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He sit
he shit
that it
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If you need to make a new person to feel affection you can be sure that your kids will grow up to hate you.
Based milk drinker/knower of the cow juice
we won
you’re right that does sound kinda gross are u a girl btw
i mean yes but why
oh right i forgot ive been namefagging lol

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This changes everything
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to disturb the other aquatic beings with their enormous genitals and ear piercing grunts
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They were semi aquatic like hippos. Anyone saying otherwise is a knuckle dragging cunt.
nah they would get stuck in the mud
There is literally no reason to believe this when basically all the fossils and trace fossils we've found of these guys haven't been in or around water.

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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Have you ever seen a lion? A wolf wouldn't stand a chance
Man only just saw a wolf and now you're asking if he's seen a lion? You're expecting a lot from the guy
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Male shipping is uncomfortable, desu.
I’ve seen neither of those things myself

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Strangely, there hasn’t been one of these yet (that I know of). So let’s fix that and get a thread going for all things pertaining to Mustelids - some of the hardiest, most enduring mammals.
This includes: Ferrets, Stoats, Wolverines, Badgers, Otters, Minks, Weasels, Martens, Grisons, Skunks, etc.
Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
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>Skunks have two glands, one on each side of the anus. These glands produce the skunk's spray, which is a mixture of sulfur-containing chemicals such as thiols (traditionally called mercaptans), which have an offensive odor. The thiols also make their spray highly flammable.[16][17]
>Skunks are only an ignition mechanism away from being cute little flamethrowers
How long until somebody adds a few genes?
>So it finally turned up in a /k/ thread
Of course it did lol
You’d definitely have to raise these things from birth for them to be amicable towards people though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything other than a honey badger or Wolverine act this aggressive
>Skuntank used Flamethrower!
what a ferocious predator…

Could life on earth exist without predators? I'm aware of possible population booms and food shortages resulting in death of some or most species if predators disappeared. Would that kill all species?
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i like nipples too
when the first individual realizes it can just kill off their competitors, predation rises again
the parasitized being needs to absorb energy to sustain itself and the parasites, this energy has to come from something. inorganic material cant offer enough energy to support this food chain, extremophiles like >>4781225 pointed out are tiny and can barely support themselves on inorganic material
That makes it a small prey
Only thing I can think of is mutualistic interactions like plants and pollinators. It's not predation if they both species benefit.

When I was a little kid and would go to Cali to visit my extended family finding and collecting these guys was my favorite part.
We don't really have snails this size in AZ.
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Lizards. The climate is right (mid-atlantic) but there's not too much good habitat for them that's sunny and rocky. We do have some european lizards in the cities tho
Something that eats any sort of roach in mass
Pretty cool eggs actually
Reminds me of those toys
*en masse

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Made me bleed. Pick and suggest a non lethal and no vet bill torture/punishment for him. I have access to a ghetto dog. No access to fire arms, tasers, onions or most occult means.
What the hell is he chewing on
Is he developing opposable thumbs

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hollow bones
Just look at your pic. They eat water. That's not a calorie dense food so they barely put on weight.
You don't eat water you drink it, dumbass
I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about the flamingo. Does it look like it has lips to drink with?
I mean, look at it. Those legs are so thin you could lightly sweep at them and probably snap them like twigs. Nearly all of that weight is its upper body. Pretty believable to me

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>mfw they/them wont clean the litterbox.
Cleaning the litterbox is an admission that cats are anything short of gods, therefore you hate cats.
kill yourself
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what is this thing in melbourne australia

it’s an insect about 2 inches long, crawled but not super fast, didn’t seem like it could fly. had a segmented abdomen kind of like a wasp. tough looking. seen two recently but never before seen in my life
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Do they bite? Seems like they would bite
Face hugger.
I don't think they do.
what are they afraid of
brown recluse

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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Here's a cool one I found
That’s a boy deer dummy
you know that deer is smack dab in the middle of flavor town
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wiggly snoot

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>Age 97
>basically how my parents are in their 60s, if not better

How does he do it?
I had one relative that age and he could barely move and he was sober his whole life.
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Thank you for telling us exactly what it was that you meant
based, true, and real
truth hydrogen bomb
By being born with silver spoon in his mouth and his work consisting of talking and looking smart before camera while traveling around the world, likely for taxpayer money too.
While i dare to assume you relative and parents worked their ass off.
>h-he has active lifestyle
Gee, i wonder why say majority of miners aren't still running around looking so good at this age.
Met him back in 2009 at a book signing, super lovely guy and even back then he was super energetic. A lot of his family lived to pretty good ages so it’s probably the genes

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You are naturally well-suited for it friend.
i saw some black skimmers over the weekend when I went down to coastal texas they're so adorable and I got to see the skimming behavior! I wish I owned a good camera so I could get my own pictures
How does this work
Do fish not sense the incoming beak?
The beak is faster than the fish
You should try skim feeding.

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Anyone have any experience with celestial pearl danios/galaxy rasboras?
Wonder if they nibble on mystery snail antennas or fight fish like penguin tetras?
No but it’s a cool looking pretty fish
I've had about a dozen of them in my tank for a few years now, they get along with the neocaridina shrimp and snails.
They breed easily too as long as you keep them well fed, and you don't have any scavengers that would eat the tanks.

Simply put, it's the best because it's the biggest.
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game was ass
I don’t want to Google it but probably? Almost surely?
It was not you contrarian dickbag
then what isn't? let's hear it
Trvthnvke inbound

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