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So can dogs smile or not?
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pretty sure it’s an ironic post
Unironically for anyone watching this, the best way to get them to release is genuinely to jam something up their arse. No, seriously.
I dont even browse reddit you schizo furry
I’ve heard this too. Either that or choking them out.
Bloodchoke the fucking pitbull.

Has anyone been to a cat cafe and was it worth it? There's one in the city closest to me and they charge you just for playing/petting with the cats
>>$25 for 30mins
>>$40 for 1 hr
>>$45 for an hour long puzzle activity
>>$60 for a 2hr movie screening
And you have to buy at least 1 drink or snack per hour from their cafe. The main reason I wanted to go is all the cats are available for adoption.
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>cats + cafe
I've never seen something so woman in all my life
Dogs smell great. Do the criminally inclined have a gene for disliking dog aromas?
wait until you hear about dogs + cafe
Another victim of consumerism. I'm sorry for you anon. You could just go to a cat shelter if your goal is to be surrounded by cats.

Also why can't more people see how unnatural and wrong it is to keep all those animals in a closed space exploited by selfish humans?
With cats it is at least a bit more acceptable because cats can be domesticated, then there's stupid shit like fukuro cafe. It is straight up abuse towards wildlife.
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>Hey I have this great idea for a business
>Think cat hoarder but also food and drinks
Cat people are retarded

>A 392 year old Greenland Shark in the Arctic Ocean, wandering the ocean since 1627.
It's wild to think there's sharks out there old enough to watch mankind go from wooden vessels to metal behemoths chugging out smoke, to tin cans under the sea and being able to actively hear RADAR usage by humans and when that went online from their silent depths. All in a lifetime.
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It was bycatch and dead already, may aswell get some use out of it.
they love it too
anything else is cope
it's fake news, we don't do that
well yeah it did taste like piss, its soaked in ammonia or urea or something.
in all honesty it wasnt that bad. just like potent astringent gelatinous substance. its okay on rye bread, but definitely not good.
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Lion: "I am the king!"
Elephant: passes by..
Lion: meow!
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Orangutan & Piccolo
I bet your karate instructor taught you that right?
The elephant would do exactly what you said. You would punch it to death, as you intend.
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belugas and cooler

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has anyone here been sprayed by a skunk? I've heard it smells different than it does off the side of the road or something, can you describe the smell in detail?
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Isn’t it also flammable? Not surprising it causes such an intense reaction, though a lot of animals seem able to ignore it more or less
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The next day, the entire block smells like this particular noodle:
Tomato juice works best.
no they are not really afraid of me, I throw hotdogs at them and they just startle for a second then eat it. One guy even hides under my stairs waiting for me.

I would give another chance to the classic non-avian theropods. So, my choice includes two big guys:
two medium-sized predators:
and a small, clever rascal:
Yes, they are a few tens of millions of years too late and are unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence. But do they really need to?

*Yes, I learned about Imperobator from that really questionably-scientific show made by a slopmaker from Disney. Don’t judge me, I'm not a professional paleontologist.
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tasmanian tiger
giant ass penguin
>Neanderthals lived in smaller groups
Yes, as a consequence of the reduced carrying capacity compared to Homo sapiens in a given environment
>did not have art until they borrowed it from sapiens.
>Their “larger brain” had a smaller frontal lobe and enlarged areas for vision and motor control.
Their brains are only larger than the human average, there's no feature of their brain which is outside the range of non-pathological homo sapiens brains.
His claim about empathy is unprovable, but the idea that they are more like a dog or an ape than a man is retarded in the extreme.
all of the giant crocodiles
Dilophosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Allosaurus, Albertosaurus, Imperobator
Extremely based.

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Why are there two boards? What's the difference?
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>you cant discuss geology and fossils on /ck/ as example
can't really discuss fossils here eiither
I can post bears on /an/
I post Jack Scalfani on /ck/
Seems arbitrary.
yes but for entirely different reasons
That makes sense but which board is the accounting dept?

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why no rolling animals? seems like an efficient mode of locomotion, think snake like flexibility but ball shaped
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this is how humans conquered the planet
Jesus Christ, where the hell are they that has a hill this steep and long at a beach?
After a certain point, him spinning just looks so surreal
They have big dunes on the great lakes for starters
This is one of the big dunes on the Oregon coast. I don't recall the name but it's a popular enough destination.

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we all know of louis wain, but this piece really hits me. he really captured the emotions in this cats eyes
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dirty cretin. serves him right
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I shall go with the cheapest possible answer.
>According to the recorders from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, when they listened to recording, the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō came back and sung again, not knowing it is not a female.
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I am failing to see why this is posted? is there some social commentary I am missing?
She wants to be a mountain climber

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Whatcha doin'?
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So true, smug orca-kun!!

Have fun at Seaworld btw (:
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orcas are based
very much so

He sit
he shit
that it
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If you need to make a new person to feel affection you can be sure that your kids will grow up to hate you.
Based milk drinker/knower of the cow juice
we won
you’re right that does sound kinda gross are u a girl btw
i mean yes but why
oh right i forgot ive been namefagging lol

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This changes everything
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to disturb the other aquatic beings with their enormous genitals and ear piercing grunts
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They were semi aquatic like hippos. Anyone saying otherwise is a knuckle dragging cunt.
nah they would get stuck in the mud
There is literally no reason to believe this when basically all the fossils and trace fossils we've found of these guys haven't been in or around water.

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/an/ bros. My 9 year old tabby unfortunately got attacked by a juvenile pit. She is limping, after the initial attack she was limp in my arms and panting heavily; something she has never done before. Right now she is laying in my bed and breathing normally, ate a good amount of food, and only growls when I touch her leg. I inspected her and found no punctures or lacerations, but she can't walk on her back leg. What do I do? Vets are retarded expensive. I'm scared. I should mention that I saved her before the kill grip, but I'm worried. Do I let her rest? Do I take her in? I did little PT exercises with her limbs and she didn't wail in pain or anything. What do I do?
Take her in and work out some payment plan with the vet
dont let cats outside
take her to the vet for sure, she could have internal injuries. You could probably seek police/legal action against the pitbull's owners depending on where it happened. If it was their fault, they would have to pay.
Take her to the vet man. You sound quite attached and a dog bite (especially from a pit) can quickly turn bad.
Wtf i love pitbulls now

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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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shush, Oisin
You have to be 18 to be on 4chan
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Don’t think I’ve ever seen one bare their teeth before
Pretty intimidating
Good luck trying to aim with a scope covered in yellow

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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Have you ever seen a lion? A wolf wouldn't stand a chance
Man only just saw a wolf and now you're asking if he's seen a lion? You're expecting a lot from the guy
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Male shipping is uncomfortable, desu.
I’ve seen neither of those things myself

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