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Onaholes, sex dolls, and more! The girl of your dreams could be yours; just don't expect her to carry much of a conversation...
273 replies and 203 images omitted. Click here to view.
Well at least now she won't have to worry about her short lifespan.

Requests when?
Funnily enough i was considering taking Ona/Sexdoll request last week but decided to focus on personal projects since my schedule is a bit tight atm. But once May is over i will have more time and i will probably take a couple.

...still if you have suggestion feel free to drop it.
How about Orin as an onahole on top of a wheelbarrow full of hell fairies turned into simplistic onaholes?
I know you drew Kotohime and Kana before, but I really want Kotohime with an evil smile looking at Kana while Kana is scared. And it's implied that Kotohime caused the transformation.
How about something with Yuuka Kazami?

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Previous >>10882507

Would appreciate all rare Toobies
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I want to be under her ass.
anyone else here like the idea of slob doms combined with inanimate tf? Like a slob turning someone into their panties, or dildo, or even their own asshole. Maybe even a toilet....
I don't like inanimate tf except for when they turn into a couple of panties for an ssbbw to rip ass on
>panty tf
That one's good for sure

Gargantuan girls with gargantuan dicks
Non-retarded OP edition

Last thread >>10842773 (You) (Cross-thread)
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Depends on if they get posted, but all you'll get is whatever version ends up on social media.
Level 5 Death and Level X blue magic in general ignores Heavy, you fool. People have killed Shinryu with it.
pissin napalm?

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always nice to see koukou punch

>(tl) "Priest took off her boots! The whole place was filled with the intense scent of her smelly feet!"
>"A strong odor like a mixture of natto and dustcloth drifted about,"
>"Warrior was revived!"
>"Hero's crotch got as hard as steel!"
>"Sage reached level 5!"
>he actually likes feet that look like they're coated in fucking oil
koukou punch a shit
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Giant soles contrasted with a tiny shrimp dick makes me uncontrollably diamonds
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- All artists welcome!
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- To make the new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.

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If you're still around, is it cool if I color and shade this myself? Assuming you aren't already doing that now. Oh, and, if so, are those your original full-res versions? (No passive-agression intended, by the way. I like coloring lineart deliveries I get.)
Requesting two team plasma grunts fucking but make the female one lactate and draw her stomach larger
Requesting headless edit
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Requesting Koishi Komeiji (top left) transformed into a vibrator similar to the pic at the bottom, and being used by Hata No Kokoro (top right) to masturbate until cumming. Bonus points for making Koishi's 3rd Eye wires the vibrator's power wires.
Wrong thread dumb fuck

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Because it's (mostly) never a bad idea
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>If you have any ideas for a name for such a type of lady so that threads about them can be kept out of your hair, that could be useful.
"Ugly neanderthals"
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I accept it.
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why not start now?

The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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The sweet spot is when the growth is slow but just fast enough that you can 100% tell it is happening no matter the size (which does imply a slow start but exponential/cubical growth).

Alternatively very slow growth over days/weeks/months/years, as long as there is a clearly visible difference or good comparison shots
Kino so far
Milk swelling is the best.

Hello /d/. Today in "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't" we have women "upgrading" men.
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Sigh, I guess beggars can't be choosers
It's an absolute travesty that there's so little of this stuff out there.
I seem to remember a manga where a succubus raids a village, encounters a man, "enhances" him thinking he's slim pickings, only to find that his lineage must have included an equine beastman, because his cock grows and becomes considerably more equine shaped and then at some point a switch flips in his head and he naturally proceeds to stuff her cunt and womb full of cum.
What would even be the tag for this? I absolutely love this stuff.
>when she likes to watch the dick get hard and grow in her hands mouth breats ass feet and simple look
>When she strokes me till my cock gets harder then it's ever gotten, so hard it's hurting and she's turned on and happy with how much power she has over my dick and
>The bitch sees me sitting there in agony, so hard it feels like I'm ripping out of my skin and i can feel precum dripping out
>She sits there and touches herself laughing
>I swear to god if she didn't tie me to the chair I would hatefuck her into the ground
>And she knows it

That kind of teasing is fun, but I don't like the amount of control and loss of self control that creates
I get the feeling she's barely aware that I'm attached to my dick when she does stuff like that.

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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Previous: >>10935858
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Another one
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See, now it's even worse. I would need to go out of my way to check the about tab on deviantArt to figure someone's gender out. At that point, I'm just gonna continue to refer to to them as them, since, that's a normal thing to do. Doesn't really have anything to do with assuming they would be non-binary or whatever.
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I really don't want to extend this conversation too much, but that's the home tab. Hence why I said it's the first thing you see. https://files.catbox.moe/i0sn8x.jpg

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This thread is for male milking machine images especially with stationary restraints, but also any cool self-bondage scenarios anyone has come up with- especially those involving some kind of milker or stroker.

Apologies for starting the thread with this crummy image I threw together in koikatsu studio, but I wanted to pitch my idea here and get some feedback. (I will follow this image with some proper ones so I'm not just being a faggot)

Basically pic related will give you the main idea of what I'd like to have made, rough as it is, but a few details elaborated on here/how I'd like to really flesh it out.

Essentially it's just an overdesigned chair or chaise lounge, function will come over form but if it can look nice and sci-fi by the addition of a nice white plexiglass 'shell' of some kind or something I'm going to spend the money to do it.

The idea comes from some other machine bondage images I've seen with these kind of inflatable 'sleeve' cuffs where the limbs can be placed in, then the interior soft lining inflates to 'trap' the limb. I was thinking latex for mine, but I'm open to suggestions, just needs to be a material thats fairly tough, stretchy so it can be inflated, and comfy. Latex is sexy but it doesn't breath very well... So maybe something more like the sort of fabric used by those blood pressure sleeves from a doctor. It seems pretty comfortable while also being really restrictive, kind of like a full latex vacbed but just for the limbs with straps to supplement and add restriction.

The idea is with this you could easily self-gag, attach the harness at the top to stop head movement, buckle up your waist/chest, place your limbs into the sleeves, then a (analogue/non digital of course) timer would begin after a short delay that inflates the sleeves for however long you wanted to be restrained. Obviously this is also accompanied by something like the serious kit milker or even something 'simpler' like the Venus 2000 for men.
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For a quick wank:

8mm conductive rubber/silicone tubing+cord locks (so DIY loops). No beads - those beads are a bad idea and potential hotspots/burn risks. The 8mm is best for this - more surface area so a smoother sensation and less burn risk. One around shaft at base of glans, one around shaft+balls. For the one around shaft+balls, wrap electrical tape around the tubing so only the middle of it is exposed, so the only conductive part touching you is at the base of your balls. This forces the current to stimulate two nerves at once - without this tape you'll only be stimulating a single nerve. For e-stim setting here, a constant waveform oscillating back and forth between 50 Hz and 100 Hz will work well.

Alternately, one 8mm loop around shaft at base of cock and one anal electrode. This will run current through your shaft and prostate and can produce orgasm in 10-30 seconds. This is an incredible sensation - it basically fills up your entire fucking middle pelvis with sensation. Again, a constant waveform oscillating back and forth between 50 Hz and 100 Hz will work well.

For long-term edging:

You'll want a setup that can stimulate only your glans for this. This is VERY intense but glans-only stim generally won't produce orgasm, so this is perfect for edging. There's two ways to do this:

1. Electrode pads held in place by a solid (not bar design) design resin (not metal) chastity cage. You need tiny pads for this, like 16mm round pads, and there's a higher burn risk with pads than with conductive rubber/silicone. One pad on each side of glans, and a third pad on top of glans you can connect to a fourth pad at base of balls or inside anus. Not recommended due to burn risk.

2. Conductive tubing+cord locks (6mm here instead of 8) run through the bars of a bar design resin (not metal) chastity cage. You basically rig this so the tubing runs through the bars of the cage's bars.

(Cont.) Two of the loops contact the sides of your glans and you run current from one of these to the other. One loop runs through the middle/front of the cage and contacts the tip/urethra of your glans (does not penetrate). Then you connect that loop to either a loop at the base of your balls/cock or an anal electrode. This is obviously a two channel setup - I find alternating between short bursts of 100 Hz and 10 Hz current here works well for edging - experiment. This setup has never burned me - in general I've never been burned by loops, just pads. Avoid pads.

>why chastity cages?

They hold the electrodes in place very well. This prevents burns.

For all of these setups, one key is using plenty of conductive lube. For pads you want conductive adhesive and for loops you want conductive gel. For gel you can either buy Spectra 360 or you can just mix some baking soda into some cheap water-based lube. Either way, use lots of it - if you weren't doing this, this may be one reason your experience was sub-par.

For estim settings, you're going to want to learn how to use Audacity to craft audio files to play back with Xtoys app. There's no way around this - this is the best/most powerful way to use the Coyote. Once you experiment with this and learn what works and doesn't, you will be on your way to earth-shattering orgasms and torturous long-term edging.
For long-term audio files: you'll want to ramp up the sensation long sessions because you gradually get accustomed to the current and if you just leave the current at the same level, it gradually becomes less intense over time. So, you craft your audio file to get steadily louder over time to counteract this.

Theme Questions:
>How would you make use of exotic slaves like Centaurs, Harpies and other humanoids?
>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
>Would slaves with magical powers be sold on the market or are they restricted to society's elite?
>What's the relationship like between normal human slaves and the more exotic ones?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

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any great slave games? I primarily wanna knock up tons of slaves.
Skyrim has some nice slavery mods that I've been enjoying lately. You grab a bandit and make her carry stuff and fuck you while adventuring. You can kidnap some town girls and lock them in your house's basement. You can also have dozens of slaves in a giant estate. It's a ton of fun, and makes me actually enjoy playing Todd's masterpiece. You could also install pregnancy mods to knock them up. For other games, /stg/ over on /aco/ has a list of "slave-trainers" but they're mostly slut-trainers or VN's with somewhat dominant themes. You kind of have to shop around to find something of acceptable quality that has the themes you're interested in.
Would you bring your slave out to something like a con? Ideally in hardcore slavery fantasy she is eventually going to lose knowledge of pop culture, her life is filled with the three C's: Cooking, Cleaning, and Cock, not much else in her life, so she'll only have faded memories of back when she was a human and got to watch things instead of hanging off her Masters dick when he does so, but dreams of total slavery might not work out, regardless she doesn't need to know what a character is to cosplay it, she just puts the outfit on and follows orders.

The old standby of a slave leia type deal would work for a lot of girls. That movie is 40 years old and has been awakening people for a long time, although you might need to redo a few things with her outfit to work around things like restraints that are meant to be on her for the rest of her life. Things like slave rags in various styles would also be good. She wouldn't look too weird acting as she normally does serving you in public, trailing a pace behind, head down, not speaking unless spoken to.

You -probably- couldn't get away with her serving you naked just as she would at home. You could put some paint on her skin and say she's a dunmeri slave girl or whatever, but I doubt you're going to be allowed into the con like that. She's still going to obey regardless, there's not really a option to say no, but if you and her are ejected from the con and you need to drag her ass all the way back to Vvardenfel at least all the responsibility is on you being the only person with free will. Maybe you'd be upset and take out your frustration with a freeform beating of her, but eh, she was bundled up in the back of the car the entire ride to the city and can give your boot a good polish while drinking some coffee at a rest stop on the ride back. If anyone asks she's totally wearing clothes, just very tight, its a nerd thing, you ever play Morrowind? She hasn't either, but she's good at polishing boots.
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Do you prefer depictions of domestic slavery or field slavery?
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Both have their places. One thing I haven't seen too much in artwork is combining a bit of both. Usually you have the industrial slaves separated from the personal slaves, but there's not a lot of pictures depicting a scene of something like a Master overseeing his farm estate from a balcony while also being waited on by his personal slaves.

Ive heard this concept of a body slave a few times, a type of slave that just is never once away from her Master, is there to assist and serve him literally every hour of his life, I can foresee some sort of comic series of a young Master coming in command of a moderately sized agricultural estate of roughly 20 girls, and he has the girls compete with each other for the great honor of being his body slave instead of toiling in the fields for the rest of their lives.

Also in more realistic slavery depictions I haven't seen as much artwork about something like a slave waiting on her Master while another slave is cleaning. In general if you're a Master with a harem there's a lot of potential for the girls to compete with each other for which one is going to be doing the toil that day versus being on cock worship duty.

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Thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question Of The Day
How long do you plan for and prepare for your masturbating sessions? Does it build up some sort of anticipation to the moment and get you exited about what's to come? Tell us about it!

Previous Thread: >>10948869

>FAQ - Please read before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training/Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

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It's hot yeah
New bake who when
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When we hit page 10 in about a week
If you wait until it's nearly archived why link to the previous one
Navigation in the archives

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Post women that are too fat to walk or at least near that to as big as you can imagine.

Just as long as they are bigger than a SSBBW.
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Big and bigger edition

Previous: >>10948515
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Sucks to be them they should of grown with me
You're not gonna hurt them are you?
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I definitely am
Kinda a dick move ngl. What if they were family? A brother or a cousin?

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