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Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
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I am one of the Iowafags
I think the cold, windy weather here in the last half of the week has stunted things, no idea what it's like over there. I will be in Chicago next weekend so I won't be going out until May
Went out trout fishing today and decided to check for some mushrooms since it’s about that time in western PA. All I found was this, what is it?
Some Trametes species, maybe Trametes gibbosa
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gyromitra korfii?
G. Korfii has been absorbed onto G. Gigas but yes.

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What is your favorite color of Azalea?
Have you seen any wildflowers of note this Spring so far?
I personally love a deep dark purple Azalea but I haven't found one in bloom so far. This is Cinnabar and it caught my eye from 20 feet away.
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Hey all, new fag here. Been a group camper for years but recently been going solo midweek or even on the weekend when no one is capable of going. My nights go as follows:
>drink 3-6 beers
>play music
>set up tent
>cook food
>go to sleep and watch videos
>panic at 3 am when a raccoon runs through the campsite.
>wake up slightly tired because I was waking up every 3/4 hours due to hearing random noises.

How do you beat the spooks? Inb4 anyone says “carry a gun” or “get a better sleep system” I do/have both that I bring solo camping.
Gear list:
>pillow, sleeping bag, wool blanket (cozy)
>kelty 85L pack
>woodsaw, axe, knife
>first aid kit

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>I NEED to be on my phone at all times to have fun
I'm not gate keeping shit
>combining drugs, alcohol and guns
You deserve to have a shitty time
This because speakerfags should KYS, but also to cure yourself of getting spooked. Get used to the sounds of nature instead of listening to fake shit all the time. Think about it. If you're not used to the normal sounds of nature, then how will you know the difference when something is really about to kill you?
The less likely there's anyone around to hear your music, the more likely you get shot if there is.
My son (about 4 at the time) and I were looking at stars when a skunk walked right up to us. My son jumped and screamed and the skunk casually walked away like it dgaf.

Any places you can go like picrel where there arent any bugs like tics or mosquitos?
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Just go in September
OP have you tried not being a faggot and ignoring the bugs?
Just go in the winter
no tics there, and even the slightest breeze will get rid of flying fuckers, something you get 1/4 of the time the rest is full storm.
avoid peak summer heat and you will be good, also there can be more bugs around if there is reindeer herding in the area at that time.
Desert a best biome. There are still bugs, but not many. And they are weak. I used to get huge welts from Indiana mosquitoes, but Arizona mosquitoes are small itch.
will not bother you
watch where you sit or put your hands
>weird little gnats that appear in your house for 2 weeks and then disappear
yeah fuck those guys
>giant crab spider running around the ceiling while you're watching TV

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What are some dumb things you've bought for /out/ or tried while /out/ that ended up working or at least preforming better than expected?
>example 1
I bought a whole bunch of medium duty shower stall liners at Costco for 50 cents each because I have a problem buying seemingly useless things on sale. Turns out they're a great substitute for when you don't quite need a tarp. I've used them to sleep on. I've used them for shelter. I've used them to cover wood. I've wrap myself in one as a ghetto poncho. They hardly take up any space and at least one edge already has rings to run string through.
>example 2
Might not exactly be dumb, but it sure preformed better than expected. I bought some mosquito mesh fabric that goes over your head for when the blood suckers are bad. However I noticed these things work great all the time. They help keep the sun out. They keep any cob webs out. Any gusts of dust get mostly blocked. Somehow it blocks a lot of the smoke from a fire I don't know how probably some witch craft. Small branches or brush wont slap you in the face. If you've ever been /out/ and felt like you have to keep wiping or swatting at your face these cure that.

What were your dumb ideas that worked out?
A woman
No, just because something can be done a way, doesn't mean it's not a dumb way to do it. Your basing your logic on a false premise.
why would you willingly pay more for something that can be done cheaper, albeit out of the ordinary?
I buy a 10 pack of condoms and carry all my gear internally.

If you don't do this and claim ultra light, you're literally just larping.
I used a 3L detergent bottle with a twist cap and tap nozzle fitted with a length of food grade hose as a hydropack.
It worked really well and I could drain out water from the tap for making stew, which can be difficult with those hydropacks with the sliding lock and a bit cumbersome to pour with the twist cap ones. It was also more rigid than those packs, which I am always worried will rip open and saturate my gear and leave me without potable water.
It did taste of detergent even after rinsing it about 4 times, and the hose did leak a few mL of water without me noticing so it needed a cork cap I think.
All up for the low cost of 1 recycled detergent bottle and a length of hose I would say it was a success.

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Sorry if this isn't the right board, I'm not sure, but I don't use many others and I feel like you guys can answer this best. I'm looking to buy a brand new mower for the first time tomorrow, can you guys help me out? I was looking at the Toro recycler line, but I'm hearing mixed reviews about it. I'm looking to keep it around 500 bucks but can go a little over that. My yard isnt that big, couple hundred square feet. I'm just looking for something reliable preferably with self drive for when my wife wants to mow. What mower do you use? Also, any tips for getting rid of milkweed? My yard is a little overgrown and at some point it creeped in. I get a lot of biodiversity in my yard though so that's cool, sometimes I get morels too. Sorry for rambling, just killing time until I can click post.
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pic related
>My yard isnt that big, couple hundred square feet.
Would seriously consider an electric mower. The batteries last long and they are quieter and easier to use
I agree unless you live near the woods and have a lot of sticks/pinecones or have let your yard get overgrown. Then it's an exercise in torture as you proceed to stop on every stick.
Sticks and pinecones definitely slow down the progress, but I still prefer it. Plus you can clear most of that away by dethatching your lawn.
Dude if your lawn is only a couple hundred square feet, don't waste your money on a brand new gas mower, you aren't even going to go through a full tank of fuel then that gas will sit in the carb and ruin it long before you even get through the break in period. You are better off getting a used one, or a reel mower, or an electric mower, which if you already have power tools you may have the batteries for that brands mower.

What other knots should you know?
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The reverse clinch knot is an easy must learn for all kinds of different fishing
>Most out situations you should use a taut-line never a truckers hitch. A truckers hitch is for securing loads a Taut Line is for creating in line tension using an adjustable knot. If you are securing a tent or tarp to an anchor the taut-line is better in almost every way.
Trucker's hitch is for pulling on shit harder, you can use it on anything. You can adjust tension and secure the line just as easily with it as with the taut line. The taught line can slide further easily and you can kinda leave it in place when not under tension but there's basically no scenario where taut line would do anything a trucker's hitch wouldn't, whilte the opposite is not true. There's not much reason to use it unless you're already used to it.
Does anyone know a good knot for creating a loop?
I need something for the purpose of securing a bunch of tent pegs together instead of having them rattle around a bag.
On the end of the rope - bowline. On the middle - alpine butterfly.

For tying rope around things you can just use the square knot/shoelace knot like a normal person instead. A trucker's hitch using the aforementioned alpine loop if you really need to crank it tight but that's probably not what you're looking for.
Tautline hitch works well for tying an adjustable loop around things that you can sinch down.

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Hedge trimmer, propane weed torch, or both?

Before anyone says "use a brush hog", it's on a steep slope. I don't think I can get a brush hog up there.
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I'm over here having a surprisingly difficult time getting blackberries to take on my property, which on paper would appear perfect for them.

And I'm always seeing jackasses whining about a glorious abundance of blackberries that they want to clear out.

I'd say at the bush/vine level, blackberries and dewberries are the most abundant species here. They basically dominate everything else. When it's all said and done I probably mow over acres and acres of them on firebreaks etc. in the course of a year. It probably goes something like this:
>1. Brambles
>2. Beauty Berry
>3. Dog Fennel (sort of a flower/weed I guess)
>4. Wild Grape
>5. Goldenrod (more of a flower/weed though I guess)
>6. Button Bush
>7. Privet
>8. various Vaccinium species
>9. Grounsel
>10. Winged Sumac

I've noticed with blackberries there are two main kinds here. On one of them the canes/shoots (or whatever) tend to arch up much higher and be thicker with a more dusty pale leaves. The other tends to grow denser, a bit lower, with sort of a red tinged dark-lime colored green leaf color. The former is much more common. The latter produces much better though.
My main problem weed is fucking Canadian Wood Nettle. I swear you could nuke my place and 3 days later the whole thing would be covered with wood nettle again.

My long term goal is to create a more or less self sustaining, native food forest. Planted quite a few PawPaws which are coming along, but that's going to take years before I see much fruit.

Got a lot of nice pre-existing Mayapple patches that start very strong in spring but before they fruit most of them get choked out by the damn wood nettle.

A few tiny canes of wild brambleberry here and there but it never seems to grow much. And my attempts to plant various cultivars of blackberry see little success. Must be something about the soil.

I did try a few raspberries last year that actually look like they're taking off this spring. I might end up going that route.
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Where I live, during about now to about fall is basically already a food forest. I mean it goes in this order- dewberry, mayhaw, blackberry, passion fruit, various blueberries (deer berry farkleberry etc.), mulberries, wild plum, crabapple, sugarberry, then maybe wild grape, then pecan, hickory, Chestnut acorn, then persimmon last.

Some of these though don't make enough to actually harvest. Like Red Mulberry and sugarberry are always sparse. The brambles, pecans, hickory, and wild grapes though are always loaded down more than you can ever pick/pickup though depending on the year. There are a ton of persimmons but good luck beating the deer and racoons once they hit the ground. But I've never actually found Mayapple. I've been looking for it for a long time, I do find gopher apple here and there though. I have a few paw paw trees but the only wild ones I ever find are the narrow leaf shrub paw paw. Asimina angustifolia I think. Here is a pic from last year.
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Also here is a pic from this evening of the wild blackberries coming in.

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>every survival bushcraft channel
>set up shelter
>eat some more
>go home
>thanx gaiz fur wotchin'
bonus round
>walk 10 feet away from the trail
>set up your camera
>go back and nonchalantly walk as if you just arrived
>run back to fetch your camera
>repeat for another hundred "cinematic" shots
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Stubb the hobo was the same way.

Why are all my favorite train hoppers dead?
same with "wilderness cooking" channels
>setup camera in scenic spot
>cook ingredience that have nothing todo with wilderness, infact are imported and bought from grocery store
>random clip of cat/dog/pet that also is clearly urban and domesticated
>splash some river water or use a rock or something
>the end
people that won't or can't go /out/ live vicariously through buying gear they'll never use and through watching survival bushcraft channels.
maybe 10% of /out/ists actually go out, if you go on and /out/ing twice a year and post pics here you're already in the cool kids club
I thought about making a youtube channel that was entirely first-person camping, but I don't think people would enjoy it since 90% of my time is spent standing around staring at trees and deeply inhaling that theraputic woods aroma
>I thought about making a youtube channel that was entirely first-person camping, but I don't think people would enjoy it since 90% of my time is spent standing around staring at trees and deeply inhaling that theraputic woods aroma
hell yeah i would watch that

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I don't go outdoors much but i have been lurking this board for a while,i went outdoors on my own for the first time today i even brought my cat along, i didn't even have the proper gear or shoes but i still had a lot of fun
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congrats m8
my grandpa often goes to the woods near his home to pick up branches to burn and his cat follows him around like a dog while climbing trees and playing around, it's incredibly cute
and yet most people can't even let their dog go 3 feet out the front door without it making a break for it great escape style
>I don't go outdoors much
you've already been more outside than most of us have been all year

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Are you going to watch?
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oh man looking at it closer there's things i missed, like I'll never get why people bring a tiny table, like i know why they bring it, but I've never been dissatisfied just using the ground or some rocks or a log.
but I really like his fire thingy, i need to make a little metal stand/grill part of my default gear.
they're so useful that I've actually stashed metal grills at most of my usual camping spots.
>I look at online retardation on purpose
>and that's somehow your fault
Hide the thread, turn off your screen, go outside. Child.
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>I must see what he said, I want to revel in his ban.
He mass replied and complained about anime iirc
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i saw it, justice was done.

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Does /out/ ever have those mancamp threads anymore?
It always seemed so comfy the idea of a bunch of us living in tiny houses in the woods .
Seems like now with starlink we could all have internet as well
Or would that ruin the whole idea?
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He’s not evil though. He was too good to his own people to be evil. Evil is Stalin, mao, and Polpot who abused their own people.
>got Germany into a war it couldn't win.
>literally a massive faggot
But they could have won if the other countries had not been so mean and went and did a bunch of shooting at the soldiers and stuff
pew pew pew
So war is good as long as you win?

I see we're dealing with a truly moral and ethical person here lmao
Why even bother trying to make this dumbass argument, you dumbass?

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> No car camping or overnight vehicle parking is allowed in pullouts, parking areas, picnic grounds, or any place other than a designated campground.
> All camp sites were booked as soon as they were put on sale
> All backcountry permits are only available to "lottery" winners

Is this the /out/ you guys speak of? Or is this Disney world?

In all seriousness, I know these are tourist destinations and they're just trying to keep scum like me out, but I have a truck camper and like a month off work (May, early June). I want to experience Yellowstone and the Cascades on a roadtrip from the Midwest. Do you all just give up on national park camping and camp in the surrounding areas then go in the park for the day? Can I count on doing a walk-up and asking for a backcountry permit and not being turned away? My original idea was to go without any reservations and split the time on my trip between car camping (no amenities needed) or tent camping in wherever I ended up, but now I see it could possibly lead to a shitty time without planning. What do you guys do if you're making a trip, plan ahead with the permits and pre-selected destinations or just wing it and do things that don't require permits? I just really wanna get out there this summer, it's my opportunity.
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Wow thanks a lot. The dirt road free camping is good with me. When you're dirt road camping is there usually other people near you doing it too? Or is the idea to keep driving until no one's around
True but it sounds unreliable during the peak season and assuming the case in which it's denied the day I arrive, I wanted to get an idea how feasible it is to find a campsite (or just a place to park without being bothered) on a whim out there. Other guys are saying I'll be alright
Thanks a lot. Yeah I'm probably trying to put together a trip based off national forest camping and not national park camping. And the backcountry permits for yellowstone are lottery right now but open in a few days. I imagine they'll sell out fast. I'm driving from indiana to seattle and it's kind of on the way so I wanted to do it.
Nice. Did you go solo? Are the dirt lots and pullouts places you're actually allowed to park overnight or do you just look for secluded enough and hope no one messes with you? I have slept in my car a few times in the smokeys and been caught in areas with no overnight parking signs everywhere and it sucks.
>What does that have to do with being rich?
For a poorfag dirtbagger, $10 a permit/$30 a campsite isn't too pricey if you're booking a couple days for a special vacation. But it's enough to discourage you from overbooking several weekends in a row.

For a richfag, paying $100-$300 to reserve 5 potential weekends in a row (and just choosing the one with the nicest forecast) is no big deal. But then they fuck it over for the normal people who COULD have picked up a permit, if they weren't already reservde
>Can I count on doing a walk-up and asking for a backcountry permit and not being turned away?
I've done this at Glaicer and while the highest demand campsites go by 6 am, you can get any other ones if you show up around mid-day.
>I wanted to get an idea how feasible it is to find a campsite (or just a place to park without being bothered) on a whim out there
Also- there are A LOT of NF campgrounds surrounding the park- within 10-20miles which have much less people
go to national forests. dispersed camping everywhere, and most national parks have national forests next to them.

My mom never let me go to Scout/summer camp because she was afraid that I might get raped.

What did I miss out on?
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I did that sort of thing in school. We went away camping for a couple of weeks for 'bush school' when we were 15 or 16. Had to do all sorts of teamwork modules involving building tents and bridges and shit.
Pioneering was my favorite. Building towers was so much fun. I have a bunch of stories from my time in scouts including one death at summercamp, but I'll post them when I'm not phoneposting.
Only kid i recall knowing that was in scouts was poor, but his moms was a scout leader so i'm assuming that got them some kind of discount or free?
>summer camp 2003
>camp Meriwether
>week has been great so far
>I'm fat as shit at the time, so the hike into camp kicked my ass
>third or fourth day in
>I'm working in the mess hall for dinner
>Troops are all assembled for the nightly flag-lowering ceremony
>which includes lighting off a cannon
>Setting plates in the mess hall, suddenly hear a much bigger boom than normal
>Apparently the cannon had a hang fire, and a scout went to check on it when it went off
>Poor dude's skull split open in front of his family
>Camp resumed as normal, and the rest of the week was pretty fun desu
>Had no idea this dude fucking died. The counselors just kind of acted like everything was fine around the kids.

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Id like to learn taxidermy to atleast have some use of the small game that i cant eat. Where should i start? What tools i need and are there any good textbooks on the subject?
Pic related i paid 150€ for this and wanted to share it with you guys.
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Taxidermy is like tattoos. The quality scales heavily with price. 520 for a hide/pelt is pretty damn expensive though.
I suspected that when I saw cat pelts going for 250 some places.
Are there any good books about taxidermy for beginners that you guys could recommend?

I'm a digital artist, know basics of animal anatomy and I do have experience with clay sculpting. But I've never played around with corpses before.
Does anyone have good guides or videos for soft mount/re-posable taxidermy? I have a small interest in it as I've heard about it on and off for a couple years. I'll probably end up modifying the guide to my needs/materials but having a a known good method to go off would be nice. I just don't see how you wouldn't end up getting creases in the joints or compressing the filler in those areas over a couple years if you pose and move it like once a month or something.

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