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Post petrification/Freeze and anything else ASFR
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Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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Damn, this stuff's great. Had no there was a name for it.
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The scaling on that bottom pic is all wrong.
Also, does anyone have any recommendations similar to Ramia Yana? Basically shonen battle protagonist but female? Fanfic, webcomic, manga, etc. Doesnt even need to be the protagonist, just relevant.

Thread for damsels in distress, predicament bondage, peril scenarios, game overs and bad ends.

Previous thread >>10979287
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i didn't know /d/ had these threads, good shit

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All kinds of weird and humiliating TFs welcome. The sillier and more humiliating the better.
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"Born this way edition"

Barbie Doll Anatomy, aka Featureless, Nullification, Smoothing, Modest Nudity, Bandwidth Conservation, The Super Wholesome Space, etc. Share art, edits, stories, greentext
People whose physical anatomy completely lacks any kind of 'private parts', be it nipples, genitals or an anus.

Physically they not only cannot perform the functions of those missing parts, but they also have absolutely no physical need to do so. Their health is unaffected despite only having uninterrupted skin and flesh where those parts should otherwise be.

Mentally they may be unable to feel sexual arousal or pleasure, or have no instinctive idea of what things like sex, breastfeeding or excretion are. They may also be entirely oblivious to exploitation, having no concept of nudity taboos or inappropriate touching.
Alternatively they may know all about such things in others, but be unable to feel or do them themselves.

They may have once been normal but became like this, and either feel relieved or regretful regarding their new bodies. Alternatively, they might have been born this way and have never known any other kind of life.

Or it could all just be completely unexplained.

Previous Threads:

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I fantasize about this often but take it further. I want to be completely blank and featureless from head to toe, like wearing zentai except that's my real skin. The idea of being totally sealed off and only being able to perceive through touch is just so fucking hot and I have no idea why.
How do you guys feel about surgical null?
For some reason lacking nipples and pussy doesn't feel wrong to me, but no navel makes the pic a bit uncanny. Weird how it works.
I think I got this fetish from all the "naked" girls I'd see in old fighting games. Doesn't help that I still have a foot fetish and would just ogle those, too.

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looking for any and all 4-legged human content where they are built like a centaur
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Unshaven women showing their hairy armpits, pubic hair, hairy legs... etc.
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her bush has a bush, hng
cant wait for even more bush. maybe add a bit of bush on the inner thighs right around the pelvis? everything else is going good
I was thinking about giving him facial hair.

I'll try to do it tomorrow.
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what's that eromanga? i might get it if it was released physically
[Kichijouji Kitashirou] Shiri Oukoku | Anal Kingdom

Theme Questions:
>How would you make use of exotic slaves like Centaurs, Harpies and other humanoids?
>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
>Would slaves with magical powers be sold on the market or are they restricted to society's elite?
>What's the relationship like between normal human slaves and the more exotic ones?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

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Any, as long as it chokes them, giving them a permanent reminder that their very breath depends upon me.
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Ive always loved this picture. A harem of personal slave girls maxes out at 3 for me, too much more than that and you get into more of the managing of a industrial slave estate, more than 3 of them and they are better off being human livestock toiling for your benefit rather than personally waiting on your every need. But while integrating a second into a harem can be helped along by teaching the two girls to treat eachother as close slave sisters, introducing a third is going to cause trouble for their little brains, and thus you need to set a example of how they will get along.

A third girl should come in as lower than the two sisters, and earn her way to being one. In that picture the two sisters are clothed and have less chains around them. And are in a regular service position instead of grovelling. The girls could haze her a little bit, she isn't too happy about her new life in that picture, I am sure if she's forced to lick out her new sisters a few times it'll help her acclimate to her new reality. They're going to hold the fact that the only cunnilingus they've ever had is from her for however long it takes for her to earn equality of being beneath me.

Likewise we all know what feeding slaves people food regularly gets them. Those girls holding the fresh fruits for their Master to snack on may occasionally get offered a nibble from his hand, if they've been good, but doing it in full view of the third who might have her face being held down in her gruel by the other sister is another way to just fuck her little head apart.

After these kind of rituals are passed and she is accepted as a slave sister by your other girls, it would be ideal to repeat some of the hazing you made them do to her to extinguish any lingering ideas that they aren't all equally worthless. Cunnlingus is happening for her now, and if you ordered slave 1 and slave 2 to do a freeform beating of slave 3, its only fair that you return it alongside slave 3 on each of them.
any great slave games? I primarily wanna knock up tons of slaves.
Skyrim has some nice slavery mods that I've been enjoying lately. You grab a bandit and make her carry stuff and fuck you while adventuring. You can kidnap some town girls and lock them in your house's basement. You can also have dozens of slaves in a giant estate. It's a ton of fun, and makes me actually enjoy playing Todd's masterpiece. You could also install pregnancy mods to knock them up. For other games, /stg/ over on /aco/ has a list of "slave-trainers" but they're mostly slut-trainers or VN's with somewhat dominant themes. You kind of have to shop around to find something of acceptable quality that has the themes you're interested in.
Would you bring your slave out to something like a con? Ideally in hardcore slavery fantasy she is eventually going to lose knowledge of pop culture, her life is filled with the three C's: Cooking, Cleaning, and Cock, not much else in her life, so she'll only have faded memories of back when she was a human and got to watch things instead of hanging off her Masters dick when he does so, but dreams of total slavery might not work out, regardless she doesn't need to know what a character is to cosplay it, she just puts the outfit on and follows orders.

The old standby of a slave leia type deal would work for a lot of girls. That movie is 40 years old and has been awakening people for a long time, although you might need to redo a few things with her outfit to work around things like restraints that are meant to be on her for the rest of her life. Things like slave rags in various styles would also be good. She wouldn't look too weird acting as she normally does serving you in public, trailing a pace behind, head down, not speaking unless spoken to.

You -probably- couldn't get away with her serving you naked just as she would at home. You could put some paint on her skin and say she's a dunmeri slave girl or whatever, but I doubt you're going to be allowed into the con like that. She's still going to obey regardless, there's not really a option to say no, but if you and her are ejected from the con and you need to drag her ass all the way back to Vvardenfel at least all the responsibility is on you being the only person with free will. Maybe you'd be upset and take out your frustration with a freeform beating of her, but eh, she was bundled up in the back of the car the entire ride to the city and can give your boot a good polish while drinking some coffee at a rest stop on the ride back. If anyone asks she's totally wearing clothes, just very tight, its a nerd thing, you ever play Morrowind? She hasn't either, but she's good at polishing boots.

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Because it's (mostly) never a bad idea
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>If you have any ideas for a name for such a type of lady so that threads about them can be kept out of your hair, that could be useful.
"Ugly neanderthals"
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I accept it.
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why not start now?

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What, no slimegirls/boys thread? There is now. Slime has no gender so I don't care what's in or on it.
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I like the way you think.

If you're still here it's by Ogodei-Khan on Deviantart, called "Mysterious Acid". There's a few parts.
I refuse to post AI, damn it.
I appreciate that. Also, a question. Do we have any slime boy art yet?
Search slime_boy on danbooru and rule34.

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Women excreting their personality through bodily fluids, jelly, or onaholes
discord: SfPAXmtwE2
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What does the personality jelly taste like
No way to know, but it would probably depend on the personality type.
>Love this fetish conceptually
>Hate bad ends/snuff
It's hell. I'm actually in hell.

I think I've found like, one story where she got her personality jelly back and as long as she keeps it inside her with a butt plug, she's okay. Just can't worry about the difficulties that'd come with that.

I would pay unhealthy amounts of money for more villains to experience this. Help alleviate the post nut misery.
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I like to think that it also depends on the diet. For example, the personality jelly of a sweet tooth would probably taste sweet.
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Reborn from its ashes edition.

Previous: >>10897119

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site.
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I don't really know what else to add besides that. It was in third grade. I do remember my class talking to her again when we were in like 5th grade and she was still sitting on kids in class because she told us how she was going to get a pair of pants that said "the force" across her backside because one kid said he would only let her sit on him if she used all her force.

Again, I know this sounds fucking insane and like a larp, but I promise you it's real. This was at a parochial (pre-k through 8th grade) christian school so it wasn't meant to be sexual at all. It was just one of those things where we were like "Oh yeah, Mrs. so-and-so will sit on you if you misbehave and its funny because she's big and has a big butt"
you lucky fuck (I think)

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Last thread >>10824009
Post big people fucking or otherwise being intimate
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>tfw will never be blasted down some sluts throat by this guy.

You never know, Portalfux could be coming to a dimension near you. I do love watching dumb sluts swallow hot loads and terrified micros.

>mega hot green text

Thank you

>>ywn suffocate on a latino chick's rancid gas after being covered in a man's ballsweat

Really makes you wonder what happened to all those thousands of micros that ended up in Maria's ass...I sure they're fine.


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>Really makes you wonder what happened to all those thousands of micros that ended up in Maria's ass...I sure they're fine.
Makes me wonder how you can condemn tinies to such a fate, there's probably a loose straggler inside your asscrack right now from a sweaty sex session, you ever think about that?
Which is why Portalfux should introduce a purge button.
Have you ever fucked a mother/milf though?
you are a damn good writer. Hope to see more of you.

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“Mayday” edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process of growing them. Previous threads:
Also, please try to follow the rules this time so this thread doesn’t get shadow-anchored or whatever
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Futas would have vaginas.
Lustre_AI had been training LORAs that pushed all these buttons, but he can't seem to keep an account anywhere without getting banned.
Is there an archive of his stuff somewhere online?
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Looks like he's gotten a new Pixiv at https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/104458151 and you can find some older stuff by searching for Lustre on the kemono site.
God, I wanna get forced into a bustyboy's rack and made to drown in his tit meat

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Literally hundreds, but it'd help if I knew what you were looking for. Personally, I'm more about the use of creative suggestions than the induction itself. I know some people are into slow, deliberate hypnosis, or gradual corruption. Personally, instant MC is fine by me so long as you're doing something creative with it. Some of my favorites:


Subliminal mind control male-dom, pretty straightforward power fantasy but hits the right buttons for me.


Consensual (with some boundary pushing) hypnosis between a married couple, but doesn't bore me to tears like 99% of consensual mind control does.


I'll be honest, most of Jukebox's works bore me to tears, but this lesbian mutual mind control work really works for me. It's even got its own cover picture (Which I can't post, because it's western art, but it's out there!)

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kinda hot, actually.

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