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What do we make of this? Everything I've read about the genetic sequencing of the virus that's being spread within cows suggests it hasn't gotten any better at mammal to mammal transmission.
Isn't it possible that the reason it's spreading so much in cows because they literally wade around in their own shit all day?
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"the science" is a broken record
Flu is electrical in origin

that's the deception surrounding this condition
But they'll use it to shut down food supplies
Another disease create by the deep state. DC needs to be nuked.
fascinating graph
look at the timeline of the invention of electrical technologies

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What was his peak IQ realistically?
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Sure. George Bush volume 2 I get the opposite vibe. Trump seems stupid but pretends to act smart, Bush seems smart but pretends to act stupid. All modern presidents are actors, Trump is only unique in that he's too stubborn to wake up and realize "I'm not truly in command of this operation at all, am I?"
>Have an IQ level consisting of a sad 76
>Decide to run for President
>TV interviewer asks your for your hot take on the Nuclear Triad
>You start to panic internally, because you have no clue wtf the Nuclear Triad is, and are terrified of being shamed as an pseudo-intellectual if you answer the question incorrectly
>Respond with a bizarre senile lengthy rant of non-sequitors ranging from "Did you guys remember how I totally predicted the Iraq War would be a shitstorm 13 years ago?" to "Nuclear goes BOOOM! Very, very powerful folks!" while totally failing to answer a basic question
I mean wtf else was /ourguy/ supposed to do here? He obviously had no clue what "Nuclear Triad" meant so of course his only remaining option was to go to his usual fallback routine of pretending to be an expert regarding topics he is totally unqualified to discuss. Literally what did Trump do wrong here? If you place a fish on the floor, the only thing it can do is flop and struggle, but it's not like you should get angry at the fish for being unable to swim in his current situation. The fish is trying his best but simply doesn't have any wiser options than flopping in his desperation sadly. Literally ask yourself what is the fish doing wrong? Nothing

In this interview Trump is the flopping fish on the sidewalk. He actually did nothing wrong
Officially? Donald Trump's IQ is 69 rn but the fact that he was America's first retarded president makes him even more based somehow, not less. Actually Trump being retarded is honestly twice as based as him being some 169 IQ 4d chess mary sue imo
VERY large. The largest!
Biden at one point in time was against desegregation and said that schools in the USA would become racial zoos.

That is probably one of the smartest things a US politician ever said (and he was 100% right). 200 IQ statement right there.

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What is our best explanation for consciousness? And is there such a thing as reality or is reality is just something hallucinated by our minds? What the fuck is even going on?
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God is the best explanation.
Most probable explanation doesn't mean best
Makes me wonder what that guy in a vat would do if he wanted to end his life. Even cavemen if they became suicidal would know what body part to aim for or obliterate to guarantee cessation of life
Love this anine grill
Why are there so little pics here this is an image board baka

Scientific implications of bacteria and sperm having motors?
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last universal common ancestror already had atp synthase you fucking retard
that's a pig
That's bad for the environment
so what, we're talking about cows
how tf is that healthy

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materialism btfo
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Well (lack of) light is to do with particles, not atoms. So the correct statement is that everything is particles. Dreams are just electrical impulses. There, materialism wins again. It always wins.
Science is still unable to measure shadows or dreams, so it's just another theory pushed as "settled science".
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Dreams and shadows are an illusion.
Shadows still need material to form, you can't form shadows out of nothing. Dreams are neuro-electric phenomena ultimately. Imagine getting tongue-tied by a little girl's questions. Next.

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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>From just the land we use to feed animals we could easily feed the world.
the rest of the world can already feed itself, theres nobody starving to death anywhere
Large scale farming of any kind will always be bad. The only option is to reduce the population, starting with china
>From just the land we use to feed animals we could easily feed the world.
Fake and gay. Simplistic comparisons are made on land use, without regard to land quality.
A lot of marginal land which can't economically grow nutritious human-grade crops is used to grow fodder for cattle. If it could be used to grow crops, it would, because crops yield much more money per acre for farmers than livestock do.
Stop pretending all land is equal. Prime, fertile arable cropland is not the same as marginal land.
>Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people?
No, that meme comes from quacks that sell delusional shit like grass feed crap or regenerative crapiculture
What's this board's obsession with veganism?

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is this data real or is this just the result of classifying trannys as female in the data set?
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>females don't have agency
We get it. You never talk to women.
So why are you letting them vote and reproduce freely?
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"Women are happier without children or a spouse" debunked?
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oh please

I eat 1550 calories per day, is this low enough for anti aging?
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>which we did not evolve to eat as a staple, but as an occasional treat
This is complete bullshit, obviously. There were plenty of hunter/gatherer tribes that ate nothing but meat.
Look at it positively the arch vegan is slowly opening up to the idea of meat consumption.
1/3 intake? Do you consume 4500 calories every day?
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3500 calories of pic related costs less than $1.40.
we need a medical literature expert.
someone should do a PhD in the history of medical literature

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What would be the implications of this for the fate of the universe?


Heat death is popular at the moment and it projects another 100 trillion years of potential for life.
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Moving relative to what?
to any frame of reference
>X could make up Dark Matter!
Might as well just call it aether or shadow physics and be done with it.
We do. Aether was a primitive attempt to model a field theory as stress in an imperceptible extremely rigid solid, the luminiferous aether. Our field theories are a bit more refined but not much.
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oh my basedence!
did you hear the news?
jak just published another paper on le white holes and antimatter!
this will greatly benefit the basedverse!

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I have one of these nalgene bottles.
For roughly 1 month, It had my pee in it (I didnt want to walk to the bathroom and had no other choice)
eventually I emptied and washed it. that was about a year ago and I haven't used it since.
Is it safe to use again and drink from now?
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no, some of the bottle's polymer has likely already reacted with the pee. stale pee becomes basic and produces ammonia which can react with plastic if you give it enough time.
you are a subhuman.
you have probably benefited directly from the work I do, dumb fuck
Depends how bad you shit your pants desu
and how nice the pants are

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I need to learn linear algebra over the summer, I've heard good things about this textbook and I saw it has a new edition that came out this year. Has anyone read it? What's your favorite linear algebra textbook?
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Read the manga guide
The book is too difficult and at the same time shallow. One of the worst book ever written. Not appropriate for anymore.
It's not like doing multivariable calculus with differential forms and manifolds is such an obscure topic today.
It's a meme answer. Ignore it OP.
I honestly think it's more efficient to go through a problem book. Like Halmos' or John Erdman's.
I swear this board has the stupidest autists when it comes to book recommendations. Do you really think it is feasible to learn linear algebra from self study over a SUMMER from this book?
Op, just pick whatever book your university uses for the intro linear algebra course or look up what is commonly used in intro courses. Do problems and supplement with online notes and ask questions online.

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´ukin hate eatin eggs, bloody disgusting chicken stem cell fetuses.
same energy as the faggots that eat the placenta after a baby is born.
why tf would anyone have strawberries to eggs Benedict?
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its a garnish, you're not supposed to eat it.
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If a watermill like picrel floats on a river and creates energy by having absorbing the force of the current into its blades does that slow down the flow of the current?
If yes could you apply them to avoid fast flowing rivers washing through their beds?
If no could you put endless amounts of them into any river and have your power output limited only by the length of the river?
By that same thought could you place many dams behind one another as long as the water keeps flowing downhill and magnify the power output?
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Exactly what i meant, so as long as it just flows downhill you can put in endless amounts
One dam at the end will extract more, as it makes some of the rain fall on top of it, instead of falling to what would be its bottom.
>If yes could you apply them to avoid fast flowing rivers washing through their beds?
yes, and yes

reported for extremely low quality (iq)
So would also a floating mill slow down the current?
Would the speed of the current not be determined in the steepness of the river bed? There is a case here in my home where the river was straightened which led to it flowing more rapidly and washing through its bed, once it will be washed through the water would just sink in the ground, the river cease to exist and the surrounding land turn into a swamp, their solution now is to renaturalize it by digging a more meandering river bed for it, but could you slow it down with a floating water mill?
There's only so much power in the river, so cramming in infinite turbines or water wheels doesn't give you infinite power.

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What ever happened to the monkeypox epidemic, how come the media stopped reporting on it?
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MVA-BN vaccine has been approved for use against mpox.
homosexuality and pedophilia are synonyms
Pretty much. Heterosexuals like to fuck because its a reproductive act, faggots are the only ones who would be interested in children
sounds pretty scientific, does all of medicine work that way?
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most of modern medicine science is revolving about reaching maximum speeds of science. it is measured in dollars per second.

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If heat is energy and energy is equivalent to mass and you bring a freezer to freezing temps, does it weigh less than at room temperature?
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Why would the weight increase? The freezer would be closed and no new air would be introduced. The existing air would become more dense, but the weight wouldn't change if no new air comes in.
yes. and a compressed spring is heavier than an uncompressed one
Freezers aren't pressure vessels. It'll take a while, but there will be seepage.
If it was an isochoric temperature change on a freezer like this, going from ambient to 0F, you'd see a 14% pressure decrease, which would be noticable when you tried to open the lid.
Can't say I agree, my good pedant. Mass may be an irrelevant concept in GR but OP is probably thinking about rest mass, which you even admit is still a relevant concept in other areas of physics.
>Mass may be an irrelevant concept in GR but OP is probably thinking about rest mass
Why do you believe that he was thinking about rest mass? OP did not even mention mass. He inquired on the effects of temperature on weight. Weight is a gravitational phenomenon, and GR is the most accurate description of gravity we have.

>you even admit is still a relevant concept in other areas of physics
Oh yes, but irrelevant to OP's question though. Weight does not depend on rest mass, and it should be rather obvious that a freezer would not affect it anyway.

Kind of a lame comeback now. What you said is categorically false. Even the notion of heat being photons is plain wrong, I just ignored that as it's hardy relevant to the topic. In relation to something that you would have in a freezer, thermal energy is effectively kinetic energy

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