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How does science explain the fact that from all of the species only mammals can smile or show facial expressions
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lizards are the only animals who can knxbzkskeb (humans do not have a word for it)
That's cap bro my fish smiles all the time
Mammals are the only ones with complex enough muscles in the lips. There’s only like one or two reptiles capable of moving their lips to expose their teeth
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>only mammals can smile or show facial expressions
biased observation: we don't know that for sure. Just because we can't detect or see them that doesn't imply other animals do not notice and communicate with micro-expressions.

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Japan has made mRNA vaccines illegal, what does /sci/ think about this? Was it a good move?
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this, nobody above 60 iq trusts journalists
based japs
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they got banned for racism, lol
It's fake news, anon.

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Good news everyone, rice, which is possibly the world's most important agricultural crop, not only grows better under CO2 enhanced atmospheric conditions, it also becomes more disease resistant when atmospheric CO2 is increased.

>Effects of elevated CO2 on resistant and susceptible rice cultivar and its primary host, brown planthopper


>The elevated CO2 (eCO2) has positive response on plant growth and negative response on insect pests. As a contemplation, the feeding pattern of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on susceptible and resistant rice cultivars and their growth rates exposed to eCO2 conditions were analyzed. The eCO2 treatment showed significant differences in percentage of emergence and rice biomass that were consistent across the rice cultivars, when compared to the ambient conditions. Similarly, increase in carbon and decrese in nitrogen ratio of leaves and alterations in defensive peroxidase enzyme levels were observed, but was non‐linear among the cultivars tested. Lower survivorship and nutritional indices of N. lugens were observed in conditions of eCO2 levels over ambient conditions. Results were nonlinear in manner. We conclude that the plant carbon accumulation increased due to eCO2, causing physiological changes that decreased nitrogen content. Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.
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Theres no need for "roundup ready" plants or for glyphosate in higher CO2 environments because the plants are robust enough to resist predation and disease.
New astroturf thread?
Its over insect bros
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>CO2 makes plants healthier
okay, yes. Everyone knows that, sherlock.

What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published and was under suspicion for a decade but only recently get retracted?
>duplicated image patches
>811 citations btw
lmao, their whole field is so fake and gay that possibly thousands of "experts" read this paper and none of them bother to check.
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omg its real lmao
If you publish a rewrite of mein kampf as a jewish manifesto you end up with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
imagine how much worse it is now than it was then
Right, 1990s science was relatively ethical compared to how it is now
the COVID panic showed how garbage these "sciences" are:
also, look at the most high profile retraction and notice that they all belong to "the science (TM)" that we should all entrust our health and future to:

Wtf is his problem? Why is he so angry?
The story ended on a sour note
He understandably gets flustered every time he has to back up his flowery yarns with hard data and experience.
When you know you are right and you are being gaslighted by bad faith actors or just dealing with ignorant/stupid people all the time, over time it tends to wear your nerves down. I didnt watch this but from my understanding the other guy was being deliberately obtuse then trying to derail the conversation talking about "white supremacy."

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is this good for the environment?
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>He thinks Burning Man is a gathering of environmentalists
look at all that free diesel
I get all sorts of volunteer tomatoes too, but I kill them all, I only use seeds from the previous season's best plants

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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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Saddam built a lot of waterworks, dams, irrigation canals, etc. That was one of the things that the west hated about him, they wanted him to be dependent on grain imports
Literally the stupidest "argument" of all re: global warming.
same thing i said on other thread. plants are, in general, adapted to current CO2 levels. increase a bit and they do well. increase roo much and they crash.

go put yourself in a 2x O2 environment and see how you feel. same shit happens to plants.
Wrong, plants are healthiest at 1500-2000ppm.
At 400ppm they're on the verge of death from starvation.

Prove the Pythagorean theorem without using a circular argument.

That means no trigonometry, brainlets.
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how does that prove anything
science bro
what'd i miss?
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>Prove the Pythagorean theorem without using a circular argument.
an sheeeeeiiiiiitttt

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Lack of creativity in modern science and academia. I'm in my mid 30s and going to school for engineering and eventually medicine, a presentation I'm putting together for my intro to engineering class is on the lack of creativity and imagination in modern science and how the academic institutions are pushing a purely mechanical and knowledge based approach to their curriculum. This along with thousands of third world diploma mill graduates and DEI in the field are causing stagnation as the modern thought process of students has become "if I know x materials I can go into x field" or the students who are literally just trying to get in with xx government agency/company and thinking they will be spoon fed their projects like they did during school.

I have been witnessing this lack of dreams/goals in the majority of students I see and it doesn't feel like people have any dreams or passions they want to achieve or pursue and are just using it as a means to an end.

It feels like I'm projecting but I like these kids and I think they could really make a difference if they were pushed in a better direction.
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>3. Why are you studying in your mid 30s?
>mid 30s
>still in school like a child
You can go to college at any age, anon. Not sure how you didn't know that.
Interesting idea. Lets us know what you come up with and how it goes. You will probably piss some people off.
>All your reasoning is trumped by IQ decline
this meme is so stupid it needs to stop.
you get a bit slower after 30-35 as you age but the effect is so negligible at 60-70 you only lose a few points.

you couldn't have accomplished what they did
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>they just tell you shit about this reality.
>i need to have le soience priests to tell me whats what because i'm too low iq to think for myself
classic cowardly cuck attitude, probably need approval from an authority figure to decide if its time to use the bathroom or not
false, double distilled jenk removes most of the fusel jenkane that can give you a headache
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Why is it called "waste" when you can make valuable jenkem out of it?
>muh primitive old fashioned balloon jenk like they made in ancient africa using goat stomachs
its trash, i chill mine to below it's freeing point using dry ice and store it as a solid, if you use the balloon method you leech hydrocarbons from the balloon into your jenk
You people always have to put this spin on it

was preparing for med school entrance but now I'm having doubt about clearing it so any other carrier path should I go to CS engineering as im very fond of so....
>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

is evolution /sci/entific?
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mathtards should stick to their spreadsheets - regression analysis is a model, don't conflate it with reality.
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wow, beautiful diagram, thanks for posting that. Here is a better version.
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I don't know, it's baffling, isn't it? Something so simple to understand, and yet so much confusion about it.
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>is evolution /sci/entific?
Yes, absolutely. We postulate the ideas that collectively make up the Theory of Evolution, then go out to nature and observe what is at play and affecting populations.
The Theory of Evolution is long past Darwin's ideas. His basic fundament was right, but the minutiae are now a vast set of ideas, many proven, many still under study.

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whats this all about?
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science used to improve people's lives until about 100 years ago, then it started making things worse instead.
what changed during the early and mid 20th century?
Covid causes brain damage
And it does it in such a way the affected person does not realize they have a problem until someone points out an issue
PUFAs are genuinely toxic at repeated high heat levels and increase the chance of autism in offspring, although the damage can be reversed by cutting them out of your diet.
atheism AKA satanism was allowed into the sciences starting around 1900 or so
>atheism AKA satanism
AKA talmudism

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Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?
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I'd like to get to go to a book burning one day. Seems like a fun and a productive activity
>Sample size of 500
Why even bother?
It isn't. That's why it isn't taboo.
Everyone knows trannys are mentally ill, its not taboo to talk about it
>everything above the neck in humans must've been created by god
Is that true for all species or just humans? What do evolutionists have to say on this topic?

There was a thread about this earlier, but for some reason the jannies deleted it.

Apparently, it has be discovered that one of the top stem education scholars in the world, Stanford professor Jo Boaler, has actually been manipulating and fabricating her research for years. This is a major problem because she is literally one of the top scholar in her field and she is literally at the forefront of neoliberal DEI initiatives and her work is currently being used to completely redesigned the entire grade school stem education system in the state of California. She advocates for standardizing education, eliminating advanced STEM courses and electives, eliminating magnet programs and forms of self-directed and personalized education, and standardizing all curriculum and course requirements. She wants ALL public school students (but NOT private schools) to be taught the same material, in the same classes, using the same textbooks, and she wants to discourage independent study or exploration of other topics until students reach the university level.

The rationale for this is that people like Jo Boaler want all children to be on the same page, and they don't want some children having an unfair advantage, and that also want to discourage the misconception that education is about intellectual exploration or "doing your own research". Instead, the goal of education should be to cultivate "informed citizens" who know to seek out and rely on authoritative sources.

Its funny, because 20 years ago standardizing education and eliminating electives and magnet schools and advanced STEM class was considered a conservative policy. At the time it was called No Child Left Behind and it was a policy of the Bush administration. Today it's the neoliberal left pushing for the standardization of education instead.

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>nothing in those journals is ever true, anyone who thinks they are is a gullible dumb chump
Nobody ever reads those things, academic publishing is just a wing of the pay for play vanity publishing industry.
90% anon
That was the target
and they complied
>the warnings were written to be released 75 years latter (spoilers)

People are not smart, even the smart ones.
Right, but soientists are too stingy and selfish to pay for their own vanity publications so they only pay using their welfare gibes government grant money to cover the costs instead
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it is astounding how enormous outright fraud in ""scientific"" publishing has become.
and nobody seems to complain about it, scyentists are completely content with more and more fraud every year

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