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Am I the only /fit/ poster with 20 inch arms ?
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LMFAO what a lardass with binge eating disorder
You're not allowed to measure yourself until your sub 15% bf
It doesn’t count when it is mostly fat.
twink cope, I can OHP your squat for reps.
No one cares because you're gross and live with your mother.

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74055934
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>alcohol and some carbs
Is it worth it to get a EZ curl bar for curls, LTEs and french presses? I got my eyes on one that costs 120 bucks
buy a used one for 10-20 buckaroos off FB marketplace or Craigslist

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Cook Low & Slow for the best results!
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better than a flock of zoomers hogging them for the same time while scrolling theyre phones most of the time
He's right, but I prefer 5 second up 5 down to that 10/10 rep speed. 10/10 just isn't enjoyable and limits the weight I can lift too much relative to a 5/5 speed

None of this matters at all BTW, there's no magic rep speed or magic exercise or any other meme peddled by grifters
>Cook low and slow
>Steak is overcooked
Depends. Is he a Kike? If so, then I automatically disregard what he says as false.
Enough reason to ignore anything that midget says.

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FACT: Almost all shredded/lean guys actually hate food and hate eating, thats why they're shredded, it doesn't take any willpower for them to be lean

If you dont hate eating food youre always gona struggle to be lean
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>translated from bloatlord manchild cope speak:
FACT: Almost all non-heroin users hate heroin, that's why they're not drug addicts, it doesn't take any willpower for them to not be drug addicts.

Stop stinking up the globe lowlife.
Same. I hate eating. It's basically a humiliation ritual. It's not about feeling better after eating but not worse
Same, it's rare but I absolutely 100% agree with Tate here. Eating is quite literally a chore.

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M, 24, 250 lb. USA. Beginning counting calories and walking a hell of a lot

I’ve never known what it’s like to be in shape. Mom raised me alone and I got any sweet I wanted. Learning to eat healthy late.

I’m very emotional and silly. Also very weak and soft. I’m lonely as well, either from my appearance and/or self-confidence being dogshit.

Lately, I got a huge wake up call. I don’t attract my ideal types of girls and have a hard time making friends, even though I go out a lot. I’m remiss over how many years I could have spent by now gaining relationship experience, feeling like more of a confident, strong man and being more normal overall. If I start committing hardcore to losing weight at this age, will any of that change? I imagine people will treat me differently, but will that alone help raise my image of myself and boost my social skills? What unspoken effects come from changing your body’s T and E levels?

Anyone able to weigh in? Don’t hold back; I want harsh truths. Thank you
cool blogpost
read the fucking sticky
I get the hows and whys, man. Eat less, move more. Feel better. I’m just looking for some anecdotes.

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The 1/2/3/4 OHP/BP/Squat/DL gotten from powershitting threads and forums has left thousands of young impressionable lifters with bad physiques and disappointment only to find out that they don't have the physique they want. Here is the true 1/2/3/4 for aesthetics.

1 pl8: BTNP and Curls
2 pl8: Chinupsm, Barbell Rows, and Incline Press
3 pl8: Dips and RDL
4 pl8: Hacksquat and Leg Press
Curls are silly to set strength goals for. I prefer to think of bodyweight multipliers
Incline xbw
Front squatxbw
Deadlift 2xbw
For reps, 3-5ish
15 chinups
>strength standards
>for aesthetics
What the fuck are you talking about

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Is this achievable natty?
6 months of SS + GOMAD maybe, I can see it happening.
thats your average zoomer in highschool

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How can I profit in the fitness market?

Selling high protein snacks maybe?
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>Figure out the Ratio of nutrients to profit
>For example X is the least amount of Vitamin A you can put into a drink and keep the drink at a reasonable price
>repeat for Protein, K, Biotin, etc


>Blend together fuck all into a powder
>Put it into capsules
>Put a † next to it on the nutrition chart
>This means theres no "recommended" amount by the FDA
>"Improves memory*"

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Thoughts on fadogia agrestis and tongkat ali have you tried it? Is it safe?
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life isn't fair
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............ tell me more. I mostly just take creatine, vitamins, and pre-workout

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to lose fat and gain muscle
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oh yeah I guess you could cut them out
most stuff there is healthy
>oats and milk
>chicken breast and onions and sweet potato
>thats it. nothing else. 2k cals a day 180g protein
>day on a plate
do you eat this shit dry then
2 lbs of skinless chicken breast
5 boiled eggs
1 lb of broccoli
>No breakfast
>Early lunch
Boiled eggs
Greek yogurt
>Post workout
whey with PB powder
Chili and cottage cheese

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>able to pin my boyfriend down
what other lifting benefits do you see?
Nice LARP, foid

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A literal chud is going to a calisthenics park rn, I'll report back when I'm done
music of choice for today: random phonk playlist
>random phonk playlist
kys zoomer/slavoid
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chud is back, finna bouta do it again
fpsp (first post seethe post)
ywnhahfh (you will never have a head full of hair)
ywnpyobwf (you will never pull your own body weight fatso)
lmao sòylennial grandpa ongod

you now have my permission to unsubscribe from my blog, or as I like to call it Based 'log

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Is there a safe method of sneaking anabolic into my gf's food in order to make her more jacked? She works out but isn't making as much progress as I'd lije
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just cook some shit for her as in a treat, bitch will love it and won't notice
just install grindr bro
Aren't injectable roids basically the only way to start roids in a safe and effective way?
Don't bother and just appreciate that she lives healthy lifestyle, compliment her. Women who exercise and take action instead of whining are getting rare nowadays.
Crushed up oral anavar

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>hair on the top of my head starts thinning
>start losing hair in large amounts constantly
>suddenly stops and hasn't happened again for a year
what the fuck?
It's normal. That's why here are stages of alopecia
could mean that yer gay, have ya looked into that, buddy boi?
Did you take creatine?
Did you up your goyslop intake?

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post nose
>inb4: you won't
Actually blasting your brain with supernormal stimuli is very good and healthy. You should go do it right now with the other mentally well individuals on /gif/ and gtfo of this board
Do you think lack of real sex and staying virgin for too long eventually makes you a giant degenerate?
I've literally never hugged a girl and my fetishes just keep getting more extreme as the years go by.
I used to be able to coom to basic missionary position vids, now I watch tranny and gay porn and even that is getting too boring .
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sex is fun and /fit/
Its real

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