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File: PipeDream.webm (5.34 MB, 320x240)
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5.34 MB WEBM
22 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anon... I have bad news
>10 years ago
uh... who else will tell him?
This sounds exactly like something you'd hear in Spyro 1

A classic
Came to see if my favorite one was here, was not disappointed
finding that after the apocalypse would be a literal quest level feat.
and worth it.

12 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Here's another anti woman agenda op.
Religion is lost on women
Litteral retard
File: Takedown.webm (1.08 MB, 320x400)
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1.08 MB WEBM
Here's another anti woman agenda op.

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229 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Fuck, that's right, my bad. Both the AR and Pistol in CE had bloom/spread. But the BR in Halo 2 & 3 did not, at least not at the levels of CE and Reach. You could say that the bloom/spread in Halo Reach is a return to its CE roots.
Jeg skal spise maten til Støre, se åssen han liker det den, den griske gubba
it was for the metal general in mu
At least she isn't talking about her vagina.

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>spent reactor ingredients
what is this nigga making
This is my hole. It was made for me.
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899 KB

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3.07 MB WEBM
151 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
how do you know
>how do you know
i follow her on teether
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4.18 MB GIF
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544 KB
shark goes up

Previously on >>5408082
238 replies and 137 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: sssroom2.webm (3.53 MB, 640x480)
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A fun interpretation, but I think it's a little reductive, or at least kind of uncreative.
As someone who loves smoking by a river at night in winter, this really hits. If this was set to Last Christmas I might have worried I had a doppelganger out there somewhere.
those japanese gondolas are always super comfy if they aren't attached to cringy japanese pop songs that only weebs can possibly like
File: Steelman - Far Lands.webm (5.93 MB, 1280x720)
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first oc

The other one reach the bump webm limit:
108 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Gilbert Burns KO.webm (3.31 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: Gilbert Burns KO.webm (2.82 MB, 868x720)
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2.82 MB WEBM
Liver shots are no joke.

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1.95 MB WEBM
Post sfw webms of cops and criminals.
314 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nigger if i smoke weed or do shrooms or whatever else and drink and party i ain't out stabbing motherfuckers, like skitskins do.

When i party, i rock n roll party, i don't nigger degenerate party.
You're detained until police complete their investigation and make a call to either arrest or release you.
In this case, the suspect receives a ticket and bolts immediately before, for example, he can be brethelized or anything else required. The investigation was not over. It probably would have been if he waited 30 seconds, cops seemed uninterested in pressing him further, but he makes a point of flooring it while still open to start a hot pursuit unnececarily.
It's like when police come to serve divorce papers and the recipient goes full "you'll never take me alive". All you had to do was acknowledge you revived some mail, but you had to sperg out and get the bomb squad called it.
i am press, please do- ACK!

Spandex superheroes, giants, fighting bug men, armored heroes, and kaiju are all welcome.
Image limit hit, previous thread >>5443771.
142 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thanks so much
Why does it feel like there are infinite number of different versions of tokusatsu in japan? They just release that shit?

How many different tokusatsu show japan has running at the same time?

How many are there that made success in japan?
There are two major shows broadcast on TV: Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. These specifically aim at a slightly younger and slightly older segment of kids respectively. They're long-runners, decades of popularity and success which has of course waxed and waned over time.

Secondly, the notion of the 'tokusatsu/henshin hero' has never been considered inherently childish in Japan, just like animated productions were never considered inherently childish. This has lead to there being a lot of other such productions, some with much more mature storytelling like GARO.
I see, super interesting, makes me wanna watch a video on the history of the genre

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Anything related to Israel
250 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Let them drop their 300 nukes on the middle east and europe

They would be hated by everyone on earth and hunted down until the end of the world
Judaism is literally a hate group, wake up
You're nothing but fucking cattle to them and their religion, you useful idiot. But nice bait

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There's no subject to this thread, just reply to other posts and post webms relevant to your reply or the post you're replying to. Like that game where each person tells a part of the story (except i expect multiple concurrent strings of replies).
55 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
The very definition of based
holy kek out loud, this is epic
Damn, didn't even notice my own digits
File: Sunshine.webm (5.05 MB, 989x414)
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5.05 MB WEBM
I was looking for a fitting webm to reply with and laughed out loud at how well this one does.

Post anything phonk (songs, edits, etc.)

>What is phonk?
Phonk is a genre that started in the early 2010s stemming from slow-paced, jazz-infused beats combined with '90s Memphis rap samples. The genre was later popularized with aggressive Russian cowbell beats, taking on a life of its own, and inspiring many new subgenres.

>Where's the best place to find phonk?
Soundcloud and YouTube.

>Subgnres of phonk with examples
Rare Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/erickdie/levitate
Atmospheric/Ambient/Wave Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/lxst_cxntury/odium
Analog Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/llllane/this-feeling
House Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/anteeke/unhinged-doors-ost-remix
Cowbell/Drift/Aggressive Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/pharmasix/north-memphis
Brazillian Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/rxdxvil1/brazilian-danca-phonk-w-6ynthmane

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
187 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
new nakani just dropped
based nakani.

btw, this saturday im hosting another phonk party, as cyberia phonk club.
if anyone is in Buenos Aires let me know, id love to have you here guys
Two types of phonk:
Old (good)
New (bad)
simple as

File: UnnamedTune.webm (2.62 MB, 360x360)
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1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
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File: HillsOfMexico.webm (3.1 MB, 368x360)
3.1 MB
This is a cool thread, sorry that I don't have anything to share but I love historical stuff like this
really raw, super cool song

File: Igris.webm (5.91 MB, 640x360)
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73 >>5479944
72 >>5462789

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
257 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
too bad it's shit
no u
This is vore.
Try SauceNAO.

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67 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
I would fuck Kim Petras so hard
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2.86 MB WEBM
This made me sad
>hmm, i know! I wanna chop my penis off!
>yeah that sounds like a good idea!
Trannies. LOL
>get your shit together
how ironic

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