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You guys do mushroom and plant foraging/identifying?

You ever find anything cool or rare? I found these Datura plants recently and dug them up. Anyone ever found one of those plants that eat insects?
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brick cap / Hypholoma lateritium
looks like Suillus spraguei / west coast synonym so long as it's got yellow pores

the brick caps are A+ edible and easily tissue cultured/cultivated on logs/sawdust

I've eaten alot of everything in the genus Suillus, butterball (S. weaverae) and chicken fat boletes (S. americana) are all I really bother with anymore - entire genus is mycorrhizal with pines, damn near the entire genus can be found beneath Eastern white pine (pinus strobus) in the northeast
>Hypholoma lateritium
>Suillus spraguei
Thank you, I will mark this in my notes,and hopefully they return this year,so I can verify.Very helpful.
I saw a pitcher plant recently. It was either in a creek or an overgrown swampy area next to a river.
I see Muscaria Aminitas all the time in the national park.
Which national park, silly willy?

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What is the tried and true bivy. Light/durable/inexpensive etc
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No, thats not what I said. Thats what your retarded brain managed to put together. I said: there is a fundamental difference between something meant to keep your dry, and something waterproof. Something thats waterproof will generally keep you dry, but only as far as condensation/sweat is allowed to air.
>I never said “there's a difference between something thats meant to keep your dry, and something thats waterproof.”
>I said “there is a fundamental difference between something meant to keep your dry, and something waterproof.”
Ok Anon, you win. Things that are meant to keep you dry aren’t the same as things that are waterproof, and items made from waterproof materials (like bivies) aren’t designed to keep you dry.

Also, you’re absolutely right about bivies. Whatever you say.
Yeah, resort to absurdum by making up one quote and then quote me next, be surprised when they magically contradict each other. Nice trick redditape.
>making up a quote
>literal copy and paste
You’re right though. Waterproof things aren’t designed to keep you dry. It’s ridiculous to think so.
My cousin drowned because he got on a boat. We all told him the water would just pass right through the hull, but he insisted it was waterproof. Such a shame.

If any of you ever went there / live there I'd love to hear your input.

Obviously I'll have to visit it for myself, but I'm curious. Is it all just hipster marketing or is it really the /out/ paradise?
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>they are incredibly inaccessible
It's one of the most accessable wildernesses on earth because you can use a boat.
this, unless also you have a trade.
>live there I'd love to hear your input.
I've got a mate living in Terrace. He's originally from the UK, came to NZ, and wound up in BC. Says it's basically like NZ on steroids, and fucking loves every minute of it. He's been there 10 years at least now.
I agree with his opinion from my brief time there, but that was only a month, and I was on the Ottawa river.
He's into whitewater, mountain biking, and I assume skiing or boarding now. He was pretty world class when we were boating together, but I think we've both toned it down since having kids.
Holy shit, said kid just texted me. - obviously the wrong number "friend just gave me $5 to put Deep Heat on my nuts and it hurts like fuk".
Just another moment of proud parenting.
Have a laugh at this anyway, some of my local runs in here:
(was looking for Terrace but got distracted) https://youtu.be/z_jzMwwWy2g?si=LstQlh5fCbfiW4gq
Terrace is based for backcountry ski touring/splitboarding.
A boat gets you to the coast. It does not get you through the insanely dense brush in the coastal rain forests.

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You do use one of these, right anon?
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>right anon?
you sound like a massive faggot
Yeah I do bitch! What the fuck are you gon do about it?!
No, I do not hit the Garmin vape. Sorry anon
I live in a small european country with mobile phone coverage almost everywhere
Yeah, but you can't send messages. Garmin has preset messages which are free or charges 50 cents for a custom one. If my car broke down or something I'd rather just text a friend or family member for help. Nice to be able to let people know if you'll be late as well.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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When will the Chinese make alpaca wool socks? I want some. Bought a 4 pack of 80% merino wool socks from Ali and they're great
REI never had the best prices, but had the best return policy. Lifetime. Not anymore, though, because faggots returned worn out shoes and shit like that. One year now. No reason to shop there, except for maybe the scratch and dent and closeouts.
The bivvy is pure theater, as well. Like a paper bag. Even their packable first aid kits are inferior, but often the only choices in some outdoor stores.
He responds to an incomplete sentence with an incomplete sentence.
He responds to a post from January in May

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Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
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Hope you are having luck with your morel hunt, Anonymous
Hey, anon. Thanks for the tips. I haven't looked for morels yet, too busy fishing, but I'm going to very soon, maybe tomorrow. If you wanted to talk further, hit me up at dvdriessen@protonmail.com.
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another bathroom mushroom
i've had a few grow since i last posted
this is the best looking one so far
i think its just so silly to see it there
hare's foot inkcap, Coprinopsis lagopus
saw this in a log

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Enjoying the breeze?
its making fire dangers

Every day I pray Denver burns to the ground.
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God does not answer prayers like this.

You must be praying to something else
Ok rabbi.

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McCandlessbros.. our response?
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>if you knew a loved one who had survived (U.S.) mental health facilities, you wouldnt even joke about this
>how do they feel about mixing drug addicts in with them now>
good, bad?
What does this have to do with McCandless again?
>Don't own a TV or trust people that watch it
>See yards as urban dead zones
>Don't worship cars
>Don't trust corporate food or water
>See followers of organized religion as ignorant hypocrites
>Believe wetlands and forests are more important than "Infrastructure"
>Don't worship money
>Don't care about status and dispose people covered in status symbols
>Don't slather yourself in artificial scent chemicals
>Don't succumb to group think
>See obvious logical fallacies in public education
>There just aren't enough houses bro
>Just give them money bro
dear god you're retarded if you believe this
Never mind that every time this has been tried it's failed completely... because they prioritize illegal immigrants over the locals.
Small cheap homes filled with the mentally ill, poor and drug addicted are called barrios. You have a very unrealistic view of the world.

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collected nearly 2 kg of "Chilean myrtle" berries and made jam with them, what do you think? gathered any berries lately?

pretty good haul considering i missed the blackberry picking week.
Nice. I live in Tennessee and my property has at least 50 acres of wild blackberry. The picking time isn't until the first of July or so here. Every year I pick as much as I can and make lots of jam with it and give it to friends and family.
Thou art more full of questions then a myrtle berry is full of mizzen sails
I'm in N. Florida. Dewberries were about a week ago. Blackberry is starting about now.

I prefer the Dewberries. I got about a gallon of them and have them in a primary fermentation to make wine with. I usually just do a dewberry jam but decided to do wine this year. I have about a gallon of wild mayhaws in the fridge too I might try to do jams with if I have enough.
>Uses plastic containers to mash berries
nice. I picked enough elderberries to try making wine for the first time. it came out nice but I should have let it ferment for longer. recently I've been collected more just for juicing

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Alright wtf are these zoomer talking about
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I still stand by the overwhelming majority of bear country visitors are male.
And a lot of the male attacks seem to be related to hunting or the bear feeling the need to defend itself.
Like when an elk hunter is up to his elbows in elk guts and a grizzly springs out of nowhere to attack him andclaim his kill.
From what I'm reading, women are more often victims of predatory bear attacks.
unsurprisingly, predatory bear attacks seem to be more fatal.
Technically yes. But in a sample size of 6. To have a 50/50 distribution of genders in a 60/40 distributed active population, that's comfortably within your bell curve.
>The gov. absolutely owes you safety (within reason- so safety from robbery or murder, but not from e.g. a twisted ankle or wild animals). Do you agree?
NTA, but in a perfect world I would agree with you, In reality I'd rather the government stayed the fuck out of that and let me handle it, because currently they aren't preventing me from being robbed or murdered. They're only preventing me from protecting myself from such an outcome, in California anyway, your mileage may vary in a not shit state.
Only comment in this thread that gets it.

You have to ask yourself, who spread this scaremongering about men to get us to this point?
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I don't believe that women are actually afraid of men to the point that they would pick a bear. I believe they are lying.
They are nearly all deeply frustrated with men and want to take it out on them in any way they can.
>see! I'd rather be alone with a bear than with any of you!
And then when we explain how retarded that is, they have to jump to rape to try and defend their position.
Notice how it's never murder, robbery or disfigurement. It's always rape. They can't stop thinking about rape.

>watch youtube noo
>whips out cheap chinese non full tang machete
>begins to baton green wet wood off a living tree
>chops down whole forest
>makes massive bonfire

No nigger! All you need is twigs! Gather a faggot and you're good to go.

If I see you with a bonfire I immediately skip your video.

The military solved the outdoor mess kit long ago. get one of these bad boyss in pic related with a canteen, cup/pot, range, and pouch. stick a spork in there and a ferro rod and steel keychain and its FUCKING PERFECT. the only problem with these is nobody buys them so theyre cheap

the military SOLVED this shit nigger wisen the fuck up. christ!
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That's because often those canteens are made to expand with the said contents if frozen. And the cup is there to boil water with anyways.
They all seem to be aluminium. Why no steel construction? I don't want alzheimers.
>I don't want alzheimers.
how is this myth still perpetuated
>for some reason there are a lot of these( the canteens) made in plastic.
>actual vietnam era ones were plastic
find them surplus thru the 80s
most plastic ones now recent production

>Why no steel construction?
>still needs a stand


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Anyone use these for camping?

I like the idea that you sleep off the ground and it sets up fast
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>Lada or an Accord
Off topic but these are some of the 2 most separate possible vehicles in their niche.
that anon covered the entire spread of vehiclies by choosing thoose brands.
doesnt matter what you drive, it will fall between accord and lada.
>air mattress
fucking brilliant
Yes anon is a true innovator
are you guys talking about like an elecrtic one ?

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If you wear boots, do you put your pant legs in them? If so, do you just put them on or do you use boot bands?
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I do use boot bands if i havent misplaced them but i use them pic related
so exactly how they're intended to be used?
Grooming standard differs unit to unit, atleast in my countrys military. Some wear them inside the boot, some put them slightly on top of the boot so that it covers the knot in the shoe lace. We stuffed the knot inside the boot and wore them like that.
Rule of thumb is neither the sock or the knot should be visible.
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>still dont know why army is so fixated on this
I think they stopped doing it not long ago, if not army then some other variation like marines or whatever
Just get spats, or learn to blouse your boot with your shoelace.
Personalty I prefer my boots unbloused. The blousing is counter productive for a hiker and just makes you look like a surplus store gimp

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I really really like the way Slingbags look, but I hear they are bad for hiking since they distribute the load unevenly. How retarded would I be to get one as a daypack for 6-8h hikes with around 2500 feet elevation, hiking in the alps?
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Got issued this. Worked pretty well. Wouldn’t add much to the outside besides your entrenching tool pouch.
I have a similar one to pic I got to carry my (reasonably heavy) camera.
Really bad move - the uneven weight distribution gets insanely uncomfortable in a short time.
It's convenient to get stuff out if I'm on my mtb because I can just swing it around and rummage about without taking it off.
I knew it wouldn't be good for long walks, but holy shit, I didn't realise just a couple of kilos could get so painful so quickly.
They're totally shit.
Even throwing a windbreaker, drink and small camera for an hour gets sore.
yeah I use one on short day hikes sometimes and i wouldn't use it for anything more than like 3-4lbs which is like a litre of water plus misc bullshit. it's strange because you'd think what you can carry on one shoulder would be 1/2 of what you can carry on two but that's not the case at all
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Also called a FANNY PACK.
it's usually just roomy enough for any 9mm pistol and a couple loaded magazines.
And a tube of chapstick and a pack of chewing gum.
Wear around your waist. Which sucks because unless it's insanely tight around your hips it will slide down constantly.
Ove gotten around that by running a strap through the little nail loop and ties around the top of my belly under the ribs Japanese style.
Otherwise around one shoulder resting on back or your chest belly area.
Anything heavier than a liter of water get a backpack.
Get a skinny normal backpack

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Had the best weekend traveling to different parks and camping out since last week now I have to go back to work tomorrow, anyone else get extremely depressed when they have to return back to reality?
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no, im retired for medical reasons
How does this work? Do you work through weekends?
yes. every time i come back from a trip i consider HEAVILY moving where i just was. its a miserable feeling.
>Do you work through weekends?
Yep, offshore. 8hrs on/off for a month at a time.

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