bodybuilders

Why is this a thing again?
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How many animal species have a natural diet that's complicated to follow?
How do you get fiber?

How do you stay hydrated?
Oh boy are you in for some broscience
>I don't care if humans were carnivore for a million+ years and only omnivorous for a tiny fraction of that time, show me the studies! no not those studies, only studies funded by food corporations!
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>Oreo cookies lower cholesterol more than statins? Check-mate carnitards, science wins again. You're missing out on heart-healthy plant based oreo cookies. Listen to the experts they have it all figured out!

>what do you mean low cholesterol is unhealthy? why would every single food corporation and journalist lie to me? you're a conspiracy theorist. Modern plant based foods are cheaper and therefore better because that's PROGRESS AND SCIENCE chud.

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will this shit help as a preworkout or will it affect my gains?
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It's bad. Vasocontrictor. Can make you pass out when lifting heavy. You get addicted and need it to sleep. Quit.

t. 4 days clean and feeling good

Nicotine is such a meme drug. It doesn't even get you high, just addicted. Try nicotine and enjoy feeling bad without nicotine lol. Great deal
Its an ad

Op here, yea definetly not the boost i expected, just made me feel weak and dizzy, little to no boost
not worth the hype, normie friends made it sound like its life changing
Nicotine constricts blood vessels, including those in the skin and coronary blood vessels, but dilates blood vessels in skeletal muscle. Vasoconstriction of the skin results in reduced skin blood flow and reduced fingertip skin temperature.


Best lifts/routine for Lindemann mode?
Lift heavy and end every day with ten proper form beer-gulpdowns.
Eat a lot of sauerkraut and bratwurst
5x12 german fart sex
14x88 heil hitlers

I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys. Getting back into weights now and I just want to brosplit.

Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls. What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?
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3x a week legs is brutal 2x is way better.
Yet pensioners manage to do it and progress
>Its made for football players in middle and high school where legs matter the most.
It’s made for people who want to get stronger. Post your copies or Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training and Practical Programming For Strength Training with timestamp. Oh, you cannot, as you are just parroting bullshit from some other retard online who looked at a Google sheets document from someone who copied an example of warm up and work sets for the big lifts.
It is brutal youll get cns fatigue so fast once you find your actual working weight, squats and dls just do that. If youre always doing 2+ heavy days of squats and dls(cleans arent as bad or leg machines amd front squats) you wont be as able to push heavy weight you gotta cycle upper and lower body focus.
I got the gist of it, atg form definitely made me a lot stronger as a base and prevents injury from years ago.
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>Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls.
i'd recommend you pick a single body part or muscle group to hit 3x a week then do the rest 2x. if you really want to hit biceps every day then 4/7 days should be bullshit days where you're just trying to get a pump going with machines. Or even better, your bullshit days could be working on bicep focused skills.

What do I mean by skills? One of the things biceps do is help you balance on your hands, this is why gymnasts typically have nice arms. If you work towards something like a planche it's going to help grow your arms, work your abs and strengthen your rotator cuffs. Look up planche progressions if you're interested in this. I think if someone is trying to work in extra volume they should do something novel on the easy days for the sake of variety and fun. and if you want a list of random fun/feels good of exercises to bullshit with mine are
>farmer's walks
>pec deck and reverse pec deck
>cable bullshit
>rope climbs
>handstand bullshit
>going to failure on a machine related to the free weight movement I was doing during my real working sets
>taking a 10 minute intra workout shit
You cant fall for starting strength. Getting strong and being able to switch in 6 months to hitting db incline press with 40kg for 8-12 reps is not "falling for SS". Thats literally the best case scenario for hypertrophy. I swear to god there are so many fucking dyel zoomer retards in my gym who have been training for couple of years and "they dont care about strength" and after 2-3 years they are still stuck doing like 25kg for reps on incline and they are adamant about "mind muscle connection and bodybuilding and hypertrophy". Man they sure are gonna get fucking yoked benching 25kg dumbbells. Any day now. "The muscle doesnt know how much weight is on the bar". Yes it fucking does lmfao thats the only part in your body that does know it. Your eyes can just see the number what it says on the plate or the dumbbell but you have no idea if it would be accurate or not, its the muscle that does the lifting that can tell if its heavy for you or not.

There has never been a single natural EVER on this earth that was big and didnt lift heavy. Not a single one. Reg Park and Steve Reeves were anal about doing 8-12 reps and perfect form. Guess what, they also benched 500lbs. For muscle growth, being able to do hypertrophy range with heavy weight > being able to do hypertrophy range with light weight. Its literally that simple.

How many of you could do keep up with me? Not too many, I can tell you that.
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if you’re op, post literally any other data that reflects these metrics. you should be able to easily drill down on the heath app and show us more.
>w-well, you s-see…
>i c-can’t
only dyels do +15k
OP is a fag
>peasant toiling in the fields
get a load of this serf

Dumbbell incline bench, squats, pushups, and pullups are all I do. Anything else I should add to my routine?

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How strong was this man that he was able to overpower other men the way he did?
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being the unwilling assrape slave of a bunch of men sounds so fucking hot, I wish it happened outside of prison

t. 19-nor enjoyer
Wont happen. Im giant and fast.
>fucking hot
That wouldnt be unwilling anon...
Most /V/irgin fatties would enjoy the top part only the most deranged chinese would enjoy the bottom part of the story, not even a fatty, sounds like fun way to lose some fat. :^)
he could've done all that within that first hour instead of running around like an idiot,better yet it would be better to rearrange all the furniture in a way that she has to climb over everything in order to keep going around you.

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This is what true warriors thrive for
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Our enemies
>Glass of room temperature water
is all I need after I wake up.
I don't think you know how to use the word "thrive"
checked, satan
some of that sausage is fucking raw, you should cook that more thoroughly

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How many exercises in each PPL?
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Just remember you have to pick exercises that start with P or L and you'll be fine
Fuck programs why would i not hit upper more than lower?
that would also be a program
A good place to start is one horizontal and one vertical movement for push and pull. Then some accessories to finish off the muscles
You routine could look like this
>Ring push ups
>Rear delt flies
>Ab isolation
Then for pull day it could look something like this
>Pull ups
>Dumbbell or inverted row
>Ez curl
>Concentration curl
>Pull over
Legs is different however, since you don't need that much volume. And it's a good idea to add in other movements to help some that you might of missed.

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66% is not more than 33%?

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How did he manage to have such a massive impact on fitness culture?
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nah, fucking your mum was :)
average aussie comment, lmao.
he was the first fitness influencer and the WAGMI catchphrase was a good one
How can someone do fit like Zyz die from a heart attack?
he killed himself, you fucking newfag.
He killed himself because of a botched nosejob(which would be fixable a few years later)

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>you DO fuel up properly before gym, right grandson? if my old ticker can take it, surely yours can. time to get fucked up
Ai generated
noticed like 50% of fridges in convenience stores nowadays are energy drinks and that kind of shit

also you see protein shakes everywhere now

it's actually way easier buying this kind of stuff in america than almost anywhere else. I cant think of anywhere its easier actually and I've traveled a lot. pretty based.

funny how theres so much healthy food easy to get in america and people still eat garbage. its unironically easier to avoid sugar and other garbage food in america than a place like denmark.
swedish supplements is one of the biggest brands here and the meme jars posted here are sold in gyms

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