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What do you mean? This is the way it always has been.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10876831/
180 replies and 84 images omitted. Click here to view.
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The large futa woke up groggily and slowly heaved herself and her dick out of bed. “Dang it. Not another hole in the ceiling.” She quickly washes off the dried cum off her dick and the ceiling and enters the kitchen to see her boyfriend has already prepared her breakfast. “Another wet dream?” He’s said whilst handing her a plate of food. “How’d you guess?” “The fact you still have some cum on your face.” The boyfriend stood up on the chair and wiped off some of the sperm off his girlfriends face
“Strange thing is that I haven’t been having this problem until recently. My friends also say they haven’t been putting holes in ceilings until like 2 weeks ago.” She said while scarfing down some pancakes. “Okay I think it’s time I confess something to you. I’m partly the reason on why so many people have been having that problem.” Said the man as he walked over to the closet
“What do you mean by that?”
He sighed, “you see, one of my coworkers at the lab invented this divine that lets people alter reality.” Her eyes widened “wait, what?”
The boyfriend picked up a small remote like object from the closet and turned it on. “I “borrowed” the remote to see what the capabilities of it are. At first I started out small, changing out the size of objects, changing the walls colors, then I moved onto some tests with people. I first just did some simple things like swapping peoples bodies, then I branched out, like you know the couple down the street, and how the wife is totally flat but the husband has a massive rack? That was my doing.” “Okay, and what are you implying?”
“I’m getting to that. Then I went even further, I’m not sure if you remember this but I tried using the remote to change people into objects, so I may of had some fun turning you into various objects, first a blanket, then some clothes, then I got a bit more lewd and changed you into stuff like condoms or lube. It was pretty funny seeing your face attached to the boob of a cashier at the store, or when I had you shrunk, swimming in a drop of my cum, but eventually I decided to move onto world wide stuff, first I tried inflating every woman’s tits to nearly twice their size, then I made every woman as big as a skyscraper for a week, but when you all got used to that I shrank every woman down to the size of a thumb tack, then settled on now, with every woman having penises nearly twice their size.” He explained while fiddling with some knobs on the remote. “Huh. I thought those were just weird dreams.” She said while she heaved her dick onto the table. “So, since the secret is revealed, anything you’d be interested in doing with it? Any just to make it as clear as possible, this thing can do anything and everything.” He said as he rapidly pressed multiple buttons on the remote. Suddenly both them and the world began changing, first it the room suddenly became larger, nearly as large as a football stadium, then she noticed her dick suddenly started multiplying, first 2, then 4, 8, then turned back into a normal crotch after 15. “Wait can you sto-“ than she felt much shorter and saw their heads had swapped. She quickly tried pressing some buttons on the remote to stop the overwhelming feelings but was quickly stopped when the room shrank to a quarter of its original size, squishing the woman and man together. “Oh just try to enjoy the- Uhngh~ ride” he said, with his girlfriends body stuck between his breasts. “Hand me the remote” he plucked the remote from her hands and seemingly reset everything. “Ready for round 2?”
I don't like this Orwellian PR nonsense.
>mentally ill males don't get to pretend they can be one of them
And there it is

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Granted, you are essentially a pear-shaped femboy with a very plump bottom half. Let's be clear, your upper half will still be attractive... but EVERYONE, men and women regardless of how they usually swing, will want a piece of your ass. You can expect lots of compliments and flirtings wherever you go. But don't worry: people will not go any further unless you want them to.

Unfortunately, you lack the usual "porn logic" protection that /d/eviants with hyperized body parts usually have. What does that mean? Simple: you have a tendency to comically get stuck in tight spaces, and a tendency to trip and fall like the big fat bowling pin you are. Do you stick out of your car window at the drive-in to get your food? Maybe you'll get stuck, forcing the cashier to push you back in.
No, there won't be lewd accidents - the focus here is on making you look ridiculous. People will have plenty of funny stories to tell about all your bad luck and phat ass. But hey, maybe you can shut them up by bumping them with that wrecking ball of a butt that you have?

>I wish I was the son of this cowgirl here.
thread bump
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Granted. You're now a holstaur, and the son of the cowgirl in your picture. I take it you intended her to be your ideal woman, right? Well guess what, genius! She's repulsed by incest, like most well adjusted people. So you're not going to be able to have sex with this veritable goddess.

But I'll give you a compromise. You've inherited some good genes from your new mother, making you really well endowed for a holstaur. In your case, you have a footlong cock and proportionate balls (sorry, you're a shower), and you have really long and voluminous hair. Plus, you live in this pastoral valley filled with a ton more holstaur cows and a couple other bulls. There's plenty of other gorgeous cowgirls for you to choose from, and a couple of them are even roughly the same size as your mother! Also, it's a nudist community and everyone believes in free love. Well, so long as it's not incest. Either way, man, have at it! Enjoy your rockin' new bod and your new home!
>I wish that there was a common disease that turned people into these dick things and that the only way to turn them back to normal is by getting them fucked in one of their back holes.
thread bump part 2 revengeance of the bump

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Post anything related to Futanari and discuss any topic related to Futanari.

Male-looking Futanari allowed.
Do not post anything else than Futanari.

previous thread >>10897215
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thank you
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tfw no futa wife
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The Hero of Justice Thunder Crow Falls into the Role of the Villainesses' Younger Sister edition.

Previous thread: >>10972200
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So Student Transfer will be having it's update soon, and the murder mystery route is back.
Wonder how butchered it's going to be.
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Some new TSF manga:
Tensei Kyabajou wa Moto Ojisan // Reincarnated Kyabajo(bar girl) is a Former Ojisan
It looks like a josei manga (it's written by a woman and published on a women's manga website)
Guess women like genderbent heroines in their shoujo/josei manga too.
be a bunnygirl servant to a multibillionaire and all I have to do is wait a couple minutes?

I don't get it. What's the catch?
It'll be bad

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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona. 2nd edition
Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread:

For mechabare that feels tamer you can use the main robot thread:
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Rekt, good shit.
Imagine stabbing Asuna's back with the screwdriver and see her go haywire as she glitchily smiles, laughs and moans
perfect time for lovemaking

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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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i get what you mean but you're still completely off yourself. given how the volume of a sphere works that pic is gonna be way more, easily 60+. newborns are actually really damn small.
>hot as fuck pic
>ruined by autistic word salad
why do these retarded faggots not post a textless alt when they do this shit
Looks like it's supposed to be inflation

Someone updates the dropbox
for some reason I find myself really attracted to those pink pajamas
she looks so comfy and soft

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It's an old classic that sadly is still a very niche fetish.
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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10967337
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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Mommy put me in the pillory and wants me to share since I'm not allowed to know freedom
How has your cage affected your porn addiction?
Any suggestions besides shoelaces? I used a stocking before but it wasnt exactly comfortable. I was looking at harnesses on etsy and amazon but i dont think any of them would fit me because my legs and waist are pretty small.
>Any suggestions besides shoelaces?
Nothing I can recommend personally, I've always used the shoelace. It just works, you know? It's adjustable, secure, and it doesn't chafe despite being tight. I know that proper belts are sold, but I've never used one myself. Untying the knot can be a bit annoying, especially just after you've cum and your strength has left you. But I don't plan to change to anything else
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Thread for damsels in distress, predicament bondage, peril scenarios, game overs and bad ends.

Previous thread >>10979287
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Or any screen of any decent size. And anyone who has something like that can eat shit, right?
Phoneposting is no excuse for not following basic 4chan etiquette. Basic internet, really.


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Most people have 1080p screens.
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A decent size.

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Monster fuckers threat, post pics of women getting fucked and fucking monsters.

Bonus points for consensual stuff

Thread question, what sort of women are the best to see along side monsters?
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post and discuss
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I've already seen both of those. But thanks anyway anon
Do not read the whole manga, it's dogshit. It becomes a boring yuri friend group story.
Read up and to the anime's end.
I would bark like a dog
You didn't need to add that last part
Is it normal to have gnats in your room or does that make me disgusting?

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>NovelAI: online, non-free
Tags for Furry V3 model (new, best): https://e621.net/tags
Tags for Anime V3 model (old) : https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags

>Stable Diffusion: local, free
Giantess LORA: https://civitai.com/models/199258
Ochiko LORA (new, made by anon): https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
For more info, check the threads in the "Related boards" section below.

>General NovelAI guides

>NovelAI guides for size

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Finished the 3rd patch for my Twine game, text adventure. The images were produced with AI.

Oh no how terrible, falling into a big tittied demon lady’s milkers like that.
I honestly hope one day that AI stuff can allow for more niche image gens like nipple or nasal vore.
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X-ray/internal loras soon, hopefully, so we can finally relate to the captives stranded within her - at least until they're disintegrated by the next sneeze or milky leak.
Yep. Until then we can at least enjoy this nice stuff.
great to see you're still working on it!

Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. If someone starts hrt for feminization, cool. If you're not about that life, also cool. Just post porn so this thread doesn't get too chatty.

>Question of the day
Trannies and/or femboys, what are your standards for tops look wise if you bottom?

Tops and/or chasers, what are you standards for bottoms?
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I love femboys/sissies being confused/distraught at the changes to their bodies.
>Trannies and/or femboys, what are your standards for tops look wise if you bottom?

Fat pp is nice, looks I guess I prefer blondes and general fitness.
I also like topping so a cute bottom works for me as well.
>I think it’s like pills/injections tapper off too fast or something but patches is consistent release, but they don’t absob well for a lot of people.

Shit really? Do I need to get on the "patches" grind? Holy shit I feel like I've been stagnant for months now and that's probably why I've been hating myself again lately when I look in the mirror when I'm usually deadpan
I like guys that are strong af and look it, if he looks scary that’s even better.

Girls just need to be mean/assertive and hotter than I could have gotten pretrans.

Idk check your levels at peaks and valleys. I like patches better but they don’t hit as hard for lots of people, and apparently different brands in different countries don’t hit as hard. I’ve got estradot, 100 and I use two of em. I like them cause of like mental health more predictable mood swing reasons and like I got an extra cup size from them

You’ve gotta get better self talk too! I find that have self care nights like spa nights help a lot with that. Something about actively taking care of yourself to feel beautiful, makes it be proof you look good to your subconscious.

A thread about the throbbing, quivering, leaking, aching, maddening PLEASURE of being denied pleasure.
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Where does this trope of "urethra blocked therefore you can't cum" even come from
Are all artists female or something?

A ruined or blocked orgasm is not the same thing as no orgasm, the entire point of orgasm denial is the idea of building up pent-up tension, if you "waste" it by allowing the orgasm to happen and just making it unsatisfactory then what's even then point
Yoooo thats one of my commissions lmaooooo
>if you "waste" it by allowing the orgasm to happen and just making it unsatisfactory then what's even then point
Denial of Pleasure
Some males find denial of pleasure in males to be desirable, even if done upon themselves. Might not float your boat.

For me it's more the idea of power dynamics that one gets by truly holding someone's path to pleasure in their hand which makes it erotic.

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>>Fake tits, Fake asses. Enhanced bodies. Lets go.

Try to keep the focus on the fetish. Juiced up bodies full of saline, silicone, combat gel, mana or whatever other crazy shit the artist or editor of the art comes up with. Characters whose bodies have been built or rebuilt for sex. Keep it 18+ and appropriate enough for a Malaysian basket weaving fetish sub forum.

>>Remember, if they glow you know ;)
279 replies and 165 images omitted. Click here to view.
Post-op complications.
Now, everybody knows they're full of plastic.

(I edited it from an AI generated pic not created by me)
I don't get it
Ai generated or not she's still sexy lol

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