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I'm going camping and looking for some good recipes that pack nicely and require minimal cooler space. and also taste good. I will have access to a wood stove and a small gas burner

breakfast recipes:
>oatmeal with, water, salt, dehydrated berries/foraged berries, peanut butter and chocolate chips (unsweetened)

Lunch or supper recipes:
>canned mackarel/foraged fish with herbs, orzo (pasta), and spinach
>beans or pea soup and turkey sausage

>fruits, nuts, and chips

and thats it. im kind of drawing blanks after that
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Seriously no one calls backpacking "camping." That just isn't a thing. Is it some weird /out/ delineation you guys have invented and is only internally meaningful? You go cannoning or rafting. That can involve camping. You go backpacking and that can include camping. You go on a rock climbing trip or a hunting trip and that can include camping. But if you're "going camping," you're driving to a place and pitching some tents, or at most walking a mile in. That's what you mean when you say you're going "camping," because the camping is the activity itself.
Bro the original post >>2729653 was asking if OP was backpacking (and presumably camping) at the spot he planned to camp, as opposed to camping from out of his car at drive-in ground.
What the hell do you call camping that doesn't fit your criteria of "driving to a place and pitching some tents, or at most walking a mile in"? Your own definition doesn't even fit the other examples you provided of going canoeing, rafting, hunting, etc.
Have you seriously never heard of car camping? Yes, some people mean car camping when they saying camping, but that's because it's a vague blanket statement that covers all types of camping, from primitive/wilderness/backcountry to glamping.
Idk what you're talking. Backpacking in an /out/ context (across the entire community, not just on 4chan) is a form of camping where you take your shit with you in a backpack. That's all.
Maybe you're confusing it with thruhiking where you have a multiday hiking trip? Thruhikes almost inherently require backpacking, but there are times when you can stop in towns along the trail and get a motel and a hot meal, which isnt really camping. And similarly there are backpacking scenarios where you hoof it to a camping spot that you stay at for a week and then hoof it back.
Or maybe you're conflating it with travel backpacking, like where you carry a change of clothes and a passport while hopping trains across Europe.
why the fuck is Pemmican bad? selfmade Pemmikan and selfmade Beef Jerky are godlike for /out
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Picrel, and you can get a lot of single serve stuff in plastic or sealed foil packs that are a little heavy but on short trips is whatevs, like tamales, also pickled eggs, single serve packets of pickled jalapeños…no refrigeration necessary and they can add a little substance to what might otherwise be trail slop

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It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage: https://youtu.be/ji4At78H5Ys
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>Looking forward to some time in Yosemite
Have you been there before? If yes, how busy is it and do you have to wait to climb or is there enough climbs that you don't have to if you hike further?
Yes, it’s busy enough but I haven’t done many routes there. I’ve done more in Tuolumne than in the valley. Just go and get on shit who gives a fuck if you get skunked or not. Sack up and simul those pitches or wait.

Also there’s plenty of climbs
Awesome man. Which cave is that? Sounds like hard climbing.

>first real deal big wall
Hell yeah. A dream very few will ever achieve... big walling still feels out-of-reach for me.

>summer plans
I'm hoping to do Exum Ridge with my brother. I'll have to get in better shape first just to keep up with the hiking. Also eyeing a guided ascent on Elephant's Perch.
It's not really a technical climb, but have any of you guys done Huntington Ravine? I wanna do it this summer but I'm not sure it's a good idea to do it solo and I'd also like to work on my 48.
I haven't done the trail. From your link and from the summitpost page it looks like it would be very safe in good weather.

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We had a thread last fall about a guy who wanted to overwinter in the Ozark national forest.

He was asking about places to camp and if he could drive from there to a job.

It is now at the end of spring and an update is needed.

Did you actually try it, if so how did it go?
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Bump to the top.

You still alive Anon?
It's me, im that anon.
I died in the Ozark national forest from getting fucked in the ass by three extremely well hung black bvlls. I'm such a faggot it's unreal.
are there any better views than that one? I mean, that's nice and all, but surely somewhere lets you see further off into the distance.
but the composition tho
Ha ha ha ha haaaaa! He did say somethign like that!

Did you know that some tractor owners fill their tires with water or other fluids?
Filling tractor tires with water is a common practice in agriculture and certain industrial applications, serving various purposes.
This practice is prevalent in agricultural tractors used for tasks like plowing, planting, and harvesting, as well as in industrial tractors involved in material handling, construction, and other heavy-duty operations.

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Because they suck. They're noisy, uncomfortable, expensive and generally inferior to a regular tire in all aspects except for being un-deflatable.
Pretty much the only scenario where these tires are useful is in combat situations where you can't afford a flat tire, which is why some humvees have them.
Depends on how much weight you need, but typically you fill them as full as you can, which means up to the level of the valvestem when you've got the valve stem at top dead center on the wheel.

My International has about 1600 lbs of calcium cloride solution in each of the two rear wheels.
explain in what way it is gay
>combat situations, humvee
see, they're based

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When does a walk through the woods become a "hike"? I had this conversation with my friend and he was convinced a hike had to involve a mountain or at least a very hilly climb OR take multiple days to complete.
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>When does a walk through the woods become a "hike"?
it's the same thing, anon. but calling it a walk through the woods doesn't convey to other people that you're an avid /out/doorsman, so they call it hiking, trekking or backpacking
>a walk through the woods
You always take me to such nice places.

When you walk long and far enough that you need to be prepared with water and maybe food. Day hikes are a thing.
Hikes involve nature and rugged terrain. Walks involve pavement and city noise. A walk can be 2 hours, and a hike can be 20 minutes. It's the environment that makes the difference.

You have been abducted by aliens and they are telling You that you are going to be dropped onto an uninhabited planet with an Earthlike atmosphere and and an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.

they have given you a set of thrirteen empty boxes whose interiors is 1 foot tall 2 feet wide and 8 feet long, you may request anything you want for on the planet and you have a weight limit of 35 pounds each (not including the box itself) you will not be leaving the planet, no rescue is coming

One box will come with you the other 12 will arrive in six month intervals

What do you pack?
How do you pack it?
Which do you take with you initially?
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In that case, I want my cargo container to be filled with a fuckton of frozen human embryos, a fully equipped in vitro lab, an ob-gyn clinic, and as many drugged sleeping fertile cute girls that can be inhumanely stacked inside.

I'll change my boxes 8-13 to have more colony-building supplies, livestock, seeds, equipment, etc. to increase chances of survival

>i am NOT coexisting with any damn spaceniggers
Hear hear. Humanity will outbreed the xeno scum

P.S. I'll replace box 3 with a cute girl that suits my preferences. For the sake of my sanity, didnt think of the timescale of the whole operation spending years without human contact will suck. Bump the box of books down the queue. Send her in with reversible contraceptive implants so we can fuck all we want while we're busy setting things up. Then I'll put babies in her once the population bomb kicks off.
Same as this guy
minus the meds
plus a laptop and solar panel
and a pair of well fitted clogs
Same as this guy but add an extra thick hunters blanket
Chickens, basic hand tools, and a .22 rifle in the first load. Rest of the shipments will be 35lbs of .22 ammo and fucking air I guess.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2725600
Spring is in full swing! Stagger your bush bean plantings to get continuous harvests.
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and pumpkins, theyre getting nibbled on
Do me a favor and replicate my test by spreading cayenne pepper everywhere around them. I am not getting the pepper on the leaves, only the soil.
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Cantaloupe and watermelon
okay will do

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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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Well I took it apart. Cameras were used and all in working order, like new other than a little battery terminal corrosion which appears to not have done any damage, nor did it cause any issues for the months I was using them. Appears the mechanism for moving the filter (pink/blue to the naked eye) can move but something is preventing the mechanism from moving the post that flick the filter out of the way (probably a broken plastic gear or something). The little filter can be moved rather easily and the little post that moves can move rather smoothly. I didn't see the filter move when NV was attempting to turn on though, which means I probably have to pull it apart further and see what's broke. At the sizes those gears would be, I have little hope to repair and shape teeth so I'm hoping it's a motor shaft -> gear attachment issue. The only thing I noted was a small ~2mmx3mm piece of dried grass when removing the filter slide which I may have introduced after disassembly. I removed the slide that filter was on but didn't go any further.
>but I'm guessing the clicking you're hearing is the aperture opening and closing.
There is no aperture in a cheap digital cam like this; think of it as nothing more than a webcam with a computer attached to save pictures & video. Exposure is done digitally. The only difference is a little mechanism to slide that IR filter on and off so your daytime pics don't look pink. The filter used in a cheap action cam is shown in this video; in trailcams this filter is slid out of the way at night time with a special mechanism. https://youtu.be/nppnme-9ZOA?t=689
(cont. maybe with pics)
>If it died during a frost, I'm guessing it wasn't completely waterproof, some moisture got in there and froze.
The "NV stopped working lol" problem seems to plague cheaper NV cams in winter but I haven't read reviews for a couple years so maybe it's finally solved. While I camo painted the ones I got used I think I might hold off painting new ones I buy from Walmart, etc. to still have the ability to exchange them should they up and die (1-2yr warranties offered for like $3). It may also just be the cold; IIRC I've heard people mention that their cams never worked out of the box which makes me wonder if the small parts just crack in the cold, whether from shrinking on a metal motor shaft or just being brittle and cracking while moving. It's fully possible that the cameras could've been exposed to below freezing temps in shipping or storage before ever being used, which would possibly point towards the shrink and crack theory. I haven't heard anything rattling in the cameras but who knows; it could just detached from the motor shaft. Parts could just get warped out of place or in a position to jam it up for all I know. Camera lens gears are delicate, cheap ones especially.
>none of mine have failed(knock on wood...)
From my experiences, I wouldn't leave your nicer ones out in the cold. But then again, if you spend above $100 maybe they actually don't die in the snow lol. My cameras work fine in day but it's really the night time I'm interested in! Either way, whatever; it lets me know when game comes through an area at the times I'd actually be awake and ready to hunt. That's all they really need to do. Them being so cheap is a bit of an anti-theft mechanism in itself. Painted. Carved. Cheap AND outdated. Fucked up night vision. You'd get like $0.50 for it at a pawn shop, lol. The mount, if I use one, would be worth more. The straps I use are worth more ($3-4/ea) and they're also painted lol.
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So here it is without a case. For size reference, the screws are the ones you'd expect in any cheap piece of electronic junk, like the one holding the case of a dollar store calculator together. The LEDs are the size you'd expect them to be; no bigger or smaller, whatever the most common size is. The filter is over the lens but hard to see at this angle/with this lighting.
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IR filter moved out of the way as it should when filming NV and the top cover for the camera mechanism upside-down showing its tracks (?).
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Filter removed. No clue what's going on, I'd have to dig in further and I'm wondering whether it's really worth it.

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how did i get here
i didn't mean to open this board, i didn't even click anything
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nu /out/
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>he took 815 pictures in 3 hours
Based caveman.

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I'm a beginner tanner, I've been practicing by tanning a few hides, never seen this before though. I noticed the skin is striped? This was a wild black tailed jackrabbit caught in the West Coast USA. Is this normal?? I researched it to death, and I can't find anything about what can cause striped skin in a jackrabbit. It was a healthy looking rabbit, very responsive, no lethargy or anything like that, just wondering if this is normal or some sort of disease?
This is pretty normal anon AFAIK. Rabbits have really really really thin skin, almost as thin as a bird's, and that means you can see the coloration of the skin through the interior. If you ever had a multi-colored dog with spots and parted its fur in different locations, you'd see that some spots are pink while others are black. That's what you're seeing here. Sometimes that matches with the coloration/pattern of the fur, sometimes it doesn't. Don't worry about it; completely normal.
I'm afraid that this is a classic case of rabbit AIDS. Please go get tested anon.

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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Is it worth trying to score 2oz tins on cigarbid just to try something new if I can get them for 5-ish dollars/oz, or am I going to get killed on shipping so badly I'd be better off trying to meet the $95 threshold on 4noggins?
Gm gentelman, what blends pair well with churchwardens?
Where are you? 4n shipping is expensive for Canadians. This would be ok if we could still get packages past customs but those days are over for now. Misslabeled stuff is getting seized and anything labeled correctly is getting duties applied. Better for me IMO to opt for cheap shipping and predictable duties.
If you want an aromatic, Peter Stokkebeyes Nougat is what the cast of LOTR smoked on set. I picked some up from a local shop not too long ago, pretty good and I don't like aromatics much. Personally I always liked Plum Pudding out of my long stem clay tavern pipe. picrel is not a churchwarden though anon
Salt Lake City, UT. There's tobacconists here and there but their pipe tobacco stock is hardly anything remarkable, at my usual brick and mortar almost all their pipe tobacco is taken up by pouches of Sutliffe bulk blends. Sometimes Seattle Pipe Club makes an appearance on the shelves, but I don't think I've ever seen Sneederson (formerly Chuckville) anything.

Just for the hell of it, I went ahead and bought 10 tins at the following auction rates:
>CAO Moontrance 2oz, $9.50
>Captain Black Regular 1.5oz, $1
>Escudo Navy Deluxe 1.75oz, $10.50
>Hearth & Home Cerberus 1.75oz, $9
>Hearth & Home White Knight 1.75oz, $16 (possibly because I hit Bid instead of Max Bid, oops)
>Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman 1.5oz $4
>Sneederson Early Morning 1.5oz, $5.50
>Sneederson My Mixture 965 1.5oz, $7
>Sneederson Royal Yacht 1.75oz, $6
>SPC Plum Pudding 1.75oz, $9.50
>Base shipping for first tin of pipe tobacco, $6

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trees love CO2
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HOWLOW?,,,comeon you SSSLUT!,spititout!,
,,,,,whyou wanto kill everything?,howevil are YOU!?,
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,thatwat is justrying to do ITS job.,
,,,mouthole is Trying to geta REAL job.,
,,,,,butstill wheres the #s?
That is a horse!!
I've been working on a hypothesis that "climate change" is mostly because we fucked up our water table, drainage, water cycle, ect. Basically, we removed water from the land masses and changed how water moves through those masses when reintroduced through weather or irrigation. The observed real world effects of climate change line up with this far better than a CO2 model. Do you have any evidence or papers about draining the wetlands and climate change? I've never heard anyone but myself but this idea forward and I would love to see what you have on the subject.

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Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
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The sprinkler is battery powered. If you can get a reservoir of water and a battery powered pump over there then you'll be good to go.
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like >>2727981 said, xylitol is your answer
i don't wanna kill things, but when shits a problem, it should be solved
I bought a home with a creek last spring. In the summer the mosquitoes were awful. It was one of the hottest summers on record so I figured it was a fluke but this year already walking outside I am bombarded with mosquitoes.
The creek is about 150 feet from the house and it is fed by a reservoir at the school where they release the excess into it whenever it gets too full, so the creek usually is just a bunch of standing water. We had two really heavy rains that caused it to overflow a lot but now it’s all just standing pools in there and now we swat off a mosquito per minute when outside and they are sneaking into the house and getting us at night even.
Am I fucked or is there anything I can do?
It got so bad last year that to go out after dark I had to wear my bee suit. I had walked out without it at first and was swarmed like literally 50 biting me in a span of a minute and now they’ve detected mosquitoes here with zika or west nile or one of those. Dunks don’t do enough and I don’t even know how to fog that much i’d need a fog truck. it’s 6 acres with the creek right through the center and lots of trees and vegetation.
also they evolved and there are the biggest mosquitoes i’ve ever seen. we had the zebra ones but these ones can feed THROUGH clothing.
Drink a bunch of vinegar and they'll stop biting you. Make switchel and drink it constantly and you'll never be bit again. You can also try keeping ducks or ibis and encouraging dragonflies to breed near you.
There are several things you can do.
One is revegitate, certain shallow rooting plants will just drink all the surface water, they're known pond destroyers.

But this might have a significant impact on the volume of water in the creek.

Another option is to try and boost the number of animals that eat mosquito larvae. Some native fish might pond hop, there are frogs etc.

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Herb ID please?
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It is definitely a mint. Probably oregano but some other mints can also look like that. That's where the smell matters.

Alot of mints can have an oregano-esque smell though. Some monarda's like Dotted Horse Mint can smell like oregano/basil but looks nothing like that. Basil looks alot like oregano to me.
Google says oregano, but to me it looks like a spicy globe basil I used to have.
That's definitely mint family. But it doesn't look like spearmint or peppermint. Maybe sweet mint? Looks kinda fuzzy like marjoram, but I'm guessing it's bigger than that? At least it looks like it. Doesn't smell sagey right?
Honestly it looks like basil, but not shiny.
thai basil or oregano

wild animal feeding thread, here’s me feeding a deer
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you sound like someone with a really fun life
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Feedumbirds,,,,we all doit.
what is that
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kitfox,,,named Foxy,,,,although i cantell the 2 apart?

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