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Are there any specific stretches or exercises that can help with seasonal allergies? Reactin and vodka can only help me for so long before they lose their benefits.

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>test is good for y-ACK
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Anon you’re living through one of my worst nightmares. I’m sorry man.
>ou and your wife
So what? Everyone who isn't a zoomer has raped a girl or two in his life. Everyone. Your dad, your big brother, your teacher.
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She consented when she married him.
1 Peter 3:1
This. You ain't a real man if you don't occasionally look up statute of limitations for different states' rape laws

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one of us. one of us. one of us.
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>wanting to have sex with feminine men means I'm a faggot
>feminine men
>not burly bears
Imagine posting on this toilet of a board with these faggots. No wonder they screech whenever harsh blackpills and truths are dropped, fucking maggots man.

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>body dysmorphia has reached the point where I feel small at 5'11 200lbs
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I still feel like a fat fuck, need to cut at least 10lbs more.
>even on /fit/, for a long time
From trannies. GTFO with your therapy industrial complex bullshit.
I feel like a child at 190cm 105kg because i've seen pictures of Brian Shaw
Body dysmorphia has been used on /fit/ for at least 15 years. Fucking broccoli-haired retard.
You are small.

>6'1 220lbs (im on steroids)

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This is the last year I'm trying to make it before giving up on life completely. I've been looksmaxxing, going to the gym, socializing, asking girls out, trying to improve my career for the past 4 years, grinding real hard, and I have nothing to show for it. No friends, no girlfriend, financially the worst I've ever been, the only thing that I got is strengthmogging 99% of my gym but that's not even something that matters at all.
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yeah bro being a brainwashed lunatic praying to a made up cope mechanism is the true meaning of life, fuck off
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It sounds like your atheism is very fulfilling, you seem so happy, peaceful, and loving.
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>imagine cucking out to a world that literally does everything possible in oder to make you kys yourself and not continuing to live just to spite every fucking one
Chris is King
>No friends, no girlfriend
Have you tried to exclusively prioritize your social skills? The solution is right there, so go work on fixing the obvious and most affecting issue instead of wasting your youth trying to become "le enlightened sigma monk". Muscles won't help if you can't even maintain eye contact during a conversation

Have you ever had a muscle removed from your body?

When I was 18, I had my entire rectus abdominis ("6-pack" but there's actually 8) removed because of a tumour attached to them, and a tough mesh lining was placed there instead. It never affected me except I was told not to do contact sports and it's impossible for me to do sit-ups without leaning to the side and incorporating my obliques instead.

I've never met anyone else who's lost a muscle other than through limb amputation.
Nope. Never broken a bone either.

Since that is boring I will say that my friend growing up used to skate really hardcore and whatever you call the forarm bone closer to the outside broke off and poked through his skin a little bit. He told me the pain was unimaginable, and the guy we were with who was like Jackass levels of nuts poked it with his finger and said "haha does that feel funny". He still has a scar and we're all 25 years older now. He quit skating because of it.

I have a medical phobia, and being in your situation would freak me out, OP
Sorry to hear about that, wow

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I have been lifting for two months now and I still don’t look like this. Now I am at my wits end. How much more time will this take?
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What diet and routine do I need to achieve that physique bros?
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I made this image months ago. Truth is you need an insanely good frame e.g very wide shoulders and a very narrow waist and ribcage to achieve this look. Not to mention being extremely lean. But without the aforementioned frame you won't look like this no matter how lean you get. Even the guy in the pic didn't have the frame, which is why I photoshopped it.
height, weight, diet, routine, years of training. mirin hard
This is a more recent pic of him btw. Hard to maintain that level of leanness.
Should have roided his ass off.

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Why aren't you stone lifting?

If you're not lifting menhirs, you're just not gonna make it.
haha just imagine if you and him were in the sauna and he just started giving you a back massage, haha that'd be so funny
whats the point other than vainly showing off? just lift weights.
Bros, is this guys fizeek achievable natty?
>those traps
>that body hair
100% natty dianabol

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The grocery store I go to doesn’t sell American grown basmati rice. Only Indian and Pakistani. Which one should I get? Is there a difference health wise?
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Its a copypasta
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Japanese rice is sticky and mushy. It’s the polar opposite of basmati rice.
Asian rice are full of arsenic. Look it up your self if you dont belive me.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>misusing a meme

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>defends soience
>has the gall to call it leddit
found the soi slurping ledditor
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Can I take aswwagandha together with milk thistle?
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Just stop trying to be Indian

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Could lifting more have saved him?

I have given myself the "pinch test" and I can't really tell if I have firm masses under my nipples or not, it mostly feels squishy like in the pseudo pic. At the same time, my nipples do seem to protrude out somewhat. I gained a lot of weight in the last few years, both fat and muscle due to being on zoloft and smoking weed. I've since quit both. I know they can cause gyno in some cases but more commonly contribute to weight gain.
Can a general practitioner accurately diagnose gyno or is it too specialized of a medical issue? Is an Endocrinologist or dermatologist better to go to? I'm worried a plastic surgeon just wants to sell me surgery so I wouldn't want to go to one of them first.
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>things arent known until they are
>this somehow enrages and confuses anon
Penicillin cant be real desu, am I supposed to believe it was unknown and then just someone just discovered how to use it out of nowhere?
Bro use your intuition for a hot minute.
Would you eat a plastic container? No? Then you probably don't want to ingest micro bits of it either.
How dense are you?
There's a guy who ate an entire airplane and he was fine. You don't digest it so it comes out the other end. It doesn't bind so it doesn't accumulate in the organs either.
I'm not the one being retarded.
Far be it from me to convince you. If you want to guzzle microplastics, then go hog wild my man. I'll limit my intake as much as I can as I have no interest in consuming inorganic materials.
Queue that article of italian trannies boiling waterbottles to ingest the xenoestrogen in an effort to become "women"

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Hey /fit/, I want to get into swiming but my technique is quite bad. Any advice on where to learn or where to start?
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take videos of yourself swimming- have a lifeguard or a friend walk along the lane and film a few laps

unironically the advice and technique changes you'll have to make depend on how you're swimming now
Thanks fren

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Is he natty?
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Strictly speaking any girl after pubescence could be a MILF given proper circumstances.
Whats her name
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>gym milf is late 40s early 50s
>in amazing shape, looks better than chicks 20 years younger than her
>always works out in skin tight clothing in front of the dumbell rack
>every guy in the area is blatantly staring her down
>she looks like she enjoys it

Great test boost desu
Whats her name? I wanna jack off to her
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you think I talk to people at the gym? where do you think you are anon

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>boring but big
why is it so perfect bros
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Ah stealth shill thread
i just picked a random webm, maybe i shouldve used a lust provoking image instead
do you play your stuff out loud at the gym to try and get people interested?
>2,000,000 rubles (0.25 USD) have been deposited to your account
The city council ignored his input.
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he's literally me

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