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>However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.


RIP Vaxxies

We tried to warn you.
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you highlighted the wrong line
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He's just saying it's a dogshit journal. So yes, it's especially susceptible to everything you're describing. Journals like cureus will publish anything that resembles an appropriate paper if you pay them and it fits their agendas (whatever they might be).

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Could someone explain to me how the second choice isn't the correct one?
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>supposed great minds arguing while none them notice the opposition interpreted the question differently
The actual answer to the question is: "The next ball you pick is more likely to be green than in the last pull and the next ball is equally likely to be either colour".
>Funnily enough I guarantee you I've learned more math (masters) and linguistics (bachelor's) than you.
Yeah? You can guarantee that you're the only person in the world to obtain either a master's in mathematics or a bachelor's in linguistics? And a fat load of good they did you, too.

The problem is exactly Bertrand's Box except instead of two balls per box there are 100. If you can answer Bertrand's Box correctly, then you wouldn't be ranting about "brain-damaged" "schizophrenics" with "magic urns" now because both the question and the answer are the same.

I've corrected people on their misunderstanding several times now. The problem seems to be that none of them is willing to acknowledge it. Seems one side is capable of seeing the problem from multiple angles whereas the other stubbornly clings to a flawed interpretation.
Anyway, that's not the answer to the question. The next pull is not -necessarily- more likely to be green, in the <1% of cases where we got the all-red urn. That is why this interpretation makes no sense for a multiple choice question. The answer would then be "it's A except sometimes when it's C". Also, the part about either colour being equally likely is plain wrong. It has been pretty conclusively shown that red is twice as likely as green.
>My analysis works perfectly fine with Bertrand's box btw.
"Ah yes, I drew a gold ball, that means silver is now more likely" deranged
>The problem is exactly Bertrand's Box except instead of two balls per box there are 100.
*with the number of boxes adjusted to accommodate for every possible combination, of course.
You pick a box. There are x gold coins and y silver coins.
You draw a gold coin with probability x/(x+y).
The second draw probability to be a gold is (x-1)/(x-1+y).
Either y = 0 in which case you're guaranteed to draw a second gold coin... Or y = 1 and x = 1 such that the probability to draw the silver coin is 100%, which is more than 50%.
Everything works as expected.

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Is bromine the weirdest element?

>the only non-metallic element that is liquid in room temperature and pressure
>puts off tons of scary looking vapor
three properties?

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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>>deer everywhere
Deer don't manage their own populations, they will just over breed and start wandering into the city leading all the predators there too.

>>OH NO there's bovines standing on that field, how am I gonna fill my belly, I'm gonna starve noooo
Are you dumb, they are going to eat the bovine just like they would have eaten the deer, so they won't have to wander into town chasing deer or looking for human food.
>hey goy, eat the bugs
>whaaatt!!?!?! chickens are eating bugs!?!?!
>noooooo!!! chickens can't eat bugs!!!!! thats like racist and stuff or something!!!
>muh social conscience!!!
>muh social conscience mufffugguh!!
>muh smug sense of superiority that i conjured as a coping mechanism because i have nothing genuine or tangible to base my self worth on!!!!
When deer get overpopulated they'll end up eating all the crops that vegans depend on and the farmer will have to start shooting all the deer to assure that the selfish greedy vegans don't starve to death
How do vegans respond?
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Is it possible to scientifically quantify the value of art by a standard other than the financial value of the artwork?
Quantification of art is a fool's errand. Its value comes from a lot of eclectic places, not unnotably 'how much you like it'.
Are you a baby who needs all the art in the world to tell you about how indomitable le human spirit is?
Art changes us, and we change the world. There's your quantification. Pic related
how much is that statue worth?

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How does science explain the fact that from all of the species only mammals can smile or show facial expressions
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Mammals are the only ones with complex enough muscles in the lips. There’s only like one or two reptiles capable of moving their lips to expose their teeth
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>only mammals can smile or show facial expressions
biased observation: we don't know that for sure. Just because we can't detect or see them that doesn't imply other animals do not notice and communicate with micro-expressions.
>biased observation
thanks anon this is the only sensus observation from this thread for wich i waited 24 hours long
The future liberals want.

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they are not rigorous and dilute fields with nonsense that becomes orthodoxy if there is a critical mass of such people.
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what'd i miss?

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what will YOU do to fix this /sci/
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>irreééevant youtubers
yeah the people blocking streets are all just because of youtube, you got it champ
death to both israel and palestine faggot
lmao same fag in the youtube comments.
filthy fucking jew rat. you dont want a homeland because your a filthy parastie i genuinely wish death on you all
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>settler colonialism isn't exactly a very Jewish thing
How come jews were kicked out of 109 countries if they weren't trying to settle in foreigners homelands?
plz stop noticing, goy

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Does fine tuning imply multiverses with different physics?
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>1 in 10^120
>… or physical constants can vary in some sense (multiverse, alternate laws in different regions, on large timescales etc etc)
The second option is just more probable than winning the cosmic lottery with 1 single draw.
Depends on your definition of a multiverse. If every other universe is "identical" to ours then no, all physics would still be the same. However, if every universe is "all encompassing" then yes, there will be "infinite" universes in which there will be an "infinite" amount of different variations of physics.
The existence of simulators/creators still begs for explanations. You need special pleading to ignore that. Boltzmann brains are formed randomly so there's still a question of "Why this? And why does it persist?" And you're back to some version of anthropic principle again.
Why? If this universe was not 'fine-tuned' then you wouldn't be making this post. But here we are, so it must be.
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I am not against vaccines in general, but after covid I started to question a lot things going on in the "scientific community".
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or the ruse of chronic inflamatory diseases, which are mostly declared as :
>autoimmune disease
Which is like "Dark matter" of medicine.

the studies that look at incidence of autoimunity, do not count the "diagnosis term or ICD-10 code", but also the clinical manifestation which in the past had different diagnosis but the same symptoms.


Could it be because we "interfere with immunity" with substances that agitate the immunesystem?

"net % increased /year incidence and prevalence of autoimmune diseases worldwide were 19.1±43.1 and 12.5±7.9, respectively. Rheumatic, endocrinological, gastrointestinal and neurological autoimmune diseases revealed the following annual % increases per year: 7.1, 6.3, 6.2, and 3.7, respectively. In all of these, differences between old vs new frequencies were highly significant (p < 0.0001). Comparing various autoimmune diseases, celiac disease increased the most and the highest increase in incidence, comparing old to new surveys is allocated to myasthenia gravis. Despite considerable variations between the countries, celiac, type 1 diabetes and myasthenia gravis frequencies increased the most in Canada, Israel and Denmark, respectively. Frequencies of the autoimmune diseases increased significantly in the West and North when compared to East and South, respectively."
And apparently it's now totally normal that children have "rheumatic athritis" with 0-14 years.
>Usefulness is determined when measles outbreaks happen in the US and are concerned in vaccine denialist communities.

>vaccination rate over 90%
>rash never diagnosed as measles
>cannot be measles because vaccination gives immunity, right?
>what an effective vaccine
>vaccination rate drops below 90%
>general practitioners are instructed to run diagnostic tests for measles whenever someone has a rash
>but only for the unvaccinated because vaccinated cannot get measles, right?
>positive cases necessarily appear
>vaccination campaign begins
>people go and get vaccinated
>vaccinated with a rash don't get tested because it can't be measles if they're vaccinated, right?
>fewer tests = fewer cases
>outbreak is gone
>what an effective vaccine
Thats an extremely plausible scenario
That is exactly how its done...
OK, thanks for the link

What's the purpose of taking the supremum of the infimum here in equation A1.5? This is apparently supposed to extend arithmetic to infinite decimals.

(D is the set of finite decimals)
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Maybe let be me more direct in what I'm thinking of.

Let m be an integer. Let a be a sequence such that [math]|a_i - a_j| < 10^{-m}[/math] for all i,j. Let b be the sequence defined by [math]b_i = \inf_{j \geq i} a_j[/math]. Let [math]a_n[/math] be an arbitrarily chosen member of the sequence a. You should be able to show:

[math]a_n - 10^{-m} < a_i < a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] for all i
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq b_i \leq a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] for all i
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq \sup \{b_i\} \leq a_n + 10^{-m}[/math]
>Let a be a sequence
I should have specified:
*Let a be a sequence of finite decimals
in fact for the second one we can (and may as well) show the stronger
[math]a_n - 10^{-m} \leq b_i < a_n + 10^{-m}[/math] for all i
The first one follows naturally from |a_i - a_n| < 10^-m as this means (by definition) -10^-m < a_i - a_n < 10^-m, so we have, for fixed n that: a_n - 10^-m < a_i < a_n + 10^-m.

The second one comes as follows: we assert that b_i <= a_j for any integer n, there exists an element a_l such that b_i > a_l - 10^-n, but also a_j - a_l < 10^-m, so b_i > a_j - 10^-m - 10^-n for any n, j so b_i >= a_j - 10^-m. I'm not sure how to prove the other side of the inequality or the last statement.

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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>People have been drinking coffee for a long time. My guess is it's fine. Not getting enough sleep is really unhealthy, thoughever.
People have been not drinking coffee for an even longer time. Caffeine has only been a part of the western diet for the past 500 years
i think he means steak with just carnivore stuff
eg just butter and no vegetables or any spice
Steak is excellent with just a little salt on it, even without the salt its still fantastic
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Look at this shit. How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so? Or a Wikipedia article saying something is true because Salon said it’s true and Salon said it’s true because Wikipedia said it’s true? (Someone initiated the circular reference and then it becomes self-perpetuating)

Science is in salvageable and scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are. They also believe they’re at the end of history at any given moment, again because of midwitism. This allows them to justify any atrocity, and never consider any evidence outside their established narrative.
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worst thread on the catalogue
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but u will still NEVER be a woman, sorry my man
you only say that because you're an easily triggered crybaby.
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Ooooooooooooooo faghite

How many IQ points did the overall population lose in the past few years?
Nowadays I whenever I find myself in an argument, it’s like I’ll have to constantly correct people for the most basic shit ever, because they cannot help but fill their arguments with silly middle school tier logical fallacies.
This applies to literally everything, from politics all the way to football.
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(greentext function) You outdid yourself, you managed to post something even dumber.
ha ha no you
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Everything going on as planned. The ape men will become once again nothing but beasts of burden.
but not you, you are special and different innit
Why do you have the need to get the last word like a woman?
Recently had conversations with a 50 y.o. Chinese woman who has lived in the US for 30 years who got a 4 year degree 20 years ago from US university.
>I had to translate/ define the words 'chaos' and 'botany'.
> Had to show her who Salvatore Dali was, she never heard of him.
> Had to play barber of Seville for her, she had never heard it before.

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What's the optimal diet for a difficult semester full of math and physics? I notice that certain food combinations like yogurt and kiwi make me so much more productive but sneed oils do the opposite. Is there a perfect /sci/ diet?
Imagine a mental disorder characterized by prioritizing theory over verifying/falsifying with direct observation. That is you.
Yes, this the most scientific and comprehensive diet ever conceived in the history of humanity. Watch the whole lecture(all the three parts) to grasp the fundamentals and then proceed with the books and other appearances. Warning, you will experience extreme cognitive dissonance.
bump so I can check later
Shut up shitface

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