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Albums that are good for lifting that aren't routinely recommended as lifting albums.
Must provide a 1-2 youtube links for easy previewing.
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>Video game music
Dark All Day goes hard.
Found His Majesty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm-1U7R51Co
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Still lifting to this

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At first, I was gaining weight rapidly but once I hit 178 lb. I've been hard stuck for weeks even though my diet and routine has been the same. I have literally making the same type of meals and portions as well.

Do I need to up my caloric intake once I go up in weight to keep going up?

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>17cm x 12.7cm girth
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it's not big unless she pushes you away because it hurts too much. sorry brah
what you mean? how can a girl know any different? You will marry a virgin and you will be a virgin too and have a god fearing relationship
Literally above average
They don't exist.
Lmao. Even the quiet, innocent ones have been plapped at least thrice by then. The tatted loud mouthed ones are in double digit counts.
Work on fingering and oral. Girls legit don't mind your cock if you can make her cum without it.
Its over

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Question on gym etiquette:
This has never happened to me in my 30 years of lifting but for some reason it’s happened to me twice in the last 2 months.
I go to the gym after work during rush hour. I’ll be doing some exercise on an adjustable bench that I don’t necessarily need but it was available at the time so I took it. I’ll be working out minding my own business and some dyel fag will get my attention in the corner of my eye. They ask me how many sets I have left and when they find out it’s more than 1 they’ll ask me if I’ll move benches to a non adjustable one.
This bothers me for 2 reasons:
1. I don’t find it to be acceptable behaviour. I wouldn’t go bother someone when they are in their zone. A new bench is freed up every couple of minutes. They can wait their turn like literally everyone else. In fact the first time it happened, I did move, and one was freed up literally as I was moving my weights to the other bench(I don’t move for anyone anymore after that).
2. It makes me feel submissive and beta infront of other gym goers.
Am I the asshole? I feel like point number 1 is the most important. It’s a public gym during rush hour. Just have an ounce of fucking patience and wait 3 minutes for a bench to be free. They’re always fuckjng dyels too. Your faggy newb routine isn’t my priority, leave me to work out in peace.
I’d like to hear what others perspectives are on this? Has it happened to you? I find it weird that it’s happened twice now.
Lust provoking image for maximum engagement.
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I love this board
I only go on this board on a day that workout (did pull today)
I've been had
God I hate women (whores) so goddamn much

Didn't read all your gay fucking text OP kys
Did not read, make a green text.

Also sauce?
just copy pasting threads i see

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I don't want to eat any more. I'm not a fruit and vegetables kind of guy. I'm a depressed fat fuck kind of guy. Whats the least amount of food I can eat in a week without experiencing a headache?
Just eat anything with protein like eggs, beef, milk. Even tofu.
So like. One burger patty or something a week? Like a OMAW carnivore diet?
I really don't suggest extreme dieting and semi-starvation for an overweight guy such as yourself. Please do it the healthy way. 3 meals a day, 1-2 snacks. Start your calorie deficit at 500 less than whatever your BMR is, then slowing start increasing the number. Dont have cheat days, just try and fit it into your macros. Trust me, eating 1-2 boxes of cereal w/ milk, a whole pack of cookies, and 4-5 mini pizzas w/ ranch in one day is not fun. Add some exercise to your lifestyle. Even if its 10 minutes before bed, its still physical activity. Educate yourself on nutrition and what your body needs. Dont worry about how long it takes or what others think of you, patience is key.

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No matter how wide I grip the bar during bench press, it always works the front part of my shoulders more than my chest

What gives?
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Okay thank you computer people
Switch to dumbbells, squeeze the hell out of your chest at the top. I'd also recommend doing some cable flies to get the chest activated first
Retract your fucking shoulders.
You're either starting semi-protracted or protrscting when you come to the end of the range of motion.
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Interesting. This actually seems legit. I had always been in the mind of bench first, but Im going to try this.

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Why is /fit/ OBSESSED with making their meals as bland and unappealing as possible?

>just fit your macros you fucking autists
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Asian food is good, but acting like it's peak when it's all just rice and veg is a meme. Also outed yourself as some kind of yellow, cope harder Chang.
And you're not an artistic savant for adding seasoning to normal food.

If a nigga wants broccolli/ rice/ chkn. breast sans et all, let 'em. If other people wanna add muggi to their rice, garlic and salt to broccolli, and sriracha to the chicken, also let em.

Maim those who add sugars to cola.
Fpbp end thread here
not reading the other 90 comments so I'll say why I do it not sure if it's been mentioned yet

I'm a former fatty, lost 100+ lbs. When food tastes good I eat too much. Like a porn addict who has to whitelist every tube site, or a gambler who has to ban themselves from the casino, or any other kind of addiction, I can't trust myself to be around good food. Moderation works for a lot of people but left to my own devices I become the fat kid I was 5 years ago. I wish I could learn to moderate, but addicts don't have that luxury. Unpopular stance but having a borderline eating disorder is healthier and makes me happier than being fat
>Brown posts unseasoned meat on twitter
>No screaching about wyt ppl no season they food

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Replace the chads with skinnyfat manlets and balding pajeets
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I'm not balding though
>4'7'' infertile roider
not mommy gf
not a tomboy

Does the human body even enjoy putting on muscle
Why is it so fucking hard to force the human body to create muscle tissue
Are we just tricking it into doing things it doesn't want to do
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It's fine with it when it overlaps other natural growth processes like puberty. It just doesn't want to do it adulthood. It just kind of banks on environmental stressors and food availability being mostly the same as what you were raised under which is why you grew into your current form.
This fag has been shitting up the place for a while, don't bother engaging his schizo babble. He either just wants attention or he needs legitimate help, either way he's no Terry.
You work to earn money that could be used to buy food, pay rent, and keep the lights on with some left aside to enjoy you hobbies. Now imagine, some guy comes up to you, and starts telling you you need to start buying designer clothes, sports cars, and jewelry. You buy some, but he says it's not enough so you have 2 options:

>1. Fuck that, I don't make enough money to acquire more

>2. Start digging into the money you budgeted before this guy came along

Because our bodies aren't retarded, they'll usually go for option 1.
you're not a natural, get over it.
You should read up on the ancient hermetic texts. God is definitely physically here with us, mortal like us, and fucking with us as he pleases, but you'll come to learn that he's good.
No shit he thought it up. And he's far from the only one. It's called gnosticism and it stems from fatherlessness. Imo it's a necessary phase in development for men like him. You either go through this or the alternative which is literal faggotry.

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>eternally btfos big pharma in one fell swoop
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yeah dude just gonna some drink that tea hope diabetes happening
>yeah dude just gonna some drink that tea hope diabetes happening
wanna give that a second shot ESL?
I've done it before and it worked, why shouldn't I?
>something something opium poppies something something
I cured covid by doing nothing. shit went away in 3 days. Scamdemic. Though you may have a point in general, I will say at least you aren't talking about worms or deworming or some shit.

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how do i stop binging
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Is it fast food? Is it things like cake or icecream or candy? First you have to stop enabling yourself. Drive roads there are no places to stop for food. Have someone else make all your meals for you, ACTUALLY COUNT YOUR FUCKING CALORIES AND STICK TO IT. DO NOT THINK FASTING FOR A DAY MEANS YOU CAN EAT LIKE A FAT BASTARD THE NEXT. reread this everytime you feel hungry
Not the best place to ask, but I'm going to try. First figure out why you're binge eating.
Are you on a diet too strict? Are you pushing yourself to hard?
Are you bored, stressed, or nervous?
Do you have any sort of physical or sexual trauma in the past?
Personally for me, it was boredom and restricting my food intake too much. Here are a few tips:
>find something to do
Whether its walking, watching tv, drawing, any activity that will keep you busy besides eating.
>find a therapist
This is only if you feel you have a serious binge eating disorder and need somebody to talk too
>do not restrict food
If you want cake, eat a slice of cake. As long as it fits into your goal calorie deficit, you won't gain weight.
You can use workout as a motivator to not binge. Its also fun especially when there's not anything else to do.
just stop lmao, may not be easy but it sure is simple
Binge on deez nuts
It's literally just like that. Once you believe you are in complete control of your body and keep that mentality it gets easy

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I followed the sticky, changed my diet and lost 40lbs over the last year. I did that without refrigeration.
At one point I was 155.

I don't have access to a gym.
I drive a semi over the road.
The only consistent activity I can do is walk/hike/run.

I still look like a shapless sack of lard, and my skin has been repulsive my entire life. Massive pimple craters, and pock marks that do not go away. I have stretch marks, but I was never morbidly obese in my life, and it's only on my inner groin, which never held fat in the first place, and never ballooned. My nose was broken at birth by the doctor using forcepts to PULL ME OUT BECAUSE HE WAS IMPATIENT. I have alergies to the outside. I literaly do not have arches in my feet. I'm constantly dizzy when I can't control my environment. My inner nose is so dry it's constantly cracked, I didn't even understand cottonmouth when you wake up was considered weird, because that's my norm. And this is extra weird because I'm so hydrated I'm pissing clear, and dancing like there are ants in my pants everytime I make a stop, because I have a tiny baby bladder. I'm so hairy I have to shave my dick, not just my pupes, my DICK.

I just wanted one thing to work out correctly. It didn't.

It doesn't get better.
We don't all make it.

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stop making excuses. you sound like a woman.
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Thanks, very helpful
First of all, good job so far committing to a goal and following through
>I still look like a shapless sack of lard
If you're 160lb at 5'11" I think you may have body dysmorphia if you're saying you have a lardy body bro
>skin problems
Laser treatment. 100%. Thank me later. For real
>I have alergies to the outside
Same. Shit blows
>I literaly do not have arches in my feet
Also same brother. Straight up Flintstone feet
>I'm constantly dizzy when I can't control my environment
I can't help with this but hopefully another anon can
>My inner nose is so dry it's constantly cracked, I didn't even understand cottonmouth when you wake up was considered weird, because that's my norm. And this is extra weird because I'm so hydrated I'm pissing clear
This sounds like an electrolyte problem. Would highly recommend increasing your electrolyte intake and seeing if you get positive progress. I was chronically dehydrated until I started having minimum 1 quart of milk a day
>I'm so hairy I have to shave my dick, not just my pupes, my DICK

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>didn't lift
>I still look like a shapless sack of lard
No fucking shit.

Calisthenics and bands. Might want to consider one of those old school chest trainers (look up Alpha Destiny's videos on them).
Gymless niggers get shredded on welfare cheez and purple drank. You ain't got no excuse.
All your woes are not exclusive to you, there are ways to deal with your problems and make it. Others have overcome the adversity, and if they have done it, then so can you. This is besides the fact that "making it" is a philosophy. No man truly makes it. Only the omnipotent have made it, and we are but simple flawed mortals. But why not try to reach for perfection anyways?

You've progressed a helluva lot already OP, don't let irrational notions in your perception of yourself hold you back from continuing your goals.

This guy squats close to 1000 lbs and claims natty. So if he can squat >900 natty he would be stronger than Eddie Hall if he roided lol. Ronnie Coleman squat 800 lbs for comparison.
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some basic tips if you are unsure is them being incredibly shredded and have a bloated face like they are morbidly obese
I'm convinced it has to be a joke at this point. If you know you know but people who don't know really don't suspect a thing. It's like people getting bent over by a mechanic because they don't know. It's their own damn fault at this point this has never been a safe planet for the gullible or naive.
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The strongest ever squat bench and deadlift, in the tested and untested leagues is only 10% apart. Roids help you gain strength, but they do not make you Great deal stronger at the top-level.

Lü Xiaojun Is 100% natural. It's clear that nobody in here actually lifts heavy.
That 10% stat is incorrect since they can just lower the dose during comp time and pass the test
Jesus, anon, don't destroy him that hard! He's gonna kill himself now.

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how can I manipulate this transformation?

gf looks like left pic. I want the 2014 anorexic girl sauce not some dieting bull
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>How can I get her to change
Why don’t you get a new girlfriend and cut out the middleman. I’m serious. Statically, women leave the moment someone in the relationship loses weight. If she loses weight, she runs to every man who gives her attention. If he loses weight, she defaults to thinking he is going to cheat so she decides to beat him to the punch and runs to any man who gives her attention.
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Just simply find the most rare and simultaneously most desirable quality for a woman to have. Oh and if you do win the lottery and find one it won't last.
panniculectomy is really cheap outside the us shitty healthcare system. like 3K will get you one in turkey and 5k southern Europe
Dude, she’s gonna leave you. Nobody forgives that shit lmao

Btw I hate these threads. Every few days I see a new one pop up. Just a total psyop. Stop asking these questions. If you want a woman who stays fit, find one who knows how to get fit.
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Left is architect approved.

Stop listening to these manlet kikes, a brosplit with 4 exercises per muscle going heavy on the first one will make you explode in size
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>a brosplit with 4 exercises per muscle going heavy on the first one will make you explode in size
interesting thesis, post proof [body]
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Jeff used to date a giga stacy but she was annoying on social media (would frequently try to flex Jeff's success and fame), niggas don't realize these 8/10s and 9s are high maintenance to keep both financially and emotionally.
His current gf is a downgrade in looks but he's probably happier while being sane, lol.
His new bitch was bloviating about how she had run away from the u.s. because she was scared of Trump? And then she got all fat as an "experiment" and then has covertly been apologizing for losing weight with her "muh I feel better while being fatter" schtick. Sane indeed. No, it would seem he really fucked up with the 10/10 blonde babe who movec to an acreage and seems to rarely even post to social media anymore unlike him and his newer broad. I would not in a million years call his life more "sane" now.
I don't really know how his current gf behave in social media but I remember that Stacy making fun of him and posting really private shit about his daily life
Guess I won out. My Asian gf has no chest at all. But wide hips, narrow waist, thick thighs and nice ass. Like all the weight from her top body went down below.

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