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Puberty blockers no longer viable treatment for children. Is "science" finally healing?

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>They are extremely low IQ
that explains why they have absolutely zero critical thinking ability
>Is "science" finally healing?
Pedophilia is a mental illness, if the people who want to molest children are prevented from doing so in one way, they will just invent a new way to do it. The only way to get rid of those people is to wipe them out completely.
insane asylums used to do the job fairly well
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they should ban tranime too, tranime is harmful for children because it encourages pedos

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Why are engineers chuddy af?
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It's just what the right wing means. Look at the history of the term.
>As opposed to voting right and supporting actual murder
You are mentally retarded.
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I looked up the definition and got pic related. So again, it's relative.
Even Wikipedia doesn't conflate right-wing politics with monarchism:
>Right-wing politics is the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property, religion, biology or tradition. Hierarchy and inequality may be seen as natural results of traditional social differences or competition in market economies.
Hierarchy? Yes. Monarchy? Not necessarily.
There's a list of positions and none of them are "pro-monarchy" explicitly. The section on the "anti-communist" position of right-wing politics mentions how communism was at odds with monarchies in history and that placed conservative elements on the side of the monarchies against communism in those times, but that's it. No mention of any pro-monarchy position inherent to right-wing politics, least of all in the United States.
Peak reddit.
Btw, fascism is based tho
is chud still used word?

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Dark "matter" just got MOGGED by Sabine.
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No, more than just a Queen. Sabine is the "Supreme Overlord of Excellent Excellency" and we should castrate ourselves so we may never have impure thoughts while gazing upon her God-like visage.
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she's kinda annoying
That's just called being German
8 mins of nothing

>my friend has an old theory that hasn't been disproven yet. suck it, dark matter

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How common is this type of behavior amongst homosexuals? Has science ever studied this topic? And why do they do it?
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Saved, to show others how fucked in the head you are to think this is anything but proof of your absolute retardation, faggot ass.
Pick a country. Any country, right now.
>Has science ever studied this topic?
Entomophagy and Coprophagy in Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
Coprophagia or the ingestion of feces, considered to be a variant of pica, has been associated with medical disorders like seizure disorders, cerebral atrophy, and tumors and with psychiatric disorders like mental retardation, alcoholism, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, fetishes, delirium, and dementia. But entomophagy or the practice of eating live or dead insects as food by humans has only been reported as part of eating habits by some cultures in the world and not in association with any medical or neuropsychiatric disorders. Till date, there is no report in medical literature of entomophagy as an association with any neuropsychiatric or medical illnesses. Coprophagy and entomophagy has not been together reported as well. We describe the first ever case report of a 19-year- old male patient diagnosed with undifferentiated schizophrenia and associated with both entomophagy and coprophagy. His schizophrenic symptoms, the entomophagic, coprophagic behaviors improved with olanzapine therapy. Entomophagy and coprophagy, two very unusual human behaviors, can be seen in association with schizophrenia.
>Entomophagy and coprophagy, two very unusual human behaviors, can be seen in association with schizophrenia.
So homosexuality is a mental illness
always has been

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Why do you watch your entire life during the process of death?
I don't trust people.
What you're seeing is the server rewinding time to give you a second chance.
do people who died without seeing it coming had this life review? or is it triggered by your brain thinking you'll surely die soon?
also how would this be something helpful, evolutionary speaking? how does it help you survive and have kids?
How can I skip the life review? I don't want to see all my suffering again.

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is this good for the environment?
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The exact opposite is true. It means that you have no idea what you're talking about and you need to learn about the subject before you can meaningfully contribute to the conversation. I take it people link you to wikipedia often?
this is what mental cases actually believe
These are the same people who complain constantly about deforestation
Euros always complain about deforestation in locations outside of Europe.
>oy vey the Amazon is getting cut down you can't do that!!!
meanwhile they cut down all of their own forests

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Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?
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kek i was just about to say it
>he believes in sea serpents
have you never seen one?
I dont believe you can represent races as points in some 2D graph. Mathematically the information is too complex to represent it with a coordinate (x,y) pair.
If you look at the axis labels you'll notice that this is a plot made using principal component analysis.
What race am I? My ancestors were Italian, Greek, German, English and Scottish. I don't belong anywhere and these regions were always opposed to each other religiously and culturally. I've already been bullied off multiple sites for being pale yellow

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Suppose I have an accomplice who is the head of the government of a country. We both decide to privatise the central bank of that nation and become its sole shareholders by changing the constitution.

(i) What will the rich/oligarchs of that country do as I am certain they will not abide by this decision:

1. Now that I can literally print money to buy shares in their companies on the stock exchange.

2. Buy government bonds/debts.

3. Loan money to the government.

(ii) Are there any bad repercussions to this?
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Public/private is a legal fiction like that of civilian/not civilian. Made up to distinguish between government/not goverrnment. Doesnt really mean much.
If some evil supervillain took over a country a la general zod, you'd not care if he called himself a public figure or just a private person that rules everything.
Literally just a label.
True. But historically, there existed other legal fictions which made such distinctions intelligible.
those distinctions only maintain their existence as long as they serve their function as a coercion tool.
>elastic currency
AKA a rubber check
thats what fiat is, its a currency that you no for sure isn't worth anything

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Why are Swiss people indifferent to climate crisis?
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Because its fake and gay, probably.
>Why is Deiter Vranchk apparently indifferent to climate crisis?
You're welcome.
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We all have government mandated bunkers in our basements.
We know you're all going to fuck it up, we'll just wait it out.
They are rich.
Potentially flying on a Boeing death trap as well as dealing with airport security and mandatory early check ins for luggage turns it into a 2 hour flight. Yeah I'll take the train thanks.

New cultist cope just dropped
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None of the predictions that they have made have ever come true.
If science has predictive power then """climate science""" isn't science, its just something that dishonestly uses the word "science" in it's name to confuse people and trick into thinking its legitimately scientific
Geographical expressions really
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theres a million pics like that. global warming shills have been lying and making exaggerated claims about disasters in the future which never come true for the past 40 years and they've always been wrong
Nobody ever claimed there would be flooding by 2000's.

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Will academia get better or worse as time goes on? If worse, what should intelligent people do?
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>what should intelligent people do?
they should be intelligent to figure that out for themselves
intelligent people already understand that academia is for midwits
>research institutions will always hire the 0.00001% most intelligent portion of the population
nope, they hire the most compliant because they want obedient employees
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NOAA admits that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and has no effect on the climate. According to NOAA:
>The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere today is comparable to around
>4.3 million years ago, when sea level was about 75 ft higher than today,
>the average temp was 7 degrees F higher than in pre-industrial times, &
>large forests occupied areas of the Arctic that are now tundra.
Which is to say that even though CO2 is the same now as it was 4.3 million years ago, the climate today is far, far different and much colder than it was 4.3 million years ago and this is because atmospheric CO2 levels have no effect or undetectably little effect on the Earth's climate. Its also worth noting that atmospheric CO2 levels have been substantially above where they have been in the recent past for over 100 years now and there has been no substantial change in the climate during that time, which only further proves NOAA's assertion that CO2 doesn't affect the Earth's climate and that CO2 is not a meaningful greenhouse gas.
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It is in this case.
Thats quite a change, I wonder what it was that finally made them come around?
>and this is because atmospheric CO2 levels have no effect or undetectably little effect on the Earth's climate
no, it's not
this fucking board, sigh
>I hate /sci/
why are you here?
the n word is racist

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I am programming right now and need help.

if 600 = 0.
500 = -50.
400 = -100.
300 = -150.
200 = -200.
100 = -250

what is 1 = ?
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600 = 0 is false, therefore your if statement will not be executed.
what do you want it to be?
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-202 ig
so sad because even here in my shithole they teach math reasoning in your 4/5th year of school
where the hell does x come into it

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Cherry blossoms bloom in Tokyo, 15 days later than last year, 5 days later than average


Cherry blossoms finally burst into bloom in Tokyo on Friday after heavy rain in the morning, marking the latest blooming in over a decade.
The declaration of the blooming made by the Meteorological Agency came 15 days later than last year and five days later than in an average year. Private forecasters had also expected this year's bloom to come much earlier.

Friday’s blooming is the latest in Tokyo since 2012, when cherry blossoms were declared to have blossomed on March 31, according to the agency.

Cherry blossom forecasting is big business in Japan. As early as in January, companies start to issue forecasts for when cherry blossoms will first bloom and reach their peak.

The weather agency, which began forecasting the annual bloom in 1955, sets a government standard for observing cherry blossom trees. For consistency, the meteorological agency only uses data gathered from the Somei-Yoshino variety, which produces pale pink blossoms.
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well, about 10 years or so of precocious flower blooming in the winter where I live and in many other places on earth proves it does. there are literally billions of witnesses to this phenomenon. are you living under a rock? You need to go out to nature more often
that never happened
>"where I live"
>never mentions where so that their lie can never be disproved

If a watermill like picrel floats on a river and creates energy by having absorbing the force of the current into its blades does that slow down the flow of the current?
If yes could you apply them to avoid fast flowing rivers washing through their beds?
If no could you put endless amounts of them into any river and have your power output limited only by the length of the river?
By that same thought could you place many dams behind one another as long as the water keeps flowing downhill and magnify the power output?
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yes they do
they do create a wake of turbulent air, but as to whether they decreases the power of turbines if they're all in a row "there is significant uncertainty"
>>If no could you put endless amounts of them into any river and have your power output limited only by the length of the river?
The energy in a river is limited by the flow rate and vertical drop, not the length. How much water drops how far are the relevant factors.
to me it looks like they are messing with the position of water vapor in the air current, but the air itself is not turbulent that way. it can't have such a long stream of fucking turbulent air, it should settle/mix, but water vapor seems to be lifted or something
You can either build two dams one at the end of the stream and one in equal distance to the end and the source or you can build one dam at the end of it alone. Physically, it has no effect and you can not extract more energy from building more dams.

The reason that the conservation of energy, which is a consequence of the conservative nature of the gravitational force. If you built two dams, what happen is that you'd lower the kinetic energy of the water and it'd flow more slowly.

This is not a good analogy. Because the rocks are not turbines, which extract the energy from the stream via engines. They're carried along the stream and - due to conservation of momentum - do neither reduce nor increase the energy of the water.

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