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Who would win in an eating contest between Bonney, Big Mom and York?
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Everyday I grow to hate Fishman Island and Oda's naivity and the midwits who think the message is meaningful.
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Sounds based as fuck
If I remember correctly it’s just “slaves bad” right?
Oda literally stated boys as in ages of 9-12, he isn't thinking about you loser manchildren that read a story for children when he's talking about 'boys', grow the fuck up.

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What's with the surge of muscular women in anime?
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Big belly strong fat is the way to go but god damn it’s hard to find anything with that design.
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New from the Konosuba crossover:

>Saten is inspired by Kazuma being so capable despite being the weakest adventurer, and asks him to make her his disciple. The girls in his party protest saying he’s known as a pervert and a panty thief among town, but she says its okay because she flips Uiharu’s skirt all the time. Kazuma also thought Saten was going to confess to him and she even called him master much to his delight.
>Saten pays a visit to the crimson demon village.

>They go to the beach for an investigation of a monster thats said to be around there. They enjoy themselves but Misaki doesn’t want to play volleyball with them because she gets exhausted easily, she just asks Kazuma to refill her drink as she lays down and relaxes. Saten and Frenda don’t come along.
>Kuroko likes seeing Aqua in a swimsuit and is enjoying the sight of another girl besides her onee-sama. A comment she makes about breasts makes Misaka angry and painfully zaps her, much to Kuroko’s delight. Megumin says Kuroko and Darkness have something in common.
>And then suddenly, a giant turtle appeared!
>The turtle causes a tsunami and Kuroko teleports everyone away besides Misaki who lands on the island on the turtle’s back.
>Aqua warned Misaki beforehand to not underestimate this other world and the ocean, even though she herself ended up being very carefree. She tries to save Misaki but drowns. Kuroko saves both of them and Misaka blows the turtle away with her railgun.
Here they are:
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It isn’t the best written part (Steel Ball Run), nor the one with the best villain (Diamond is Unbreakable), nor the one with the best JoJo (Battle Tendency), nor the one with the most interesting stands (Stone Ocean), nor the one with the best team dynamics (Vento Aureo). Yet somehow, Stardust Crusaders is as iconic as iconic gets. It’s the part you picture when you think of JJBA. It’s like it mastered the episodic narrative template. And despite there being almost no buildup and almost no recurring villains, it’s such a satisfying read.
You think you’d get tired of five gigachad meme men beating up people in their backpacking trip, but you just don’t.
People who hate the monster of the week are just no fun. I love seeing the bros take on whatever bullshit shows up.
Monster of the week is good, x-files is the perfect example of those eps all being good and the actual plot being shit
it's iconic because they introduced the concept of stands thoughbeit

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>Everyday since I came here. I've been thinking... Why did things end up like this? Having your body and mind rot away, having your freedom taken away, losing your sense of self... Anyone who knew they'd end up this way, would never set foot on a battlefield... but something pushes them onward, and they all walk through hell anyway. Usually, that something isn't there own will, the conditions and people around them leave them with no choice, but people who pushed themselves onward; see a different sort of hell. They're looking at something past that hell... It might be hope or it might be yet another hell... Only the people who keep moving forward will know for sure.
How they hell did Yams go from this to Ten years at least?
cool story bro, now delete this thread
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anon, the timelines must be kept safe. Eren was clearly supposed to win, but in doing so he would have caused some very lonely men to go batshit and believe they can also 'change' the world through radical psychotic behavior. So Isayama was told to tone it down and remind the audience that its all just pretend, and Eren is still just 'dorky' kid he was at the beginning.
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This should anwser your question.
When Isayama said he wants to hurt the readers. He really meant it.
But anon, youtuber man told me it makes total sense.

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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

Fishes may be out of water, but subtexts remain forever. Some things just never change...

>Fish people have been welcomed to the town where the human girl Wakasa Otomi lives, and they are integrating well. The fish people can be identified by the physical marks of their fish species, though they take medicine to keep their lower bodies human rather than a fish tail. Otomi loves fish people, and is eager to meet as many as she can! One day, she meets a new transfer student, a lantern fish girl named Tsutsumi Anko. Anko is a bit self-conscious about being a deep sea fish, with a tail that is not cute like some other fish girls. At school, she and Anko deal with various fish problems that intersect with issues an ordinary human high-schooler would face.

Chapter 8 & 8.5 >>266223804
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yeah the semi transparent shirt really helps seal the deal.
Wakasa wants to sleep with fishes.
She wants to moisturize their tails like some sick pervert.
>said the lolita had a big ass
See? I fucking told you, denialanon. Wherever you are, this is the part to capture in your mind forever.
>captcha: J0YS2
This >>266258935 too.

Chapter 495 - Gaon Cannon
Last Thread (490-494): >>265985831
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/ZvbWA3Ri

We are on the cruise!
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Excellent, more.
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Roger is not in this picture
that's an extremely antisemetic thing for you to say
you should take that back and apologize

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Chapter 160 raw from a few months ago
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can you really say you you love Yuno if you don't love her feet?
It's not simply feet itself, it's that this autist always posts the exact same badly drawn images regardless of context. He does it in other threads too. The difference between him an a bot are negligible.

Even on Yuno Day he can't conceive of doing anything other than dumping the same folder he always does. We could've had many more cute birthday pictures and high quality art if he didn't fill up the thread with his trash.
That's cute, anon. I only kinda know death note, which characters is it referencing?
>doesn't post a single*
Did you make it?

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Let's try this again. Did you like the new girl?
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I wish this had production values on par with that other kizoku anime.
was that series why good? I only remember it looking like a knock off Mushoku Tensei with some of it's waifus
How old is Charlotte supposed to be? She really grew that much in 5 years?
It was enjoyably bad.
I knew a girl who got her full adult sized breasts when she was 12. I think she started puberty at 10 or something. It's entirely possible. Considering breasts are just fat deposits it's not even difficult conceptually to imagine.

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You forgot about her didn't you
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Try not to be jealous...
Bocchi is a figment of our imaginations, this is all a psyop, when will you people OPEN your EYES to the TRUTH
Sleepy Nako.

Like a Stalker!?

Chapter 126-127
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>What buried memories have you unearthed recently?
Nothing recent but I've been dealing with memories of stuff from decades ago defining my dreams.
Thank you, OP.
Thank you for posting.
Cute pig.
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>her storytime ended
She was a good girl...

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月曜日のたわわ その481 『着ぶくれ絶対許さないウーマン』
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You are a man of culture.
I never said it wasn't cancer. The complaining isn't better, which leads to my next point.

Offering an alternative with fan art isn't policing. It sucks that Himura pussied out, but what else can you do that won't risk him deleting his account and stopping Tawawa for good? In a world where the walls keep crumbling in on sexy 2D JKs, would you rather have Jewish bankers keep your dick on barbed wire? Or something that, while it's not the same thing, can at least temporarily relieve the eternal itch of explicit Ai and Salary paizuri?
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I just want a story like we had with Sadako, which was the peak of the threads. And new characters.
>le both bad
my god nigga just shut up already, thread policing is gay shit, go submit another janny app or something not reading the rest of your gay shit

Studio Trigger announced a season 2 for Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, but we haven't gotten any updates since then. Do you think there will be a season 2?
it's so over...
>Do you think there will be a season 2?
but there will be a season 3
Don't worry OP, we'll surely get a second season right after KLK season 2, an Edgerunner spin-off and 3 new LWA OVAs

Kinda hope so I’m starting to watch it rn on 2 episodes the soundtrack is surprisingly stellar.

Stocking is a top 5 goth girl

I hope it’s not a FLCL situation tho

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Do you consider anime like One Piece and Dragon Ball retro? Sure they started decades ago, but they're still going to this day, so I'm not sure if they truly can be called retro, unlike anime that ran and are done with like Jungle De Ikou or Vs Knight Ramune.
Dragon Ball IS retro. It's an 80s series, older than 99% of this board.
>going to this day
BS. The story has finished literally a century ago.

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Nah, for real. Especially considering that the existence of Natsumi Schwartz, the comments from Tappei about Subaru being the heroine of the story, the High School Debut involving Subaru dressing as a woman for the first three days at high school before being clocked due to his voice in an incident he explicitly refers to as “traumatizing,” the narrative reinforcement of his more authentic feminine traits over the masculine facade he attempts to put on within the first three arcs, his comment about “Men are about guts, women are about beauty” combined with his later comment that “beauty can be made” in reference to dressing as Natsumi Schwartz, his childhood nickname as the “Princess of the Ice,” his lamenting about not being a cute, androgynous-looking kid anymore (“time hasn’t been kind…”), and the fact that his initial downward spiral happened _right when puberty would have initially begun_ all hint towards the idea that Subaru may not be…entirely a dude.

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