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So I don't think anyone liked the way Red X was integrated into the comics, so how would you have done it?
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just do what the cartoon did but with nightwing instead of Robin it's not that fucking hard
Ding ding ding!
Never liked that concept.
Just have him be an enigma still, not everything needs to be explained 100%.
Yeah, just tell the comic origin of the story about why Dick created Red X and how he created it while with the Titans. Doesn't have to follow the cartoon beat for beat. Could be him taking on a villain identity to get close to a single villain like a Deathstroke, or infiltrate a group of villains that Deathstoke is part of maybe. Just need to use the themes of Dick being too overconfident thinking the plan would work, him getting in too deep and endangering him and the rest of the Titans because of his lying, and finally in the end he is able to get out in time before he died or the Titans gets destroyed. Then you have Dick learn that he doesn't want to be the kind of hero that has to do things like that in the end. Doesn't have to be super complex but needs to feel a bit timeless.

Then the new Red X should be Dick's son from the future with Babs. Have him be a bit liek Cable maybe. I'd even give their son a younger half sister who is the daughter of Starfire and the two siblings have a good bond to quell the warring shipping fandomds and she can be Nightfire since fans like that character so much, but you basically added two characters connected to Dick's character to give him more story opportunities.

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Me and my friends get no respect
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Satanic show
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Not everyone finds entertainment from watching other human beings die, fun fact
As entertaining as watching Velma

That's why I only watch videos of Russians dying
there is plent of stuff to watch beside it...
but yeah i want to watch it still lol

nonnie you can use a adblocker and antivirus and watch on kimcartoon or such.
be happy!

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Happy Mexican mother's day. Post Mommies, Latina encourage but not necessarily only.
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yes. but her children left gummi valley with the other gummi bears long ago, so she adopted sunni and cubbi who were alone at the time.
Man, she's so fucking ugly...
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THIS is what people were gushing and shitting their pants over and praising as the saviour of animation? THIS? I just saw this thing and it fucking

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You guys are so cool for hating a well liked thing.
Why is this such a common response on 4chan nowadays? I know we're infested with Redditors and normalfags but holy shit it's not bait anymore you genuinely don't know where you are.
They're chasing the narrative of "here's the next big thing for animation and a new era has started now!' because it would be good for their careers / fandom participation without actually doing what it takes to earn it.
4chan isn't like what you heard in your youtube video essays
4chan users don't automatically hate everything, and hating things isn't a personality

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Art you find weird, post it here.
Where's this from?
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An artist who deserves better.
ok, but who's the artist and who are these characters

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Here's your state mandated goth gf, Anon.
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Superb work as always beca.
thx fren

I honestly don't get the fascination with this version. Don't you want Nia to be happy? Also I hate robots
Ok hear me out

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They kind of are. It's part of an official book series that adds a "What If" spin on Disney films
disney really doesn't do anything with their TV departments in ANY case besides Ducktales or Phineas and Ferb.
The whole movie is bullshit and no one is talking about it even though John Lasseter was involved.
she needs to be HEFTIER

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Hump will premiere on November 15th this year.
Do you think this time is serious? It's been in production since 2017 and it has a cute girl. The premise is boring so I hope the female goat help it not be a flop. There isn't a name for her yet, not mentioned at least.

According to Cinando
>Joined by a cunning desert fox who claiming to be a prince, and a cynical goat who is always in a terrible mood (although she has a lovely singing voice), Rami has to overcome mirages, sand spiders, the crazy desert inhabitants and the tyranny of distance to become the heroic steed of the desert he was born to be.
So the goat will be cute for sure.
goat bump
goat bumps

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I think the fandom largely soured on Dave Filoni over the years, but people ignore that the last season of The Clone Wars is not George Lucas' story, it's Dave Filoni's story.
>Dave Filoni is credited on most episodes of S7
Many don't realize this, but TCW is NOT Filoni's show, and during the run of the show from S1 to S7 he only wrote ONE episode. He was an animation director, not even a showrunner, not even a writer. George Lucas CREATED the show and personally approved/rewrote every script.
>Disney-era references. Maul uses Force powers introduced in Disney Star Wars (Kylo Ren's mind reading was supposed to be a unique skill). Also, the scene between Ahsoka and Maul was obviously inspired by The Last Jedi (Filoni praised Ryan Johnson).
It just feels jarring compared to the rest of the show. Filoni directly going against Lucas' wishes and modifying scripts approved by him.

The bottom line is that The Clone Wars' ending is not faithful to George Lucas' vision. The scripts from 2012/2013 were either heavily modified (Ahsoka's walkabout arc) or written from scratch under Disney (the finale).

We don't know what George Lucas' exact wishes were but it's clear that Filoni didn't respect them at all (despite being vocal about talking to George for "feedback"). We know George was leaning towards killing Ahsoka off and there is concept art of her confronting Vader at the Jedi Temple after Order 66 (which would have been the real finale).
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It was probably the only show I thought would have been better if it took place during the Clone Wars and not after.
He still has his fans (for whatever reason) but the more stuff he does, the more people see how much of a bad writer he is or always was. And now people can see more of the patterns of glaring flaws he's had in his past and present work such as bad dialogue, static or inconsistent character development, and turning pre-established lore/characters into worse iterations usually for the sake of propping up his favored ridiculous elements.
the worst pattern is when someone (I think it was a review) pointed out that in ahsoka a lot of stuff is either unexplained and inconsistent, but expects the audience to fill in the gaps

and now with tales of the empire its proves itself true again
>why is pellaeon there? this is before thrawn treason
"ah well you see I expect he's there because his relationship to thrawn is off-the-books"
>this is never stated or implied to exist, its a cope argument to try and make sense of a retcon

same applies to morgan and the nightsisters
someone tried to make sense of it by making the assumption that human nightsisters are second class citizens which is why the tattoos disappear etc etc
but none of this is stated.
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I hated him from the very beginning. Especially the stupid cowboy hat LARPing.
Why does he look like Varg

How has joe gotten worse at animation?
Was this latest sonic mario will smith video supposed to be terrible on purpose to make fun of the current lazy random pop culture blender YouTube parodies or is he seriously just losing it?
How do I avoid this? Is becoming this unfunny and out of touch a natural part of aging or is it something to do with how much weed he smokes?
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Well then you're taking the opportunity to attack someone safe to attack, just like you may have a genuine grievance with a homeless person but it's way way more likely to come out of your mouth than a grievance you have with your boss who can fire you
I was more interested in understanding what led to the deterioration of his work than attacking him, like discussing how the homeless man got into that situation to use your analogy. I want to avoid this path and am curious whether it's just in our nature to lose touch and become boomerish or if Joe's downfall was drug induced or something
>OP: wtf bros ukinojoe fell off :(((((
>Meanwhile Dog of Wisdom III is still doing gangbusters

It's like when you have a disagreement with your uncle but still hug him at Thanksgiving and hang out. Normalfags could not care less about the quality of Joe's work so long as he keeps making the funny stupid bahabagada videos.
Also wanted to know if I just wasn't getting the mario video, because I'm having cognitive dissonance believing he'd making something so trite
Correction: a disagreement with your uniko but still hug him. Awww <3

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The previous thread perished in silence.
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Have you not done so first by posting pics of gwen stacy's death? last chance anon leave this thread alone if you post more pics of gwen's death then I will post more pics of peter's death in return turnabout is fair play.
I'm gonna post hamsters instead :)
I think we've seen a bit of his childhood years, but teenhood to Goblinhood would be nice. Between meeting Emily and getting undermined by a class mate in college it sounds like a lot went down.

Not to mention his entire relationship with Mendell Stromm, what was that like?
>you can't just replace with it ASM
You can rewrite ASM to make it more like USM.

>Right Now DC and Marvel are in deep shit since most of their books do not sell well. The only thing which keeps marvel aflot is X-Men and this USM

Which is why they should make ASM more like USM, in order to make it sell more too. See, simple!
Put it like that and, man, Norman has a ton of unexplored years in his life.

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Summer thread
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>Many such cases.
Yet the accusations are never false. The truth IS Anti-Semetic, so it's no wonder you and others like you want to restrict it from getting out, since if more know of these atrocities, it's over for you.
We're two separate people, but also neither of us were defending nazis. The other guy is just antisemitic.
Too bad Jessica never got a real personality
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I like it. This should be added to the canon of classic greentexts.

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Why does she not talk anymore?
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Vivzie can't stick to a premise for very long.
Remember when Hazbin was supposed to be the hijinks of running a hotel in the afterlife, and episodic redemption of sinners with different problems?
instead of the shit we eventually got?
Nigga you're arguing we'd be better off dead than let the women-folk run things. No amount of dumb Infowar knockoffs and wiki articles is ever gonna make you a trustworthy source of information or daily living philosophy. J
Yeah that is what I'm saying, I guess you'd rather live on your knees than die on your feet.
Sorry, Viv's priorities might be:
>Stolas on antidepressants
>more stupid Stolitz melodrama
>more crossdressing Moxxie
>possibly killing off Stella with little fanfare
>more gay clown Fizzarolli shit
At least one can hope the Verosika episode ins't taken over by the mopey owl faggot singing about his problems again....
Conflict with the VA

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would this have worked better than the actual show?
also, Molly McGee thread, I guess
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>all three are mostly straight hung tops
>dislike both the idea and the feeling of bottoming (huge dicks are part of the problem)
>draw straws on who bottoms each time
>each others' huge dicks obliterate their prostates
>still hate it because it's humiliating and butt hurts during and after, but have amazing orgasms forced out of them that prevent the bottoming experience from being too bad
what is it?
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An adorable duo.
Lev is criminally cute. He was converted into a boy so successfully.

Can you sketch a cleopatra haircut Andy headshot? I'm just curios how he'd look with one vs him spreading his hair.

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Have cursed knowledge? Know some interesting tidbits? Want to help the /co/mmunity? Help us make the /co/ iceberg!

The current proposal has 800+ entries and counting. Let's shoot for 1000!
Entry Listing: https://rentry.org/coicebergproject

Previous thread: >>143538862

How to contribute:
>Check the rentry to see if your contribution(s) are not already added.
>If your contributions aren't already listed, go ahead and list off your contributions, and provide a tier level (listed first thing in the rentry and below for easy reference)
>Try to keep entry names as short as possible.
>Have fun!

Can't think of anything?
>Do your own digging. Comb through the archives for things that pique your interest

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Reed Richards can't turn himself into a bicycle
Jodie Foster’s Pugsley Adams.
Monica meets Astro Boy (Official Brazilian comic crossovers with Tezuka stuff).
Disney Day Care Mural Removal (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/daycare-center-murals/)
Loss comic (including hidden references like the Akira slide entry).
The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T.
Mike and Melissa.
Galaxy High School was pitched as Urusei Yatsura for Americans.
Playboy’s unproduced CG cartoon (Based on their Little Annie Fanny comic, they approached Mainframe entertainment (ReBoot) in 2000.)
>canceled adult Chipettes movie from the 90s
>>Ed, Edd & Eddy porn comic by Rebecca Sugar
I believe this already falls under Rebecca Sugars' NSFW fanart
How about a general
>vore porn of obscure /co/ characters

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