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67 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
I would fuck Kim Petras so hard
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2.86 MB WEBM
This made me sad
>hmm, i know! I wanna chop my penis off!
>yeah that sounds like a good idea!
Trannies. LOL
>get your shit together
how ironic

287 replies and 97 images omitted. Click here to view.
Classic KIKE mentality, transferring attention away to the other party.

It's not about muslims but about what KIKES do to other people.
he checked out in the beginning after making important contributions to become a teacher while steve jobs reaped all the benefits
Lmao this reminds me of a time at uni where we were doing presentations for a module. We were using a computer in a lecture theatre that was connected to the projector and my friend went up to do his. He plugged in his memory stick and in the folder there was a shitton of hentai along with his presentation. The whole class saw
the uhhhh fluoride folx?
File: CMHHHMC00.webm (6 MB, 854x480)
6 MB
Here's an actual good version I just encoded

File: Fallout dog.webm (397 KB, 616x576)
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Post Video game related stuff
Fallout is now a TV Show edition
Old Thread
247 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.
Does anyone here still have the clips of a tard hollering over other guys in the voice chat while playing CS:GO? You can find which ones I'm referring to if you look up "marble mouth retard" on Desuarchive.
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>fly is open
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141 replies and 38 images omitted. Click here to view.
You don't like the Innsmouth look?
>I fucked up my face with botox and fillers to the point where I need to do this routine to even approach looking like a normal human
>without the makeup I look like some kind of uncanny valley experimental android
>buy me things
sad either way
what's the music? I recognize the instrumental from that Lana del Rey song but the vocals are different

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1.95 MB WEBM
Post sfw webms of cops and criminals.
296 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
Goof can mean kid diddler depending on the province. It may mean an instant fight.
Goofball is someone you is kind of silly.
It's kind of cute
More like 20 at max, and properly dealing with a criminal doesn't imply you are NOT a retarded egomaniac
He ran over the cop's foot when he drove away. That's why the cop says "you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer"
Logan used his telepathic powers to jam the pedal

File: mystery of love.webm (2.6 MB, 720x1280)
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Doesn't matter if audio or not

Old one maxed out >>5510987
49 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
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what an idiot
yes please let me have more niggers and mexicans because they're "catholic"
dumb fucking cucks
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Anything related to Israel

Previous: >>5473249
165 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
but you're not living in tents in the desert anymore, are you? and even if you were shouldn't you at least be sure you don't have herpes before sucking baby dick?
I'm sure they didn't know about herpes back in the day. I'm not condoning the modern practice just stating where it comes from
Sucking your cuts is not normal and saliva is not antiseptic LMAO. Its literally worse to introduce foreign bacteria from someones mouth than to just water the area with water and wrap it with clean cloth.
You're wrong, faggot

Anything else to say?

File: SEASON - Move Me.webm (5.8 MB, 602x360)
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funky february edition

prev >>5321345
263 replies and 126 images omitted. Click here to view.
I like this thread. Its a good thread.
Welcome to the comfy virtual plaza

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Is it me or are the captions that are political usally really obnoxious and unfunny? Shit like this is one of the few exceptions because it's so fuckin dumb it's funny
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>Gen Alpha having any power, security, or safety in 2050
good joke
Every woman
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Fuck you

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Hitler's 135th birthday edition.
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Post Russia
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>defended them from Soviet sponsored arab states

Bro, if you have problems with Israel, you can thank the BASED and REDPILLED socialists for its existence.

>Czechoslovakia also trained 81 pilots and 69 ground crew specialists, some of them later forming the first fighter unit of the Israeli Air Force, and on Czechoslovakian soil a group of Jewish volunteers the size of approximately a brigade (about 1,300 men and women) were also trained, from August 20 until November 4, 1948.[6] The Czechoslovak Armed Force's codename of the training (mainly) was «DI» (an abbreviation from "Důvěrné Israel", literally meaning "Classified, Israel").
>until November 4, 1948
And what happened after that, hmmmm??
When Jews refused to become another satellite state of Shitviet Union, apparatchiks gave order to their fifth column to start crying about muh Palestine in the mid 50s, but you can cope about it all you want, there would be no Israel without socialists.
Yes there would. Because USA and GB also supported Israel
just remember they have cameras in the rooms.

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Fuck crabs.
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i dont get it
Love to see how there's far more retards crying over a fucking crab getting killer than people whining over nigger/like/fotm minority killing threads.
Don't even waste your time replying.
Me neither. I just didn't want anyone to bully me for asking what it means.

File: agent-47-funkytown.webm (4.4 MB, 1268x720)
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Previous thread >>5493415
Due to high interest, there is now a dedicated suno thread >>5506204

Post anything AI generated. Song covers, animations, etc.
OC encouraged, but not required.
This thread focuses on audio and video with an audio component.
Let me know if you have more links to add. This thread is a work in progress.

> Voice-to-Voice
RVC walkthrough (somewhat outdated, collab is dead): https://docs.google.com/document/d/13_l1bd1Osgz7qlAZn-zhklCbHpVRk6bYOuAuB78qmsE/edit
Models, mega links, and mirrors: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tAUaQrEHYgRsm1Lvrnj14HFHDwJWl0Bd9x0QePewNco/edit#gid=0

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81 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.
Did a couple of these as a joke cause a friend of mine plays Fallout 76. Turns out HL Scientist works well for older songs.
This was wonderful anon. Thank you for making this for me.
I loved it so much, I drew her singing it, just for you.
Something is preventing me from posting the picture so please take this catbox instead.
I can't listen to the original anymore. It has to be the WoW Parody of it.
>Grind baby, grind baby, but not the leveling kind.
File: HLScienWorldOnFire.webm (2.63 MB, 320x240)
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2.63 MB WEBM
Did this one too but it's not as good as the other two. (Also he kinda has a stroke near the end for a bit.)

last thread hit bump limit. here's some oc created with udio:

"at the end of decline"

>a state of decay, has the west gone astray?
>it's over, okay? what else is there to say!
>there's no better sign, see the stars in the sky!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>billions must go, in the end we all know,
>to make room for our precious new seeds to grow!
>when there comes a time, through the rain and the shine,

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104 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
jew created herby thread
hi kikes!
Cope. It's a competition, you choose whether to play or seethe
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kys faggot nobody cares about your garbage texts
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made this the other day

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1.83 MB WEBM
Stuff like this
158 replies and 84 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why are they bothering my nigga on his line?
He's just like me fr
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the slowest rope glide ever

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