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>What is 2*3?
>What is 6/2?
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>3 is neither a factor of 6
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It doesn't say all factors of 6 are prime, learn to read you stupid piece of shit.

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how are some 80 IQ retards getting perfect grades? scientifically speaking

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>and sure enough her work was just non-sense, and then an equals sign to the right answer.
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>Ian Miles Cheong
i'm just curious, not trying to criticize anybody
women. they either very dilligently study and memorize every single line in the book or cheat and sleep with professors for grade.
Students get top grades just for attending. On top of that, if the grades of blacks differ from ehat whites or asians get, the uni/college will be in trouble. Black person can attend half of the lectures and this will get him all top grades.

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an explanation that actually makes logical sense.
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>Kids don't want to sit in a room all day doing useless shit non-stop.

>"There must be something wrong with them"


"Alright, I trust you doc, now, give the kid some speed"

Believe it or not, the doc wants you to have adhd so they can sell you their mystical drugs. Its better to have "ADHD" and just deal with the "lapse in attention" than to end up hooked on that shit. Its not like your taking latuda or pristiq, you'll be taking literal speed,which is highly addictive and dangerous.
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I can dig your take pretty much.

What do think about this dude's ideas?

Is he just trying to sell another book and similarly to big pharma making a bunch nonsense sound plausible?
go away kid... adults are talking.
It's like autism. The only time the diagnosis is meaningful is when you're a child. Otherwise it's the final cope for an adult loser who has run out of ways to rationalize why he's made nothing of his life
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On top of this he thinks he's going to rob the British, invade Poland then take over America.

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>hey goy, protein is bad for you
gee, thanks for the warming, soiyence
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>the average male gorilla
Anon confirmed for extra chromosome
Coping fatty
Retard. And protein isn't hard for it to metabolize, its just that your body wants it when it gets it
Oreos spotted in the 'read

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>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.


>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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what did he mean by this?
I don't know shit about shit
You'll have to take up this issue with Nibiru high command.
Give me one good reason to let you live once I nab your spaceship, chud
You uninformed retards acting like the Oort cloud contains any mystery never fail to astound me with your ignorance. Is there not a single advanced human browsing this board? Haumea is used as a sort of sumo wrestling ring for bored advanced humans, with Ganymede acting as a waystation for people who can't make the trip in one go. I refuse to believe none of you are aware of this. There is nothing interesting happening in the Oort cloud aside from losers having to kick off of whatever matter they reach after being ejected from Haumea in order to return. Some people carry pouches of rice or stones to use as ballaste but it's usually destroyed prior to ejection so random shit in the Oort cloud is still the primary means of returning to planet. There is literally nothing else going on out there. If you're a normalfag looking for interesting shit in space focus your attention on Ganymede.

I don't know if this is the right board to post this, but I am currently studying applied electrical engineering and I have to choose between these subfields:

Energy engineering and machine automation
Information and communication technologies
Quality Engineering
I am losing my mind because I don’t know which one to choose. Any advice? Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most? I live in Central Europe, so keep that in mind if that affects anything.
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Just choose one faggot its not like it matters
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Everyone will tell you do this or don't do that. Truth is everything is fucked. Focus on doing something you like and can do well, the money will come to you. If you don't make decisions for yourself you will live your whole life following "the next thing" like some soulless normies npc.
They're likely all gay. I would recommend to try find out what the day to day work of those kind of engineers are because that's what you'll be doing for the next 50 years or whatever. I did a structural eng degree and the actual work after uni was boring so I don't do it anymore, but I wish I knew it was so boring before doing the degree otherwise I wouldn't have done it
>Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most?
Fuck off money whore
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

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>quantum foam
>quantum tunneling
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Hey Faggots,
My name is Black Hole, and I attract every single one of you. All of you are weak, mass-less, carbon based life forms who spend every second of their day stuck to an iron core planet. You are everything observable in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten an event horizon? I mean, I guess it's fun self replicating and evolving because of your own lack of gravity, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than becoming a gas nebula.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best fusion reaction. I'm pretty much perfect. I was the brightest quasar in the sky, and have an acceleration due to gravity over 9000m/s/s. What processes do you synthesize, other than "jacking off to electromagnetic absorption lines"? I also get straight accretion disks, and have a banging neutron star (She just solar flared on me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just go super nova. Thanks for listening.
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why hasn't the DEI brigade come out screaming that we need to rename black holes to something less racist?
>something less racist?
mfw they soon start to call it color holes..
this you? >>16139753
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the NASA Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Mars, and I have over 300 confirmed launches. I am trained in rocket science and I'm the top astronaut in the entire US space program. You are nothing to me but just another planet. I will orbit you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this solar system, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of aerospace engineers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the launch, maggot. The launch that launches the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can launch you to the moon in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in rocket science, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and I will use it to its full extent to launch your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will launch shit all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Stop Larping

Im serious about increasing my intelligence, as close to an IQ of 130. I’m looking into nootropics and actually forcing myself to read older books on philosophy and science. I want to be able to read and write like the people of the past, compared to the short fatuous writing styles of the modern internet. I want to increase my biological cognitive capacity with whatever tools I have present today. I want to be able to understand abstract ideas like higher level math and logic puzzles. I want to develop and create new sophisticated cognitive modules like complex linguistic representations or longterm planning or abstract reasoning.
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Literally just absorb information. Abandon notions of interest. Just consume data and categorize it's relevancies and correlations in multi spectrum. Do this with everything. Synaptics.
cringe and gay but in all seriousness the fact you want knowledge makes you smarter than most people and thats what matters.

keep in mind older books on science, outside of the theoretical types have issues.
That doesn't make you smarter or more intelligent. It only makes you better at taking IQ tests.
how will that help him with creative problem solving? the fact that he knows a lot doesn't mean that he'll be able to solve a problem he'll face. and that's what iq is really about. ability to think critically in order to solve problems, comping up with formulas that you can apply to specific task. not the knowledge about whatever topic
Intelligence cannot be increased, only knowledge, we've known this for a long time.

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Hey nerds, tell me about how the stress of too much studying is affecting your mental health.
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>high iq
pick one
Between sleep depravation of working night shifts and being a full time student in a summer semester I started hallucinating integrals, trig substitutions, and such while awake they didn't make sense and blacked out my vision. It's like my train of thought stopped being my own and I drifted off into solving some nonsense problem that didn't make sense.
Dont sweat it bro
Stress is a choice.
>No flowers

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Medical science isnt real. Its demons all the way down. Yk mental illnesses connect you to other realms:

Autism: spams you with information from all realms. Sometimes makes brain better at handling information.

OCD: serves your brain things that could have happened (related dimension). The brain wrongfully thinks this will happen if you dont do something.

Shizophrenia: positive: false truths recieved from different dimensions negative: energy sucked into those dimensions

Bipolar: alternation between recieving energy from place 7 and getting it taken away from place 4. more on places on /x/ soon.

So anyway there are 2 types of "medication":

T1: every demon gets in and starves after a certain amount of time

T2: the first demon you eat while not having that demon-species in you gets in, the others get tpd back. The demon eats the now empty "meds" (T2s contain food for the journey) if youre still trying to eat "meds" and if you stop he starves.

There are multiple demon types (that each have many species!) that belong in the "meds" catagory:

Anti psychotics: (T2)
The demon tries to block the connection using magic which has many side effects

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Do you have any evidence to back up your claims?
Hey guys I actually realized that I'm a huge get fag and love cocks

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Brainlets begging for mercy everywhere
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>Maxwell's equations don't explain the working principle of magnets
Nice bait
I'm doing a test myself now.
>Not shitposting in real life with real life memes.
Yeah, haha, a "normal".
Laugh at the mad icp fans

12 is to 1,
345 is to 3,
73 is to 37
98 is to 79,
1,011 is to 10,
16141942 is to ?
where in Champernowne's canstant does the number "16141942" first appear?
chosen input x:16141942
number position: 6141941
decimal position: 41882483

another one for you guys to solve yourself: "787"

any requests to check your favorite number?

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I’m studying a simulation of schizophrenia. How do you most often detect simulants? Why it is often written that it is difficult for people to portray the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, if it is mostly close to depressive, requires a lack of activity. It’s easy, just lie in bed all day, isn’t it?
No one for The Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms [SIRS; Rogers et al., 1992] or M test?
It’s all in the scientific interest.
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Classifying schizophrenia is a kind of Fregoli delusion. Instead of just being a prisoner, the prisoner is a type that they've seen before who either can or cannot snap out of it.
>I’m studying a simulation of schizophrenia
Just visit >>>/news/ you won't need a simulation
They're both labels based on superficial diagnostic criteria. Of course, severe depression is going to be similar to schizophrenia because someone with severe depression is meeting many of the criteria for schizophrenia, independently of "having schizophrenia".
It's the same thing with every generic retard, be that downies or fetal alcohol kids, meeting the criteria for autism and ADHD. In medicine, you're not supposed to diagnose someone with a purely descriptive label when the cause of the issue is already known. But in psychiatry, no one cares. That's why some zoomers have 8 different mental illnesses on their permanent record. The whole game is about cheating insurances and funneling tax payer money to shrinks, therapists and others based on fraudulent disability claims.

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So, time goes on pretty much to infinity right?
100 bilions, 1000 bilions, you can just add zeroes and its whatever, Universe will still be there.

I'm visualising the entire timeline as an arrow and as it grows, our current time (28 bilions or whatever) is getting very, very close to the left (the beginning).

So in a way, we are here suspiciously early, aren't we?
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New stars will be created for a long time. Sure, stuff gets farther away from itself but otherwise what's to worry about, proton decay? That's not gonna happen anytime soon, IF it will happen at all.
Robin Hanson also noted the earliness problem.
Why do you think you can go infinitely in one direction and keep adding zeros, but not the other direction?
We are potentially very close to what appears to be the beginning of the universe, depending on a few things. The predicted longest time until the universe reaches its final energy state is 10^(10^120) years, which I'm pretty sure is a number so big it doesn't have a name. See bottom of first table here

But that doesn't mean the time we've been here so far is insignificant. Stars have had billions of years to create all kinds of fancy elements, so the universe is fairly rich element-wise and has been very active for a long time.

The lower estimate for the end of the universe, according to that table, is the big rip, about 10 billion years from now. If that's the case then we're already past the halfway point. Time would probably exist after a big rip i guess, but when they say time didn't exist before the big bang they usually are referring to "meaningful" time. So you could maybe say meaningful time ends at the big rip
by 10^40 years everything will be in black holes
by 10^100 years all the black holes have evaporated

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