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I hate the way German Shepherds carry themselves. You having nothing to be proud of, you're a fucking dog.
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Go get blown up in a wet ditch russian scum
they hated him because he told the truth
Everything you said is provably false with a 2 minute Google search. Why do you IDF soldiers come on here and tell lies?
Ukraine immorally and illegally claimed russian speaking regions despite the results of democratic elections so they could have better defenses around their ports

Russia was merely rescuing its own people from nazi extremists and a CIA puppet state
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Don't even bother, man. Hohol-worshippers can't be reasoned with, and they think studying history is evil because of White Supremacy or something.

Is he right? Are lions actually dogs?
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Half of the stuff about Tigers isn't true and the other half is stupid shit that no reasonable person would use to classify species now that we know what genetics are.
>literallywho commenter is retarded
In other news, water is wet
Catfags say that red foxes are like cats for completely retarded and inherently wrong reasons. I don't want to be on their level.
I just love threads focused around some random internet schizo comment
this is just a human brain trying to find patterns where they dont exist

Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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Based. Didn’t know we were in the presence of a pitmommy here lol
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>do you think theres life somewhere out there?
This retarded movie had no right to be as funny as it was. Fuckin' 80s style, man.
Greyhounds have been horrifically abused but you rarely read about them killing humans.
If someone is being mauled by a dog (most likely a pit bull or related breed), informing them that the dog had been abused doesn't help them.
Greyhounds weren't abused. They were neglected. Living in a tiny cage and getting sodomized/shit kicked out of you aren't the same thing.

Based bettas edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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If you're 5ft tall, you should be able to fit inside the aquarium. Just put it on its side and then pull the edge on top of you, like you're a turtle.
Then climb on the stand with the aquarium still on you - voila! Easy peasy!
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I was considering some red lizard whiptails as an oto alternative for my tank that has a larger cichlid in it.
I heard they have nearly the same behavior as plecos though except for occasionally burrowing in sand.
I never made out that it was complicated and I'm not disagreeing with you that it's the best approach, it's that no matter how well intentioned someone is if they're new they'll run into issues and make mistakes and you're setting them up for failure by advocating that they don't do water changes. You absolutely can't tell people not to change water when you don't even know what substrate they're getting since every store is now upselling people onto aquasoil as soon as they mention plants. You have to assume that people won't be perfect, you can go no filter too but surely you wouldn't recommend that to someone starting out? It's the same idea. It's unlikely that someone will abandon the hobby because they have to spend 15 minutes a week changing water but if they have a green and brown unsightly mess they might.
You do water changes in a stable aquarium to reset and renew the mineral balance of the water which get depleted by plants and livestock, to maintain specific parameters such as pH and TDS, and to remove organic compounds such as proteins, fats and such that aren't easily broken down by filtration. Having a regular water change schedule keeps parameters stable over a long term basis, something that's very important for most livestock and plants to keep them healthy. Pretty simple stuff.

And by the way, what's bigger - algae or a plant? What therefore needs more nutrients to live? It should be obvious that algae require infinitesimally less nutrients to reproduce. I have green algae on the bottom of my RO water can. The idea that algae are caused by excess nutrients is absolutely retarded. Green algae can appear anywhere there's a bit of light and red algae (BBA and Staghorn) are caused by decaying proteins, mostly released from plant metabolism or stress.

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I think men should live with sharks because you're statistically more likely to get killed by women than sharks.
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Why don't we just throw all the women in the sea instead?
because then we end up with deep ones
not how it works pretty sure
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>As a woman, do it. Seriously go and do it. Get away from us.

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where tf do you live if you have many close calls with dogs?
There is so much trash in this world.
I live in Haiti brother. Come visit sometime

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Today I went to an Owl center in Kirkleatham and took some pictures. I'm autistic so I don't go out alot but I went today with my friends and took some pictures. Their where tonnes of Owls but also other Animals their too, mostly birds. I'm going to post all my good pictures in this thread.
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A cool Vulture.
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My hand feeding a Chicken.
Their where some other birds and other animals however not everything got a picture taken off and some of the pictures won't upload for some reason.

But their where some Kites, Kookaburra's, Hornbills, Ducks, Geese, Mongoose and Pigeon.
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

I've a soft spot for rallidae, including emus.
>Fun fact: many, many years ago, "emo" wordfiltered on 4chan to "bosnian".

That looks like a great grey to me.

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t.saves your human destroyed wetlands and increases biodiversity
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Humans don’t create water flow, beavers are irritated by the sound so they constantly create dams. You couldn’t get a human to spend everyday of their lives doing that.
So this is it? These things just naturally and instinctively build huge structures because ???
Yeah. A lot of habitat can be restored with a generation with these fellas. I’ve been seeing endangered birds show back up because of the ponds they make.
Key example of a keystone species.
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Do the other great apes embody the personality types of different humans?

>chimps - aggressive machismo
>gorillas - gentle community focused giant
>bonobos - hippies
>orangutans - intellectuals
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They are not real.
Hyper-sexual animals are pretty boring to observe and report on.
Why are orangutans the intellectuals when chimps have shown to be markedly smarter than them?
I imagine it’s because they’re effectively lamer chimps
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>>chimps - aggressive machismo
>>gorillas - gentle community focused giant
>>bonobos - hippies
>>orangutans - intellectuals
You are personifying in a retarded manner. All apes, and some monkeys, exhibit the aforementioned traits depending on the context. Your assertion is akin to astrology: Vague generalizations that apply to the vast majority of humans.
Myer-Briggs test is a psychoanalytical tool. The important bit being "tool." Without the proper knowledge or application, Myer-Briggs is psychology-coded astrology. Jung specifically mentioned it is flawed, incomplete, and generally to be used a tool or jumping off point. Something closer, and much more complex, to assigning "personality types" is utilizing Enneagramic (I subscribe to Claudio Naranjo) practices WHILE incorporating Myer-Brigs as a sort of "double check" or something to compare/contrast to. Keep an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out.
>My opinion is directly tied to my feelings
>I have been offended, therefore I shall attack you personally and not your argument

Why do people assume these weird skull bumps were horns and not just weird muscle connection points?
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Brontothere is bes
No, Arsinoitherium is best!
They were feeling horny.
Don't you two have a common enemy or something?
First thing I always think of when I see those things kek

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Just cause I fuckin' love owls
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so close, how does it even do that
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You've never seen a Swallow take a sip of water?
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For me it is Barn Owls and Ural Owls.
Barn Owls are cute with their, sometimes, heart-shaped faces and Ural Owls are just so soft.
Oy vey the goyim know! THE GOYIM KNOW!!!!
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>faster than any man
>solid boulder of muscle
>unhuntable meat tanks, no claws or teeth can get through their natural armor
>seriously, they can just walk through an attack by a pride of lions
>catch 500 human bodies a year, the ultimate apex predator of the world can't do shit
>their babies use crocodiles as chew toys
>brutally kill anything that even mildly annoys them
>only elephants and rhinos can even hope to challenge them
>do it all while a herbivore, making carnicucks seethe
Every day I'm in awe of these fucking MONSTERS
If a hippo charged at me I'd probably just fucking kneel
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God that is disgusting, there's carcasses in there.
Hippo footage always just makes me think of how fucking horrifying Hell pigs must have been
If hellpigs still existed they'd be a delicacy in China and I'm not gonna lie I'd try it with some hoisin sauce or something.
Did they behave the same way as regular boars? Regardless hippos seem bigger so they’re still probably worse
I blame reddit

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What do you call this
he went to etiquette school
somewhere there has to be on the menu a cocktail with the name ‚Million Tears Of Pity“.
le cuisine guenon
looks like a cocktail to me

Why are whales such gigachads?
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now there’s an image I haven’t seen in centuries…
I feel like I should report you but I'm not sure what reason to put.
imagine being a biologist that specializes in animal dicks
sounds like a nice gig actually
>imagine being a white woman
This fucking sucks delete this shit now

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>well read
>one of the most popular sci fi novels of all time
>Dog working on a ship named Kitty Kat
Humiliation ritual?
Pumba is a caracal. Pumas are bigger than that.
>le doggie
>show clear signs of aggression
>le martha
>"he's smiling, so cute. #me2"
>*selfie click noises*
Yes. It keeps them in line

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