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After the recent Thor story time it got me thinking; what if there was an entire universe where Dario Agger aka The Minotaur basically owned The Avengers? Basically the world is pretty much the same as 616, only every hero is a huge sellout shilling ROXXON products. Is the world still saved on a daily basis, only when profit is made? Let's have fun with this.

Post Marvel heroes whom have completely sold out. Pitch their costumes, how their character histories have changed, how wealth/success have impacted them, and what retarded products they're associated with
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>"Hey there, my name is Benjamin Grimm. You may know me better as The Thing by ROXXON. Ever since my accident in space encountering cosmic rays, which ROXXON was in no way legally responsible for, I've been having a hard time finding clothes that fit. Well not anymore thanks to ROXXON's line of big and tall wear. They have designer shoes, pants, and specially tailored suits every plus sized winner needs for the daily grind. So whether its in the office, or out there in the oil fields, make your large presence known with ROXXON designer wear"
late to the thread bump
So would this mean STARK INDUSTRIES is bought out by ROXXON, and Tony is allowed to run the weapons division? Would he be the loose cannon company black sheep that's liked by the consumer but chastised by Minotaur?
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Wouldn't Mephisto be a shareholder?
ohh shit bring back the vegas casino you could do a lot with that

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McDonald’s toy leak from Brazil
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First Mcdonalds toys to be sent straight to Ollie's
Last I heard, Hulk and Namor could appear in other characters' media (hence why they're in Avengers movies and BP2, respectively) but they can't have their own movies because their ties to Universal were kind of a clusterfuck, especially for Namor since he's a mutant (though obviously that's not a problem anymore at least)
I think they’re set now. Apologies if I’m wrong, but I could have sworn Disney got the rights to them all finally.
At this point they'd have to announce World War Hulk and a Namor movie themselves for me to believe it
Reminder that these toys were probably made before reshoots

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Found a leaked image of the cancelled Lupo the butcher show

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/co/! It's time to come in! The TV Puppet Pals are on!
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Said no one ever
Is this supposed to be a perspective shift?
This episode gave me anxiety and made me fear going to college for years.
Cute background character
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From Nightwing #113. What implications does this have on canon?
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seething lmao
parody laws.
Yuji is like the shittiest MC character design I've ever seen from a mainstream shonen, literally just pink naruto without the flair.
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Cameos never meant anything for canon. It's just a marketing ploy.
As if we ever needed any confirmation that manga >>> comics

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Do you think Alfred is mentioned by name in Bruce Wayne's Wikipedia page in the main universe?
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I don't think you're giving Wikipedia autists enough credit.
I've always thought Superheroes to be like firefighters/cops mixed with celebrities, so similarly, Supervillains are pretty much terrorists/criminals mixed with celebrities too, they'd have all their histories documented as much as they could online.
Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if one or more Gothamites lived there solely to keep up with the constant attacks on the city, you just know they had their work cut out for them going from City of Bane, to Joker War, to Fear State lol
Probably, but a short one. More like Robert John Bardo than a lengthy page like Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray’s.
I guess it depends to what degree Batman's attacks change the landscape of Gotham, be it socially or politically. If he's just a guy in a leotard foiling silly plots it remains niche, but if he prompts a movement (and that's assuming this isn't seen as a Joker movement either) it could reshape everything in Gotham and their America more broadly.
>Dude, you realize that this is a really bad idea, right? You can maybe be a father to the kid, but can you really be father, mother, AND take care of his basic needs?
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>Villains trolling wikipedia
Dastardly! The riddler's page has been vandalized to say he WILL be the most infamous rogue of all time... but makes no mention of how, or why.

Why were it's ratings not as good as My Gym Partner's a Monkey? It had less episodes and when looking at it's ratings, it didn't do as well. It didn't even have TV movies/specials where as Gym Partner had them
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Because it aired during zombie cartoon networks era no one wanted to watch the channel that felt like it was near death and was sucking up to teletoon and using those ugly primordial funko pop ad breaks
Didn't Gym Partner also air during a zombie era of Cartoon Network?
Why did Flapjack have less episodes than Gym Partner? Gym Partner had 56 half hours worth of episodes (4 of which made up 2 hour long specials), while Flapjack only had 46 half hours worth of episodes?
It was being pushed by an executive despite being unviable, where the actually good (if not quite SpongeBob, then a counter-Sponge) Chowder and Flapjack languished in obscurity.
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Gym Partner was alongside quality shows from the early 2000s on the way out.
Chowder and Flapjack were fucking islands of animation in a vast sea of live action bullshit until Regular Show and Adventure Time saved CN's ass for another decade.

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Remember when they replaced her brother from the book with some token black?
The brother was never seen again...
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He looks fucking terrible.
This is a 14 year old cartoon btw
What is this? The Cat with a Gat?
In French Chat pistolet
They still sell books

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why is she such a bitch now?
because Ian's a hack.
Because someone has to be Naggy Sally while Tangle is essentially Sporty Sally.

New Damian costume just dropped.
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It looks nothing like his art…
Oh another one? And its even worse than last three. Very cool. At this point I'm even more accepting of Carrie Kelly than this...
damn bruce
nice serratus
Soon as he stops slamming the lazarus juice in his veins
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So I always wonder about group shots like this. I wonder WHAT they're fighting for them to be posed like they are.
>batman just got done punching someone or he's doing the BLM pose
>nightwing looking in a whole other direction
>Robin swinging in from fucking thin air or maybe looking over Batman's head like theres a giant fucking dude up ahead. whatever it is he also has a batarang ready. Its always a good idea to throw a ranged weapon while closing in. Great tacticool META.
>nightwing STILL not paying attention
>Green Arrow about to shoot the guy Batman just punched or maybe its the huge guy Robin is floating towards. I wonder if he'll make the shot before Robin throws that Batarang?
>Dick... PLEASE GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME. Is the building to the right a skinny redhead??
I don't know. Maybe its supposed to just a bunch of seperate scenes. But I think about group shots like pic related and wonder how far we've fallen. At least here it looks like everyone is working together to attack the enemy instead of posing.

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Tatsu Yamashiro was a Japanese housewife who was too hot for her own good, resulting in her husband and kids getting killed. Now she mows down crime with a haunted sword.
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Need more 80s workout pics.
We don't want her broken. Just loved tenderly
We need a Katana game that plays like either MGR, Killer is Dead or Nija Gaiden Black

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>Where did it peak?
>Where did it hit its lowest?
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There is a reason why all of the good SpongeBob memes are from the first 3 seasons.
I feel like it peaked mid Season 3, but Have You Seen this Snail feels like the last time it truly felt like a classic episode.

Lowest point would probably be Squid Baby, I can't think of anything more uncomfortable or as hard to watch from the show as this episode.
>Where did it peak?
Trombone Patrick was the thing that I remember laughing the hardest at
Season 1 Spongebob is the peak of comfy in the history of television
It’s peak moments were 2001-2006, 2011-15 sinc even with some of the worst episodes, it had some pretty good ones, and same with 2019. Worst is 2007-2010 and it’s hit or miss now

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See you in hell.
its funny
I found this hilarious younger
old now, I would reject it

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>Talks mad shit
>Calls everyone pussies for not going to die against the angels
>Nowhere to be found when the angels attack.
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For once. I agreed senpai-kun...
What's his name? He looks cute
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spaces go after commas

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Is it just me or is the pacing absolute dogshit in this comic? Things just happen out of nowhere
Thats part of what makes it feel more realistic imo
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It's CRAP, if I see you on the road I'm running you over for being a massive cock sucking whore

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