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>How do I make a comic?

>What if I can’t draw?

>What’s the best site to upload to?

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After spending the last few consecutive threads schizoing out, the only thing we want to see you write seriously is a suicide note.
Look listen.
You need to figure what your true passion is and stop wasting time on drawing which clearly isn’t. I spent too many years mistakenly thinking I wanted to draw comics. When I tried sculpting for the first time I knew instantly that was what I should have been doing all along, and how you’re actually supposed to feel when you’re doing something you “like.” I don’t want to do anything else. For the last few years “boring” sculpting tutorials are all I want to watch, and I don’t have to force myself to do it. Find the thing that does that for you because you have less time to figure it out than you think.

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not sure how to feel about that, The weird geometric design and 3DCG was easily the weakest aspect of the show.

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looks like new52 reverse flash symbol

Adams may have been too saccharine but this is just atrocious. even salvaged from the grotesque deodato art it hasn’t improved at all. Im so sick of comic writers like spurrier and Ram and king imagining they’re any more intelligent or insightful than school girls. So busy stroking their own egos and fumbling to even tell an entertaining story in any way. Someone once said it in a ram v tec thread, these types of comics are like a sleeping aid.

But the saddest part is they don’t even function as the higher forms of entertainment their writers wish them to be. depthless and uninspired, the only depth they do have is their resemblance to foot-deep mud pits one must trudge through in order to get to the other side and, hopefully, a better and more engaging writer. One who doesn’t look down their nose at superhero comics or wish to elevate them into some nebulous light of dignity they feel the genre currently eschews. Maybe one day these failed novelists and petty egotists will go back to doing what their kind once was relegated to: being media critics and college writing professors.
I do find it funny that spurrier is going so hard on Jai is gonna be a cool guy who time travels and is much better than these lame superheroes, while adams wants to put him on a team with other tween heroes, and steph
i would have guessed Pilgram isn't Jai but the baby instead

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Here's your new Sentry bros
Marvel killing it as per ush hahah
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Yes, 2 more weeks until the Nazis are crushed.
underrated post
what middle age crisis caused you to return to regular posting o venerable one?
Hurrrr durrrrrr never under estimate the power of the handicapped

>Speaking of disasters, the Sentry #4 fell from the number 164 spot slid right out of the Top 200 and ended up unranked. We all knew this mantle swap Sentry was the answer to a question that nobody was asking.

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"Just because I'm blind, doesn't mean I can't tell you're stood staring at my feet. Weirdo."
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>Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
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Where did this image come from
Yes, but Charlie and Pim would NEVER fuck with Anthony's dad. (Not even the Boss.)
>the reboot's first episode could've been about anything
>it's "Stimpy get ipad"
Really goes to show how bad this shit will be.
Kek, I think Keith Stack made a comic about that.
I had my own reasons for watching Ren & Stimpy.

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Obscure waifus only you like
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oh shit i know about this tooth fairy shes great https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/914109
i love kriszta with all my heart and soul
i've been goin on a johnny bravo binge myself this week and i know for a fact nobody talks about lil talky tabitha who is my waifu
So Kimura is chump change to you?
oh god its sandypants

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was this really necessary?
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They were clearly very proud of this scene as it was in previews and someone clearly enjoyed animating it.
its the character checking out herself in costume after being retired for years and being a judgy mom judging herself. I'd excuse it. Hell, any anon with a girlfriend can confirm women judge themselves often like this.

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Happy Anniversary! On this day April 19, 2004, Code Lyoko premiered in the United States.

What is your first memory of the show?
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>I'll tap mine out now.
Are you typing out the entire bible?
Sex with Aelita.
The perspective on her right foot is fucked up
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fun fact about Code Lyoko, it was heavily influenced by Serial Experiments Lain, the style, the role of technology in the show, etc.

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What was the deal with these mean spoiled bratty characters?
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My only memory of him was seeing him begging, PLEADING for kiwifarms to make him the next cwc. Either he was desperate for internet infamy or it was a big brained ploy to make people get tired of him and leave him alone.
>boots more silvery
somehow I initially read that as booty more silvery
Amity is a fraud who doesn’t deserve to be on that list, fake alpha bitch
That's correct. The main draw is that.
Why are the wonder twins there
Wait a second>>143313731
Holy shit it's all coming together.

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If Squidward doesn’t wear pants then what is this?
His foreskin
He keeps coins in his foreskin? Is he some reverse mega Jew?
>Is he some reverse mega Jew?
No, Squidward is a failed Austrian painter fired from the Vienna Art Academy.
the dark truth is that jews aren't circumcised, they only want to circumcise gentiles so they have nowhere to hide their coins when they enslave us for real

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Captain Marvel #7
Avengers United #28
Spider-Woman #6
The Avengers #13
Avengers United #29

Last week's thread: >>143220247
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Kill all ritualposters
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Thoughts on Alyssa Wong's run possibly being axed and ending at issue 10?
The more failures of current Carol, the closer we get to coomer Carol returning
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Just in time for a Carol and Jess mini

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What kinds of people like this show?
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Just think of all the wacky hijinks the squad can get up to.
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They've been using Fischoeder more lately so that's nice at least
Just imagine all that sweat in her vagina...
The problem I find with the kid’s characterizations is that half the time they all talk like Gen Xers with heavy 80s films references and way too crude double entendres and other times they are more realistically written as kids (dad, what’s spin the bottle? Can we play?) it’s really off putting. It’s one of the many things that puts me off this show.

The Fischoders are my fave characters. I like most episodes centered on them.
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Even sexier, imagine her being a regular character and with decent voice acting HNNNNGGGGG.

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woke; adjective

Used to describe media which depicts, an overrepresentation of minorities, non-existent minorities, and makes said minorities, smarter, stronger, and more virtuous than their majority counterpart on a large scale.


woke; noun

Media made exclusively to pander to foreign shareholders and extremist activists of leftwing politics. Often at the determent of the writing, or causing executives to force writers to change an already well made plot to include leftist subtext, themes, and ideals.
But Ms. Puff I asked how many Biological Genders there are
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