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File: 1709848767115300.webm (642 KB, 280x280)
642 KB
Post webms you want sauced and the nice anons of 4chan will help!
300 replies and 108 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1657561694724.webm (3.83 MB, 458x524)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB WEBM
Anon's i beg you if you make a slapping OC please atleast upload it to soundcloud. I hear so many amazing music you make and i want to listen to them at work.
plenka - decadence (slowed)
File: nosauce.webm (3.33 MB, 640x348)
3.33 MB
3.33 MB WEBM
Need a suaouce on the audio
the video is footage from "pretty village, pretty flame", a movie set in the war in yugoslavia.

File: 1708110322776741.webm (2.37 MB, 480x852)
2.37 MB
2.37 MB WEBM
What do you think of this?
91 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
69 is based, chadliest guy i ever knew was 5'9", got any girl he wanted
now you're a pathetic cuck for a woman, what an improvement!
yeah, she's got mild dwarfism or some shit
she gets the rope like a nigger
The term is "simp", sir

last thread hit bump limit. here's some oc created with udio:

"at the end of decline"

>a state of decay, has the west gone astray?
>it's over, okay? what else is there to say!
>there's no better sign, see the stars in the sky!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>billions must go, in the end we all know,
>to make room for our precious new seeds to grow!
>when there comes a time, through the rain and the shine,

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
155 replies and 87 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1707983318899923.webm (506 KB, 680x940)
506 KB
great stuff
Best I could do.
They limit what you can say and how much. Also only 10 tries, wish I'd known that.
File: Sneed Legacy.webm (392 KB, 320x240)
392 KB
Formerly Chuck
This is unironically good.

File: kot shrimp.webm (381 KB, 448x448)
381 KB
Previous: >>5490128
294 replies and 113 images omitted. Click here to view.
I don't like this kind of dumb shit, it isn't funny, poor cats
don't be a faggot
File: no cat.webm (5.91 MB, 720x1280)
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5.91 MB WEBM
it don't think the cats mind, it's just kind of stupid

File: kino.webm (4.94 MB, 576x576)
4.94 MB
4.94 MB WEBM
Bonus points for racism
69 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1701785356189286.webm (1.34 MB, 432x320)
1.34 MB
1.34 MB WEBM
Same rules apply.
File: Xenogenesis.webm (5.76 MB, 720x720)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB WEBM
What film is this?
Where is this vid from originally? Idc about song

File: 1697102746287.webm (4.15 MB, 1080x1080)
4.15 MB
4.15 MB WEBM
Calling all music lovers! Share the beats that make you move, the melodies that make you feel alive. Let's groove together and build an epic playlist!
103 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: V02 Remake.webm (4.89 MB, 1080x1080)
4.89 MB
4.89 MB WEBM
File: Highwaymen.webm (5.6 MB, 476x360)
5.6 MB

File: world2win.webm (699 KB, 480x360)
699 KB
Too many cringey nazi webm threads, post your best webms related to leftism.
141 replies and 114 images omitted. Click here to view.
Unironic righotids are so buck broken by Russia, they keep making "Russia is le brown and communist! Stop supporting them!"on /pol/ and then failing miserably like the faggots that they are
File: troon sighting.webm (2.49 MB, 1280x720)
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2.49 MB WEBM
interesting, so this is the vanguard of the revolution, and they seek power so they can use the NKVD to punish people for misgendering them

it is funny, the left used to be about white men working in the steel mills and raising aryan families and now it is about their eradication, after all the "worker's of the world" are more important, how dare white people have higher intelligence, building functioning societies and high trust communities, how dare they be more "privileged", it must all be exterminated, this is the philosophy of the modern left

no explanation
I want video of these people getting horribly maimed.
File: 1709579053812168.webm (3.94 MB, 480x852)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
>Thread topic is politically incorrect leftism
>All of the webms are either politically correct or right wing
I'll post the first relevant webm then

Post video game music
Previous Thread: >>5503175
63 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Croc - Title Theme.webm (2.84 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.84 MB WEBM
Fitzy and me singing to this in the 90's. "I will shave the baby, I will shave the baby!". I miss the past man.
is music *about* video games allowed

Bible study with creepy pastors
12 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
the more I look at this "pastor" the more I'm convinced that he is a demon in disguise or the very least not human
nice thread appropriate get

File: UnnamedTune.webm (2.62 MB, 360x360)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
14 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
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5.99 MB WEBM
File: 1706647120733796.webm (4.26 MB, 300x300)
4.26 MB
4.26 MB WEBM
Could someone make a WEBM of this? It's incredibly sovlful. Just the song part. Not the guy talking at the beginning.

not appalachian songs, but cool

the og chud
199 replies and 66 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Confused Screaming.webm (504 KB, 626x360)
504 KB
nta surprisingly rul34 has the full version.

File: 1711601283190192.webm (4.96 MB, 480x480)
4.96 MB
4.96 MB WEBM
Random thread
182 replies and 105 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: rubberjohnny1.webm (4.87 MB, 640x360)
4.87 MB
4.87 MB WEBM
File: dogsofwar.webm (5.13 MB, 462x480)
5.13 MB
5.13 MB WEBM
File: Torn.webm (2.78 MB, 320x240)
2.78 MB
2.78 MB WEBM
File: You are a Pirate.webm (5.47 MB, 360x240)
5.47 MB
5.47 MB WEBM
File: Soggy Cereal.webm (4.83 MB, 640x360)
4.83 MB
4.83 MB WEBM

Nat Soc collective
9 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1705704548450673.webm (4.73 MB, 640x360)
4.73 MB
4.73 MB WEBM
File: 1705763996084828.webm (3.96 MB, 550x310)
3.96 MB
3.96 MB WEBM
File: 1705764976158825.webm (2.73 MB, 480x360)
2.73 MB
2.73 MB WEBM
File: 1705772822274693.webm (5.75 MB, 480x270)
5.75 MB
5.75 MB WEBM
So many great things can be done when the parasites are exterminated.

old >>5481559
194 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: tjdanceclub.webm (2.21 MB, 1304x720)
2.21 MB
2.21 MB WEBM
File: Tay Ug12li.webm (1.56 MB, 320x180)
1.56 MB
1.56 MB WEBM
bringing the hate back
New Thread

I thought nobody found the beetle in the end?
It was in the attic apparently. I think in the boarded off area we never saw. Sam gave it to him in the ending speech.

File: nominippon.webm (1.08 MB, 576x1024)
1.08 MB
1.08 MB WEBM
1.00 US Dollar = 155 yen
Let's go to the playground of the 4th biggest economy.
12 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Abenomics is dead.
I dunno about you, but my country was better in the 90s.
Hope they get to stay there.

I've heard of France syndrome or something, where visitors are so disappointed by the state of France that they become depressed. I wonder what tourist-y Japanese people feel when they go back to their home country. Do they appreciate it more or are they enamored by other countries?
As a tourist, you're probably not staying in a shitty apartment in a shitty neighbourhood, but that might be your reality in your homeland.
There's a Lee Kwan Yeu quote where he looked at the devastation wraught upon britain compared to when he lived and studied there as a young man about how precious civilisation is and easily it can be destroyed.
I swear, East Asian countries have more alcoholics per capita than anywhere else on the planet.
*looks at Russia*
*Doubt intensifies*

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