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Art direction and furry cult theme, mostly. It's a simple game but pleasant to experience.
Gameplay itself is nothing special, you're right, but there's no major issues with it and the theming and aesthetics do a lot to carry the experience.
if you have all his videos you should post them somewhere, internet archive at least.
all the major shorts he made are on YouTube but there's barely any of his miscellaneous stuff on the Internet right now.
Why does this look like the artist ripped off pedophile bleedman?
Stop supporting tranny's preferred pronouns

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This his a weird memory bell deep in my brain, whats it from? style looks like johnny bravo or something?
think it was Johnny Bravo but I'm not OP
it is johnny bravo
which episode?
nvm found it
The Aisle of Mixed-Up Toys

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The pitch bible just leaked
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an original disney channel animated movie would be pretty cool. and i mean completely original, not a movie for an already existing tv show. i don’t think that’s ever been done before but i also imagine it’d be too expensive for them to care.
i think the creators* came from a live-action sitcom background. they probably can’t draw, and i guess, didn’t know or didn’t want to pay anyone who could.

i hesitate calling them creators because this bible, to me, kinda confirms that was just a bunch of executive ideas mushed into an idea they thought would generate an audience. they failed.
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Even MS Paint pitch bibles can get picked up to series. If they had a fun vision they were actually passionate about, they had no excuse not to try a scribble.
I really like the style in the pilot. It's so similar to the actual show's style but doesn't trigger the uncanny valley feeling I get from the actual show. The pilot made me watch to watch the show. The first episode on YouTube reminded me why I don't watch the show.
it looks worse
they have potato heads

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>focus everything on the story mode for some reason
>it’s complete boring MCU slop
You could’ve done literally anything else and it would’ve been better. You could've done nothing and it would’ve been better.
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>Ono wasnt involved and micro managing thing secretly

you poor little soul
he's a phoneposter, mobile google dont allow to change image quality set ups
nah that's the wikipedia image, which is small as fuck for some reason.
How so huh?
Ono is a producer, if he's involved he has to be credited. That's why he's credited in Melty Blood, despite not really being part of the development.

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Is he the main villain of any good comic runs? What do you think about him? I'm only familiar with his animated versions.
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Batman is only afraid of himself.
We don't know for sure, but it would make sense.
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What -- > >>143360230 said.
Plus I think there's some golden age Superman sprinkled in.
That post was fact checked by VendorSivege69AlphaOmega it checks out.
Actually the post was checked by VandalsNumberWanHater88 and it turned out to be bs

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A reminder /co despised this show back when it was aired. Everyone called it a cringy anime knockoff trash. Many found it too comedic and wanted it to be more like Justice League.
But now years later with TTGO its now a /co beloved classic...
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4chan was, but not /co/.
The Teen Titans tv show ran from July 19, 2003, to January 16, 2006. The tv movie aired on September 15, 2006.
4chan started on October 1, 2003. /co/ wasn't added until April 6, 2006.
I remember people already hating LoK one third into season 1.
I was one of them, too.
It's less unpopular than before and it gets more share in video essays and the like. Probably partly due to the distance from the DCAU and also because the animation and fight scenes aged well.
i liked it even if i was out of the target demo (around 16 when it started)
Well I was a kid and even though I wasn't in love with it, it had undeniable positive qualities.

The Clock King episode and the Everywhere Man episode were both inventive. Ragdoll was fun. Riddler was great. Revisiting it I find myself wildly positive on the show's take on Penguin. Etc etc etc

Wtf is this shti
Aren't the Hex Girls hella old in Velma?

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Until he writes.
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Their hubris knows no limits, man
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>Be hanging out with Roxy at your apartment
>Drinking, relaxing, things are cool
>Drink a little too much, say a little more than you should
>So does Roxy
>She swears up and down that she's gay...
>She's sometimes wanted to "test it", just to be sure
>Your hair's starting to grow out
>And you've always been so nice of her, and she's always been comfortable around you...
>Roxy's tone is obvious; she's horny and she wants it
>But she swears she's totally, definitely gay
>You're just helping the homie relieve some tension
>It's just a your hand on her tit while she pleasures herself
>It's just a little fingering on your end to help her along

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Vintage characters in general don't get talked about much.
This board mainly talks about cape shit and these new faggot toons.

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Why do cartoon dads to be wittolds often a times?
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Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
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Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
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How to save a life
How to save a life
Seek help arsehole
You're not my mum

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Do you like Season 1 in hindsight?
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I like Connie's chocolate slit, but that's about it.
Nobody can tell you how you'll feel about it except yourself
It really isn't that big of a commitment. The real pain was the endless hiatuses when it was still airing
No not really, unless you really want to I guess.
But you won't be missing much it's just a shitty melodrama that goes nowhere with half the episodes being random episodic shit about problems of people who live in the town like they can't make a pizza or some guy likes someone and needs help to tell his feelings so it's 20 minutes of drivel each time.
Though I'd disclose the experience for me was definitely a diminishing return after a point
Unless you have the hots for one of the characters I'd say no.

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Do you think that the JL and JLU cartoons were an overall negative for comics fandom?
I don't mean if they were good shows, I mean if their existence harmed how people think certain characters should be.
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There was nothing in that sentence that was anything but English. You're a retard.
he writes like a retard, retard should've stayed in school longer
The main problem is that it went for way too long, and to add insult to injury, then they cockteased us with Dickbats just to have Bruce come back after a handful of issues.
>HEAT didn't want Kyle to die
I find it hilarious that this is the first thing you chose to dispute. As if you can ever get 3 angry comic nerds together without someone calling for a death. I never knew any HEAT members with anything but contempt for Kyle. Protip if you have to put a Q&A on your group website saying "We are officially indifferent" and "We only share our positive opinions in inoffensive ways" you're not meeting those squad goals.

And for the rest I'm saying they were right or wrong. I'm saying they were fucking obnoxious.
Take your meds.

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Disney television animation giga leak
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A leak is any information that was not supposed to be publicly released. None of this was. It’s a leak.
Source is 4chan’s /co/ board, don’t know if you’re familiar with it >>143352086
>no Katz Cafe pilot
I'm amazed
I can't believe not a single thing here spikes my interest, like holy shit all of these beside wonder ended up being bad
This is very neat although it does remind me how much I prefer pre-2010s Disney to post 2010s.

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>the comic adaptation of the movie adaptation is drawn by the original comic artist
I love this shit
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I know, I only found out recently. It looks pretty good though

There were several opportunities, especially in the early '90s, but that didn't quite happen.

Disney published an adaptation of The Rocketeer but only had Dave Stephens do the cover for it. The interiors were done by Russ Heath though so at least there was that.

The book adaptation of Dick Tracy was written by Max Allan Collins, who was writing the strip at the time, but the comic was written by Len Wein with art by Kyle Baker.
It's ok but Ang Lee Hulk and Burton Batman are the best CBMs

I don't know about greatest but I'd definitely put it in my top ten. Maybe even top five now that I think about it.
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Closest thing to an official unmasked Dredd

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They knew what they were doing with these two.
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Do girls even like Anna? There's girls wanting to be princess Elsa all the time but Anna is kinda just there
Kino ship and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
If Disney weren’t cowards, they’d make it canon
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Dis-she dropped the sister pill TWICE.

It needed 3 seasons. More importantly, we NEED a direct sequel series.
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...Is that favoring the concept or no?
Favoring, since it feels like it meshes up with what the ending was originally trying to bring (Dipper continuing on the documenting of mystery) than the wet fart "lol go back to school kid" we got. Plus Stanford was really kind of lame.
>It needed 3 seasons.
No. Because Disney decided each season had to be 20 episodes, and season 1 ended with the reveal that Stan had the missing journal. There was no way to have 40 episodes after that without fucking up the pacing and killing the sense of suspense. We needed 5-10 more eps, not another 20.
Ford showing up and all the reveals of "Not What He Seems" happened in ep 11 of Season 2, halfway through season 2. Pretty ideal, really. 10 eps of us guessing wtf was going on with Stan before we got our answer. Now after that it would've been DAMN SWEET to get some extra eps. If we could've had 15-20 whole eps AFTER Ford showed up, well, that would've been fantastic. That would've been the Golden Perfect. Give us a chance to wrap up some loose ends, touch on some of those extra ideas. But having 20 eps between "Stan has the third Journal" and Ford showing up would've fucked up the pacing, stretching out the whole "what's Stan's deal?" thing too much. And if you instead kept Ford showing up in S2E11, that would mean 30 eps of Ford puttering around in the background, severely letting the air out of the whole "Impending Doom" thing that needed to be going on.

There just wasn't a way to add another 20 eps without fucking up the pacing, not after Gideon Rises was finalized. Maybe if Hirsch had been told on day one "You'll have 60 episodes" it could've been done well, he could've spaced out the big events ideally. But that's not how it happened. He made a reasonable call based on the two options available: either leave some stuff on the cutting room floor or stretch it out to the point where it lost its punch.
>More importantly, we NEED a direct sequel series.
No, the ideal place to go would be to give Hirsch the thing he actually asked for: a Gravity Falls video game that he can tell a story with.
No, this sounds boring

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