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why do you guys love animals?
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This. I believe in environmentalism, but we are different from animals and that's a good thing. It also makes animals interesting, and the cute ones lovable, because they're like the dumber, instinct-driven versions of us.

I think that's the appeal of videos where animals demonstrate recognizable emotions, like that webm of the horse fuming jealously when the humans take the other horse out for a walk. It's sympathetic to us and different from us at the same time.
>also they don't get corrupted by power or money.
I mean, yeah, they have no concept of ‘money’, but power? We have a lot of instances of animals killing, harassing or whatever else just because they can, which is pretty close to what happens with us
We share this planet with myriad conscious lives so completely foreign to us. I wouldn't call it love, I would call it camaraderie, respect, fascination and empathy.
Because they don't insult me or hate me for my autistic hobbies
Well, not to your face.

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The Dog Daddy https://www.youtube.com/c/thedogdaddy
Joel Beckman https://www.youtube.com/@BDTraining
Cesar Milan https://www.youtube.com/@CesarMillanOfficial
AVOID: "positive-only" snake-oil salespeople, anyone who critiques other trainers without video proof of them working with difficult dogs (examples: Emily Larlham, Zak George)

Raw protein (80%)
Organs (10%)
Raw bones (10%)
Vegetables (optional)
Supplements (optional)
AVOID: "nutrition" advice sponsored by dog "food" companies

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Belgian Malinois > any of these dogs
Biggest Samoyed advantages?
How do I help my labrador with hip dysplasia?

>”The nest of the Peruvian booby is made of almost pure guano.”

The Peruvian booby is officially the Pajeet of the bird kingdom
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but that would be gross…
>the whiiiites
>it turns out to just be the british or the dutch
>the brooooooowns
>it turns out it was just the indians or the crips and the bloods were clean
Racebait is so stale. Can we get a better culture war?
kys sheltered bitch
>Captcha: OYYYM4
I will keep my sanity, thanks for the concern.
If you think about it, yogurt is basically shit

beer too

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So birds decided to nest in my hanging basket again, and as I too it down to water I noticed one of the eggs looks different than the others. Does anyone here know why that is?

Should I take out the brown egg and smash it on the pavement?
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I've seen chipping sparrow feeding a cowbird. And 2 of her own sparrow chicks. The cowbird demands more food and grows so quickly.

This is interesting
OP never said which part of the US he's from
Just because they're native doesn't mean they shouldn't be wiped out.
update us OP if you decide to go with this
>brown-headed cowbird
This is the first thing that came to my mind since theyre a parasitic-something-or-other (cant remember) that lays eggs in other birds' nests

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What do you think of this video?
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I think I'm not gonna watch your video
Watch it
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>One opportunity to be born in a Universe
>It's completely Nihilistic in nature.
>One opportunity to be born as an intelligent species.
>They dislike its true nature so much that they prefer to live in illusions.
I know people talk about how octopuses could develop significantly due to their intelligence, if only they didn't strave themselves to death after breeding. But, isn't it the perfect adaptation to the nature of this world? If anything, they seem superior to us in every manner, as they can turn into enlightened buddhists on their own after breeding.
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they cant develop a language because they have no means to reliably transmit information to the next gen, they live on their own devices without inherited knowledge
Don’t they detach their cum filled tentacle to give to a female to put up her vagina to reproduce? Very strange process
trips confirm octi evolved passed indoctrination and is born and dies enlightened
>own devices without inherited knowledge
That's really interesting for an intelligent animal.
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What breed of cat is this?
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buttsniffers gonna buttsniff
I'll bet Bambi never had to put up with this shit.
They got 'im coming and going.

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Babe wake up, new sasquatch picture just dropped. This was posted by a boomer women on a British Columbia hiking group on FB.
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>looks like a camera
which phone, some crazy android flagship? this looks like a heavy crop from a lower end camera like a micro four thirds, or the periscope zoom lens on android phones with nice camera.
Someone bet her $200 she wouldn't do it
that’s just what the indians over there are like
She even has the boomer name
I wish it were real, but Jesus look at that silly face.

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73% East Frisian, 13% Cotswold, 8.5% Lacaune, 6.5% Polypay.

birthed as a triplet. from a line that tends towards trips. bred for exceptional milk production and with focus on bag health genetics. she is of their finest wool line, among their non-wool (dairy) breeds, thus the incorporation of Polypay and Cotswold.

she will be bottle fed by us to raise her tame. 10 days old when we pick her up. fed/raised by her mum till we arrive.

she will be bred to our white Lacaune/Awassi/Frisian ram next spring.

this is the final off-premises ewe we will purchase for many years. she completes the genetic profile and diversity of our dairy flock.

truly an amazing tri-purpose animal to have. this is the pinnacle of our self-sufficient food chain.
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We got her to feed on the drive home yesterday. 8oz total. 90% of that was at 17:00 aboot 1.5 hr before we got home.

we let her settle in and relax from travel while we did farm chores, made dinner and showered. we fed her again at 22:00 then went to bed. she slept all the way through the night. not a peep until 6:00.

everything looks great today. she seems happy and hungry. fed her 6oz at 7:15.

I'm off to work. wife will care for her during the days, I can help evenings.

the trip, purchase, total combined expenses and baby bottle care is/will be stressful, but it should all work out. the risky part is behind us.

Live For More. Thrive On Less. Become Self-Sufficient.
D'oh! Sorry, was thinking about the >>4776532
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Our trepidation has been assuaged. day 2 at her new home. she enthuastically drains bottles. she is energetic and seems to be calming down aboot the goings on in the hoose. she is still skiddish, at times of sudden movement, as a prey animal, but she seems to be adjusting.

she will stay inside our hoose, in a kennel, in The Great Room, for at least another week. we want her to be sturdy and strong before she goes in with her sister-wives.
I just wish chicken tasted better.
This is how I talk about my tinder dates

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Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Not SMASHED nor SLAMMED, begone from this skeem
How much does toadline meat cost then?
New thread
i can't tell which side is which
you can see his pupils enlarge

What do the horses from Sable Island do all day?
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posting on /an/
Animals are stupid. They don't DO anything. They participate in existence. Which is probably a lot nicer.
Kelpies and silkies linked up?
We are in grave danger, lads.

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It be like that

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>there's a mammal that hunts prey not only for food, but ofttimes for the sole purpose of flaying the skins off/removing body parts for teh lulz
why are we like this?
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what was it?
>teh lulz
we need that hide
trigger warning
It's a very useful material.
Uh.. Camoflage?

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don't mind me, I'm just a parrot eating a waffle
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there is NO way he's gonna finish that whole thing
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Deer eat pancake
Can birds even taste sweet things?
yes, they go crazy for sugar

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this spider was on my bedroom wall near my bed. I've seen a cockroach crawl under the wall so I guess that's how they move throughout the house. I caught this spider in a subway cup and trapped him in with the lid and let them out in my yard. I kill the cockroaches. anyone know how to get rid of all cockroaches from my house forever
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doesn't look like a brown recluse but it did remind me of a black widow. I've only seen this kind of spider once and it was this one. best way to not die from spiders?
they don't really go for food but they would if I let it out on the stove or ground. they mostly go for water but I make sure there's no water in the sink. it's kinda like they're just here because they like the inside.
At this very moment could you create more than trashbags worth of garbage from simply cleaning up? If yes, your house has more gabarge than needed. Clean more.
If you have a carpeted floor and never vacuum, it's probably filled with food. If you have pets, clean their eating area or feed them outside. After all that, then maybe it's your apartment if you don't live in a home.
Which means someone else is being filthy. Cockroaches like a dirty home. Raccoons don't dig through garbage because it's fun, there is something they want. Roaches are the same, can't live without food.
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just clean your room bucko
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To get rid of the cockroaches, do not get rid of the spiders. If you happened to be SE USofA, Find yourself a smecksey Southern House Spider and let her git to the size of a baby gerbil. Bug problems: eliminated.

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