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The /mu/ Wiki:

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Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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Why hasn't anyone surpassed it yet?
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outrageously bad taste
Why. I'm not wrong
Post a better trilogy then
None are perfect but they're all solid albums
honestly this trilogy beats the bowie trilogy in the op

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jig edition
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Kaeun is great she just hid her power level on the show because if she came in super sexy after school mode she would've struggled to get fan support.

If you have to fit chaewon and yuri into the group they should've removed hiichan and maybe even nako
best foot game
>Come back to me

jesus rat monster, just leave Karina alone
>Iroha demoing how she'll pull up the strap and turn Kot's weird gubgub head into a canoe
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aww thanks for saying im glad it helps you!! a lot of people contribute to it too so like group effort too

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Drizzy Daycare edition

Here's a complete list of the diss tracks in order for those that want to go listen to the saga, Will the beef continue tonight? Apparently The Game has a diss track for Rick Ross coming soon...
>Drake ft. J Cole - First Person Shooter
>Future, Metro Boomin', Kendrick Lamar - Like That
>Big Sean - The Whole Time (freestyle)
>Future, Metro Boomin', The Weekend - All To Myself
>Future, Metro Boomin', A$ap Rocky - Show of Hands
>J Cole - 7 Minute Drill

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ohhhh I gotcha, yeah, but Drake kind of HAD to reference it and say something. He was more Brutal with The Weekend than he was with anybody else imo.
coulda just put out a 5-6 track ep with how many people hate his guts LOL
if you like that listen to this, it's similar
Most of his lines are directed at Cash, who is The Weeknd's management or something. That's who he keeps calling gay. The Weeknd is catching a few strays too for joining in and talking shit on Future's album, but the real animosity seems to be aimed at Cash
Okay and? You didn't disprove nothing

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>Michael revealed in an interview with Vibe magazine that “Speechless” was not written while he was smitten with any girl. In fact, the inspiration for this song came from a water balloon fight he had with children in Germany
>Your love is magical, that's how I feel
But I have not the words here to explain
Gone is the grace for expressions of passion
But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain
To tell you how I feel, but I am
What's going on with this song?
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>I'd go anywhere and do anything
>Just to touch your face
>There's no mountain high I can not climb
>I'm humbled in your grace
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>*turn locked door handle*
>*start beating on it*

>psychic tv
>throbbing gristle
What the fuck was happening in industrial music and how it spawned such disgusting degenerate bands ?
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Not quite a philosopher, but a great provocateur. He had knack for knowing where things were going and just giving it a gentle a push at times. We need more talents like him
>something kind of admirable about
Nah tho
>He had knack for knowing where things were going and just giving it a gentle a push at times.

It’s part of the package, you wouldn’t get it.
>Coil? Really? That was just a gay dude who lost his Balance.
and, you know, the other one...

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Steve Albino edition
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I like how they sound on the Revstar. They get dirty quicker through the Princeton so with just the volume knob on the guitar I can more easily go from clean to some dirt with the P90s than I can with my Strats. To get that natural OD sound with the Strats I have to get the amp louder than I’d like but with the Revstar I can get it at a lower volume
tfw never listened to Radiohead other than like Creep on the radio or whatever other radio singles might have popped up
you wish you were ass badass as steven seagal

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thoughts on grimes
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gross single mother whore
Too much shapeshifting
I get the impression she doesn't have much to say existentially speaking
She’s going to make a comeback one day
>no one will ever look at you the way Grimes looks at everything
>le gommunismXD posting irl
Jfc what a fucking loser

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old >>121806312
faq https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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Not sure, why do you make passive aggressive comments like that?
You're 6/10.
I'm literally not referring to any convo(s) in this general you nerd.

shitty ai edition >>121718976
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she's a lot more feminine and womanly now
Twas always attractive
nah that body is banging and shes a great singer too
you don't have to be into her, but I am
that artwork is horrendous kek. looks like she pissed herself.

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What is the equivalent to this album for other genres? Taking a big genre and completely flipping it until only traces of the original genre remain
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Miles Davis maybe did this with his post-Kind of Blue works being very influential and influenced by Rock in the same way Post-Rock artists were influenced by Electronic/Jazz. Emo Rap being next to nothing like past Hip-Hop yet having a lasting influence on its perception would probably be a better example
Dude can't fucking sing
Except he does on all tracks he appears on
The whispering gets on my nerves a bit
Check out the Scum EP. Guy has excellent chops, and it works.

how rich would i have to be to arrange a night of unbridled sex with molly rankin of alvvays?
Monetarily? All the money in the world couldn't buy her. If you're talking about wealth of the soul, you're clearly lacking.
pretty sure your average saudi prince could pull it off
Fucking hate indie rock.
you should kys

>"You always rappin' like you bout to get the slaves free"
>"You're a colonizer because you have songs with other black people! We were in chains bro!"
Remind me how Kendrick supposedly won again?
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Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now
Where's your uncle at? 'Cause I wanna talk to the man of the house
Exactly. Unlike Kanye, Drake tries to portray himself as a gangster who came up from the bottom. But he isn't that, he didn't even grow up around people like that. Whenever Kendrick mentions that Drake is a colonizer or culture vulture or says he doesn't want him to say nigga anymore, it's not because Drake is half-white. It's because Drake spent his entire life, up until he got famous, completely disconnected from black culture.
all rap is jewish
>Whenever Kendrick mentions that Drake is a colonizer or culture vulture or says he doesn't want him to say nigga anymore, it's not because Drake is half-white
It's both. I'm telling you, Kendrick has gone full schizo on the Hebrew Israelite shit. It's not for no reason that he mentions the whiteness/culture-vulture stuff right next to the pedophilia accusations, he's linking the two things together. Remember that he supported Kodak Black and XXXTentacion. The chorus "They not like us" is saying that white people are a fallen race and they do sick sexual deviant shit behind closed doors

I probably sound like a schizo, but I know people who got sucked into the Hebrew Israelite shit and I see the shit they post in social media, lol. It's become an internet cult, almost exactly like Qanon for black people. If you've ever seen any of their memes or glanced in their facebook groups, Kendrick's lyrics in 6:16, Meet the Grahams, and Not Like Us are DIRECTLY parroting Black Israelite talking points and terminology, and they form the basis of his whole message
But Kendrick tells Drake's kid that he is a Black man despite him being blonde haired, blue eyed, and pale skinned. Why would he do that if he considered whiteness to be a terrible stain both physically and morally on a person?

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The Slvt is back again

Breakcore/Jungle Thread?
kill yourself tranny overdose on cough syrup and die already
Not jungle you tranime subhuman

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It's 12am EST now though
He's got sum? What the fuck does that even mean
This is an english board, sir
Stay tuned. Live starting soon

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