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Can you grind through Math at the age of 30, while being a retard?
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Yes and quite quickly too but you need great teacher, not some average math nerd.
I feel that math is the "truest" thing you can find in this sceptical world.
Well, it's not like it has to be complete math. Everyone is only as good as their level. I want to reach my full potential, doesn't matter if it's not the highest level. Question is how do I begin?
probably not
I got a bsce at 25 and it seemed like that was about the max age cap, also I am smarter than most and otherwise it would have been impossible.
>Question is how do I begin?
Check the /sci/ wiki for some starters. Some people like Khan academy. Also checkout the series of books by Gelfand that cover elementary mathematics (Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra).
>No one can learn after 25.
How black are you?

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Let's say you wanted to create a formula without using google, all by yourself that describes the grey area between those circles in terms of the three variables: the radii of the circles and distance between their centers. No googling allowed, just using pen and paper and calculator.

How hard would that be?
alfa = 2*arcsin(R/d)
beta = 2*arcsin(r/d)
A_1=r*alfa - r^2*sin(alfa)/2
A_2=R*beta - R^2*sin(beta)/2

grey area = A_1 + A_2
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bretty hard desu
Simple --- π^(xINF) --- do that for the shaded area! Voila!

π^x(∞) --- where x is any number

Remember it's for the shaded area. Magnifico!

"The language of the hearts is most powerful." - ???

I had the toughest time with math in high school due to some of my teachers and me being a homosexual. It's like despite other students in class they'd teach us wrong info solely because of me. Cruel huh. Half full it strengthened my passion to get back into learning the sciences of math. I've studied books on the stock market do it yourself algebra and even Sciencia! For those of you finding any subject boring look for those tiny areas where it can be the gateway to your favorite and lucrative occupation! Such as, (Man. I like writing numbers) or this paint brush feels good.
lets say i wanted you to sniff my farts brap brap braaap.

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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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>good thing
>wasting billions of tax dollars to buy votes and not changing the incentive structure
financial aid isn't loans doe, the school gives you money because dumb rich kids and wealthy alumni pick up the cost
>financial aid isn't loans
It actually can be. It's possible to qualify for "financial aid" in the form of government-issued loans.

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How come Bill Gates doesn't vaccinate his own children even though his thinks everyone else should be forced to take all sorts of vaccines?
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>I believe it started with the Bill and Melinda gates foundation giving free polio (I think) vaccinations to folks in various African countries
Right. His vaxxing program was also linked to reports coming from the same countries that many villages were effectively sterile. I remember. Yet, the conspiracy scene hyperfocusing on it seems odd to me.

I remember Bill Gates pushing for the Covid vaccine back in 2020. By then, however, the guy and his PR agency couldn't possibly have not known of the controversies that his own vaccine programs years prior to that generated. The fact that this guy still turned into the face of the Covid19 pro-vaccine group really implies to me that we're being gamed. Similarly weird for the video made by a former Pfizer CEO that the covid vaccines are meant to depopulate the earth.
Thinking of it, Bobby Kennedy visited Samoa back in 2019 and talked about the dangers of vaccines with a special emphasis on the acclaimed danger of the measles vaccine. A couple months later, the island was ravaged by a measles outbreak that killed 90 kids out of a population of 220'000 people, implying that there probably were no more than 30'000 to 40'000 kids altogether.

I don't think, that's coincidental either. It could be possible that Bobby was simply meant to discourage the population from vaccinating their kids with the clear intention of generating an age group of unvaxxed kids that could be experimented with and studied. Deliberately releasing measles, then studying the patterns of disease spread given lowered vaccination rates among a very specific year cohort would potentially allow researchers for conducting similar operations on a much larger scale. Considering that the recent surge in anti-vax rhetoric necessitates a decrease in vaccine uptake, especially among conservatives, there is no doubt in my mind that mischievous agents could use that knowledge to develop biological weapons against very specific political groups.
RFK Jr is a heroin addict and his fucked up voice is because he has HPV warts on his vocal cords
>giving free polio (I think) vaccinations
Those were experimental vaccines that killed thousands of people. They were given away for free because Gate's private business venture wanted free human test subjects. They got a tax deduction for giving their experimental drug away for free too.

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alright guys what are your favorite curves
rules: only 1 equation (or 2 if parametric)
New rujle: you have to post the equation too. Except me (im op)
>what are your favorite curves

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in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.


Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.
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Their next proof is going to be about how per capita is racist
they're very fat
>white man
You didn't solve it though?
they are late to the punch
this is the new twumspam

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Now that the space race is back, when will the USA get their shit together and stop being cucked to death by the Chinese? Will we get a third actor this time like Europe or Japan or India this time?

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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not wasting my time reading your self indulgent wall of text, schizo. go rant somewhere else
Just a total off topic copy-paste.
kicad. Ive been stuck on eagle version 7 or something because it was the last gud freeware.
made the switch to kicad very recently. Liking it so far.
eventually they'll blame white supremacy and the patriarchy for their failure to have any success despite having an unlimited budget and decades of time to work with
yes, that's a good thing.

What changes should be made to the peer review process so that the "peers" can't just rubber stamp the papers and let trash like this get published?
pic related: "the science" doesn't even try anymore, just copy paste the numbers lol.
this kind of low IQ frauds shouldn't even passed the paper writing because it's so apparent. the authors should've realized this kind of fraud is retarded but somehow it made it all the way through peer review.
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>1. Make peer review mandatory for participation in conferences or submitting articles of your own.
this is already mandatory in many conferences, for example in CS, but it wouldn't do much because the reviewers and the submitters are in the same community as each other and probably want to cover for their own field.
>2. Offer support for publications that test and verify the results of others. Right now there's very little impetus for people to try and reproduce the work of others, since such replication isn't likely to lead to publication. Most fields could benefit from a "Journal of Replicative Studies" or something to that effect.
this is quite costly and ineffective, unless a large portions of researchers do replication study, I see this going nowhere. also, people who do replication studies are usually younger researchers who are afraid of ousting more senior researchers will hinder their career.
I suggest that each published article should have a replication counter that is big and at the front page of the paper website. papers that has not been replicated by independent should have a big red disclaimer that it hasn't been replicated anywhere.
maybe that will nudge the population toward not trusting those research at face value (which they should always do, that's the spirit of science) because IMO probably more than half of current research results are unreliable.
joachim boldt is a negro
Usain Bolt's cousin
pee'r review? don't mind if i do!

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Can the Covid vaccine be classified as a failure?
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Only a third of excess deaths since the start of the pandemic were "with covid", a very loose attribution given to deaths that weren't necessarily caused by covid but was coincidental with covid. The other two thirds of excess deaths are a complete mystery but one thing is for sure, whatever killed tens of millions, it wasn't the vaccine.
Scammed indeed.
Not at all. It was very successful in its intended purpose (giving many people severe and chronic illnesses so they become dependent on further Pfizer meds).
my favorite headline was "murders up 30% despite lockdowns"
>despite XD

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CO2 doesn't cause global warming
Over a week. My post is still ignored.

You guys don’t want facts about climate change. You want propaganda.
nobody read your self indulgent wall of text, you only presumed they would because you have a personality disorder that clouds your judgement
Cope harder

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Why are Swiss people indifferent to climate crisis?
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The last time they had a hot summer in Switzerland was 1540
How come the planet didn't die of global warming 4000 years ago when it was much hotter than it is currently?
Global warming shills have no answer for this
there will be no cease fire, TZD

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what do you think?

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no, because they know the whole story would collapse if it was opened up to critical examination. and that's probably fine. it's not the girls' fault that this has reached such ridiculous lengths, it's academia's and the media's.
i'm dumb but don't you have to assume that b>a for it to converge

Since the law of sines is typically proven using areas, I wonder if you could eliminate its use and just use areas. Or just use the law of sines without considering area. The latter seems more like what the girls did.
I feel like we laughed at this last year.
fat nigs lmao

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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
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how does that mean anything?
is goyslop good for you because its popular?
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lol, its funny, but soientists do that all the time. its almost as if they study probability and statistics hoping to learn new ways to lie and spread misinformation
citation count is a meaningless metrics. there are many work that has thousands of citation count but are bullshit.
one of my work got like >50 citations count and my afterthought about it is the method sucked ass and probably I got the result because some randomness instead of the method did anything meaningful.
it's just the herd effect anon, 95% of the time I cite something not because it's right or I care about it's being right, I just need some background and justification for my algorithm.

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Uh oh darkies.... shiee
>In standard cosmology, the accelerated expansion of the universe is said to be caused by dark energy but is in fact due to the weakening forces of nature as it expands, not due to dark energy."
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cosmology isn't science, its religion. every religion has an origin story and that includes soientism.
Because /pol/niggers are afraid of things they don't understand. A couple decades ago people like them were denying the existence of neutrinos too.
/pol/tards don't care about dark matter. it's just fashionable to mock cosmologists for their gigantuous failures over the past few decades.
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