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Steve Ditko was too based for this world.
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To an objectivist this question isn't well formed. It's like asking "who decides what the correct theory of gravity is?" No one decides, it just is what it is.
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We are all guilty. We all need mercy.
small ass potatoes in 2024
>make a hero who is supposed to be an ideal hero who rejects moral grey areas
>end up with an incredibly morally ambiguous hero
its like pottery
Looks wild.

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Goldie from The Last Wish and Peach from the Mario movie end up as newcomers to the princesses' dressing room from Wreck-It Ralph 2. How do they get along with their new Disney sisters? How do they get along with each other?
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Either you haven't seen the Mario movie or you haven't seen Tangled. Peach would lose to Rapunzel at everything. Also, why does Rapunzel look so fucking weird in op's image?
>Did Disney end up buying Universal
>and Goldie ended up marrying an ursine prince
Pocahontas, Mulan, and Moana aren't princesses (Is Raya? I never saw Raya). Goldie can be a Disney Princess™ without being a princess.
>Pocahontas, Mulan, and Moana aren't princesses (Is Raya? I never saw Raya).
They are all official Disney Princess™, but that's not the point being made, dummy. You would've had a better argument in asking why the Frozen sisters were in there.
Just like how the first movie had video game characters come to life, the second movie had Internet website characters come to life. The princesses were characters from the website Oh My Disney! brought to life. The movie is already out of date because the Oh My Disney! website has already reached end of service.
>They are all official Disney Princess™
I know they are. I didn't say they weren't.
>that's not the point being made, dummy
That's not the point I made either, dummy. Anon asked if Goldie had married a prince in order to be a member of the princess club. I then told anon that a character does not have to be a literal princess in order to be a Disney Princess™, as exemplified by Pocahontas, Mulan, and Moana, who are not princesses in their respective stories, yet are nevertheless part of the official Disney Princess™ line up.

I love her so goddamn much, I’m glad she gets to live in peace now

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It could have worked out.
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What's in her backpack? I don't remember if she ever took anything from it
Condoms and tampons.
I'm grateful we got one shot of Candy's feet.
Good evening, Alexander.
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seriously its not even up for debate

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Prove me wrong
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>Laura Haruna

Anon, I've actually seen Hamtaro. That's not how she acts at all. She's barely even the focus and gets at best a subplot in a lot of episodes, and they're usually generic school plots.
why is Silvagunner there lmao
>Doesn't know what goes on when the camera isn't on her.
>Laura is a A-Character, not a B-Character like June and Kylie are.
>Anvils are a gift from god when it comes to cartoons.
>Laura is as far from generic as you can get, she stands out as much as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.
>Laura was even voted the most important character of the 2000s, that is how much Laura mattered.
This is why Laura badly needed a spin off.
The Flintstones and Love Live.
>liking air
Fucking fag.

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ITT anthro females.
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Rouge, basic illustration of her in a games mag around the time SA2 came out and 8 year old me couldn't not notice cleavage.
Now i just stare at her eyes and smile.
>Dragon from Shrek (kinda)
>Ms. Mowz from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
>Sandy Cheeks
That's all i'm sure are from the 2000's.
Based cookie licker
I’d lick her boot if you catch my drift

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Who is this for again?
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It's actually a mouse and a cat
Monkey and wolf combo? Huh? What show is this?
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That's actually a Mouse and Cat.
Holy shit, that's a perfect way to put it.

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Fionna thread
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I'm totally infatuated with this dumb, breedable sow.
Man the only time I like a girl who pukes is when its a stomach full of cum, not food.
And this is why you'll always be single
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>he told me everything
don't act like you weren't touching yourself to those stories, Betty
Please make a part 2 of this with Fionna and Marshall watching a movie or something all while Gary is still stuck under Fionna's fat ass and slapping it to try and make her get up

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I have a theory on goblin girl enthusiasts.
God I love Nott.
and Spurt.
I think you just have a shitty pasta that has been posted a thousands times and that inspires people to tell you to fuck off.
>seething this hard over a theory
Calm down ese.
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She's not even a real goblin. She's a halfling. A FAT halfling.

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I redrew something I made long ago
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Doing well, got back to making YouTube videos
I remember subbing to your channel years ago, and it's nice to see you making stuff again.
I don't really notice
I've tried to impersonate him before, and it's actually an easy voice to pull off.
I should have a video uploaded soon, I'm just fixing the rendering error

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So a 40-minute audio Q&A from Massa has surfaced. Tons of good treats, such as the Maya race debate finally being settled. I only appreciate the series even more now.
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sans showed sexual interest in ur mom though
do you think mymy doesnt? you arent safe, anon.
Yeah I'm not sure. Disgust seems too harsh for what we've seen of her, so it might be more like her lip is beginning to tremble with discomfort and sadness.
You win some, you lose some. My house is small but American labor law sounds stressful
that's why dutchland is so much better. people are encouraged to go out by living in small places

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>I think I miss my wife
which one

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IHF thread?
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No, that's just comic covers lying.
post happy
Post Niggertrude/Niggert

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robot design is super super generic
its just a gray smiley face and some bendy tube limbs
we demand better robot designs
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Understandable; it's about what I'd expect when posting OC stuff on 4chan (of course with some exceptions).

I actually do have a whole mythos for them and a bunch of other characters in the setting, funnily enough, so hearing that gives me confidence.

Yeah, I won't deny the basicness of the setup. And while I personally don't see anything wrong with it, I can 100% sympathize with where you're coming from with your rant. The market for human female w/ non-human male is obscenely large and even saturated one can say. And as someone who tends to enjoy human males w/ non-human females a lot more, I fully understand that I'm not exactly helping the cause.

My only defense in the matter is that I guess I'm not trying to scope out a target audience; I just wanna throw out my ideas and see what kind of people it magnetizes and go from there. Sounds naive, I know.

But if it makes you feel any better, my mythos does have a human dude w/ an animatronic girl.

The mythos I've been creating centers around a large dynamic theme park with highly advanced, sentient animatronics. Barker is sort of the main mascot of the park, while Reese is his personal maintenance provider and handler.

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Crap, meant to get your post, not mine

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What do you think of Kitty Katswell, star of Nickelodeon's hit animated comedy series, T.U.F.F. Puppy?
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Anon, I am LITERALLY shaking due to horniness now. You can't do this to me...
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Why not. Imagine her hissing and thrashing about while you're dominating her and inserting your dick in her pussy.
Imagine pinning her down as she squirms, feeling her fuzzy body build up heat from the friction against yours, until she finally starts purring
You've never been around cats mating, right?

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