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I assume this one's sort of a niche, but heck, if anybody else has art to add to the collection, lemme know!
Idea isn't like, simply eating general meat.
Rules: No gore, obviously.
That's about it though.
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Korram. Gone for years with few archives. Also drew >>10969226 I think
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She eats the mouse in the first few panels.

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Any and all are welcome, from Prina to Anime-Tamae and everything inbetween
>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
>New school fans: What would you like to see return from his older works?
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Asking the hard hitting questions here
Did any of you ever read this novel even if using image translation.

How is the plot and the "plot"?
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Is this new?

This is a thread for pictures of powerful women who for one reason or another abbandon their adventurous jobs to do something more mundane. Why be an adventurer when you could instead be an office lady, a flight attendant or a homemaker? Lewder jobs are also fine.
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>The princess came from a long bloodline of luminaries who have slain many demon overlords.
>However after a foolish decision to back-talk her uncle the king she has been stripped of her luminary title.
>She has also been cursed to never gain experience from battle and her combat experience and magic spells have been taken away.
>Currently the princess is working jobs to make end's meat.
>However with no ability to fight monsters she's restricted to non-adventuring jobs.
>She's been thrown out of just about every trade in town.
>Every tradesman has lost patience with her holier than thou attitude.
>Perhaps I can make an arrangement with his majesty to properly train his neice in service.
>I'm certain she'll be desperate for any job after living the beggar's life for a week or two.
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>incredibly strong, powerful party member or heroine becoming another nameless enemy goon
You definitely should play ¨Operation Dark Side¨ (or whatever the official title of that is) then. What you described happens to one of the magical girl heroines in that game. She's number 072 in this picture.
Found it easily enough on f95, and even with a WIP english translation. It looks exactly up my alley anon, and the other scenes all look great too, thanks for pointing it out~ As much as I love capable women becoming maids, secretaries, and more too, none of them really feel Bad End-y like a true blue heroine succumbing to baser villainy~
>Lewder jobs
just don't ask the whores to kneel - they've all taken arrows to the knee

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Thread for genie tf, lamp/bottle suction, and general "wishes gone wrong"
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never enough post tf and plot stuff
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This is probably what happens if you try to cheat the system by wishing for infinite wishes or something.

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A thread for huge nipples,hyper nipples, long nipples, nipple expansion, puffy nipples and puffy areola.
Previous thread: >>10934076
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Top shelf thread topic anon

What's everyone's favorite style of hyper nips? There's so many ways to draw them.
foot long with big enough holes to penetrate. bonus if they actually get pregnant too
Inverted when not horny, but extend past her arms reach when erect.
>What's everyone's favorite style of hyper nips?
Long and relatively skinny, about the size of monster cocks. Wide and stubby ones just don't activate the right almonds for me.
And relatively smooth. Texture is good, but I'm just not a fan of bulging veins.

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Reborn from its ashes edition.

Previous: >>10897119

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site.
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I don't really know what else to add besides that. It was in third grade. I do remember my class talking to her again when we were in like 5th grade and she was still sitting on kids in class because she told us how she was going to get a pair of pants that said "the force" across her backside because one kid said he would only let her sit on him if she used all her force.

Again, I know this sounds fucking insane and like a larp, but I promise you it's real. This was at a parochial (pre-k through 8th grade) christian school so it wasn't meant to be sexual at all. It was just one of those things where we were like "Oh yeah, Mrs. so-and-so will sit on you if you misbehave and its funny because she's big and has a big butt"
you lucky fuck (I think)

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Granted, you are essentially a pear-shaped femboy with a very plump bottom half. Let's be clear, your upper half will still be attractive... but EVERYONE, men and women regardless of how they usually swing, will want a piece of your ass. You can expect lots of compliments and flirtings wherever you go. But don't worry: people will not go any further unless you want them to.

Unfortunately, you lack the usual "porn logic" protection that /d/eviants with hyperized body parts usually have. What does that mean? Simple: you have a tendency to comically get stuck in tight spaces, and a tendency to trip and fall like the big fat bowling pin you are. Do you stick out of your car window at the drive-in to get your food? Maybe you'll get stuck, forcing the cashier to push you back in.
No, there won't be lewd accidents - the focus here is on making you look ridiculous. People will have plenty of funny stories to tell about all your bad luck and phat ass. But hey, maybe you can shut them up by bumping them with that wrecking ball of a butt that you have?

>I wish I was the son of this cowgirl here.
thread bump
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Granted. You're now a holstaur, and the son of the cowgirl in your picture. I take it you intended her to be your ideal woman, right? Well guess what, genius! She's repulsed by incest, like most well adjusted people. So you're not going to be able to have sex with this veritable goddess.

But I'll give you a compromise. You've inherited some good genes from your new mother, making you really well endowed for a holstaur. In your case, you have a footlong cock and proportionate balls (sorry, you're a shower), and you have really long and voluminous hair. Plus, you live in this pastoral valley filled with a ton more holstaur cows and a couple other bulls. There's plenty of other gorgeous cowgirls for you to choose from, and a couple of them are even roughly the same size as your mother! Also, it's a nudist community and everyone believes in free love. Well, so long as it's not incest. Either way, man, have at it! Enjoy your rockin' new bod and your new home!
>I wish that there was a common disease that turned people into these dick things and that the only way to turn them back to normal is by getting them fucked in one of their back holes.
thread bump part 2 revengeance of the bump

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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona. 2nd edition
Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread:

For mechabare that feels tamer you can use the main robot thread:
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Rekt, good shit.
Imagine stabbing Asuna's back with the screwdriver and see her go haywire as she glitchily smiles, laughs and moans
perfect time for lovemaking

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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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i get what you mean but you're still completely off yourself. given how the volume of a sphere works that pic is gonna be way more, easily 60+. newborns are actually really damn small.
>hot as fuck pic
>ruined by autistic word salad
why do these retarded faggots not post a textless alt when they do this shit
Looks like it's supposed to be inflation

Someone updates the dropbox
for some reason I find myself really attracted to those pink pajamas
she looks so comfy and soft

Thread for damsels in distress, predicament bondage, peril scenarios, game overs and bad ends.

Previous thread >>10979287
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Or any screen of any decent size. And anyone who has something like that can eat shit, right?
Phoneposting is no excuse for not following basic 4chan etiquette. Basic internet, really.


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Most people have 1080p screens.
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A decent size.

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Monster fuckers threat, post pics of women getting fucked and fucking monsters.

Bonus points for consensual stuff

Thread question, what sort of women are the best to see along side monsters?
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A thread about the throbbing, quivering, leaking, aching, maddening PLEASURE of being denied pleasure.
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Where does this trope of "urethra blocked therefore you can't cum" even come from
Are all artists female or something?

A ruined or blocked orgasm is not the same thing as no orgasm, the entire point of orgasm denial is the idea of building up pent-up tension, if you "waste" it by allowing the orgasm to happen and just making it unsatisfactory then what's even then point
Yoooo thats one of my commissions lmaooooo
>if you "waste" it by allowing the orgasm to happen and just making it unsatisfactory then what's even then point
Denial of Pleasure
Some males find denial of pleasure in males to be desirable, even if done upon themselves. Might not float your boat.

For me it's more the idea of power dynamics that one gets by truly holding someone's path to pleasure in their hand which makes it erotic.

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>>Fake tits, Fake asses. Enhanced bodies. Lets go.

Try to keep the focus on the fetish. Juiced up bodies full of saline, silicone, combat gel, mana or whatever other crazy shit the artist or editor of the art comes up with. Characters whose bodies have been built or rebuilt for sex. Keep it 18+ and appropriate enough for a Malaysian basket weaving fetish sub forum.

>>Remember, if they glow you know ;)
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Post-op complications.
Now, everybody knows they're full of plastic.

(I edited it from an AI generated pic not created by me)
I don't get it
Ai generated or not she's still sexy lol

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What's in the box? Edition


Previous: >>10956823
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What gets me is the detail of her pantyhose- imagine doing that by hand, it's insane. That and the perspective alone was done perfectly, just as you said it truly makes her seem so massive.
Nope. No free humans, all will be (happy) slaves to the space elf empire.
>Something something blah blah speech about humans slaving away everyday already
>Something about the better, happier choice being pets to 11/10 space elves
Yeah that about sums it up. Get fucked humies
please can we just not talk about enslaving humanity... for FIVE MINUTES!

>we already came to the conclusion that different people have different interpretations on what is gentle
>some find being a pet/slave too degrading, no matter how hot the giantess is, and others don't care. its that simple
looks good, really samus (dat body) pic with tiny link
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Sorry for the delay on my OL greentext. Life's been busy, and I'm a lurker first and a writer second.

Anyway I've saved my greentexts on my pastes account and will be archiving all future greentexts there from now on.

I'll be finishing Damsel too so I'm reposting the link to the WIP.

>Having a super powerful race of giant ladies show up and magic away all the world's problems would be an objective improvement in living conditions for the majority of humans

This is basically what my Sacred Lands stories were trying to be.

Post women, futanari, shemales, dickgirls, etc. without apparent eyes and other distinguishing facial features in sexual situations. Preferably in a dominant role and completely nude. They don't have to be the focal point, but they can't be bald; hair or at least an ambiguous head covering is mandatory.
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