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>workout 2x a week full body
>workout 6x a week

Which gives you more energy daily?
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It's a literal man with silicone tits and a plastic unnatural face. Get off the tren, its poisoning your brain
that walking advert thing will never not be funny to me. that always gets said by some unimaginable genetic dead end with absolutely zero status. like no brand would want to be represented by you. . "id rather keep my pride, im too proud to be wearing some brands name if im not getting paid". yet you are repping walmart you fucking retard.

i dont think that pic rel looks particularly good either but thats just my opinion. im sure other people share the same opinion of some of the stuff i wear.
oh damn i thought you were just memeing about it being a tranny, my bad i don't watch porn so not aware of these peeps
you make a good point, i guess i just dont really see the point of spending so much money on something that really doesnt look that good. is LV high quality atleast? or do most people find that it actually looks good.and i mean do they actually find that it looks good and not just because its connected with rich or high status people
Everyday We Stray Further From God's Light

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If you drink regularly like every weekend, you're bound to look like this in your 50s right? I've noticed that people that regularly drink booze, not even specifically alcoholics all look like garbage
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This man considers himself white
Yes boozers are completely fucked with bloated saggy aged faces, it fucks up everything downstream, training, sleep, metabolism.Almost every violent crime, every fight, every domestic dispute, every interpersonal relationship lost is committed/lost under the influence.

Usage is going down just like cigarette smoking but it's so culturally embedded, especially if you're an Anglo/Japancuck/Scandi. Southern Europeans are a bit better, they mostly enjoy wine socially...
But yeah, just don't drink unless the social opportunity presented don't give you a net benefit (networking, getting women...)
His Italian
Whiter then Muhammad

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Pregnant Anna edition

No source talk

Read the r/steroids wiki

Previous thread
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Hi guys!
I have a low test level so I went to an endocrinologist and they ordered some blood test. I got my results back, but I'm only going to talk to the doctor next week about them. Anyone here knows what do these mean?

FSH: 1,9 mU/ml
LH: 3,9 mU/ml
prolactin: 5,7 ng/ml
estradiol: 27,69 pg/ml
testosterone: 198,9 ng/dl
DHEA-S: 224,2 µg/dl
cortisol: 10,9 µg/dl

How fucked am I?
Actually producing estrogen in your body... It's over bro
i fucking LOVE halotestin
Go on..... continue....
Im putting 2ml in each bicep easy. Going to see if it does what synthol does and stretch the facsia and allow more "growth" within the zone. We will see.

Do you use the showers at your gym? Do you feel comfortable in the gym locker rooms?
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My current gym doesn't have showers unfortunately. Small town problems.
But I used to use them. Even when fat. Never had any insecurity using them. But I also went to a private boarding school that had gym showers that were just one big open room with a bunch of shower heads on the walls.
It helps that I have a disfigured stomach from surgery scars, and I have had them since birth as it was an emergency surgery.
People have stared at me my whole life if I go shirtless. You have to get over it or it will ruin your life. Actually helped me massively socially, because I learned to use it as an ice breaker by pointing to my scars and saying things like, "the hammer slipped", or "never going sky diving again".
Being insecure while naked around other men is a social death sentence. You learn that in the highschool showers. Dudes covering their dicks and refusing to socialize are projecting their insecurity.
Little dicked fats and skelly manlets who just act normal and take the ribbing in jest are boosted socially because they pass the test of being fucked with.
>Do you use the showers at your gym?
> Do you feel comfortable in the gym locker rooms?
>Discomfort with non-sexual nudity is a faggy american thing
Im not against being nude in the locker rooms, but I dont know how others feel about it and I dont want to make anyone uncomfortable so I just avoid it
I used to, now my routine extends beyond the gym, so there's no point.

Gym showers are nasty, I don't care about the naked old fucks, and mostly people respect your privacy.
Did you see him take the towel off? I know some gym guys like to give you a show if you watch for too long. As long as you don't say anything or try to touch them

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74119638
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IPF used release the testing results from worlds, but i think Jesus posted recently about getting OMT like 3 times in a month. I would suspect they test all people on the podiums at national and worlds level events as well.

When i used to do sailing at a high level they would usually test about 10-20% of the field after any international level comp. Usually the podium and some randoms to make up numbers.
The alternative explanation to her being a roidtranny is that she has a genetic anomaly that advantages bench like Michael Phelps
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>60s Cloudflare cooldown
According to this link, she was drug tested 5 times last year and 1 time this year so far
Scrolled to the right and they had more data.
2022 - 6 times
2021 - 0 times
2020 - 2 times
2019 - 1 time
2018 - 5 times
2017 - 2 times
2016 - 1 time
Etc. I'd say she's been tested a decent amount, especially recently. What are the chances of passing as many drug tests as she has (especially in years with 5-6 tests) without her being natty, or at least not using for a long time?

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i think i might be low t or something or masturbate too much
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this honestly looks like a great foundation to build upon...

you're actually kinda lucky, OP. Go lift heavy and build some muscle.
have you thought about lifting weights?
You have body dysmorphia in the 60s-70s that was a gym bod.
that's not skinnyfat.
you have built arms and forearms and a straight belly.
you might need to lose some fat for definition but that's absolutely not skinnyfat.

stop doing high reps
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I've found 2 sets to failure with the last set being a drop set has given me the best growth.
I've already done 100 pull-ups and 100 dips today, fuck you.
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>I restarted making gains doing this
>I have no joint pain now too
gets worse with higher repetition work anyway
and how exactly did you find that?
muscle gain is very slow and almost impossible to measure on a weekly and even monthly basis unless you're a beginner
there is no benefit to drop sets, just more fatigue
enjoy your extra fatigue
How often so you do these?
>enjoy your extra fatigue
Enjoy having zero endurance

Twice a week

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does running destroy the knees or not? there's conflicting information
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Being overweight destroys knees. Running has neither beneficial nor detrimental impacts.
as it should be, bless you
I've always ran about 90-110km a week and no issues
Is she italian or fucks black dudes?

can you beat GSP in a street fight

Should I trust this guy
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Lmao I remember that
Upped it to like 50k or some bullshit too after someone called it Jewish tactics
i think he was demanding over 200k at the end lol
Ha no
jesus scoob.. ffs
Dont turn your back on him

Reminder that alcohol can't be stored as body fat
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Shitposting on 4chan counts as a social situation
Social situations require pussy to count. Just saying
Good thing you’re here, then ;)
>Reminder that alcohol can't be stored as body fat
Dude, whoever's telling you that alcohol can't be stored as body fat is talking complete nonsense. Alcohol has calories, plain and simple. You know what calories do, right? They provide energy. But when you take in more calories than your body needs, it stores that excess as fat. Simple as that.
>inb4 muh calories aren't real
The liver has to convert the alcohol to something less toxic. In the process, it creates acetate, which your body uses for energy instead of fat. While that's happening, your body just tucks away the calories from food into fat storage. Sudies showed that when you drink alcohol with a meal, your body tends to store more of the food calories as fat because it's too busy dealing with the alcohol.
>inb4 e-easy just drink on an empty stomach
Alcohol also fucks with your hormones, like insulin and cortisol, which are also involved in fat storage.
So basically your liver converts ethanol to acetaldehyde, then to acetate, which gets turned into carbon dioxide and water. All this happens in the liver, which means the liver is putting everything else on hold, including burning fat, just to deal with your happy hour antics. So, while your liver is busy breaking down your drinks, any food you're eating? Yeah, that's just getting stored as fat because your body's not burning anything while it's got bigger problems to deal with.
Plus, when you drink, the liver creates a ton of acetyl-CoA, a key player in fatty acid synthesis. When there's an excess of acetyl-CoA, guess what? It starts making fatty acids, which eventually turn into body fat.
When you drink, insulin spikes, which can lead to more fat storage because insulin is like a doorman for fat cells, letting in all the sugar and turning it into fat. Your body can't metabolize fat efficiently with insulin going wild.
So tl;dr you are fucking retarded basically.
>here's why that's a true statement but why I'm more right for being a bitch about it

Working out on weed is a game changer
Some of the best workouts of my life have been on weed
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Some people who drink occasionally can be productive, all weed addicts are lazy and gay.
Weed addicts probably are lazy. It just comes down to moderation like all things.
I don't smoke retard, I just do it now and then like I said. It makes me stop thinking for a while.

He's wrong, I'm right!
>It makes me stop thinking for a while.
Nigga you can do it without the reddit herb ffs get a grip
Weed is the best post-workout

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Post height and weight with a current image of your body
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Oh hey, youre that ring anon. Did you find a gf?
enjoy the slutring, chud
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How much more do I need to cut? To 160?
>5’9” / 172lbs
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i got brooklyn's card [she's in love now]
she hard simps for men [dad bestie]
hates women, afraid of them [self-hating mom]
likes shamrock, convinced he's a girl brain
scared of buck, doesn't care that he's short
very uncertain and lack of confidence: self-hate precursor
boring, ignored by women, no threat, pushover
very low quality card, completely useless, not worth vibing with past a few hrs

now she's gonna tick down into my deck and gain my card which will adjust her personality in-line with my style of playing
tis unavoidable, tis not able to be shut off, she will do anything to gain my validation and it can only start with her mind which she will fight every second along the way to her peril
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>for the longest time I thought I was 5'7", apparently I'm 5'9" wtf

How much muscle is too much?
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damn. it's fuckers like you who fuck men and think you fuck women because "he looks like a she".
men have dicks, women have vaginas, both have muscles.
the woman in that pic is absolutely gorgeous, but you're too much of a closeted faggot with an ego so fragile that you can't see a woman in perfect shape.
go fuck a tranny
In her newest post her face has changed completly to the typical steroid face...bloated lips, deep texture on the forehead and square jaw.
Any visible muscle on a girl other than cute abs and a juicy booty are too much.
im genuinely curious about what you guys find attractive about overly muscled women

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Itt: We post our natties
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Blood sacrifice is natty

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