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1.00 US Dollar = 155 yen
Let's go to the playground of the 4th biggest economy.
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Don't touch the maids in Kyoto tho
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Check out the sakura
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>chinese military
sad dude.
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>>chinese military
tank is flying a Japanese flag
Japan genuinely seems like a place stuck in the 90s.
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It's Type 10 Hitomaru tank
Lighter than most MBTs due to the bridges of Japan.
Rice, that's it.
that is actually a great way of putting it. I hope it stays that way
The nineties were a great time. So much hope. shame about the engineered financial crisis.
yeah except there doesn't seem to be much hope in Japan these days.
Abenomics is dead.
I dunno about you, but my country was better in the 90s.
Hope they get to stay there.

I've heard of France syndrome or something, where visitors are so disappointed by the state of France that they become depressed. I wonder what tourist-y Japanese people feel when they go back to their home country. Do they appreciate it more or are they enamored by other countries?
As a tourist, you're probably not staying in a shitty apartment in a shitty neighbourhood, but that might be your reality in your homeland.
There's a Lee Kwan Yeu quote where he looked at the devastation wraught upon britain compared to when he lived and studied there as a young man about how precious civilisation is and easily it can be destroyed.
I swear, East Asian countries have more alcoholics per capita than anywhere else on the planet.
*looks at Russia*
*Doubt intensifies*
>Do they appreciate it more or are they enamored by other countries?

Yes. It's like a veil was lifted when they visited other countries especially the 1st world. Japs just don't appreciate what they have. I always hear Japs complain about muh corrupt cops and politicians but me living in a 3rd world just shrug at them. They don't know the levels of corruption in the 3rd world. Which is why I have this impression that Japs are naive and lack sociopolitical awareness. The only "smart" Japs are the older ones that are married and are living in other countries.
japanese are disconnected from the rest of the world because most of them do not speak english, because their internet is mostly japanese and isolated, and because most of their entertainment is japanese. other countries interact within the english-speaking channels to much wider variety of people from across the globe. the japanese mostly interact in japanese-speaking channels with other japanese. their view of the outside world is not through interaction with others but through stereotypes in media such as anime. that's also why when they do take on some foreign subculture it's very shallow and fake. like cosplay.
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>japanese are disconnected from the rest of the world because most of them do not speak english
Then what is
USA's excuse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_jTnN1i43o
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>>5525722 (checked)
Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRcZ_IP9uEU
Russia is also technically kind of part of Asia. It's a very weird place geographically.
>I wonder what tourist-y Japanese people feel when they go back to their home country. Do they appreciate it more or are they enamored by other countries?
I think this could apply to a lot of countries that you have experienced through media first. I loved places like NYC and Miami after seeing them in 80s/90s movies so much, and then I found they had turned into utter shit by the time I actually got to visit them.

So I won't even touch France at this point because I've seen how it used to be in movies and then I've seen and heard about how it is in the modern day. Same with London too.
paris syndrome...
I'm not Japanese, I was just putting my perspective as a foreigner to other places. The culture shock isn't the issue either, it's that everything doesn't look how it did anymore and all the people on the streets don't look anything like they did in media.
I saw this constantly in Japan, creepy looking jap dudes just following women left and right and the girls either making sure they walk by an officer so he can stop the obvious creep (like in this webm) or walk up to some random guy and ask for help. After being there I completely understand why so many of both genders are virgins into their 30s and why their country's birth rate has completely tumbled, AND the fact that almost 50% of japanese women reported being groped at least once on trains. Still a very enjoyable country as a short term tourist though
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Some men need to be locked up
ooooh I'm hungry
>raw fish
>fermented basedbeans
>noodles in oily water
japanese food is disgusting
for me it's
>karaage chicken
>shabu shabu
she looks like filthyfrank with a gender swap filter
Wtf? Why is cheating so common in Japan?
its so common that seeing prostitutes isnt even considered cheating, just normal
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Isn't that chinese cuisine?
everyone always thinks the grass is greener
at least we're not like americans and brits going out and backpacking in 3rd world shitholes for fun before they get decapitated
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Decapitated? What have you been watching
>trust me bro single women should totally visit pakistan
lol American culture, for better or worse, dominates the fucking world.
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nah, man. USA is a class-system in all but name.
anglo bvll
there's some really weird places in Japan huh
NTR hentai brainrotted them all. Or maybe the brainrot came first.
Yep, there is a lot of convenience but it's stuck in the past and will remain there.
in america that guy would be given a job teaching elementary school children
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Japanese aikido is lit.
Most of the expat's I've talked to have an experience like
>go to Japan
>become cynical because X, Y, Z
>go back to their home country
>realize they were overly cynical and it's worth putting up with Japan's bullshit for a higher standard of living, convenient public transportation, and an outwardly civil society
What's the sauce on this? I've seen it posted a lot here but never the source for it.
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those are cherry picked street interviews in the beginning.
if anything americans are too involved with the rest of the world.
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>americans are too involved with the rest of the world.
Cos USA uses so much oil, yer gubmint has to steal..eh..procure more from halfway across the globe.
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Asian Leia is hot.
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Crab time.
nuh uh
sauce? holy jesus
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Naha F-15J

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